Payday 2 маски infamy

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The Infamy Update

В выходом этого обновления, все игроки при достижении 100-го уровня, могут перейти в Infamy, т.е. выйти за предел максимального уровня, при этом с игрока списываются все наличные деньги, все навыки и 200к с офшорного счета. За переход в Infamy игрок получает очко Infamy, которое можно потратить в специальном "дереве бонусов" Infamy, а также постоянный бонус к опыту. Пока что это "дерево бонусов" Infamy заполнено не полностью, и доступно лишь 5 уровней Infamy (т.е. в Infamy можно перейти 5 раз, максимальный уровень теперь - V-100) и, соответственно, 5 очков Infamy, за которые можно разблокировать бонус к прокачке и специальные маски с узорами и материалами.

Кроме того, в состав входит:

  • 5 новых infamy-масок и материалы с узорами, разблокируемые за очки infamy.

John Wick Character Pack

Надвигается беда.

John Wick Character Pack - первый пакет с новым играбельным персонажем, отличным от оригинальной банды Payday. Джон Уик был добавлен к старту показа нового одноименного фильма в мире (в России - 4 декабря 2014, в мире - 19 сентября 2014).

В состав входит:

  • Новое оружие:
    • Пистолет Chimano Compact
    • Нож classic URSA

    • Введение нового класса оружия - Парное:
      • Парные пистолеты Chimano Compact
      • Парные пистолеты Crosskill
      • Парные пистолеты Bernetti 9
      • Парные пистолеты Deagle

      • 3 новых пары очков (The Collateral shades могут быть использованы только при игре за Джона Уика, т.к. это его "маска" по умолчанию).

      Hoxton Breakout Heist

      В состав входит:

      Эта маска будет доступна всем, кто по крайней мере один раз успешно завершил контракт Спасение Хокстона.

      • 4 новых достижения
      • 2 новых трека:
        • The Gauntlet
        • Something Wicked This Way Comes

        The Election Day Heist

        The Election Day Heist позволяет игрокам принять новый контракт от Слона под названием День Выборов. Вместе с ограблением идет большое стелс обновление, координально меняющее всю стелс-систему в игре.

        В состав входит:

        Это ограбление состоит из двух дней, и от того, как вы пройдете первый день, зависят локация второго дня и, соответственно, ваши задачи. Если вы пройдете оба дня по стелсу, то Слон одарит вас дополнительным денежным бонусом.

        • Новое оружие - пистолет Chimano Custom. Этот пистолет будет доступен бесплатно всем членам сообщества Steam.

        • В составе Большого стелс обновления были изменены некоторые навыки и добавлены соответствующие активы в меню активов перед стартом миссии.
        • 10 новых достижений.

        PAYDAY 2

        24 июл. 2014 в 4:48 24 июл. 2014 в 4:49 24 июл. 2014 в 4:50 It's luck, you do not need infamy to get infamous masks except for those specific few that are unlocked when you rank through infamy. All the rest are drops with very very low drop chance, this can be increased by getting rank 1 infamy. (Заблокирован) 24 июл. 2014 в 4:54 24 июл. 2014 в 4:54 For Sonem Mempo (infamous mask) you need to get samurai armor from Shadow Raid map and after putting all 4 parts to the van you will be able to get this mask. 24 июл. 2014 в 5:01 24 июл. 2014 в 5:33 24 июл. 2014 в 5:35 Reach level 100, have 200 million offshore. You'll have an option in the main menu to reset all your spending cash and your level back to 0 for an infamy point you can spend in the infamy tree. 24 июл. 2014 в 5:54 Reach level 100, have 200 million offshore. You'll have an option in the main menu to reset all your spending cash and your level back to 0 for an infamy point you can spend in the infamy tree. I'm infamous but im interesting in how get infamy points 24 июл. 2014 в 5:58 Reach level 100, have 200 million offshore. You'll have an option in the main menu to reset all your spending cash and your level back to 0 for an infamy point you can spend in the infamy tree. I'm infamous but im interesting in how get infamy points I just said you get infamy points by becoming infamous. 24 июл. 2014 в 7:36 infamous masks are really rare drops. I'm level I-76 and have only gotten two infamous masks so far (with my luck, they were bot the SAME! .-.) Other than masks, I have gotten two infamous colors and one infamous pattern. 24 июл. 2014 в 7:40 I got the wolf begins mask by card drop when I was around level 25/26 - pure luck.

