Список триалов teso

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

A Trait in ESO is a special property on added to a crafted item which makes that item do nifty things in Elder Scrolls Online. Traits exist on weapons, armor, and jewelry. The kinds of Traits you can get are different, depending on what kind of item it's on. For instance, there is a set of Traits specific to armor, and a different set of Traits that apply to weapons. Some Traits might seem the same between item types, but they will take gemstones which are unique for that item's version of the trait. Traits are calculated by a percentage value, such as "increases weapon attack speed by 20%" The percentage value of a Trait is increased with increased improvement quality of the item. For example, here is how Traits increase when you improve a bow with the Charged trait:

  • White - increased chances to apply status effect by 70%
  • Fine - increased chances to apply status effect by 80%
  • Superior - increased chances to apply status effect by 90%
  • Epic - increased chances to apply status effect by 100%
  • Legendary - increased chances to apply status effect by 110%

What is a Trait?

Traits are not the same thing as an Enchant. You can have both Traits and Enchants on an item. Naturally, Enchantments are put on the item after it's already been crafted. A personal note: Trait Crafting might be considered to be Advanced Crafting. It's not hard to do or understand, but it has enough complexity and time-commitment to separate out the hard core crafters from the casual crafters. There is nothing wrong with the concept of ignoring all this, only learning to craft basic level items to help yourself and friends to gear up reasonably nice, and leaving it at that! I think the concept behind this complexity is to help our ESO community value and treasure the true Craft Masters that spend the time and effort to tackle this particular small mountain.

Update 16, for the Clockwork City DLC, added Transmutation: a system to change the traits in your gear!

Who Uses Traits?

Non-Craftable Traits

Some traits cannot be crafted or researched, and others apply to Jewelry that is currently outside of the crafting capabilities of players. To obtain this traits, there's no option but to keep farming whatever drops the item you are looking for.

  • Ornate — Increase sell price by X%.

How do I Learn to Craft Traits?

Per Trait Total
1st 6 hours 6 hours
2nd 12 hours 18 hours
3rd 24 hours (1 day) 42 hours (
    = 126 research traits = 126 research traits = 54 research traits = 18 research traits

There are fewer traits to research in Woodworking because there are only 6 craft items while the other two smith crafts have 14 each.

Research has a cooldown timer which varies per item based on how many traits you've already unlocked. The first time you research an item it takes 6 hours before it completes the Trait unlock. The time for each item after that doubles.

Blacksmithing, Clothier, Woodworking

  • Rank 1 - Requires craft rank 8 - Research time reduced by 5%, Research 2 traits simultaneously
  • Rank 2 - Requires craft rank 18 - Research time reduced by 10%, Research 2 traits simultaneously
  • Rank 3 - Requires craft rank 28 - Research time reduced by 20%, Research 3 traits simultaneously.
  • Rank 4 - Requires craft rank 42 - Research time reduced by 25%, capped at 30 days, Research 3 traits simultaneously.
  • Rank 1 - Requires craft rank 8 - Research time reduced by 5%
  • Rank 2 - Requires craft rank 18 - Research time reduced by 10%
  • Rank 3 - Requires craft rank 28 - Research time reduced by 20%
  • Rank 4 - Requires craft rank 42 - Research time reduced by 25%, capped at 30 days.

Since you can research one Wood, Metal, Jewelry and Cloth/Hide item at the same time, at the bare minimum:

  • 1 item, all 9 traits = Without any skills reducing research time: 1 item, all 9 traits: 127.75 days; with Rank 4: 77.8125 days
  • 8 items, all 9 traits = 432 hours or 144 hours with rank 3 bonus.

Finally, if you work in two separate crafts, you can research an item from each craft at the same time. For instance, you can research something from Blacksmithing and Woodworking at the same time if you want to. You can research the trait from an item crafted by another player. Many thanks to Elder Moot for all the mathematics assistance in this section!

How do I Get a Trait on an Item?

Items dropped in the world can sometimes have a Trait already attached to it. Otherwise, a Trait can only be applied to an item during the process of creating it in the crafting system. Adding traits to crafted items might be considered either Intermediate or Advanced level crafting, not because it is difficult, but because
it takes a commitment of time into researching traits. Another aspect of advanced crafting is the special set-bonus crafting benches. Traits affect your ability to craft the set-bonus gear, because you are required to have 2 (or more) traits learned on the specific item you want to craft. For instance if you want to make a Death's Wind style axe, you need to have unlocked 2 traits on the axes before you can craft it. The number of traits required to craft set-bonus gear goes up as you get to higher leveled set-bonus benches. For example the Magnus' Gift set-bonus gear shown in the ESO Blacksmithing Walkthrough video requires that you have 4 traits unlocked. You can add a trait to a crafted set-bonus item when you craft it.

What are Trait Gems?

Traits are applied to items with a Trait Gem during the craft process. You do not have to craft an item with a trait, it is optional. Adding a Trait to an item only costs you one Trait Gem, unless you are crafting a set, which requires a Trait Gem for each of the traits added. There is a gem unique to each type of Trait.

Armor Traits

In cases where it is numbers and not percentages are listed, values are for Champion Rank 160.

Trials are a type of Dungeon in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Trials are designed as endgame content for groups of 12 Players and are much larger in scale than any other dungeon type. Trials represent some of the toughest challenges for players with special mechanics that require teamwork and coordination to overcome, but they also present unique rewards that cannot be obtained anywhere else. Each Trial has Normal and Veteran modes, as well as leaderboards and their own set of achievements.

Всем известно, что такое испытания (они же триалы, от оригинального trials). Это, можно сказать, особые, сложнейшие подземелья, рассчитанные опытных игроков. Для их прохождения потребуется собрать группу из 12 человек. Триалы требуют хорошей координации и, зачастую, требуют довольно много времени для прохождения. Кто-то может задаться вопросом, а зачем мне это надо? Что я могу получить за прохождение?

Давайте же рассмотрим конкретно, что именно из того или иного испытания может оказаться полезно игроку той или иной роли. Начнём с самый простых испытаний, постепенно переходя к более сложным.

The Elder Scrolls Online

По поводу еды: для танков это на Здоровье. Для мана-дамагеров - еда на ману, для стаминщиков - на запас сил. Желательно двухстатную - на повышение стата и на реген.
По поводу алхимических банок: трёхстатные, для магиков: на крит-урон, силу заклинаний и восстановление магии, для стаминщиков - крит-урон оружием, силу оружия и восстановление запаса сил.
Если у вас есть 160ЧО - вы можете попросить заранее скрафтить вам соответствующую еду и банки.

Для ветеранских версий - вам нужно иметь как минимум 300ЧО+. 17к+ здоровья минимум для дамагеров и хилеров, танкам, естественно, намного больше.
Дамагеры, ваш урон в соло-цель должен быть около 25к. Не расстраивайтесь, если не выдаёте, но вы должны стремиться к этой цифре. Тестируйте свои билды на манекене в гильдхолле.

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