Stellaris l кластер варианты

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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Exploration is one of the most important tasks for a spacefaring empire. At the game's start nobody will know anything about the universe beyond their home system. To learn more about anything beyond it, an empire will need to send their science ships out to survey them. Early game exploring is key for an empire to start growing rapidly, however caution is warranted for the various events and anomalies associated with exploring can bring either great boons or banes with them. Part of the Discovery tradition tree is focused on exploration.


Gray Tempest

A common outcome of the L-Gate activation is an invasion from the L-Cluster. All L-Gates in the galaxy except the first one activated will open at the same time and bring an invasion force. In a tiny galaxy with only one L-Gate the empire that activated it will endure the invasion instead.

The Gray Tempest home system contains a factory station twice as strong as the usual fleet which will create a new fleet every 10 years. If the factory is destroyed, all Gray Tempest ships will dissolve and all Nanite Worlds will get the Terraforming Candidate planet modifier.


Polaris is a trinary star system which contains a size 23 Ocean World with the unique Ancient Sunken City planetary feature and defended by an 3k molluscoid fleet named Polarian Automated Fleet.

The fleet guarding it consists of 7 cruisers named after ice formations. The fleet is hostile, however it is not set to aggressive stance, simply blocking any approach to the system's star. After they are defeated the system can be claimed as usual. The cruisers use the following loadout:

    3 Missile T3 1 Plasma T2 3 Disruptor T3
    4 Armor T4 4 Shields T4
    Hyper Drive III Advanced Combat Computer (Line) Plasma Thrusters Subspace Sensors Antimatter Reactor

The planet contains an archaeological site named One Last Hope.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Difficulty 3 1 3 6
Rewards 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 6-10 Minor Artifacts
+20% Biology Research Speed

Space Storms

Space Storms last 5-10 years. After they're over another Space Storm cannot take place for the next 20 years.

Space Storms can be used to defeat superior fleets or Guardians that focus heavily on shields.

A neutron star's effects combined with a Space Storm will slow down ships greatly, so caution should be taken when navigating the galaxy during a Space Storm.

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What else will be found in the L-Cluster is randomized at the start of the game. As such reloading a previous save before accessing will not alter the result.


Wenkwort Artem has a unique planet modifier with the same name. When the planet is first colonized the player will be contacted by a custodian robot and informed that industrialization of the planet is to be kept at a minimum. If the request is accepted Wenkwort Artem will gain a second planet modifier giving it the following effects:

Refusing will have a fleet of around 7K fleet power arrive in 20 days and give one last chance to accept the modifier before attacking.


Available only with the Ancient Relics DLC enabled.

Once the first L-Gate is activated one of four things will be found, with the following weights:

Up to 10 L-Gates can exist in a galaxy and new ones cannot be constructed. Only one L-Gate is located in the L-Cluster, in the Terminal Egress system, and as a result any L-Gate in the galaxy will connect to the same gate in Terminal Egress but the Terminal Egress gate can be used to travel to any L-Gate inside the galaxy. Unlike regular gateways, L-Gates in enemy systems can be used during war.

Available only with the Utopia DLC enabled.

Completed Sentry Arrays will not grant visibility of the L-Cluster before an L-Gate is activated. After L-Gate activation, it will grant visibility of the L-Cluster.

Galaxy Map

The layout of star systems is determined by the galaxy shape. All systems are connected by hyperlanes in clusters connected by choke points. The latter will never be a home system nor will they house anything that will stop an empire's expansion. The systems at the very edge of the galaxy will always be isolated, with a single hyperlane connection.

The number of choke points is set at galaxy generation.


Nebulae are visible from both the galaxy map and the systems located inside and tend to have fewer habitable planets within them, but the chance of finding Strategic Resources is increased by 50% and allow Starbases to construct the Nebula Refinery building. Nebulae block all sensor coverage originating from other systems, meaning that it's impossible for an empire to see what is within and beyond a nebula's hyperlanes without having a ship or station inside. Nebulae are named and visible on the galaxy map from the start of the game.

Ancient Relics systems

Shielded Relic system

A random binary system in the galaxy will always contain a size 25 Shielded World guarded by a fleet of 5k fleet power with ships identical to the ones guarding Zanaam. Surveying either the Shielded World or its moon will reveal a unique Archaeology Site that can be excavated.

