Скайрим быстрый каст заклинаний

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Use SkyUI to get new alternatives to cast magic spells. Smart Spells are the main feature, you can automatically cast any spell if a set of customizable rules met. Spell Rings and Spell Combos can assist you to be an efficient caster. Give it a try if you are looking to improve your magic casting gameplay, it is compatible with SkyRe.

Nexus requirements

Mods requiring this file

Author's instructions

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Language Name
Polish Author: LordTorus Smart Cast - Polish Translation

Version 1.0

  • Smart Spells can be customized using "Smart Cast - Spells" and managed by using "Smart Cast - Config" mod configuration page.
  • Spell Rings and Spell Combos can be customized at "Smart Cast - Config" mod configuration page.
All the following pictures use the Enhanced Lights and FX and the New Animation for Magic Casting mods.

Many thanks to Brodual for featuring my mod in his youtube channel,
he explains in great detail each feature of this mod.
You can follow him on facebook or twitter. Thanks to novajam for making another illustrative video, and to Gruntlock for making a video going nuts with my mod.

Skyrim follows this magic casting mechanic

Magic casting mechanics

In a fight this mechanic makes the caster a human loop, repeating all the steps over and over, switching spells back and forth. I feel that some spells should have different mechanics, for example, it would be nice that protective spells could be cast just by selecting them on the menu, instead of been equipped, charge and release.

This mod gives you the possibility to improve your magic casting gameplay with the following three alternatives:

You can assign a set of rules to a spell to be cast automatically

Cast more spells with just one hand, you can select up to 3 spells to be cast at the same time

Before installing this mod, make sure you have SkyUI 4.1 and SKSE 1.6.16 installed, you can try using a lower version, but I programmed the scripts using those versions.

I recommend installing this mod with Nexus Mod Manager , but if you are installing it manually, just extract into your skyrim/data folder.

After a successful installation, wait around 20 seconds for the initialization message to appear and the MCM to announce the registration of 2 mod configuration pages, after that, you will be ready to go.

Location of the mod configuration pages

The mod revolves around the weapons and spell cache menus to help you customize your spell casting options. It is a little odd to use them, but the limitations of Papyrus gave me no other choice, here is the explication:

1. To get some spells or weapons up and running with the mod you have to equip them to your character first, powers are supported but shouts are not.
2. Once you enter either of the mod configuration pages those weapons or spells will be registered to their corresponding cache menu.
3. The first spells or weapons in the cache menus will be the ones your character currently has equipped. The limit of either cache menu is 30 slots.

Spells cache menu

Weapons cache menu

The main purpose of the cache menus is to minimize all the switching of spells and weapons to configure the mod, but keeping it as compatible as possible.

You can use any spell to be part of the mod, even the ones that need a target, but I highly recommend using only cast-on-oneself spells and avoid concentration spells, for example, use Fast Healing instead of Healing . You have to keep in mind that some spells have a casting range, if the required range is not met, the spell cast will fail and the magicka needed for the spell will be consumed, Conjure Familiar spell is a good example of a spell with a casting range that will fail if you target an area too far away.

Example of failing and succeeding the Conjure Familiar spell cast, notice that both screenshots have consumed the magicka for the spell

These are the available options for Smart Spells

Smart Spells can be auto dispel too, for a spell to qualify for auto dispelling the duration of its magic effects should be more than 25 seconds. If the character is still in combat or just got out of combat, the dispel option will return some magicka back depending of the time the spell was active, for example, a spell will return more magicka if it is dispelled with 40 seconds than 20 seconds left.

I guess all the other features of this mod configuration page are self-explanatory, besides the page has Option Highlight Text to help you through. The default key for the mod configuration pages has the role of clear/reset, if you use it at the select spell option it will remove the Smart Spell, if you use it at the numeric options it will reset it at 50%, any other option will reset it to ignore.

Smart Cast use a 5 second loop to enquire your character status, this means that the auto cast will take from 0 to 5 seconds to detect changes in your character status and cast a spell, please keep that in mind. I programed this loop to be as fast as possible, I use a computer with an Intel i5 processor and an AMD Radeon HD 7750 graphic card to play the game, and the loop takes from 0.08 to 0.2 seconds, I think it is good enough.

This mod configuration page helps you to customize your Spell Rings, Spell Combos and to manage your Smart Spells.

Spell Ring menu, up to 24 customizable rings

There is a dispel ring, this ring will dispel all magic effects cast by a Spell Ring or Spell Combo from your character, and it does not return any magicka, you can use it just to dispel long duration effects that annoys you.

Spell Combos menu, up to 10 combos

If you feel Spell Rings can break your game immersion or it is some kind of cheat, Spell Combos are the alternative. Just like any other spell, you still need to equip a Spell Combo to your character to cast it, but you can cast up to 3 spells at the same time, you will consume the magicka needed for all the spells in one go, make sure your magicka pool is big enough to cast all the selected spells or the Spell Combo will fail. After you create a Spell Combo your character will have a new spell in the alteration section of the magic menu, and it will be named after the first spell of the combo. You can use the default key to clear spells from a combo, if you clear all the spells of a combo, it will be removed from your magic menu.

