Resident evil 6 умения

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Resident Evil 6 : Трейнер/Trainer (+8) [1.0] <Abolfazl.k></p>

Resident Evil 6: Hex-Коды [1.0.6] <DEMON26></p>

Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6: Трейнер/Trainer (+13) [1.6 Steam] <LIRW / GHL></p>
<p> - Updated: 12.03.2020

Resident Evil 6: Трейнер/Trainer (+8) [1.1.0] <solyk></p>

Resident Evil 6: Трейнер/Trainer (+9) [1.1.0] [Update 03.07.2018] [64 Bit] <Baracuda></p>

Resident Evil 6: Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 20.08.2017] <gir489></p>

как тратить очки умений и как эти умения приобретать.

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выглядит так

Настоящий хит: Боевик Resident Evil 6 от Capcom пополнил подборку "Хитов PlayStation" на PlayStation 4

Новая игра в легендарной серии «ужастиков», которая начиная с четвертой части взяла «новаторский» курс развития, пересекающийся с жанром бодрых и динамичных экшенов.

К прискорбию старых фанатов, RE6 с этого курса сворачивать не собирается. Напротив, она намеревается еще дальше отойти от заветов survival horror и окончательно побрататься с лихими экшен/адвенчурами.

Запрягать сюжетную колесницу Resident Evil 6 начинает спустя 10 лет после печально известного инцидента в Раккун-Сити (Raccoon City). Катализатором же для удалой поездки выступает решение президента Соединенных Штатов Америки рассказать миру всю правду о тех страшных событиях в надежде на то, что сия небывалая откровенность поможет обуздать распространяющиеся по земшару биотеррористические настроения. Да вот незадача, ушлые террористы нападают на место проведения пресловутой пресс-конференции, превращают президента в одну из жертв вируса и, собственно, ставят Леона Кеннеди, пережившего трагедию в Раккун-Сити, перед жутко сложным выбором – убивать ли главу государства или не убивать.

В то же время на другом краю Земли, а именно в Китае, над которым нависла угроза биологической атаки, выполнение миссии особой важности начинает член альянса по борьбе с биотерроризмом Крис Редфилд. Работенки у него много, так как мир постепенно погружается в пучины отчаяния, а все его народонаселение банально не верит в то, что где-то еще теплится надежда на спасение.

В плане игровой механики Resident Evil 6 продолжает то, что начала пятая часть, – добавила систему укрытий, несколько простых акробатических трюков, позволяющих «скользить» аки Мегамен по полу и кинематографично разворачиваться на 180 градусов, а также обучила героев идти, целиться и стрелять одновременно. Кооператив никуда не делся – он сожительствует в RE6 с одиночной кампанией.

Resident Evil 6 Skills Guide

Resident Evil 6 is a tough game to beat unless you know what are the best combinations to pick for your skill trees to help increase your chances of survival. Due to each character being uniquely different, you will need to select the best skills suited to match for each character in the campaign. All skills can be used by each character on the game but some are better suited for others.

Resident Evil 6 Skill Trees

There's multiple skills you can choose but it's limited to 3 skills per tree.

  • Each skill is based upon your play style and on whose campaign you play. Each character have their advantages and disadvantages, like being resilient to attacks or having a faster reload speed compared to others. Skill points are needed to balance each character to help improve them for survival.
  • The best skill points are firearm, pierce, defense, j'avo killer, zombies hunter, item drop increase, melee, breakout, shooting wild, quick reload and anything that increases your ammo.
  • The skills to start off with is firearm, defense, and Zombie Hunter or breakout for Leon's campaign to to ensure you'll be able to get passed the horde easily.
  • For both Jake's and Chris's campaign it's defense, firearm, and j'avo killer since their campaigns contains mainly j'avo, so Zombie hunter will be a useless skill for them on some chapters.
  • On Ada's campaign you'll need defense, quick reload, and firearm or breakout.
  • Firearm is a powerful skill when leveled up and it can help by taking a lot of damage based on the level. Defense can help you withstand the attacks from the various amounts of enemies.
  • Breakout helps to get out of the enemy's grip in a faster time limit. It's the best when paired with quick reload and defense when you're surrounded.
  • Zombie hunter deals extra damage to zombies when its selected. Melee increase the damage when you attack the zombies / J’avo instead of shooting.
  • Lock-on helps to stabilize your gun while shooting through the scope. This skills is best to be selected if you are shooting through the scope often or if you play as Piers, since he doesn't keep the weapon steady when the scope is active.
  • J'avo killer is the same as zombie hunter except it deals more damage to the J'avo only.
  • Item drop increase will give your character a chance to make an enemy drop items that can be proven useful ( e.g. bullets, herbs, etc).
  • AR ammo pickup increase helps your character to pick up more AR ammo. This skill is best to be used for Chris if you decide to play as him on the campaign.
  • Shooting wild can increase your attack power on your shots, but it's more effective when your firearm skill is leveled up to increase the proficiency of the shot greatly to deal damage. This power combo is great but since shooting wild is selected, the target sight is altered, so you can't target enemies accurately.
  • Quick reload is best for the slow weapons (e.g. shotgun, Hydra, etc.) or for characters that can't reload as fast as others. Pierce is when you shoot 1 bullet it will hit more than 1 enemy at a time if they are in a row.
  • Each character is allowed to choose all skills but are limited to picking only 3 skills to benefit them through the campaign. It's best to pick the the ones that helps your character and is flexible to your style of playing.
  • If your are balanced, not taking much hits, but conserve ammo or herbs then it's recommended to choose skills that helps to help your character.