Site Chapter 1 rewards Chapter 2 rewards Chapter 3 rewards Chapter 4 rewards
Moon Base 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts
The Shielded World is turned into a Relic World with the Abandoned Ecumenopolis Archaeology Site
Abandoned Ecumenopolis 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 10-30 Minor Artifacts
Miniature Galaxy Relic

Omni system

A random system in the galaxy will always contain a Relic World. Surveying it will reveal the unique Ruined World Archaeology Site that can be excavated.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Difficulty 4 4 5 6
Rewards 1-5 Minor Artifacts None 1-5 Minor Artifacts 10-30 Minor Artifacts
The Omnicodex Relic

A random binary system in the galaxy might contain a Relic World. Surveying it will reveal the Planetary Machinery Archaeology Site that can be excavated.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Difficulty 3 3 3 4 4 5
Rewards 120-350 Society research 120-350 Society research
1-5 Minor artifacts
2 Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor artifacts 1-5 Minor artifacts 120-350 Engineering research

Dessanu Consonance

Each time a ship or fleet enters the factory system the Dessanu will demand that it leaves within 60 days. Refusing to do so or inquiring too much about nanites will make them hostile, as will attacking them.

Each Dessanu system contains at least one Gaia World. However, if a planet is successfully invaded and occupied it will turn into a Nanite World with the Terraforming Candidate planet modifier. All armies will safely retreat back in orbit. If the factory is destroyed the same will happen to all Dessanu worlds.

If the L-Cluster is abandoned a random Nanite World will have a Level 3 Surface Signature anomaly. Investigating it will reveal a nanite entity taking the form of a member of the species discovering it. Asking it to join you will add Gray to the Contacts menu. Gray can take one of three forms at any time (except if it is in battle or merging state):

Should Gray be destroyed it will merge back and reappear in 10 years.

This outcome leaves only one L-Gate activated, all the others coming online afterwards one at a time every one or two years. This gives the empire that activated the first L-Gate a significant head start, especially if opened in the early game. It is therefore the best L-Cluster outcome by far.

Distant Stars systems

Junk Rattlings

Planets with Ketlings cannot be colonized but can be invaded. If invaded they will suffer a 5 years Culture Shock identical to invading an Early Space Age civilization.

The exact delay of both the species emergence and the empire creation are set at the moment the preceding event occurs, so reloading a save prior to their appearance will not change the delay unless the save is far enough back.

Sea of Consciousness

A random binary star system might contain a size 24 Ocean World with a unique appearance that does not contain landmasses among other uninhabitable planets. The planet has no blockers and has a Betharian Fields planetary feature. It also has a unique planet modifier granting it the following:

    +25% Habitability +10% Research from Jobs -25% Governing Ethics Attraction -25% Planetary Build Speed

The modifier is removed if the planet is terraformed into anything except a Continental or Gaia World.

Twin Tomb World Civilizations

This system will not spawn if primitives have been disabled.

A class B star system contains a Shielded World typically called Gish showing a desert planet underneath, although the name may vary. Surveying will reveal a level IV anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to either:


One anomaly in the galaxy might be called The Vechtar Zavonia when successfully investigated, describing a planet called Paridayda and a species called Mardak Vol. Choosing the option to search for the planet will start a special project. Finishing it will create a neighbor system and point to a Barren World inside. Choosing to investigate further when entering the system will start a special project to investigate the planet with a science ship. Finishing the special project takes 60 days and will reveal the planet as a size 25 Gaia World with the Stone Age Mardak Vol civilization and the unique Paridayda planet modifier.

A few days after the system has been claimed a species called the Vol will arrive with a fleet to purge the Mardak Vol. Accepting will destroy the civilization and add a removable blocker to the planet. Refusing will have the fleet attack the system. If their fleet is not defeated they will bombard the planet with the Armageddon stance. Once all Mardak Vol pops are killed by bombardment all tiles on the planet will get 4 removable blockers.

Other systems



Sanctuary is a system containing an abandoned ring world of previous Enigmatic Observers. Originally created to act as a nature preserve and house primitive life, the system was abandoned but left guarded by multiple defense platforms of approximately 42k fleet power. Upon discovering the system an empire is contacted by the automated defense facility, which explains the history and purpose of the facility. Every message ends in "Do not approach this facility under any circumstances" and indeed the defenses will fire upon any ship that approaches it.

The Sanctuary defenses contain the following stations:

Despite having no engine modules, stations are, in fact, mobile, and therefore cannot be engaged with artillery ships from a safe distance, one by one. Defeating them may prove a challenge but destroyed platforms are not rebuilt, allowing the system to slowly be overtaken.

