Spotlight 9 test 7 на 2 варианта

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Spotlight 9 EXIT TEST

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

A). 1 tasty 2 home-made 3 roast 4 starving 5 embarrased 6 cut
7 burn 8 shaking 9 beat 10 eating 11 screamed 12 chewing
В). 13 took up 14 going on 15 snacks 16 human 17 rich 18 leads
C). 19 were 20 doesn’t grow 21 wouldn’t have scratched 22 take
23 had eaten 24 discuss 25 exercised 26 will connect
D). 27 had 28 used 29 had brought 30 had taken 31 were not
E). 32 might 33 mustn’t 34 needn’t 35 may 36 shouldn’t
F). 37 В 38 A 39 D 40 E 41 C
G). 42 C 43 A 44 E 45 F 46 D
H). 47 C 48 A 49 A 50 В.

Часть 1. Только ОТВЕТЫ

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы

Vocabulary and Grammar

A). Choose the correct item.

1 That’s the school ..….. parade float won first prize last year.
A which В that C whose

5 We want to have a beach party so we can say a(n) ..…. goodbye to summer, before we start school.
A end В final C finally

19 If I .….. you, I’d cut down on all that junk food.
A had been В were C would be


В). Read the text and mark statements 31-35 T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not stated).

31 Beethoven and Keller were born disabled. – Ns
32 Vereinov started painting at an early age. – T
33 Vereinov only painted at night because they did not let him paint during the day. – F
34 Vereinov’s copies of famous works of art are extremely accurate. – T
35 Vereinov gives part of his money to charities for the disabled. – Ns

C). Listen to some people talking about challenges and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

36 Speaker 1 – C) The speaker enjoys doing extreme sports.
37 Speaker 2 – В) The speaker does not like taking risks.
38 Speaker 3 – E) The speaker feels he/she can face a challenge successfully.
39 Speaker 4 – A) The speaker is not sure about trying the same thing again.
40 Speaker 5 – D) The speaker’s friends do not share his/her interest in extreme sports.

№ 1. Underline the correct item .
1 People who are watching their weight prefer food which is low/short in fat.
2 Did you know that spinach is rich/full in iron?
3 Exercise helps us burn/destroy calories more easily.
4 A piece of fruit or some nuts are healthy desserts/snacks to have if you’re hungry between meals.
5 Jane is a vegetarian, and doesn’t eat any meat produce/products .
6 You’re looking so much healthier now that you’re eating sensibly; give up/keep up the good work!

№ 2. Choose the correct item.
1 . Students …….to call the school if they miss a class.
A can B should C have
2. You …….. only eat at the restaurant if you are a guest at the hotel.
A could B have to C can
3. We …….. wash our hands before eating so as not to get sick.
A must B needn't C can
4. You ……….. wash the dishes. Dina has already done it.
A don’t have to B ought not C mustn’t
5. Mum, ……. I have some ice cream after dinner, please?
A must B can C should
6. If you’re not happy with the gym you’re going to, you …..try coming to mine; it’s very good.
A may B could C need
7. I ……….return the book to the library today or I’ll pay a fine.
A ought B may C must
8. If you’re on a diet, you …..avoid eating junk food and anything that has too much sugar in it.
A should B can C could

№ 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct pre"Times New Roman, serif"> to, in, from

1. Drinking too little water can lead …. headaches.
2. Don’t put any milk in Jason’s coffee; he’s allergic ….. all dairy products.
3. How do you manage to keep ….. such good shape?
4. Samantha still hasn’t recovered …… her bad cold.
5. It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it ….. sunburn.

№ 4. Underline the correct item.
1. If the young boy hadn’t smelled/hasn’t smelled the smoke, the family wouldn’t have got out of the house in time.
2. If I had prepared ahead of time for my trip, I won’t have/ wouldn’t have had so many problems.
3. If you mix the colours blue and yellow, you get/would get the colour green.
4. When I go to Venice next year, I attend/will attend the Carnival.
5. The Russian lesson will be cancelled/would be cancelled if the teacher is still ill.
6. If I had more time, I would train/would have trained in the gym.

№ 5. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I . (be) you, I would be very careful; there are poisonous snakes in this area.

2. If grass isn’t watered, it . (not/grow) .

3. The cat . (not/scratch) Harry if he hadn’t tried to pull its tail.

4. Your headache will go away if you. (take) some aspirin.

5. If I . (eat) breakfast this morning, I would have been able to concentrate better

on my maths test.

№ 6 . Fill in: a)key, b) recipe, c) physical, d) balanced, e) treat, f) junk, g) habits.

My friend Katie is such a health nut! She goes jogging every day, and eats

a 1) _____diet. She says the 2)_____to a healthy lifestyle is eating well and exercising regularly.

