Pathfinder kingmaker in game pet red panda описание

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

8 окт. 2018 в 20:28

Looking to do a 1/2 orc with a pet (likely wolf)

Now looking at classes I am thinking mad dog barbarian, though the various ranger options do give some nice variances.

I looked into some of the others, and kinda meh on them, as planning a melee character and not a magic focused one

Druid though might be an option, but that would be a change in focus even with wild shape

8 окт. 2018 в 20:30

Monster Tactician is a better option. You can have pet as well as strong summon (Dire Wolves) as well :-)

Ranger is meh. Ekundayo is good enough as Ranger. Druid is ok. Sylvan Sorcerer or Cleric with Animal Domain are quite strong imo.

8 окт. 2018 в 20:32

I would not recommend the wolf at all. Ekundayo has the Wolf (it's called Dog), and the damn thing keeps dying all the friggin time!

If you want to go the melee route, I heard that Boar is the best choice for a tank. I personally had some good results with the Mastadon, as well. I think it was designed for people who want a raw power house charging into the enemy's front lines.

8 окт. 2018 в 20:33

I would not recommend the wolf at all. Ekundayo has the Wolf (it's called Dog), and the damn thing keeps dying all the friggin time!

If you want to go the melee route, I heard that Boar is the best choice for a tank. I personally had some good results with the Mastadon, as well. I think it was designed for people who want a raw power house charging into the enemy's front lines.

We all know that Smilodon is the best follows by Leopard, right? ;-)

My Smilodon has 32 AC at level 7 (basically stronger than poor Valerie)

8 окт. 2018 в 20:37 Mad dog over ranger bar none, you retain all your badass rage fueled heavy attacks and can put your pet on flanking for EZ sneak attacks. flame warden is actually the best warden class imo and it doesnt use pets. if you want an all out pet build you can get a sorcerer and have their focus be on conjuration they get way more uses out of their spells and unlock elemental summons at lvl3 i think. you can just stand in the back and buff your summons while they do the thing with their shiny sharp bits that make enemies cry. 8 окт. 2018 в 20:41 Mad dog over ranger bar none, you retain all your badass rage fueled heavy attacks and can put your pet on flanking for EZ sneak attacks. flame warden is actually the best warden class imo and it doesnt use pets. if you want an all out pet build you can get a sorcerer and have their focus be on conjuration they get way more uses out of their spells and unlock elemental summons at lvl3 i think. you can just stand in the back and buff your summons while they do the thing with their shiny sharp bits that make enemies cry.
Yeah, I was never really a fan of Rangers to begin with. Most of their class abilities seem to be situational at best. Maybe if you had an entire campaign dedicated to fighting your racial enemies, things would be different. But in a video game, Ranger just doesn't perform as well as people seem to think it does. 8 окт. 2018 в 20:56

Monster Tactician is a better option. You can have pet as well as strong summon (Dire Wolves) as well :-)

Ranger is meh. Ekundayo is good enough as Ranger. Druid is ok. Sylvan Sorcerer or Cleric with Animal Domain are quite strong imo.

Abyssal Sorcerer
Aug summon
greater aug summon +1 summon( i know thats not the name i always forget what its called)
bloodline +1 summon(it stacks)
1/2 sorc level as DR/Good

The reason i chose this over the inquistor is that the inquistor can only have 1 summon spell active at a time, while an abyssal sorcerer can SPAM those summons, granted we don't get to share our teamwork feats but--- we do give our summons damage reduction.

I think this is the better route to go as you can swarm the enemy summon spells as both a distraction and they will get so many attacks soon er later someone will land a blow! I think this is the better summoner over all.

8 окт. 2018 в 21:02

Abyssal Sorcerer
Aug summon
greater aug summon +1 summon( i know thats not the name i always forget what its called)
bloodline +1 summon(it stacks)
1/2 sorc level as DR/Good

The reason i chose this over the inquistor is that the inquistor can only have 1 summon spell active at a time, while an abyssal sorcerer can SPAM those summons, granted we don't get to share our teamwork feats but--- we do give our summons damage reduction.

I think this is the better route to go as you can swarm the enemy summon spells as both a distraction and they will get so many attacks soon er later someone will land a blow! I think this is the better summoner over all.

Why do people keep saying Abyssal is a good choice for summoners? It seems to be focused on Transmutation builds, honestly.

If you want a bloodline that revolves around Conjuration, it seems like Serpentine is the way to go, as it gives you a bunch of summon monster powers

8 окт. 2018 в 21:02

Rangers blow. that being said.

1 barbarian level (mad dog) 19 fighter is about 20x better then a pure barbarian. It's not even in the same realm actually.

Woah you say, i want a maxed level animal companion dude!!

Yeah, just use your feats to snag boon companions and you keep your animal companion leveled up, get weapon spec/greater weapon spec AND STILL have more feats then a pure barbarian.