Ruined Ringworld

First Contact

Each First Contact has 2 or 3 stages:

After First Contact is completed with another empire it will enable diplomacy and bring the First Contact Dialogue. Depending on government and ethics the exact replies will vary but will always have the same effects. The proactive option is not available to empires that are Genocidal, abducted specimens or seized a ship.

If the First Contact Policy is set to Aggressive fleets can be ordered to attack an unidentified empire. A hostile action will have a permanent -25 opinion towards that empire while capturing any of their worlds will mark it as a first contact war and give a permanent -75 opinion instead.

Various events can take place during a First Contact.

Science Ships

Empires can build science ships from the start of the game, and every empire starts with a science ship which is ready to be sent out to survey the stars. Every science ship must be assigned a scientist for the ship to perform tasks such as surveying, assisting research of a planet, exploring uncharted hyperlanes, or researching a special project (the ship can still move around without being assigned a scientist).

By default, science ships are set to "evasive" stance, which means they will flee any system where hostile ships or spaceborne life forms are present. They can be set to "passive" stance instead, which lets the ship continue its current orders even if the system it is in contains hostile aliens.

Science ships can do the following actions, all of which require a scientist to be assigned to the science ship:


Surveying celestial bodies such as stars, planets, and asteroids allow for the discovery of resources such as energy credits, minerals, strategic resources, research points or a primitive civilization or pre-sapient species on them. The player may then send a construction ship to build mining and research stations to harvest them, provided the system with the resources are within their borders. Starbase outposts can only be constructed in systems that have been fully surveyed.

Scientists may also come across anomalies (unusual things in the galaxy that require further study and analysis) when surveying a celestial body. These anomalies can be investigated by any scientist, but will be analyzed faster if the scientist has a high skill level. When an anomaly is found, the player gets an alert at the top of their screen. Clicking on this alert will bring up a screen that has the option to direct a scientist to research the anomaly immediately. The scientist will return to their current assignment once he or she has completed investigating the anomaly.


Hauer is a unique class G system that will always spawn in the galaxy. It contains a unique object, the Tannhäuser Gate, guarded by 3 Ancient Mining Drones. In addition a planet in the system called Spjuuht will reveal the Never Forget Archaeology Site that can be excavated.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Difficulty 1 2 2
Rewards 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts A Life Worthwhile empire modifier



The outcome of activating L-Gates is determined with a global flag at galaxy generation, so reloading a save file won't change the result. We can know the outcome without even encountering the L-Gates the way we use a script to check global flags (Console required):

Короче накупил я у кураторов знаний по л-скоплению (лень исследовать, а энергии хватало), исследовал технологию по их активации, только вот проблемка. В моих владениях их не было (что странно 2 врат на галактику в 1к звёзк и 2х к частоте врат и чревоточин:/), я их конечно завоевал, но вот попасть не могу НИКАК (пишет: мол нет пункта назначения. ).
П.С. технология активации врат (в л-скопление) только у меня.

Тоха Полевик
после захвата системы,должен появится проект,изучив который открываешь врата,если конечно до этого ты из двух вариантов вместо "значит мы завладеем вратами" не выбрал "на этом и закончим". частота появления Л-врат не зависит от ползунка,там рандом независимый(почти),но есть баг - если ставить появление врат 0.25 или 0.50 есть высокая вероятность найти только Л-врата и не будет совсем обычных(теху на путешествие и постройку врат в итоге фиг получишь).. т.е. Л-врата забирают шансы у простых врат в этом случае:) по крайней мере у меня так несколько раз было, из-за чего теперь меньше 1.0 не ставлю появление врат.

Так прикол то в том, что я выбрал "значит мы завладеем вратами", завладел ими, исследовал технологию для их открытия, НО НЕ МОГУ попасть в л-скопление (пишет: нет пункта назначения).

Тоха Полевик
там баг был с Л-вратами и их активацией - видимо ты на него и попал. в последних патчах вроде исправили, если лицензия обнови в стиме,если нет тут есть патчи. Вот только не знаю помогут ли обновления уже в этой катке. но в новых уже точно не должно быть бага.