        24 июл. 2014 в 7:40 Difficulty of heist played can affect drop rate of Infamous masks/materials/patterns/colors. Overkill jobs will drop Infamous more often than a Normal. Not a huge increase in multiplier though.
        Infamy masks require at least Infamy II
        Difficulty masks require clearing every heist on that difficulty. 24 июл. 2014 в 7:43 Difficulty of heist played can affect drop rate of Infamous masks/materials/patterns/colors. Overkill jobs will drop Infamous more often than a Normal. Not a huge increase in multiplier though.
        Infamy masks require at least Infamy II
        Difficulty masks require clearing every heist on that difficulty. This is news to me, i never knew that difficulty affected infamous drops. Is it a significant increase compared to the infamy drop rate increase?

        24 июл. 2014 в 7:48

        This guide will teach you everything there is to know about masks in Payday 2, it'll also hopefully inspire you to make some of your own crazy mask creations. In addition to all of that I'll also show you some of my personal favorite masks that I've made over the span of my heisting career.



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        Some masks that you may have seen that you don't have

        The Finale (And some Dope masks of my creation to go with it)

        Firstly I'd like to lay down some ground rules that will likely help anyone reading this guide and that involves the use of mods. Below I've compiled a list of useful mods that I use and personally really enjoy, they also make the mask making experience a lot easier to deal and eliminates most of the hassle that comes with getting a certain material or pattern you might want.

        (Disclaimer: I did not make any of the following mods and therefore claim that none of these are of my creation and as such I take no credit for any of them.)

        The basic gist of this mod is that it allows you to use those sweet little continental coins to buy mask materials, colors, and patterns. Oh! Did I mention that you can also buy multiple of masks that would otherwise only have one copy? Yeah you can do that too. This is going to be the foundation of our mask making as you can never have enough materials or masks. Its also a really neat party trick to switch between 2 one down masks (one being neon pink, and the other being as dark as a funeral.)

        Another really nice mod that doesn't do too much for our mask making but it does allow us to move our masks around our inventory freely, which thereby allows us to sort through them easier. (Well duh!)

        The mod does exactly what it says allows you to have more room in your inventory, more room equals more masks. (It also works for weapons too so you really can't go wrong here.)

        You'll want to have a decent amount of money for these masks as some of the infamous materials fetch a pretty penny (The gold material costing around 2,000,000 in addition to whatever fancy colors you add.)

        However with Ca$h money also comes Coin$, your gonna want at least a couple hundred thousand of these (I'm assuming most of you guys have that considering how broken Crime Spree is) With the Goonmod installed each color is going to be 6 coins and any infamous mask, material, or pattern is gonna cost an additional 18 (so 24 altogether)

        When I hop into a lobby of Payday the most often types of masks I see are the dark and edgy type. These mostly consist of DSOD masks, the normal DS mask, infamy masks, and biker from the Hotline Miami DLC. These are what I would consider the most "meta" masks and as such I happen to have some pretty nice customization options for you guys to try.

        Mask: One Down Mask (Reward for Completing every heist on DSOD)

        Material: Club Lights (John Wick DLC)

        Colors: Magenta and Blue (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: Tribal Stroke (Pottery Jam DLC)

        * Note if the same patterns, colors, or materials come up again in the guide I won't keep referring to how they are acquired*

        Mask: Biker (Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number Item)

        Colors: Magenta and Blue

        Pattern: Bugger (Gage Sniper Pack DLC)

        Mask: Lurker (Infamy Reward)

        Colors: White and Red (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: Roman (Big Bank Heist DLC)

        These are just a few examples of something you might see in a lobby and if not, well you've seen them here and can use them as you wish. However I'd like to move onto some more technical and rather glitchy things you can do with some of your "masks" in the next section.

        As the title of this section states we'll be diving into some rather odd things you can do with masks, although these "masks" that I'll be showing you aren't what would be considered masks by the real world standards.

        These are just some funny little gags that I've discovered while customizing several dozens of masks during my playtime of Payday 2

        Exhibit A: The top hats

        Good gosh are the hats in this game strange. While things like the Sailor and Captain hat (Achievement rewards from yacht heist.) are fairly "normal" the top hats from the holdout game mode are most certainly anything but. Customizing a top hat with a material is just fine, however add a pattern too it and you might at first glance see that nothing happens, however upon further inspection you would realize that the pattern has morphed its way on top of your hat.

        My guess at explaining this: The idea (I think) behind this was that overkill probably didn't intend anyone to use patterns on their top hats and as such they decided to put the place holder for where a pattern would normally go (Somewhere in the center of your mask) and move it all the way to the top so it didn't warp the colors around the hat. They probably did this so when you applied colors to said pattern it doesn't morph into some god awful looking Lovecraft horror. Or maybe they did it my complete accident ;) Who knows.