You also get 5/- DR (as good as a barbarian).

You get +6 to hit and +8 to damage from greater weapon spec and fighter weapon focus bonuses.

You also get freaking full movement in medium armor +4 to max dex bonus in medium armor and with 1 barbarian level, +10 movement speed in medium armor (so you get 40 movement speed in medium armor, faster then a pure barbarian).

And you get so many freaking feats still, that you could actually go with both ranged and melee options if you wanted, and make it work fairly well.

Now the Inquisitor is also freaking good mind you, but no reason not to have both.

Also I find leapord the best as it gets 3 attacks, and one auto trips, AND it gets eerything based on pure dexterity (so you don't need bulls strength at all). It has very high damage, decently high defense, very fast movement speed etc. Think it's the leapord that gets that (the one with 3 attacks and 1 trips and dex for damage).

You can actually get all your characters animal companions if you want, they are pretty insane to be honest even late game, or, you can go with a party of 3 (with the exp split only between party members option) and get 2x exp for everyone. not only do your party members level up more, but your animal companions are a higher level as well lol.

Should be noted that this only really gives about 2 extra levels though, and does not compensate (or even come close) for having a full party. but it's doable.

8 окт. 2018 в 21:09

Rangers blow. that being said.

1 barbarian level (mad dog) 19 fighter is about 20x better then a pure barbarian. It's not even in the same realm actually.

Woah you say, i want a maxed level animal companion dude!!

Yeah, just use your feats to snag boon companions and you keep your animal companion leveled up, get weapon spec/greater weapon spec AND STILL have more feats then a pure barbarian.

You also get 5/- DR (as good as a barbarian).

You get +6 to hit and +8 to damage from greater weapon spec and fighter weapon focus bonuses.

You also get freaking full movement in medium armor +4 to max dex bonus in medium armor and with 1 barbarian level, +10 movement speed in medium armor (so you get 40 movement speed in medium armor, faster then a pure barbarian).

And you get so many freaking feats still, that you could actually go with both ranged and melee options if you wanted, and make it work fairly well.

Now the Inquisitor is also freaking good mind you, but no reason not to have both.

Also I find leapord the best as it gets 3 attacks, and one auto trips, AND it gets eerything based on pure dexterity (so you don't need bulls strength at all). It has very high damage, decently high defense, very fast movement speed etc. Think it's the leapord that gets that (the one with 3 attacks and 1 trips and dex for damage).

You can actually get all your characters animal companions if you want, they are pretty insane to be honest even late game, or, you can go with a party of 3 (with the exp split only between party members option) and get 2x exp for everyone. not only do your party members level up more, but your animal companions are a higher level as well lol.

Should be noted that this only really gives about 2 extra levels though, and does not compensate (or even come close) for having a full party. but it's doable.

And that's why Amiri is terrible compare to the Mad Dog ;-)

8 окт. 2018 в 21:12

Abyssal Sorcerer
Aug summon
greater aug summon +1 summon( i know thats not the name i always forget what its called)
bloodline +1 summon(it stacks)
1/2 sorc level as DR/Good

The reason i chose this over the inquistor is that the inquistor can only have 1 summon spell active at a time, while an abyssal sorcerer can SPAM those summons, granted we don't get to share our teamwork feats but--- we do give our summons damage reduction.

I think this is the better route to go as you can swarm the enemy summon spells as both a distraction and they will get so many attacks soon er later someone will land a blow! I think this is the better summoner over all.

Why do people keep saying Abyssal is a good choice for summoners? It seems to be focused on Transmutation builds, honestly.

If you want a bloodline that revolves around Conjuration, it seems like Serpentine is the way to go, as it gives you a bunch of summon monster powers
Abyssal is about summoning hordes of monsters. it gets some stat boosts yes but they are not why you take abyssal. The 10DR/good at level 10 for ALL your summons, and the +1 more summons every spell is why you take it. The stat boosts are irrelevant.

Serpentine is for enchantment builds. why would you use Serpentine for summoning that makes no sense. the arcana literally so you can charm beasts and other animals with like hold person and such.

Edit: to nail this down. a serpent summoner as an example, casting a summon would get at best 5 -7 summons using empowered metamagic, abyssal can get up to 9 and they all have innate damage reduction that can't fall off. The serpent bloodline would get wrecked by an abyssal sorcerer.

One of the nice features of WotR is that you get the ability to customize your pet and develop a build for him as you level. I think this ability is new compared to Kingmaker which may explain why there is so little discussion on the topic.