But Katie thinks I don’t get enough 3)_______l activity because I prefer watching TV to exercising. She says my lifestyle is a 4)______ for disaster and that I need to make some changes. Well, I agree that my eating 5) _______ may not be the best but I could never do what she does. Avoid all 6)______ food? No, thanks! I think it’s important to 7) ______ yourself once in a while!

But I see what she means about exercise. So I think I will make some changes in that department!

Spotlight 9 Test 7

Часть 2. Задания и Ответы


A). Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

В). Underline the correct item.

13 Are you sure Phillip joined/took up mountain climbing? I thought he was scared of heights.
14 Anne is thinking about putting on/going on a diet, as she wants to lose some weight.
15 Kate tries to avoid desserts/snacks such as crisps and biscuits, as they are unhealthy and only make her hungrier.
16 Fear is a basic human/nervous emotion which is often accompanied by panic or shock.
17 Carrots improve your eyesight, as they are rich/full in vitamins A and C.
18 Jim leads/passes such a busy life that he rarely finds time to work out at the gym.


C). Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

D). Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

E). Underline the correct item.

Everyday English

F). Choose the correct response.

37 Emergency Services. Which service do you require? В) Fire Service, please.
38 Can I speak to a police officer, please? A) Just a moment, please.
39 What is the nature of the emergency? D) There is a person stuck in the lift.
40 Ambulance service? My brother’s fallen down the stairs. He’s hurt. E) Help is on the way. Please stay on the line.
41 Is that 999, Emergency Services? C) No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong number.


G). Read the text and fill in the gaps (42-46) with the phrases (A-F). There is one phrase you do not need to use.


H). Listen to two friends talking and mark statements 47-50 True, False or Not stated.

47 Ian’s parents want him to get his dog from an animal shelter.
A True В False C Not stated

48 Claire is afraid even when she sees a drawing of a dog.
A True В False C Not stated

49 Ian thinks it’s a mistake for Claire to stay away from dogs.
A True В False C Not stated

50 John’s fear of dogs is even worse than Claire’s.
A True В False C Not stated

1. If I were you, I would take / will take an emergency kit on holiday.

2. When I go to Venice next year, I attend / will attend the Carnival.

3. If I had more time, I would join / would have joined the gym.

4. I wish Tom came / had come to your party.

5. If only I weren’t doing / am not doing my test on English now!

3. Complete the sentences using the correct tense

1. If we __________ (mix) blue and blue, we get green.

2. If we all _________ (use) public transport, pollution will be reduced.

3. If I wasn’t on a diet, I __________ (order) a dessert.

4. If you __________ (play ) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter.

5. If you stop eating so much junk food, you _____________ (lose) weight.

4. Fill in : out of, up with, off, back, on :

1. Keep ………. the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is protected.

2. Ask your children to keep …….. the kitchen while you are cooking .

3. Keep ……….. wet floors, as they are quite slippery.

4. If a small fire starts in the kitchen or other part of the house tell children to keep ……. .

5. Keep ……….. reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors.

5. Fill in the correct prepositions ( in, from, to).

1. It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it … sunburn.

2. How do you manage to keep … good shape.

3. Drinking too little water can lead … headaches.

4. Sam still hasn’t recovered … his bad cold.

5. Don’t put any milk in Ann’s coffee; she is allergic … all dairy products.

6. What ’ s the English for :

1. общественное место

2. чрезвычайная ситуация

3. сделать ложный вызов

4. первая помощь

5. оставаться на линии

Match the words

1. be green with

5. go through the

6. have butterflies in one’s

9. crowded public

10.turn your legs to

2. Choose the correct item.

1. If I were you, I would take / will take an emergency kit on holiday.

2. When I go to Venice next year, I attend / will attend the Carnival.

3. If I had more time, I would join / would have joined the gym.

4. I wish Tom came / had come to your party.

5. If only I weren’t doing / am not doing my test on English now!

3. Fill in the correct prepositions ( in, from, to).

1. It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it … sunburn.

2. How do you manage to keep … good shape.

3. Drinking too little water can lead … headaches.

4. Sam still hasn’t recovered … his bad cold.

5. Don’t put any milk in Ann’s coffee; she is allergic … all dairy products.

4. Fill in : out of, up with, off, back, on :

1. Keep ………. the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is protected.

2. Ask your children to keep …….. the kitchen while you are cooking .

3. Keep ……….. wet floors, as they are quite slippery.

4. If a small fire starts in the kitchen or other part of the house tell children to keep ……. .

5. Keep ……….. reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors.

5. What’s the English for:

1. общественное место

2. чрезвычайная ситуация

3. сделать ложный вызов

4. первая помощь

5. оставаться на линии

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