Редукс фпс буст для гта 5 рп

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Мод полезен для тех у кого слабый ПК, также подходит и для других ПК, можно повысить FPS и стабилизировать его или просто поднять уровень графики. Мод заключаеться на грамотной балансировке Lod ов и дальности прорисовке. Качество графики остаеться прежним. Не используйте этот мод вместе с enb или sweeftFX. На своем ноутбуке pavilion dv7 gt230m(разогнана) +i5 520m 2,6 Ghz у меня 30 фпс ночью, а также 40+ в день, в дождь просадки до 25 fps, при высоком качестве воды а также текстур, с расрешением экрана 1600х900 вот видео

Дело в том что я все моды перепробовал, толк от них один - убить графику, этот же мод ничего не портит, только освобождает ресурсы.

Рекомендую использовать этот мод в паре с low grass vegetation а также Re-sized gta5.

Данная сборка файлов (а именно текстовики commandline готовые конфиги) суть их в повышение впс в игре, выбераем нужный вам 1080р или 720р и кидаем в папку с уст игрой (у меня лица не знаю как у вас у меня выдаёт 120-ть фпс) далее играем и радуемся :))


Для GTA Online тизерят "новое захватывающее приключение", посвященное 20-летнему юбилею GTA 3

Для GTA Online тизерят "новое захватывающее приключение", посвященное 20-летнему юбилею GTA 3

Утроенные награды за все каскадерские гонки и гонки по воздуху в GTA Online на этой неделе

Утроенные награды за все каскадерские гонки и гонки по воздуху в GTA Online на этой неделе

Если для 4 части было много параметров commandline, которых в игровых настройках не было, то для 5 все что можно вписать в него, можно и в игре изменить. По крайней мере я не нашел в интернете, никаких дополнительных строк, кроме стандартных графических. И смысла от него пожалуй никакого. Правда, если находясь не в игре, посетит мысля об изменении какого то пункта, который требует перезапуска, можно сразу вбить это в Commandline, что бы не надо было 2 раза ждать пол часа пока игра запускается. А настройки якобы для увеличения ФПС под любую систему, это подавно бред, ибо один и тот же пункт может оказывать влияние на производительность, абсолютно по разному на разных системах. Настраивать нужно самому, методом проб и ошибок, пока под себя не найдешь оптимальный вариант.

Я не знаю коим чудом сотворился этот файл, но могу с уверенностью сказать что он послан господом, не иначе. Ибо при прошлых настройках, а тоесть минимальных, игра выдавала стабильных 2 фпс в миссии с угоном тачки (самое начало основной игры). Теперь при шикарной графике (для моего экрана и восприятия) игра выдаёт заоблачные 20-25 фпс в городе на моём деревянном пк и 30-40 фпс в пригороде. Я даже не знаю как отблагодарить автора!

Попробую,но там не хватает строчки - -ignoreDifferentVideoCard

а куда установить этот файл?

Anton Shalygin в игру

Что вы делаете в интернете?! Если даже не умете с компом обращаться.

speednоva я так отстроил себе что у меня 1080р работает так же как и 720р. Видеопамяти игра хочет около 3гб (у мну 1.5 всего) и работает прекрасно

11Winsent98 Што за версия гта?

Anton Shalygin село просто село. в папку с игрой копируешь файл можешь вырезать и вставить

Anton Shalygin выбираешь качество (переводчик в помощь) файлы КИДАЕШЬ В УСТ ИГРУ .

speednоva я с тобой соглашусь, но есть конфиги сохранений с "самыми минимальными" настройками, ведь например нельзя в игре тени отключить в настройках, а в нем можно, ну и дофига чего можно отключить..

А какой фаил ставить для квадрата?, где макс 1280-1024?

помогите пожалуйста.понять ни чего не могу.я файл скачал,кинул в корневую папку.а дальше что?я незнаю как выбирать и чего выбирать?