        Exhibit B: Duplicated Patterns

        So some masks have this amazing ability to duplicate the pattern that is applied to them. Sometimes this works really really REALLY well and makes your creation look really cool, or other times it turns it into the biggest meme you've ever seen. Of course both cases can be fought about but I'm just here to share the crazier side of things. A couple of masks that I've seen do this are "The Jack" from the E3 2015 event and the "Serenity" from the dragon pack DLC. I'm sure there's more but that's for you to discover :D

        Exhibit C & D: Helmet's and "The Doctor" Mask

        I figured it'd be pretty stupid to do a C and then a D section for just one mask each so I'm combining them to be a little more space efficient (On an infinite digital space boy am I smart)
        Seriously tho these are quite a bit less mind blowing (if you can call it that) than the ones prior.

        The Trophy Helmet (A Free Mask! Get it by joining the Payday 2 Community Group on Steam!):

        There are some neat combos I made using the "cut off" that happens to the pattern on this mask. Observe!

        The Doctor (Get this from buying the Bomb Heist DLC and not letting any Civies die or flee and having at least 5 alive and escape with the boat.)

        So the gag with this mask is that the place to well, place the pattern is very small and that's mostly due to the fact that it wouldn't fit on the mask (Boy oh boy does this sound stupid) Seriously tho it makes some nice masks tho.

        Some masks that you may have seen that you don't have

        Perhaps the title of this section is a little confusing, allow me to clarify for you.
        Have you ever seen someone in a lobby wearing a mask like this?

        (This is similar to my friend's)

        Or Maybe you've seen one of these bad boys.

        Well my friends no worries because today I'm going to tell you about every mask that you probably don't have (and if you do have some of these, well more power to you.)

        Humble Bundles
        So chances are if you've been around in this community for awhile you've heard of the words humble bundle (and if you understand words in general you've also probably heard humble bundle) These were a limited run of masks that were once on the Steam store just like every other piece of DLC but Alas they've been discontinued. Why you may ask, well take it up with Overkill (seriously I'm just the guide guy.) Humble Bundles Came in 4 packs. Pack 1 contains "The crossbreed" (Pictured above although it has some modifications on it.) "The Ogre" (Sorry its not Shrek) Pack 2 contained "The One Below, a spoof on "The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Lycanwulf, a spoof on a werewolf I believe. But wait there's more! Pack 4 contains "Mask of the Moon" A Legend of Zelda gag and "Borsuk" A Witcher 3 gag. Pack 3 Contained "Titan" A shadow of the Colossus gag and "Electrorodent" a Pikachu gag. Finally Pack 5 contained "The Judge" ,"Garreth" , and "Floating Guy"
        The first one being a Final Fantasy Joke (I believe don't quote me on that) The second being a Mass Effect joke, and finally the third being a DOOM joke. As I stated at the beginning of this paragraph all of these had limited runs and unfortunately there aren't many left, although you could try the second hand market (Ebay) but there are a few known scammers and I'm not entirely sure if putting you credit card information in there would really be worth it for some digital masks. Some Streamers within the community have stockpiles of these codes that they occasionally give away, although its entirely luck based so have fun. Trading has be completely ruined by Overkill so that is no longer an option sadly.

        Mega Masks: Mega Masks were first conceived when the COP was released or (Completely Overkill Pack) All this pack contained was a mega version of Houston, Wolf, Chains, and Dallas. However after a vast number of negative reviews and refunds, Overkill added several more mega masks. These are just cooler versions of masks in the game already, there are a total of 14 mega mask within this pack and it is highly valuable if you can manage to get your hands on a code for one. The reason for this is because there were only 50,000 copies made, making it easily one of the most sought after DLC packs ever. Once again the second hand market (Ebay) or (G2A) (Be careful on these sites please) is your best bet. However the prices are outrageous and often go for no less than 500 USD. Streamers probably aren't going to be gifting this pack away so no luck there.

        Mega Masks V.2.0: Now Some Mega masks CAN BE OBTAINED, yes you heard that correctly some can be obtained without resulting in the lost of your house (WOW HOW CRAZY RIGHT?!)
        Holdout is one way to get some of these, Mega Biker, Mega Pirate, and Mega War are just a few that can be obtained through this game mode, although again it is completely luck based but realistically if you played for about a day or two you'd probably have them all. Mega Rust can be unlocked for getting 250 points in Crime Spree, and Mega Greed can be unlocked after getting 950 achievements. Mega Clover and Sydney can both be found on Overkill streams and other streamers, well streams they are given away fairly often and aren't too hard to come by.

