Pillars of eternity 2 доспехи стража

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Armor in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire are covered on this page. Armor is an equippable item that occupies the Body slot, and provides the wearer defensive bonuses during combat, particularly increasing his/her Damage Reduction (DR). Each piece of armor inflicts some penalty on the Recovery Speed of the wearer (Recovery is the amount of time that a character spends between actions). Heavier armor usually inflicts longer Recovery penalties, so your goal is to mainain a balance between your character's defense and his/her ability to attack enemies efficiently.

There are several types of armor available, each piece of armor has a particular level of quality (from Normal to Legendary), which affects the amount of damage reduced by armor. You can upgrade the quality of unique (and only unique) armor through its Enchanting menu.

Вообщем у меня в инвинтаре лежат осколки 2 клинков с 1 игры. Вопрос кто может их перековать.

В Некитаке кузнец есть (вроде на карте города локация над портом)

откуда 2 клинка? я один ток нашел в каюте на корабле

Может тот ящик из начала игры, где делаешь выбор - или матрос или ящик с вещами?

Не я выбрал матроса. Еще есть маза найти соулбонд клинок Мурим кажется в руинах старого города точка на карте называеться убежище. Мечь разговаривает вы его не пропустите))))

Литейная Марихи на Возвышенности Перики в Некитаке.

Вообщем если у вас и осколки шёпота и глубин то вы можете попросить сковать вам эти два меча в 1.

почему два то, не пойму. У меня только осколки шепота

А сундук кто нибудь спасал вместо матроса? Интересно, что там?

по моему, в каюте лежали, но это не точно

Хз у меня оба клинка лежали, ну т.е обломки)
Может чтоб они лежали надо было в первую часть играть?

я играл, и клинки у меня были эти, но в каюте лежали ток шепота осколки

сохранки перенёс. спас матроса,ящик утонул. где то через несколько(7-10?) часов игры,плывя по морю сработал триггер и я очутился в каюте корабля,где лежали осколки двух мечей. так что как я понял ящик и нафиг не нужен

видимо, значит надо именно переносить сохраненки а не создавать историю в редакторе

От выбора зависит. Я создавала историю в редакторе, ибо старые сейвы не сохранились. Один раз выбрала перековку Клинка бесконечных путей, и в сундуке были только осколки Шёпота Йенвуда, а во второй раз перековку не выбирала и появились осколки обоих мечей.

в каком редакторе?=) я тоже так хочу. И можно скинуть пжл скрин со статами меча, и какие можно заточить. Может и не стоит париться. А то думаю первую часть заного проходить уже

В игровом редакторе можно настроить предысторию по своему усмотрению. Главное меню - Настройки - Задать показатели из PoE1.

Логика с первого взгляда не ясная. но есть - обломки так и лежали в ящике, потому их перетащили на корабль. А собранный меч ГГ посеял.

. безвозвратно утерян в ходе инцидента со статуей Марос Нуа.

Magerose написал:
второй раз перековку не выбирала и появились осколки обоих мечей

Я тоже ставил в одной предыстории этот параметр, но видимо что-то не сработало, в обоих случаях были только осколки Шёпота Йенвуда. Надо будет ещё раз попробовать, с новым патчем.

Очуметь, Спасибо огромное!, мне просто глаза раскрыли, я и не видел этого редактора.

зависит от сложности игры играл на испытании железом было два клинка начал проходить заново но уже без испытания 1 клинок хотя сейв от 1 части один и тот же

This article is about armor in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. For armor in Pillars of Eternity and expansions, see Armor.

There are no restrictions on what armor or shield characters can use, but the mechanics of classes may lend themselves better to certain weights.


Armor rating [ ]

Characters have Armor Ratings that represent their ability to resist Penetration from different damage types. Attacks that cause damage have a Penetration value that is used to determine how easily they can overcome the target's Armor Rating.

Armor Rating value is usually derived from armor, but many creatures have natural AR or can raise it through the use of magic, Abilities, Talents, or other equipment.

Armor Rating is compared against the Penetration of oncoming attacks to determine the attack's overall effectiveness.

