Сакура суккуб sakura succubus

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Год релиза: 31 мар. 2020
Тип: С выборами (Демо), Кинетическая (Демо), Прочие (Демо)
Платформа: Windows
Продолжительность: 2-10 часов
Жанры: Романтика, Этти, Хентай
Автор: Winged Cloud
Перевод: одиночка
Язык: русский
Теги: Главный герой парень, Иностранный разработчик.

Огасавара Хироки-совершенно обычный человек. Фотограф по профессии, он работает много и напряженно каждый день, все это время под присмотром своего деспотичного босса.

Живя в центре Токио на ничтожную зарплату, Хироки живет в маленькой захудалой квартирке и ест лапшу быстрого приготовления, чтобы выжить.

Его жизнь вряд ли можно назвать "гламурной".…

До тех пор, пока однажды ему не поручили сфотографировать главного кумира Японии икуэ Аю.

Одно влечет за собой другое, и вскоре Хироки оказывается во власти трех красивых женщин – все они знаменитости. Там есть симпатичный идол Аю, знойная бизнесвумен Марина и легкомысленная звезда социальных сетей космос. Они все богаты, знамениты и чрезвычайно хорошо одарены, и они должны быть совершенно недостижимы…

Но, по какой-то причине, они ненасытно тянутся к Хироки!

По словам Марины, все эти три женщины-суккубы, и они находят запах Хироки опьяняющим. Они не могут насытиться им – и вскоре средняя жизнь Хироки становится совсем другой.

26.09.2020 03:30 36527 odinochka_2002 Последняя версия: 29.12.2020 16:59

Огасавара Хироки-совершенно обычный человек. Фотограф по профессии, он работает много и напряженно каждый день, все это время под присмотром своего деспотичного босса.

Живя в центре Токио на ничтожную зарплату, Хироки живет в маленькой захудалой квартирке и ест лапшу быстрого приготовления, чтобы выжить.

Его жизнь вряд ли можно назвать "гламурной".…

До тех пор, пока однажды ему не поручили сфотографировать главного кумира Японии икуэ Аю.

Одно влечет за собой другое, и вскоре Хироки оказывается во власти трех красивых женщин – все они знаменитости. Там есть симпатичный идол Аю, знойная бизнесвумен Марина и легкомысленная звезда социальных сетей космос. Они все богаты, знамениты и чрезвычайно хорошо одарены, и они должны быть совершенно недостижимы…

Но, по какой-то причине, они ненасытно тянутся к Хироки!

По словам Марины, все эти три женщины-суккубы, и они находят запах Хироки опьяняющим. Они не могут насытиться им – и вскоре средняя жизнь Хироки становится совсем другой.

Ogasawara Hiroki is a thoroughly average man. A photographer by trade, he works long and demanding hours every day, all the while overseen by his tyrannical boss.

Living in the middle of Tokyo on a paltry salary, Hiroki resides in a small, run-down apartment, and eats instant noodles to survive.

His life can hardly be called ‘glamorous’…

Until one day, that is, when he’s tasked with taking photos of Japan’s top idol, Ikue Ayu.

One thing leads to another, and Hiroki soon finds himself at the mercy of three beautiful women – all of them celebrities. There’s the cute idol Ayu, the sultry businesswoman Marina, and the airheaded social media star Cosmos. They’re all rich, famous, and extremely well-endowed, and they should be utterly unattainable…

But, for some reason, they’re insatiably attracted to Hiroki!

According to Marina, these three women are all succubi, and they find Hiroki’s scent intoxicating. They can’t get enough of him – and soon, Hiroki’s average life becomes anything but.

Ayu is a super famous idol whose name is known across Japan. She’s revered for her cute stage persona and her seemingly humble nature. During her concerts, she never fails to thank her fans, and her enthusiasm is contagious!

. That’s just how it appears, however. Deep down, Ayu is a scheming vixen who regards her fans as mere stepping stones, and values money above all else. She’s so avaricious, she claims to be ‘moneysexual’, and she spurns the advances of men…

At least, she did, until she met Hiroki.

Marina is a wealthy businesswoman who owns a well-known clothing company. Though she’s only thirty-one, she’s one of the richest women in Japan, and she’s respected by men and woman more than twice her age.

Marina is a coolly confident beauty. She isn’t the sort to fluster easily, and she has no qualms about taking whatever she wants. She’s domineering, with a sadistic streak, but she has a motherly side, and she’s good at dispensing advice.