        E3 Masks: These masks were stylish masks made to mimic the Jack, Queen, King, and Joker of Playing cards Take a look.

        Again like the mega Clover and Sydney these can be obtained through the second hand market and streamers fairly commonly.

        Lootbag DLC: The lootbag DLC was something that again was released but then taken off the steam store, the mask it comes with is just a white skull, its pretty basic and you can make your own using the normal skull and plastic white material very easily. I wouldn't recommend going for this mask as its expensive and the value just isn't worth it.

        Skulldozer Mask: Was a limited edition mask that you could get from Overkill by buying a killer Skulldozer bobblehead (You can still buy the bobblehead but I'm unsure if the code still comes with it.)

        The Almir: Yes the one and only ZAG TOYS exclusive item, the Almir mask. It looks like Overkill employee Almir and can be (like all of these masks) bought on the second hand market or found from a streamer (if your lucky.)

        Well those are all the masks (To my knowledge) that aren't included in the base game that are still technically obtainable and of course just like any base game mask they can all be customized to the fullest ability.

        The Finale (And some Dope masks of my creation to go with it)

        Yes My friends we've come to our conclusion and I hope I've supplied you with just a little bit of knowledge today. But lets not talk any longer (I'll just jump right into the mask customization.)

        Mask: Shouting Dragon (Dragon Heist DLC)

        Material: Bloodied (Gage Chivalry Pack)

        Colors: Coral red and Black (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: Venomous (Gage Sniper Pack)

        Mask: Lust (Halloween Event)

        Material: Plastic White (Free)

        Colors: Black and White (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: One Shot (John Wick DLC)

        Mask: Undead Peacock (Buluc's Mansion DLC)

        Material: Neon (Base Game)

        Colors: Blue and Pink (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: Ribcage (Rarer Infamy Card Drop) (Play DSOD or DS to get infamy card drops)

        Mask: Devourer (Subscribe to the Payday 2 Community Group)

        Material: Plastic Wine Red (It might just be called Wine Red) (Common Card Drop)

        Colors: Red and Black (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: Roman (Big Bank DLC)

        Mask: Warface (Poetry Jam DLC)

        Material: Plastic White (Base Game)

        Colors: Red and Black (Common Card Drop)

        Pattern: Art (Common Card Drop)

        Yes I'm sure there's a load of Typos and I know I only showed a few of my masks but I'll see what kind of feedback this gets and if its gets a decent amount I guess I'll have to edit it and make more guides in the future, this is my first guide on Steam so please don't try and tear me to pieces. Like it or hate it, do whatever you want to it I just wanted to share some dope masks with you guys, happy heisting.

        PAYDAY 2

        9 мар. 2015 в 8:04 Купил два DLC пака, столько классных масок, а как получить не знаю. Объясните пожалуста 9 мар. 2015 в 8:15 9 мар. 2015 в 8:21 9 мар. 2015 в 8:25

        Дело в том, что в данных DLC маски выдаются за выполнение определенных достижений.

        Для Шотган пака:

        Seven Eleven
        Используя любой дробовик, убейте 7 противников за 11 секунд. Открывает короткий ствол для M1014, маску "Джон", "Взрывной" материал и рисунок "Ужас".

        Стрельба по голубям
        Убейте 10 снайперов из дробовика, заряженного флешеттами. Разблокирует Длинный Ствол для дробовика Raven, маску "Клинт", материал "Листва" и рисунок "Череп Обезъяны".

        Удачное вложение
        Убейте 10 бульдозеров, используя любой дробовик, заряженный 000 дробью. Разблокирует длинный ствол для Street Sweeper, маску "Стив", материал "Искры" и рисунок "Шеф".

        Никаких ограблений для стариков
        Завершите любое ограбление по плану А, вооружившись дробовиком Locomotive 12G с глушителем. Разблокирует глушитель для дробовика Street Sweeper, маску "Рутгер", материал "Банановая Кожура" и рисунок "Бананы".

        Для Ассалт пака:

        Precision Aiming
        Kill 25 Bulldozers using the Gewehr 3 Rifle. Unlocks the Sniper Barrel for the Clarion rifle, Sniper Stock, Sniper Grip and Sniper Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle, Precision Stock, Precision Grip and the DMR Kit for the Gewehr 3 rifle as well as the “Black Death” mask.

        (Убить 25 Будьдозеров из винтовки Гевер 3)

        Big Bada Boom
        Kill at least four enemies with one GL40 grenade launcher shot. Unlocks the Sawed-off Stock for the GL40 grenade launcher and the “Crow Goblin” mask.