Тоха Полевик
Щас быстро гляну евенты,может смогу тебе помочь,если ты конечно не на железной воле играешь в этой катке:)

Мне переиграть не сложно, попробую тогда откатиться к сейву до активации врат и захватить их раньше изучения технологии. А так я этот баг 1 раз схватил, раньше (когда до изучения врата были мои) всё было норм :/

Тоха Полевик
Если ты не на железной воле играешь введи в консоле строку
"event distar.10950" без кавычек
она сразу откроет L-кластер
а вот эта должна давать проект
"event distar.10905" без кавычек
но мне она щас выдавала только надпись,что мол можем изучить проект,а сам проект на вратах не появлялся,
поэтому лучше первый вариант,тем более посмотрел я евент и понял результат записывается при старте игры,а именно если на старте рандом выбрал,что в кластере будут наниты-то уже не изменить это, если выбран пустой-то будет пустым. ещё есть вариант с драконами, кому интересно 50% вероятность того,что в кластере будут наниты, 40% того,что будет пуст и лишь 10% того,что от туда вылетят необычные драконы,которых можно приручить кстати:)

p.s кстати по поводу кураторов,они дают знание только 1 раз об этих вратах. по крайней мере у меня так:)

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Unique systems can only spawn once per galaxy. Each unique system has an unique event or anomaly related to it.


A rare special system, which will be randomly named when generated, contains Zanaam, a size 25 Gaia World with the unique Valley of Zanaam planetary feature and defended by an 11k fleet named Guardians of Zanaam.

The fleet guarding it consists of 24 destroyers, named from Alpha to Omega, which look like Ancient Mining Drones but use far more advanced components. Upon entering the system, the player is given a message stating they will be destroyed. The fleet is hostile, however it is not set to aggressive stance, simply blocking any approach to the system's star. After they are defeated the system can be claimed as usual. The destroyers use the following components:

    2 Laser T5 2 Plasma T3
    2 Armor T5 1 Shields T5
    Sapient Combat Computer (Swarm) Impulse Thrusters Tachyon Sensors Zero Point Reactor


This outcomes leaves all L-Gates activated and leading to an abandoned L-Cluster, allowing everyone access.

Spawn chances

Unique systems have their spawn chanced determined by the galaxy size. They will never appear in hyperlane choke points and a few of them require distance from all empires to spawn and they might not appear if the galaxy is started with a max number of fallen empires and AI empires, especially if advanced starts are used. The percentages for each unique system to spawn are the following:

Alpha Centauri

If none of the starting empires have Sol as their home system there's a 50% chance that it will spawn in the galaxy, Earth being found in one of the following states:

Situation log

The situation log helps to keep track of special projects and anomalies, which are discovered when venturing out into the galaxy and exploring, and allows individual projects and anomalies to be tracked on the map. For democratic Governments it will also display Election Mandates. If there is an update to the Situation Log, it will glow in orange.

Most projects are centered around a location (often a planet, but it could also be an object in space), and many of which requires the presence of a science ship with a highly skilled Scientist assigned to the science ship before the projects can be researched. However, some of the projects may require something other than a science ship such as a military warship, or a troop transport, or something else entirely. Some special projects are timed while others will remain present until resolved.


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Difficulty 1 2 3 4
Rewards 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 1-5 Minor Artifacts 10-30 Minor Artifacts
Next level of terraforming technology if the Xenophobic Isolationists were not defeated
Next level of robotic pops technology if the Xenophobic Isolationists were defeated and the main species is biological
700-4000 Unity if the Xenophobic Isolationists were defeated and the main species is robotic

Ancient Manufactory

A random system in the galaxy will contain an asteroid field where one of the large asteroids is orbited by an Ancient Manufactory identical to the Mining Drone stations. Surveying the asteroid will reveal a level III anomaly. Investigating it will bring the option to either:



Trappist is a real life system that has a significant chance of spawning in the galaxy. It contains 3 habitable planets, one from each climate category, making it above or below average depending on the habitable worlds game setting. The features and possible modifiers of all planets are randomized.

Planet Trappist I Trappist II Trappist III Trappist IV Trappist V Trappist VI Trappist VII
Class Molten Barren Toxic Desert Continental Arctic Frozen
Size 16 16 12 14 16 18 12


A random system in the galaxy will be home to the Privateers, a group of 3 pirate fleets which must be defeated:

  • Young Blood contains 12 corvettes and uses tier I components
  • Scarred Veterans contains 4 corvettes, 16 destroyers and 20 cruisers, and uses tier II components
  • Old Guard contains a battleship and uses tier III components

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