Правильное написание примера new york a city in the usa

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

New York is the (1)(large) city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs, it is the (2)(big) city in the world. It is one of the (3)(important) industrial cities in the country. Some of the (4)(old) historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New York City are the (5)(high) buildings in the whole world. Now New York includes five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the (6)(small) in size but it is the heart and source of American policy. Perhaps, the (7)(expensive) office buildings in the world are there. The Bronx is a (8)(residential) than industrial part of the city. Queens is both residential and industrial area. New York’s two (9)(big) airports are both there. Brooklyn has (10)(many) people than any other part of the city – about 3, 000, 000. It is mostly a district of middle class people. New York has the (11)(great) number of factories, the (12)(large) banks and post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the (13)(heavy) mail bags. It is truly the (14)(famous) business city. New York is also called the cultural capital of the USA. There are a lot of museums in New York. One of the (15)(good) known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Нью-Йорк является (1) (большой) город в США . Возможно, со всеми его пригородами, это (2 ) (большой ) город в мире. Это один из (3) ( важный) промышленных городов в стране. Некоторые из (4) (старый) исторических зданий там. Некоторые из зданий в Нью -Йорке являются (5) (высокий) зданий во всем мире . Теперь Нью-Йорк состоит из пяти районов: Манхэттен, Бронкс, Квинс, Бруклин и Ричмонд. Манхэттен является (6) ( малый) в размерах, но это сердце и источник американской политики. Может быть, (7) ( дорогие) офисных зданий в мире нет . Бронкс (8) ( жилого ), чем промышленной части города. Куинс жилой и промышленной зоны. В Нью-Йорке два ( 9 ) (большой ) аэропорты и там . Бруклин (10) ( многих ) людей, чем любой другой части города - около 3, 000, 000. Это в основномрайоне люди среднего класса . В Нью-Йорке (11) ( большое ) количество заводов, (12) (большой) банки и почтовые отделения . Он отправляет много писем и получает (13) ( тяжелый) мешков почты. Это действительно (14) ( известных) бизнес города. Нью-Йорк также называют культурной столицей США . Есть много музеев в Нью-Йорке. Один из (15 ) (хорошо) известно, музей Метрополитен

1)Largest 2)Big 3)important 4) oldest 5) high 6)small 7)expensive 8)living 9)bigs(large) 10)many 11)greats 12)large 13)heavy 14) famous 15)is well(good) known

Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

New York is the (1) largest city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs, it is the (2) biggest city in the world. It is one of the (3) most important industrial cities in the country. Some of the (4) oldest historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New York City are the (5) highest buildings in the whole world. Now New York includes five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the (6) smallest in size but it is the heart and source of American policy. Perhaps, the (7) most expensive office buildings in the world are there. The Bronx is a (8) mora residential than industrial part of the city. Queens is both residential and industrial area. New York’s two (9) biggest airports are both there. Brooklyn has (10) more people than any other part of the city – about 3, 000, 000. It is mostly a district of middle class people. New York has the (11) the greatest number of factories, the (12) largest banks and post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the (13) heaviest mail bags. It is truly the (14) most famous business city. New York is also called the cultural capital of the USA. There are a lot of museums in New York. One of the (15) best known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art

С New York is the largest city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs (пригород), it is the largest city in the world. It is one of 33 the most important industrial cities in the country. Some of the oldest and historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New YorkCity are the highest buildings in the whole world. New York City is not only the largest city in the US; it is also the most important industrial center. Perhaps, the most expensive office buildings in the worldare there. It has the greatest number of factories, the largest banksand post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the most heavy mail bags. It is truly the most important business city.

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New York is the (1)(large) city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs, it is the (2)(big) city in the world. It is one of the (3)(important) industrial cities in the country. Some of the (4)(old) historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New York City are the (5)(high) buildings in the whole world. Now New York includes five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the (6)(small) in size but it is the heart and source of American policy. Perhaps, the (7)(expensive) office buildings in the world are there. The Bronx is a (8)(residential) than industrial part of the city. Queens is both residential and industrial area. New York’s two (9)(big) airports are both there. Brooklyn has (10)(many) people than any other part of the city – about 3, 000, 000. It is mostly a district of middle class people. New York has the (11)(great) number of factories, the (12)(large) banks and post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the (13)(heavy) mail bags. It is truly the (14)(famous) business city. New York is also called the cultural capital of the USA. There are a lot of museums in New York. One of the (15)(good) known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York is the (1) largest city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs, it is the (2) biggest city in the world. It is one of the (3) most important industrial cities in the country. Some of the (4) oldest historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New York City are the (5) highest buildings in the whole world. Now New York includes five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the (6) smallest in size but it is the heart and source of American policy. Perhaps, the (7) most expensive office buildings in the world are there. The Bronx is a (8) mora residential than industrial part of the city. Queens is both residential and industrial area. New York’s two (9) biggest airports are both there. Brooklyn has (10) more people than any other part of the city – about 3, 000, 000. It is mostly a district of middle class people. New York has the (11) the greatest number of factories, the (12) largest banks and post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the (13) heaviest mail bags. It is truly the (14) most famous business city. New York is also called the cultural capital of the USA. There are a lot of museums in New York. One of the (15) best known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art

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