Taisho x alice 2 episode концовки

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

TAISHO x ALICE episode 2

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TAISHO x ALICE episode 2: Endings and Achievements Guide

TAISHO x ALICE episode 2: Endings and Achievements Guide. There are 6 achievement in total: 1 for the intro, 2 per character (for reaching the happy end and for reading everything), and 1 final achievement for reading through both routes.

TAISHO x ALICE episode 2: Endings and Achievements Guide.

There are 6 achievement in total: 1 for the intro, 2 per character (for reaching the happy end and for reading everything), and 1 final achievement for reading through both routes.










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Clear the Introduction
Finish reading the introduction.

> The man with a smile as sweet as candy

To whom do you swear?
To God
> To Gretel

Would you like dessert?
> Yes

How’s college?
> It’s fun
It is what it is
It’s boring

Will you stay and watch the house?
> No

Will you be honest with Gretel?
> Yes

Will you fight back?
> No

Do you have a problem with it?
> No

Do you believe Gretel?
> Yes

How do you respond to his request?
Invite him to join you
Tell him to go first
> Do as you’re told

Now that Gretel’s in the shower, you decide to:
> Play a prank
Get revenge

Where will you investigate?
> The birdcage
> The kitchen
> The bed
> The closet

Eat the pancake?
> Yes

Are you enjoying this hug?
> Yes

In light of Gretel’s suffering, what will you do?
> Tell him to eat me
Tell him not to eat me

In light of Gretel’s suffering, what will you do?
Tell him to eat me
> Tell him not to eat me

Will you wait for him, as requested?
I’ll wait for him
I’ll go with him
> I’ll stop him

What will you request of Gretel?
Please don’t hurt anyone
Please don’t get hurt
> Please don’t hurt yourself for my sake
Please come back to me

Will you break out of your wrist restraints?
> No

Will you call out to the surprise visitor?
> No

Will you call out to the surprise visitor?
> Yes

Will you forsake your dearest treasure?
> Yes

Will you forsake your dearest treasure?
> No

Gretel Happy End
I saw the happy ending of the Gretel chapter.

Do you have a problem with it?
> Yes

Do you believe Gretel?
> No

Continue reading until you reach Previously Read text, then

Will you break out of your wrist restraints?
> Yes

Will you call out to the surprise visitor?
> No

Will you forsake your dearest treasure?
> Yes

Finished reading the Gretel
I've seen all the scenarios in the Gretel chapter.

> The man wearing a mask and a cheeky grin

Will you approach the man on the floor?
> Yes

[SAVE 1] Or quicksave for every potential Bad End. Or just use autosaves.

In response to this sudden confession, you:
Punch him
> Turn him down

In response to this sudden confession, you:
Punch him
Turn him down
> Accept

Will you eat Kaguya’s share?
> Encourage him to eat it himself
He wants me to eat it, so I’ll eat it

How do you respond to his joke?
Make a sassy retort
> Play along
Ignore it
Give him a weird look

Will you feed Kaguya?
> Yes

Will you respond like a proper good girl?
> Yes

Do you really want to know about his past love affairs?
> No

Will you break things off with Kaguya?
> Yes

Will you break things off with Kaguya?
> No

Will you ask Kaguya about this other woman?
> No

How do you react to Kaguya’s hypothesis about Cinderella?
> Revel in the moment
Deny it

How do you react to Kaguya’s hypothesis about Cinderella?
Revel in the moment
> Deny it

What made you so curious about Kaguya?
> I decided I liked him
I don’t know

Kaguya seems unruffled; how do you react?
> Ask about his lip
Ask if it bothers him

Which emotion best describes your response to this?
> Pity

How do you handle Cinderella’s anger?
Scold him
> Change the subject

In response to this, you ask:
> Are you cutting yourself?
Do you have amnesia?

In response to this, you ask:
Are you cutting yourself?
> Do you have amnesia?

