Сломанное колесо identity v

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Шифровальные машинки - это объекты, при помощи которых выжившие открывают ворота.

Шифровальные машинки для выживших выделены жёлтым цветом, а для охотников машинки будут выделены синим. Саму машинку могут расшифровать только выжившие. Верхняя часть машинки шевелится, когда шифр достигает 30% хода декодирования, и охотник может видеть, как шевелится антенны машинки.

При декодировании шифровальной машинки иногда срабатывает калибровка. Когда это произойдёт, появляется значок, который нужно нажать в определённое время, чтобы продолжить расшифровку. Нажатие на экран, пока стрелка находится в серой области, принесёт игроку 30 очков спокойствия за завершённую калибровку. Нажатие на экран, пока игла находится в жёлтой области, принесёт игроку 60 очков спокойствия за идеальную калибровку. Провал калибровки даст обратный эффект, предупредив охотника о вашем местоположении и немного сократит прогресс декодирования.

A trio of performance artists with odd figures showed up on the street. Covered in a bedspread and wearing masks, they're performing an uninspired drama while twisting their bodies into peculiar shapes.

The Breaking Wheel


The Breaking Wheel, The Three Brothers, The Will Brothers



Character Details

Character Day

Gameplay Information


External Traits





Release Date to Global

Obtained by


Voice Actor

The Will Brothers, also known as The Breaking Wheel, are a Difficult 3 Hunter available for purchase after completion of the prologue. They are one of the 22 playable Hunters added to Identity V.



The Breaking Wheel are a hunter made up of three brothers stacked on top of each other, each draped in dark, tattered reddish brown cloaks. The only skin visible is the arms held out by the brother on the top of the stack. They also wear masks that resemble the theatre symbols, Melpomene, the muse of tragedy, and Thalia, the muse of comedy. The brother on the top holds half of a broken wheel as a weapon, the other brothers carry the remaining pieces that can be connected to enter wheel form.


The Breaking Wheel are a hunter that transforms between a slower humanoid form that is able to cause damage, and a fast wheel form that is able to quickly stack potential damage in the form of spikes on anyone they run over. When in human form, they are also able to throw traps. They are considered difficult to control, due to the inability to turn sharply and the need to know when to transform and which one to use.

External Traits

Execution Wheel


Press "Expand" to see the description of each trait.

  • Execution Wheel: The Will Brothers can "assemble" themselves into a wheel:
    • In wheel form, they will gain a massive speed boost. When they exceed a certain speed, they can crush pallets, but their ability to change directions is hindered.
    • In such form, they can't launch Normal Attacks or perform general interactions and will be immune to control effects.
    • Pierce can be stacked up to 3 times. Each additional stack of Pierce has a 5-second interval between the last stack. When a Pierced Survivor gets hit by the Will Brothers in human form, each stack of Pierce will transform into Fear equal to half of a Normal Attack.
    • Survivors may remove the spikes with the help of others. For 1/2/3 stack(s) of Pierce, removing the spikes will take 4/7/10 seconds, respectively. They may also remove the spikes themselves. When 0/1/2/3 Survivors have been eliminated (excluding those who escaped), the time required for Survivors to remove any 1,2,3 stack(s) of Pierce for themselves will be 20, 30, 40/16, 24, 30/11, 15, 19/6, 9, 13 seconds, respectively.
    • Duo Hunters Mode: When 0/2/4/6 Survivors have been eliminated (excluding those who escaped), the time required for Survivors to remove any Pierce for themselves will correspond to the above.





    Wheel of Silence

    Wheel of Impalement

    Wheel of Destruction

    Press "Expand" to see the description of each ability.

    • Reticent: The reticent eldest brother solves problems with actions: In human form, he hurls a nail board toward a specific location. Survivors who step on the nail board will have their Movement Speed reduced by 60% for 2 seconds. If a Survivor who steps on the nail board is stacked with Pierce, they will be confined for 2 seconds instead. The nail board will stay on the field for 10 seconds.
    • Wheel of Silence: In car form, immediately gains an 80% Movement Speed boost. The speed boost will gradually diminish over 3 seconds. A speed boost can be saved up every 15 seconds for up to 2 times.
    • Pessimistic: The pessimistic middle brother affects others with his emotions: In human form, controls spikes and inflicts Pierce on all Survivors within 14 meters.
    • Wheel of Impalement: In car form, the middle brother will push out spikes from both sides, extending Pierce's hit range for 6 seconds.
    • Ridicule: The youngest brother loves to ridicule those who are confused and disturbed: Upon switching from wheel form to human form, tosses out numerous spikes within a 12 meters radius, inflicting 1 stack of Pierce to Survivors.
    • Wheel of Destruction: No one could stop the Breaking Wheel on it's track: An additional 1 speed boost can be saved in car form.