Smart Spell Manager menu

This section helps you change the priority of Smart Spells automatic casting by moving spells up or down from the list of spells. You can delete unwanted spells too, or disable the Smart Spell loop, this last option is particularly useful when you engage in a fist fight with someone and casting magic spells is consider cheating. The reset option is just in case you consider the loop have messed up the spell durations of the automatic casting.

I did my best to program this mod to be compatible with any other mod. I tested it with Apocalypse Spell Package, Balanced Magic and T3nd0s Skyrim Redone.

Clairvoyance , Detect Life , Detect Undead and Candlelight can be fire-and-forget spells with duration of 5 minutes and can be toggled, making them more useful. It is an excellent companion to use with Smart Cast, just keep in mind the toggle feature can be a little tricky to use, if you cast the spell while it is still active, the spell effects will be dispelled, therefore, use Spell Rings instead of Smart Spells, this way you will have more control over the toggle feature.

Would you like your alchemy recipes to be more useful?, try this mod.

Enhanced Lights and FX
This mod creates a more dramatic and realistic mood to the Skyrim lighting.

Автор: thf
Совсем небольшой мод, дающий возможность автоматического применения заклинаний (автокаста).

Требования: Skyrim, SKSE

Вы зажимаете кнопку и заклинания кастуются автоматически одно за другим. Если вы выбрали заклинание лишь в одну руку, использоваться будет только оно, если в обе - то оба одновременно.

В настройках мода вы можете задать клавишу для автокаста - по умолчанию это средняя кнопка мыши. А также микрозадержки. Одна из них добавляется к времени каста заклинания. Другая - между кастами заклинаний. Микрозадержки нужны и настроены по умолчанию для избежания осечек. Вы можете изменить эти настройки по своему усмотрению, однако помните, что чем меньше задержки, тем быстрее будут применяться заклинания, но в то же время тем выше вероятность осечки.

Этот мод круто изменяет анимацию использования магии. Теперь когда вы используете магию, ваш герой не будет сутулится, а анимация каста магии будет выглядеть очень красиво и естественно. Также, при касте некоторых заклинаний, маг будет даже взлетать. Помимо изменение каста с одной руки и с двух, изменен каст с посохом.
В архиве несколько версий, в которой вы можете выбрать какую анимацию вы хотите изменить - заклинаний и посохов, только заклинаний и только посохов.

• Автор: mirap

Версия: 2.2

Установка стандартная.
Внутри архива вы найдете несколько версий:
All (Master, Staff, Cast) - заменит каст с посохом и без него
Only cast - только каст без посоха
Staff - только каст с посохом

Instant casting for most Destruction spells, as well as some restoration, conjuration, and alteration.

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
  • Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
  • Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
  • Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
  • Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Language Name
Russian Author: Contessa aka ContessaCaca and Achloryn Faster Casting - Russian translation
German Author: Achloryn translation dreifels Faster Casting SSE DV

I saw a mod on the Oldrim nexus a few days ago that was for instant casting Destruction spells - removing the half a second charging time for all of the projectile spells. I was inspired, so I upgraded it to run with SSE, and gave it a try.

It was pretty interesting, but the localization is dated and my anti-virus program didn't care for the link that was included. So, my instant cast spells were showing up with a lot of non-english characters. But the idea stuck with me. I decided to expand on it a bit. So here's what I have covered in this mod:

Destruction - All projectile and cloak spells are now instant.
Conjuration - All bound weapon spells are now instant.
Alteration - All flesh spells are now instant.
Restoration - All of the Turn/Repel undead spells, as well as the Sun projectile spells added in Dawnguard, and Stendarr's Aura (because it's basically a cloak) are now instant.

I didn't include any illusion spells, or summon/raise spells, but I could maybe be convinced to add them in at a later time if there's any interest. I also didn't include the master level spells in this list. Those are meant to be top tier spells, and having them fire with no warm-up would just make them ridiculously overpowered.

The purpose of this mod was to make combat a bit faster and more fluid. At lower difficulty levels, this can seem pretty overpowered, but keep in mind, the enemies have instant cast spells too. They just don't usually have the AI to spam the spells in your direction.

You can still hold a spell as a charge, so holding the button down will not just unleash a stream of fireballs at the enemy. And they can't be released as fast as you can click, there is a sort of internal cooldown that i'm not sure can be bypassed, but if you're 2-handing spells, you can unleash a stream of pain quickly if you've got the magicka to maintain it.

I am willing to consider adding in some of the base spells, but compatibility patches will be pretty difficult, because there are SO many magic mods that I couldn't even begin to cover them all. If you have suggestions, let me know!

The original mod for Oldrim can be found here, but I did not steal any assets, or use any of their content for this mod. They were merely the inspiration for what I did here, so credit for that goes to ContessaCaca.

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