Leon’s Offensive Style

  • Firearm increase
  • Shooting wild
  • Quick reload

Helen’s Standard Style

  • Firearm
  • Defense
  • Breakout / zombie hunter / melee / quick reload

Chris’s Standard Style

  • Defense
  • Firearm
  • J’avo killer / melee / item drop increase / AR ammo pickup increase

Leon’s Standard Style

  • Firearm
  • Defense
  • Breakout / Zombie Hunter / Melee

Ada’s Offensive Style

  • Quick reload
  • Firearm
  • Item drop increase

If you're trying to protect yourself but you're not so good with evading, then you should be capable of rationing your ammo, then this is the best to use.

Sherry’s Defensive Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Defense
  • Quick reload / firearm

Sherry’s Offensive Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Firearm
  • Defense / melee / quick reload

Leon’s Defensive Style

  • Defense
  • Breakout
  • Quick reload

Chris’s Defensive Style

  • Defense
  • Quick reload
  • Field medic ( single player only) / j'avo killer / AR ammo increase

Helen’s Defensive Style

  • Breakout
  • Defense
  • Item drop increase / quick reload

Piers’s Defensive Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Quick reload / item drop increase
  • Defense

Ada’s Standard Style

  • Firearm
  • Defense
  • Quick reload / melee / breakout

If you're a pro and you're trying to finish off lots of zombies in breeze, with your quick efficiency to mash buttons and evading isn't a problem then this will work proficiently.

How To Level Up Fast

One of the fastest ways to earn extra points to purchase skills and upgrades is by playing on mercenaries mode.

There's many locations for farming skill points on Resident Evil 6 for each campaign.

  • For Leon's campaign, on chapter 2, the level with the cathedral, there's b.o.w.’s to kill to rack up your points. The shriekers and bloodshot are worth about 1k each , but when you get to the cathedral they are only worth 100 to 500 points each.
  • On chapter 4, for Leon's campaign, select co-op for a easy advantage to help claim the points fast. If you can beat Chris and Piers to the elevator to claim two metal boxes with 2k points in each.
  • Then unlock door 1 faster then both Chris and Piers to claim 3 more metal boxes with skill points worth about 14k together. You'll have an easy 16k each time by making your partner leave, then advance to Simon's cutscene, next skip it to let it save and repeat it again with your partner before getting to the elevator to get 16k again.
  • For Chris's campaign, on chapter 2-3 and 2-4 together will help you gain 30k. This is the part where you fight the giant b.o.w., ogroman, each 1 you kill is 4k each. Instead of taking the route through the sewer to get to the 4th AA gun, skip it and go through the door and head for the roof to kill the 2nd ogroman.
  • You can also kill Napads and strelaks to gain 1k to 1.5k each.
  • If you pick chapter 5 of Chris's campaign, which takes about 8 minutes, you'll be able to gain 18k to 20k.
  • Select firearm, defense, and infinite grenade launcher as a skill tree. Head towards the part where you have to hold off enemies for two mins and kill all of them while picking up your skill points as they drop them.
  • On Jake's campaign on chapter 3 you can earn 4k each for killing el giante.
  • In chapter 4 ,in the shopping district, use Jake to break crates and open boxes to claim about 18k each time within 3 minutes on no hope difficulty mode. Go to the door and open it. Finally it save and repeat. This is the easiest way out of all of them.
  • Another way to rack up about 30k+ is to pick Ada on chapter 2, in the underground lab level.
  • Select infinite for your rifle, critical hit, and firearm as your skills. Next head to the level and kill as many enemies as you can while breaking crates or opening metal boxes for extra points each time
  • Mercenaries mode is another way to get tons of points to buy skills. If you can survive the wave of enemies you'll be able to keep your points, but if you don't you'll lose them.

Chris’s Offensive Style

  • Firearm
  • Shooting wild
  • J'avo killer / melee

How To Gain XP

Skill points are technically your XP which allows you to level up your character to help them advance more easily through the game. You can gain the point by breaking crates, checking hidden metal boxes, and when they are dropped by b.o.w.’s or certain enemies.

Depending on the b.o.w., u can gain 1k to 5k skill points from each one you defeat. For some crates and other enemies can vary from 100 to 1k. The metal boxes, if you find any, can range from about 2k to 5k each.

Jake’s Offensive Style

  • Firearm
  • Melee / quick reload
  • J'avo killer

Helen’s Offensive Style

  • Quick reload
  • Firearm
  • Item drop increase / melee

Piers’s Standard Style

  • Lock-on
  • J'avo killer
  • Melee / item drop increase

Sherry’s Standard Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Defense
  • Quick reload / melee

Ada’s Defensive Style

  • Defense
  • Quick reload
  • Firearm / item drop increase

All characters can use other skills that's meant to be used by others but some will be for better use on other characters.

Jake’s Defensive Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Defense
  • Item drop increase / firearm

Piers’s Offensive Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Quick reload / melee
  • Breakout / shooting wild

Jake’s Standard Style

  • J'avo killer
  • Firearm
  • Melee / item drop increase

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