    Character Statistics

    Press "Expand" to see the character's statistics.

    Movements and Interactions:
    • Model volume: Radius 0.38 m
    • Movement Speed: 4.64 m/sec
    • Turning speed: 600.0 degree(s)/s
    • Duration of vaulting over windows: 1.79 sec
    • Duration of destroying pallets: 2.56 sec
    • Duration of being stunned: 3.67 sec
    Normal attack:
    • Launching action for normal attack: 0.43 sec
    • Effective range of normal attack: 3.21 m
    • Duration of recovery action from missed normal attacks: 0.64 sec
    • Duration of recovery action from normal attack hits: 4.1 sec
    Charged attack:
    • Launching action for charged attack: 1.54 sec
    • Effective range of charged attack: 3.54 m
    • Duration of recovery action from missed charged attacks: 1.54 sec
    • Duration of recovery action from charged attack hits: 5.07 sec
    • Duration of ballooning: 1.92 sec
    • Duration of being stunned after Survivors escaped: 5.92 sec
    • Launching action for ballooning: 0.75 sec
    • Effective range of ballooning: 2.95 m
    • Fear radius: 32.07 m
    • Duration of recovery action from hitting scene objects: 1.27 sec

    Character Background

    Deduction Targets

    All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic points for the Logic Path. After the character's deductions are completed, their Worn Clothes will be available.

    Please press "Expand" to see the deduction path.

    • Basic Objective: Pursue Survivors 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Pursue Survivors 4 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Pursue Survivors 6 time(s)
    • Basic Objective: Use Switch Forms 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Use Switch Forms 4 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Use Switch Forms 6 time(s)
    • Basic Objective: Boost your speed 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Boost your speed 4 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Boost your speed 6 time(s)
    • Basic Objective: Use Swift Turn 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Use Swift Turn 4 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Use Swift Turn 6 time(s)
    • Basic Objective: Crush pallets that have been pulled down 1 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Crush pallets that have been pulled down 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Crush pallets that have been pulled down 3 time(s)
    • Basic Objective: Inflict 1 stacks of Pierce on Survivors
    • Advanced Objective 1: Inflict 2 stacks of Pierce on Survivors
    • Advanced Objective 2: Inflict 3 stacks of Pierce on Survivors
    • Basic Objective: Throw out a nail board to slow down or imprison Survivors 1 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Throw out a nail board to slow down or imprison Survivors 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Throw out a nail board to slow down or imprison Survivors 3 time(s)
    • Basic Objective: Hit Survivors 1 time(s) shortly after shattering
    • Advanced Objective 1: Hit Survivors 2 time(s) shortly after shattering
    • Advanced Objective 2: Hit Survivors 3 time(s) shortly after shattering
    • Basic Objective: Hit Survivors 1 time(s) shortly after slowing them down or imprisoning them
    • Advanced Objective 1: Hit Survivors 2 time(s) shortly after slowing them down or imprisoning them
    • Advanced Objective 2: Hit Survivors 3 time(s) shortly after slowing them down or imprisoning them
    • Basic Objective: Shatter Survivors to knock them down 1 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 1: Shatter Survivors to knock them down 2 time(s)
    • Advanced Objective 2: Shatter Survivors to knock them down 3 time(s)

    Official Website Backstory

    The three Will brothers are dwarf triplets. They were abandoned by their parents when they were very young, and they could only depend on each other.

    Fortunately, the owner of the theater liked their abnormal appearance and accepted them into the troupe of the theater. He provided them with disguised identities and a stage so that they could earn money from performing.

    But the good times did not last long, and the owner of the theater mysteriously disappeared after the performance. After that, three brothers also disappeared.

    A few days later, an eccentric entertainer appeared on the street. He covered himself with cloth covers and put on a mask, acting out strange dramatic scenes in a variety of strange positions.

    His best performance is to put on three masks and squat next to a broken wheel while playing father, mother and children at the same time: "Now, a broken family is like a broken wheel." "Nobody is missing." "Life cannot move forward."

    When night fell and the last person stopped in front of him, he lifted the fabric cover and asked him in horror: "Have you seen our parents?"

    On the second day, a heap of crushed incomprehensible garbage will be found in the corner of the city.

    Animated Trailer Transcript


    The following section of this page contains theories and lore that has been pieced together by players and may contain unconfirmed information. If you add to this section, please only add theories supported by in-game evidence, and link to the source where such information was obtained or the original theorizer using references.

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