Cosmos is a popular social media star, with over three million followers on RapidPound. Cosmos shot to stardom after posting a series of semi-nude photos of herself online, which went viral. Since then, she’s been revered as the sexiest, most daring RapidPounder of all time.

Though Cosmos dresses and acts in a provocative manner, this isn’t entirely intentional. At heart, she’s a naïve girl, with no genuine understanding of the effect her half-naked body elicits in the opposite (and, in some cases, same) sex. This often gets her in trouble, though she can’t fathom why.

Cosmos is known for lewd photos, but she’s a sweetheart who believes in true love. She dreams of one day meeting a handsome prince who’ll sweep her off her feet.

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This game contains imagery or scenes that people might consider as mature.

Ogasawara Hiroki is a thoroughly average man… or, at least, he was. That soon changed, however, when a meeting with one of Japan’s most famous idols turns his life upside down.

Hiroki soon learns, after a series of increasingly improbable events, that several of Japan’s most famous female celebs are actually succubi – and his scent makes him irresistible to them!

Now, three beautiful women are vying for his attention: the two-faced idol Ayu, the mature businesswoman Marina, and the ditzy social media star, Cosmos.

It’s hard enough for Hiroki to juggle his demanding job as a photographer with three potential girlfriends, but things are about to get even harder. A refined actress, Hifumi, now has her eye on Hiroki, as does a cheery sportswoman, Hazel.

Hiroki’s harem is set to gain even more members…

But does he have enough time and energy to give these women what they want?

Ayu is a famous idol known throughout Japan. She’s famous for her good looks and her cutesy stage persona, but all this is a front. Unbeknownst to Ayu’s loyal fans, she’s secretly a foul-tempered brat who loves money above all else.

She isn’t a particularly pleasant person, but she knows how to turn on the charm whenever she wants something – but alas! Hiroki knows too much of her wily ways to be fooled.

Marina is a wealthy businesswoman who owns her own company. She’s only thirty-one, but she’s incredibly successful, and courts a good deal of awe and respect from the upper echelons of society.

She has a bit of a sadistic streak, and likes to tease Hiroki, but she (unlike Ayu) knows when to draw the line, and would never deliberately hurt someone she cares for.

Cosmos is a social media star with a huge presence on RapidPound. She has over three million followers, and she devotes herself to them fully: forever taking photos of herself dressed up in cute, slightly suggestive outfits.

Though Cosmos has a lot of fans, she doesn’t have very many friends. Teased by her fellow succubi for her slow, spacey nature, Cosmos finds it hard to gauge how she’s supposed to interact with others. No matter what she does or says, it never comes out quite right.

For a ‘social’ media star, she finds being ‘social’ incredibly hard!

Hifumi is an actress who has been a staple of the Japanese movie industry since the tender age of eighteen. Now a veteran, with many years on the silver screen under her belt, her name is a household one, and she has legions of fans across the globe.

Hifumi is a refined, elegant woman who loves all things quintessentially Japanese. The very definition of a ‘Yamato Nadeshiko’, Hifumi is diligent, caring, and incredibly good at cooking…

But, for some reason, Ayu and Cosmos seem to distrust her. Perhaps there’s more behind her sweet smile than she lets on?

Hazel is an up-and-coming tennis star born from a Japanese mother and an American father. A cheerful and energetic girl, Hazel approaches life with nothing less than 110%, and she’s almost always seen with a blinding smile.

Though relatively young, she demands a captive audience during every match, and has quite the fanbase. She’s so bubbly, it really is impossible to hate her!

There are several curious rumors circulating about her online, however, which catch Hiroki’s interest. Hazel’s hiding far more than her wide grin suggests!

Жанры новеллы: Мистика, Этти, Хентай, Визуальная новелла

руссификатор sakura succubus делал один опыт новичок но старался очень сейчас начал руссифицировать вторую чать выйдет третья начну сразу руссификацию.(присутсвует хентай патч тоже русский)

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Успел скачать новеллу пару дней назад. Сейчас уже её не вижу. Но что могу сказать по поводу русского. гугл переводчик и то лучше бы справился ._.


Скачал чисто ради интереса и праздного воскресного вечера.
Перевод 100% машинный, с топорной автозаменой "вы" на "ты", из-за чего текст изобилует перлами типа "тыступление" или "счастлиты".
Ну, какие новеллы, такой и перевод.


Эм, а где сама игра? я помню что была страница игры, не только русификатора, надеюсь на ответ.

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