Надеюсь за это не забанят, так-как 2k на лицуху не хочется тратить просто так)

RussianCat-Barsik Не ссы, не забанят. В тех.поддержку написал им, ответили добро )

Помогло, классная вещь. Если у кого- то не работает-почитайте внимательнее описание. Если у вас игра и так не тянет, то не будет тянуть. Помогает при легких некомфортных фризах. Автору спасибо

я радуюсь за тебя (120-ть, зачем "-ть"? хотел написать всех ебать? Утебя железо какое? Верить в то что текстовые файлы увеличивают мощность калькуляторов, достойно Олигофрена откл. вертикальный импульс он то и сдерживает fps до 60. и сглаживания все нах, тени, воду, отражение и на не старом ящике fps попрёт, никаких + в игре это не добавит, разве что тупой радости что -- "Ты и твой овощной ящик самые крутые". картинка станет корявее а водить и стрелять лучше не станешь. смотри на ютуб -- a-10 7850K(без разгона ), с выставленным 2 гб для видео и 8гб (1866 МГц). разрешение 1200х720 в поиск ютуба: GTA 5 Rodando na APU AMD A10-7850K 30-40 fps, чувствуется дискомфорт гемплея? да хоть Титан воткни, улучшения не увидишь, разве только сам в это поверишь

Выберите одну из следующих категорий, чтобы начать просматривать последние моды для GTA 5 на ПК:

All Versions

251 840 загрузки , 3,0 КБ
7 сентября 2015

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  • Прочие текстуры
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771e92 1

771e92 5

771e92 6

771e92 7

771e92 2

771e92 3

771e92 4

So, today I searched a lot for a good FPS booster mod and I found this mod, named GTA V HD low end (link at the bottom of Description), but I didn't like how it looks. Yes, it helps a lot, gives you like 40-50 even 60 more FPS, but it makes the game a lot crappy, looking like shit.

This mod is not for every Low End PC. Yes, it can work with Low End PCs too, but at this point, in the version 1.0 I only tested for my PC, to give me stable 60fps with high and some settings on very high with 1080p. This mod can have some bugs, but without the YOU I won't fix them! Without further ado, let's teach you how to install this mod. Since it's not moddifyng game's folder, it's easy.

1) Download the mod.
2) Go to My Computer > My Documents > Rockstar Games > GTA V
3) Make a backup of settings.xml that is in GTA V folder (you will need it for the next step) and save it to desktop (or anywhere)
4) Delete settings.xml from GTA V's folder and drag and drop my settings.xml
5) Open the backup of settings.xml (right click and select edit) and go down and copy (this is in my settings.xml because it's my GPU, so you need to copy yours)
AMD Radeon R7 200 Series (AMD Radeon R7 260X)
6) Open my settings.xml, go down and delete "
AMD Radeon R7 200 Series (AMD Radeon R7 260X)
and paste your code.
7) Save the file. Right click on settings.xml and go to properties. Here you will see the bottom of the properties a box named "Read only". Check it, then Apply and OK.

Now you're good to go. This mod is safe for online too, since it's not modifying any game's file, just changing some values.

In some days I will post more options for this mod, like low, low end etc.

My PC:
CPU: FX-6300 3.50GHz
Ram: 8GB DDR3 1333MHz
GPU: Sapphire R7 260X 1GB GDDR5

Version 2:0
Main change/update: adding more presets.
Added High Settings
Added Low 1080p Settings
Added Low End DX11 1080p Settings
Added Low end MAX FX DX10 800x600 Settings

Low End Dx11 1080p and Low end MAX FX DX10 800x600 Settings will generate some random textures in some spots because I lowered even more the Texture Render Distance. I cannot fix it without lowering that setting.

Выберите одну из следующих категорий, чтобы начать просматривать последние моды для GTA 5 на ПК:

All Versions

186 490 загрузки , 786,0 КБ
18 апреля 2018

1 042 загрузки , 786,0 КБ
16 апреля 2018

173 954 загрузки , 1,1 МБ
22 июня 2015

More mods by MRxSNIPES2:
More mods in tools category:

D0f884 lixnz4r

D49e50 new2

D49e50 new

D49e50 folder

1caf65 fczdnja

1caf65 qlmbejr

Fe0406 2016 01 21 00004

Cfb65c 20160604215127 1

Cfb65c 20160604220427 1

1caf65 2asezus






NOTE: The FPS booster was made to help players get more FPS out of their hardware. This can be useful on any computer.
This also comes with a settings.xml and documentation to help users get better frames on lower end computers and to better under stand how this works and how you can edit this to your needs.