Do you believe him?
> No

Do you believe him?
> Yes

What’s your next move?
> Ask if he’s hiding anything else
Stroke his hair
Ask him why he kept it from you

What’s your next move?
Ask if he’s hiding anything else
> Stroke his hair
Ask him why he kept it from you

Will you obey Cinderella’s rule?
> Yes

Will you obey Cinderella’s rule?
> No

Do you want Kaguya to get his memories back?
> Yes
I don’t know

Will you take that risk?
The answer is still yes
> On second thought, never mind

Will you take that risk?
> The answer is still yes
On second thought, never mind

How will you respond to this comment?
Say nothing
> Protest

Will you tell him about your dream?
Be honest with him
> Make something up

How do you imagine he’ll ‘make it up to you’ on the bed?
> A massage?
Something R-rated?

How will you conduct yourself in front of these women?
Snap back at them
> Hold yourself back

Is it possible Kaguya is a monster?
> No

Is it possible Kaguya is a monster?
> Maybe

Why do you want Kaguya to regain his memories?
Because I love him
> Because it’s the right thing to do

How would you react if Kaguya was a moon-dweller?
> Keep him here on Earth
Let him go home to the moon

How will you react to this behavior?
> Grab Cinderella’s arm
Grab Kaguya’s arm

What are you holding?
> The exchange diary
A kitchen knife

What are you holding?
The exchange diary
> A kitchen knife

Will you stab yourself?
> No

Will you stab yourself?
> Yes

Kaguya Happy End
I saw the happy ending of Kaguya chapter.

How will you react to this behavior?
Grab Cinderella’s arm
> Grab Kaguya’s arm

What are you holding?
The exchange diary
> A kitchen knife

Will you stab yourself?
> Yes

How do you handle Cinderella’s anger?
> Scold him
Change the subject

In response to this, you ask:
Are you cutting yourself?
> Do you have amnesia?

Do you believe him?
> Yes

What’s your next move?
Ask if he’s hiding anything else
> Stroke his hair
Ask him why he kept it from you

Will you obey Cinderella’s rule?
> No

Do you want Kaguya to get his memories back?
> I don’t know

Will you take that risk?
> The answer is still yes
On second thought, never mind

How will you respond to this comment?
> Say nothing

Will you tell him about your dream?
> Be honest with him
Make something up

How do you imagine he’ll ‘make it up to you’ on the bed?
A massage?
> Something R-rated?

How will you conduct yourself in front of these women?
> Snap back at them
Hold yourself back

Is it possible Kaguya is a monster?
> Maybe

Why do you want Kaguya to regain his memories?
> Because I love him
Because it’s the right thing to do

Why do you want Kaguya to regain his memories?
Because I love him
> Because it’s the right thing to do

How would you react if Kaguya was a moon-dweller?
Keep him here on Earth
> Let him go home to the moon

How will you react to this behavior?
Grab Cinderella’s arm
> Grab Kaguya’s arm

Finished reading KAGUYA
I've seen all the scenarios in the Kaguya chapter.

TAISHO x ALICE episode 2


DUALICE(TAISHO x ALICE episode II) is a fairytale visual novel in which YOU must save your Prince Charming! You will take on the role of the fairytale heroine in order to rehabilitate your chosen love interest and guide him to his "happily ever after"!

Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)

Is anyone having a hard time unlocking acheivements? i finished the prolugue but I haven't gotten the achievement for that.

Which Reflection will you choose?
-The man with a smile as sweet as candy.


Create Save File 1 here

Create Save File 2 here

Create Save File 3 here

Create Save File 4 here

Create Save File 5 here

(Happy Ending!)


Load Save File 2

-Tell him to eat me
(Bad Ending 1)

Load Save File 3

-Please come back to me
(Bad Ending 2)

Load Save File 4

(Bad Ending 3 with CG )

Load Save File 5 (CG Compilation)

(Bad Ending 4)

Another Scenario (Optional)

Load Save File 1

-Tell him to eat me
(Bad Ending 1)

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