        (Убить 4 врагов одним выстрелом из гранатомета GL-40)

        Rabbit Hunting
        Kill 10 Cloakers using the Gecko 7.62 rifle. Unlocks the Skeletal Stock, Fabulous Stock and Fabulous Foregrip for the Gecko 7.62 rifle as well as the “Volt” mask.

        (Убить 10 Клокеров из винтовки Гекко 7.62)

        Tour de Clarion
        Kill 200 enemies using the Clarion rifle. Unlocks the Suppressed Barrel and G2 Grip for the Clarion rifle as well as the “Professor Wrath” mask.

        (Убить 200 любых врагов из винтовки Кларион)

        Учитывая твой уровень, я пока не заморачивался по этому поводу, хотя некоторые ачивки вполне легки и выбиваются при желании даже на низком левеле.

        Бриллиантовый магазин - это дорогой ювелирный магазин высокой моды. Он оборудован новыми охранными системами, так что будьте осторожны. Это непростое ограбление, но ведь банда PAYDAY любит испытания!

        • Четыре новые маски и материалы с узорами к ним

        Титановые сейфы не могут быть вскрыты отмычкой или взорваны c4, их можно открыть только самым долгим путем - сверлением. Сейфы бренда "TITAN" производятся под ласковым лозунгом "Sock It".

        Игроки теперь имеют удовольствие узнать дизайнера уровней из команды OVERKILL, Илью, который также подрабатывает дополнительным снайпером, когда Бейн и банда PAYDAY нуждаются в помощи.

        The Shadow Raid Heist

        Новый контракт от Бейна и Гейджа, Теневой рейд, можно пройти только по плану А, т.е. по стелсу. Если вы поднимите тревогу, вам будет дано 60 секунд, чтобы завершить работу и уйти, иначе вы будете пойманы.

        В состав входит:

        Огромная локация со множеством входов, выходов, подходов и переходов. Задача проста - вытащить все ценное. Но что это будет, откуда и как вы это достанете, Гейджа не волнует, главное, чтобы работа была выполнена.

        На складе в закрытом сейфе спрятан настоящий самурайский доспех. Попробуйте выкрасть его и остаться незамеченными!

        Чтобы разблокировать эту маску, необходимо успешно завершить ограбление Теневой Рейд, при этом украв самурайский доспех целиком.

        • Размер игры снижен до 20 Гб без потери производительности.

        The Charlie Santa Heist

        В этом DLC игрокам предоставляется возможность ограбить Банк GO, основанный на карте из Counter Strike: Global Offensive (отсюда и название CS: GO -> Bank: GO), находящейся на окраине Вашингтона.

        В состав входит:

        Классический банк: взломать хранилище и достать все ценное из клиентских ячеек. В любом случае, как бы вы не действовали, у Бейна есть творческий план, как достать оттуда деньги.

        • Бесплатная маска Санты для всех членов официальной группы PAYDAY 2 в Steam

        Old Hoxton Character Pack

        "Скучали по мне, ублюдки?"
        © Хокстон

        Old Hoxton Character Pack - пакет с новым играбельным персонажем, возвращающим в игру Хокстона из оригинальной Payday: The Heist.

        В состав входит:

        • Новый играбельный персонаж - Хокстон (бывший Хокстон хоть и сохранил маску, но зовут его теперь Хьюстон).

        После череды успешных ограблений в 2011, Хокстон был захвачен ФБР и сел в тюрьму. В 2014, банда Payday помогла ему бежать. С тех пор он убежден, что кто-то его подставил.

        The Death Wish Update

        В этом обновлении была введена новая игровая сложность, два новых вида врагов, новые маски и целая куча достижений.
        Если раньше вы думали, что знаете, что значит сложно, то после Death Wish Update вы точно передумаете!

        В состав входит:

        Для всех ограблений теперь доступен новый уровень сложности, значительно понижающий шансы на успешное прохождение. Он отличается не только повышенным запасом здоровья у врагов, их меткостью и уроном, который они наносят, но и различными изменениями на самих ограблениях, которые ограничивают те или иные возможности, превращая игру в настоящий вызов.

        Элитный SWAT GenSec и элитный бульдозер, прозванный Skulldozer'ом. Первые не только тяжело бронированны, но и очень точны и быстры, а вторые вооружены ручным пулеметом KSP и чрезвычайно опасны в ближнем бою.

        Эти особые маски можно получить, выполнив все контракты (включая pro job) на определенном уровне сложности, начиная от сложно и заканчивая death wish.

        • Оружие ближнего боя - кастет "350K", знаменующий 350 тысяч членов сообщества в Steam.

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