Use in Grand Theft Auto Online:This tool does not modify the game at all so you can still play online.
This tool just stops unneeded services and programs and set the game’ s priority to a higher setting.Tested with:

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Home Premium
Nvidia GTX 660 SC
Intel Core i5 quad core 3.4Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 20-30 FPS to 45+ FPS)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 980ti 6GB VRAM
24GB DDR4 ram
Intel Core i7-4770K Quad-Core 4.0GHz
(Boosted FPS from 120-140 FPS to 150-155)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB VRAM
AMD FX-8350 4.0 Ghz 8 Core
(Fixed stuttering)

Windows 7 Home Premium
ATI Radeon 4300/4500 Series 512MB VRAM
Pentium Dual-Core CPU ES400 2.7 GHz
(Boosted FPS from 1-9 FPS to 11-23 FPS)

Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 650 2GB VRAM
Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 @ 3.61Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 14-30 FPS to 17-60 FPS and Fixed stuttering)

Change log
1.4.1 - fixed a small bug with new batch scripts
1.4.0 - Removed start_GTAV Launcher batch script.
Added a revamped retail launcher for the game directory.
redone STEAM launcher batch script.
Added recommended settings
1.3.1 - Updated the Readme.pdf
Added two new settings.xml configurations for extremely low end computers.
Settings_blocky turns peds into SLOD form, alongside other graphical changes.
To find out more, check the readme in documentation\settings xml\super low end
1.3 - Updated priority changer. Updated extra_scripts.
TXT files are now HTML to fix formatting. All txt files have been moved to documentation\old text files.
1.2.2 -Made it easier to understand how to stop services and programs. Fixed the non-steam / retail version not being able to work when the game is installed to a directory that is not in C:\
1.2.1 -fixed bugs with USER_STOP_SCRIPT and extra_scripts, thanks to R2Guy
fixed and add more option for all_launcher
1.2 -added a new script to give the user the option the choice what services and programs to stop.
added a new launcher for custom game launchers
added more error Checks
added a few hided settings in extra_scripts
added the option to change the services and programs in the extra_scripts
fixed extra_scripts being unable detect UAC setting when it is turnd off
update readme and other info that was not updated in 1.1
1.1 -Added saving answers. Added error checks alert the user of errors. Updated extra_scripts. Dropped Non_Steam_GTAVLauncher and START_GTAV_WITH OUT STOPING ANY THING (will not be updated further). Added a list of CPU speeds in documentation. Added an OS check to only show changed themes on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Added "restore theme" option Windows 7. Added an option to restart GTA V when you have exited the game.
1.0–Fixed missing code that caused Windows Update to not restart.
Fixed overlapping I/O error from the STOP and RESTORE scripting by adding a 1 second wait time for each service being started/stopped.
Fixed GTA5.exe being set to high priority and not just above normal
Fixed RETAIL_LAUNCHER not being able to CD to your GTA V folder (you may still need to change it).
Cleaned up the read me.
Cleaned up the folder.
Updated the settings.xml.
Updated documentation.
Updated and cleaned the standalone Non-Steam_GTAVLauncher.
Updated Restore RESTORE_SCRIPT to not open a new window for each service and added /y so if it asked you if you wanted to start it, it will just do it.
Added more services and programs to stop.
Added windows 8/8.1 and 10 services and programs to the list.
For Windows Vista and Windows Seven, added a script to change the theme to Windows classic for more FPS but does not yet change it back yet.
Added script to display video card name, export msinfo and dxdiag, change power settings and more (this script can be found in the standalone_scripts folder).
Added OS check and architecture
check before running the script. Added a Q&A text file. Added check for permissions and
prompt to allow you to run as admin, thanks to BatchGotAdmin.
__________–Grammar fixes
add a new script that can be put in the root of gta5 Retail/Non-Steam
if the main one does not work
__________–Added commandline.txt
non-steam fix
0.9.3–Added support for non-steam
0.9.2–Added screenshots to the documentation folder of NVIDIA and ATI/AMD control panel
add some new stuff and moved the scripts to the script_files folder
added a new script to try to help users with low RAM
0.9.1–Added a changelog, Fixed the pdf file and changed to timer from 60 to 120 to fix the slow Social Club start due to the process being set to low priority.
0.9–Added the documentation folder
0.8–Removed read-me.txt for PDF
0.7–Added the /y to one of the services to stop
0.6–Added the wait for gta5 to close be for starting restore script
0.5–Added stop and restore scripts to the start script
0.1 to 0.4–Started working on it and adding a lot to the script