  • Full Penetration (130% Damage) occurs when Penetration is twice the target's Armor Rating or more.
  • Partial Penetration (100% Damage) occurs when Penetration meets or exceeds the target's Armor Rating.
  • Under Penetration (-25% Damage per point under the target's Armor, Max -75%) occurs when Penetration is less than the target's Armor Rating.

Note that many suits of armor and many creatures will grant different Armor Rating values against the different Damage Types. Lower ARs protect less against that type of damage, making the target more vulnerable to attacks of that type.

Armor rating on creatures [ ]

Most creatures that do not wear armor have a built-in armor rating, which is represented as an unobtainable item equipped to them. Unlike regular armor, this armor usually scales based on the creature's level.


Description [ ]

Though likely a thousand years have passed since the Glamfellan crafted this armor, it seems impeccably cared for - at least until it spent four centuries frozen to a corpse. The magic of the Vytmádh has permanently altered the armor, encasing it in jagged spurs of ice. Whether the armor bore these blessings of the White Void when worn by the temple guardians of centuries' past remains unclear.

He knew the Land only as stories. A vast white emptiness, like the blue sea around the temple, but cold and hard. He imagined the snow bears, great white masses of fur and muscle, and the walruses, with their spear-like tusks raking the ice for food, and dreamt of sledding across the ragged, frozen land.

He would never set eyes upon them. His place was here, in this ancient temple, watching over the White Maw, protecting it from those who would despoil it and casting away the tools and weapons of the lesser divines.

Rynhaedr took him aside one afternoon, after their exercises. The chosen of Rymrgand had only a few winters on him, but she'd been personally tapped by Winter to stand watch at the gate to his dominion. She wore that authority like a mantle, shoulders squared, chin raised. Confident.

She sent him from the isle then - to the Land. To know the Land, she explained, was to know Winter. There could be no understanding of one without understanding of the other, and a guardian must know Winter as they know themselves.

So he found himself, heart near to bursting within his chest, bundled against the cold on the next supply ship, its prow pointed south.

He returned a hard man to a frozen home.

The Land had forged him anew of hoarfrost and rime - once-soft hands now hard as ice, formerly-lanky arms now bulging with muscle, clean face now boasting a beard as full and white as a snow bear's pelt.

But all were dead. Some had been torn apart, their limbs scattered and ribs opened. Others stood frozen at their stations. Rynhaedr herself held the opened Maw, vigilant even in demise.

He felt no sadness, no pulsing fear. He understood the Land, and so he understood Winter. When the growl rose from the Maw, he knew it for an interloper. He took up his spear and his shield, and he strode into the Void.

Types [ ]

Offering minimal protection, cloth armor consists of layers of wool or linen cloth. Though it does not provide much protection, it is the least restrictive type of body armor.

Hide armor is commonly worn by woodsmen, Glanfathan explorers, and those who favor speed over protection. Hide armor is made of layers of soft leather. Though its construction often requires multiple layers to provide dependable protection, it does little to slow its wearer in combat.

Stiffer and more durable than ordinary hide armor, leather armor is shaped and boiled in oil to achieve its distinctive finish and toughness. Leather armor is often chosen by adventurers who want a balance of protection and speed.

Padded armor consists of heavily quilted wool or linen and offers modest protection against crushing attacks. Though it cannot protect against heavy attacks, it does not slow its wearers down much.

Breastplates are popular for offering a modest amount of protection without the restrictive movement of heavier mail and full suits of plate armor. Due to their widespread use by warriors from the Vailian Republics, the fashion of clothing and padding worn under breastplates typically reflects Vailian styles.

Mail armor is quite popular for its protective qualities, especially against slashing attacks. Mail is comprised of thousands of small rings of steel that form a flexible mesh. Normally worn over a padded jacket, mail protects well but restricts its wearer in combat.

Scale armor is made of overlapping small plates of metal or horn sewn to a leather backing. It offers a balance of protection and speed.

Despite its unassuming appearance, brigandine provides impressive protection to its wearer at a cost of speed in combat. It is made of dozens of steel plates sandwiched between canvas or leather. The plates are held in place by distinctive rivets across the surface of the brigandine.

The heaviest armor in regular use by adventurers and soldiers, plate armor protects its wearers from all but the most severe blows. It is comprised of three layers: the base padding, a suit of mail, and the top layer of steel plates.

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