While most everyone is familiar that there are a wide variety of pets to select from (based on your class) such as Wolf, Horse, Centipede, Smilodon, Leopard, Velociraptor, etc., most folks may not realize that you can then further tweak your pet at creation from the base stats and abilities. Choices include:

Aggressor . adds Power Strike and Bleeding Strike but loses Evasion

Bully . adds Trip and Bull Rush but loses Devotion and Multiattack

Bulwark . adds Barding and Sturdy but loses Evasion and Multiattack

Daredevil . adds Acrobat, Mobility and Devil May Care but loses Devotion and Multiattack

Deathtouched . adds Negative Energy Affinity and Foot in the Grave but loses Devotion and Improved Evasion

Racer . adds Fast Movement twice but loses Devotion

Wrecker . adds Sunder Armor and Destructive Wrecker but loses Multiattack

You also get to chose a Feat every odd level with most of the feat choices the main character has to even further fine tune how your pet performs and fits in a group.

Level 1 Weapon Finesse*

Level 3 Fury Fall

Level 4 +1 to Int to unlock Outflank

Level 5 Coordinated Maneuvers

Level 7 Outflank

Level 9 Tandem Trip

After this I just picked Feats that helped him like Blind Fight, etc.

Another favorite of mine is choosing a Leopard and selecting Racer. Leopards already have trip and they travel the farthest and Racer adds +10 (twice). This really helps getting the Leopard into the enemies backline to wreck havoc . nothing like seeing the enemies archer or wizard immediately fall on their face and then get wrecked by an AoO when he stands up!

Anyway . I am curious to see what other pet build folks were using as I am sure there are a lot better ideas than mine :^)

* edit to add a caution about my choice at Level 1 . in retrospec it may not be a good idea for Weapon Finesse for a Smilodon . unfortunately my save files are gone now

В этом гайде я покажу и расскажу, как получить питомцев и на что они влияют

И это была бы не ролевая игра, если бы они тоже не давали бонусы :3

- Красная панда даёт +1 ко всем спасброскам* в игре.

- пояснение по спасброскам:
спасбросок это бросок на попытку снизить урон, или при наличии определенных трейтов, избежать его вовсе, например, маг бросает в тебя фаербол со сложностью d20, ты делаешь бросок реакции, если твое значение выше - урон уполовинивается (или не наносится вовсе), если твой бросок ниже, то соответственно ты огребаешь по полной
так же они используются для попыток избежать всяких пакостных состояний вроде отравления, ослепления, парализации и т.д., а иногда и чтобы спастись от заклятий которые мгновенно убивают)

- Котик дает +2 to Perception and Lore (Nature)* / Восприятие и Знания (Природа)

Оба предмета будут доступны после прохождения Пролога, когда доберётесь до торгового поста Олега. При наличии DLC оба будут лежать в сундуке.

Для появления животинок нужно зайти в инвентарь (I) и разместить животных в подсумках на поясе.
Далее необходимо выйти на карту и дождаться первой стычки, открыть снаряжение на поясе (иконка B справа над окошком быстрых умений) и нажать на зверька правой клавишей мыши, что бы они стали активны, как аура.
Готово :3

Котик в бесплатном DLC неплох сам по себе, так как разделывать зверей так или иначе придётся. Всё для лагеря.

Панда же неплоха за деньги, потому что даёт "+" к спасброску. А если читать отзывы по игре - это повод пошатнуть в свою сторону чашу весов великого и могучего рандома.
Брать по скидке - однозначно. За фулл-прайс - ну только лишь верным фанатам.

27 дек. 2018 в 4:21

What is that thing? Is it like POE animal pet thing? Will we have other pets like that? How does it work?

27 дек. 2018 в 11:09

Probably the same as the owlcat. That one is like a buff item that grants +2 to perception and knowledge, nature to the user. The dexriptive text makes me suspect it will buff one or more saving throws.

Perception is important, and another +2 stacking with everything are useful. The nature skill is used for hunting and identifying creatures. A +3 to saves would be equivalent to a feat or more, if it buffs more than one.
Not important enough to me to get the royal edition, but that is everyone's own decision.

13 июл. 2020 в 5:26

13 июл. 2020 в 5:30 13 июл. 2020 в 5:34

Oh, this is a bit expensive for a Red Panda. I wait and hope that it will be a bit cheaper, someday.

13 июл. 2020 в 19:19

I picked it up during the Steam Summer Sale. :P I recommend putting it on your wishlist and waiting until the next time it's discounted.

In the meantime, if you didn't already know, the Arcane Unleashed DLC has a pet cat, and that one's free. Maybe that's not much consolation if you have your heart set on a red panda, but I think the cat is quite cute, too, and it gives +2 to Perception and Lore (Nature). The red panda gives +1 to all saving throws. Both are pretty handy!

13 июл. 2020 в 19:59

I got it because during the summer sale there was an extra $5 off any purchase $30 or more. I was thinking $8 was sort of high when all I really wanted from it was the panda, but the total for buying just the game and the season pass bundle wasn't quite $30, so taking the bundle with the Royal Ascension DLC pushed it just over $30, which meant I got the Panda for $3, and I was Ok with that :D

It just gives you a +1 morale bonus to all saves I think. But it's a party-wide buff, so that's nice.

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