Первая загрузка: 22 июня 2015
Последнее обновление: 18 апреля 2018
Последнее скачивание: 1 минуту назад

All Versions

186 490 загрузки , 786,0 КБ
18 апреля 2018

1 042 загрузки , 786,0 КБ
16 апреля 2018

173 954 загрузки , 1,1 МБ
22 июня 2015

438 комментариев

More mods by MRxSNIPES2:

NOTE: The FPS booster was made to help players get more FPS out of their hardware. This can be useful on any computer.
This also comes with a settings.xml and documentation to help users get better frames on lower end computers and to better under stand how this works and how you can edit this to your needs.

Use in Grand Theft Auto Online:This tool does not modify the game at all so you can still play online.
This tool just stops unneeded services and programs and set the game’ s priority to a higher setting.Tested with:

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Home Premium
Nvidia GTX 660 SC
Intel Core i5 quad core 3.4Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 20-30 FPS to 45+ FPS)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 980ti 6GB VRAM
24GB DDR4 ram
Intel Core i7-4770K Quad-Core 4.0GHz
(Boosted FPS from 120-140 FPS to 150-155)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB VRAM
AMD FX-8350 4.0 Ghz 8 Core
(Fixed stuttering)

Windows 7 Home Premium
ATI Radeon 4300/4500 Series 512MB VRAM
Pentium Dual-Core CPU ES400 2.7 GHz
(Boosted FPS from 1-9 FPS to 11-23 FPS)

Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 650 2GB VRAM
Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 @ 3.61Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 14-30 FPS to 17-60 FPS and Fixed stuttering)

Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods:

All Versions

186,490 downloads , 786 KB
April 18, 2018

1,042 downloads , 786 KB
April 16, 2018

173,954 downloads , 1.15 MB
June 22, 2015

More mods by MRxSNIPES2:
More mods in tools category:

D0f884 lixnz4r

D49e50 new2

D49e50 new

D49e50 folder

1caf65 fczdnja

1caf65 qlmbejr

Fe0406 2016 01 21 00004

Cfb65c 20160604215127 1

Cfb65c 20160604220427 1

1caf65 2asezus






NOTE: The FPS booster was made to help players get more FPS out of their hardware. This can be useful on any computer.
This also comes with a settings.xml and documentation to help users get better frames on lower end computers and to better under stand how this works and how you can edit this to your needs.

Use in Grand Theft Auto Online:This tool does not modify the game at all so you can still play online.
This tool just stops unneeded services and programs and set the game’ s priority to a higher setting.Tested with:

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Home Premium
Nvidia GTX 660 SC
Intel Core i5 quad core 3.4Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 20-30 FPS to 45+ FPS)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 980ti 6GB VRAM
24GB DDR4 ram
Intel Core i7-4770K Quad-Core 4.0GHz
(Boosted FPS from 120-140 FPS to 150-155)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB VRAM
AMD FX-8350 4.0 Ghz 8 Core
(Fixed stuttering)

Windows 7 Home Premium
ATI Radeon 4300/4500 Series 512MB VRAM
Pentium Dual-Core CPU ES400 2.7 GHz
(Boosted FPS from 1-9 FPS to 11-23 FPS)

Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 650 2GB VRAM
Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 @ 3.61Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 14-30 FPS to 17-60 FPS and Fixed stuttering)

Change log
1.4.1 - fixed a small bug with new batch scripts
1.4.0 - Removed start_GTAV Launcher batch script.
Added a revamped retail launcher for the game directory.
redone STEAM launcher batch script.
Added recommended settings
1.3.1 - Updated the Readme.pdf
Added two new settings.xml configurations for extremely low end computers.
Settings_blocky turns peds into SLOD form, alongside other graphical changes.
To find out more, check the readme in documentation\settings xml\super low end
1.3 - Updated priority changer. Updated extra_scripts.
TXT files are now HTML to fix formatting. All txt files have been moved to documentation\old text files.
1.2.2 -Made it easier to understand how to stop services and programs. Fixed the non-steam / retail version not being able to work when the game is installed to a directory that is not in C:\
1.2.1 -fixed bugs with USER_STOP_SCRIPT and extra_scripts, thanks to R2Guy
fixed and add more option for all_launcher
1.2 -added a new script to give the user the option the choice what services and programs to stop.
added a new launcher for custom game launchers
added more error Checks
added a few hided settings in extra_scripts
added the option to change the services and programs in the extra_scripts
fixed extra_scripts being unable detect UAC setting when it is turnd off
update readme and other info that was not updated in 1.1
1.1 -Added saving answers. Added error checks alert the user of errors. Updated extra_scripts. Dropped Non_Steam_GTAVLauncher and START_GTAV_WITH OUT STOPING ANY THING (will not be updated further). Added a list of CPU speeds in documentation. Added an OS check to only show changed themes on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Added "restore theme" option Windows 7. Added an option to restart GTA V when you have exited the game.
1.0–Fixed missing code that caused Windows Update to not restart.
Fixed overlapping I/O error from the STOP and RESTORE scripting by adding a 1 second wait time for each service being started/stopped.
Fixed GTA5.exe being set to high priority and not just above normal
Fixed RETAIL_LAUNCHER not being able to CD to your GTA V folder (you may still need to change it).
Cleaned up the read me.
Cleaned up the folder.
Updated the settings.xml.
Updated documentation.
Updated and cleaned the standalone Non-Steam_GTAVLauncher.
Updated Restore RESTORE_SCRIPT to not open a new window for each service and added /y so if it asked you if you wanted to start it, it will just do it.
Added more services and programs to stop.
Added windows 8/8.1 and 10 services and programs to the list.
For Windows Vista and Windows Seven, added a script to change the theme to Windows classic for more FPS but does not yet change it back yet.
Added script to display video card name, export msinfo and dxdiag, change power settings and more (this script can be found in the standalone_scripts folder).
Added OS check and architecture
check before running the script. Added a Q&A text file. Added check for permissions and
prompt to allow you to run as admin, thanks to BatchGotAdmin.
__________–Grammar fixes
add a new script that can be put in the root of gta5 Retail/Non-Steam
if the main one does not work
__________–Added commandline.txt
non-steam fix
0.9.3–Added support for non-steam
0.9.2–Added screenshots to the documentation folder of NVIDIA and ATI/AMD control panel
add some new stuff and moved the scripts to the script_files folder
added a new script to try to help users with low RAM
0.9.1–Added a changelog, Fixed the pdf file and changed to timer from 60 to 120 to fix the slow Social Club start due to the process being set to low priority.
0.9–Added the documentation folder
0.8–Removed read-me.txt for PDF
0.7–Added the /y to one of the services to stop
0.6–Added the wait for gta5 to close be for starting restore script
0.5–Added stop and restore scripts to the start script
0.1 to 0.4–Started working on it and adding a lot to the script

First Uploaded: June 22, 2015
Last Updated: April 18, 2018
Last Downloaded: 1 minute ago

All Versions

186,490 downloads , 786 KB
April 18, 2018

1,042 downloads , 786 KB
April 16, 2018

173,954 downloads , 1.15 MB
June 22, 2015


More mods by MRxSNIPES2:

NOTE: The FPS booster was made to help players get more FPS out of their hardware. This can be useful on any computer.
This also comes with a settings.xml and documentation to help users get better frames on lower end computers and to better under stand how this works and how you can edit this to your needs.

Use in Grand Theft Auto Online:This tool does not modify the game at all so you can still play online.
This tool just stops unneeded services and programs and set the game’ s priority to a higher setting.Tested with:

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Home Premium
Nvidia GTX 660 SC
Intel Core i5 quad core 3.4Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 20-30 FPS to 45+ FPS)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 980ti 6GB VRAM
24GB DDR4 ram
Intel Core i7-4770K Quad-Core 4.0GHz
(Boosted FPS from 120-140 FPS to 150-155)

Original settings.xml
Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD Radeon HD 6970 2GB VRAM
AMD FX-8350 4.0 Ghz 8 Core
(Fixed stuttering)

Windows 7 Home Premium
ATI Radeon 4300/4500 Series 512MB VRAM
Pentium Dual-Core CPU ES400 2.7 GHz
(Boosted FPS from 1-9 FPS to 11-23 FPS)

Windows 7 Ultimate
Nvidia GTX 650 2GB VRAM
Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 @ 3.61Ghz
(Boosted FPS from 14-30 FPS to 17-60 FPS and Fixed stuttering)

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