Обведите правильный вариант ответа so you have seen an advertisement

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Подчеркнуть правильный вариант, только прошу, не лишь-бы как) Заранее спасибо)

1. I am writing in connection with the advertisement which appeared/has appeared on 3 December.

2. I originally studied/have studied engineering at university

3.3. I now completed/have now completed a postgraduate degree in business and administration.

4. I’ve been trying/I’ve tried to find a permanent job for a considerable time.

5.Indeed, I have already worked/I have already been working for several companies on a temporary basis.

6. In my first job, I was/have been responsible for marketing.

7. I’ve been applying/have applied for several posts this year but I still did not manage/have not managed to find what I’m looking for.

8. The last job I applied/have applied for required applicants to speak some Japanese.

9. I started learning/have been learning English a few months ago but I did not obtain/have not obtained a qualification in it yet.

10. I have been waiting/have waited for a reply for several weeks and I still have not received/did not received any answer

11.I hope/have hoped that you would consider my application favourably.

Fed up with going to the same old shops all the time? Want somewhere new to hang out with your friends? Then, get down to Camden Stables Market for hours of shopping fun! Whether you love keeping up with the latest fashions or are looking for a gift for someone, you can find everything from jewellery to antiques! If you get hungry you can head to the international food stalls and grab a bite to eat. You’ll probably need something to eat after making your way round the 500 shops and stalls in the market. The market is open seven days a week from nine-thirty to five-thirty, so finding a time to visit should be easy. You can drop by after school or at the weekend! Just hop off the train at Chalk Farm underground station on the Northern line. See you there!

  • alternative fashions and gifts from 1) jewellery to antiques
  • 2) 500 shops and stalls
  • now open 3) seven days a week, 9:30 am to 4) 5:30 pm
  • nearest underground 5) station is Chalk Farm, Northern Line

Speaker 1: I came at the bottom of the class in my Maths exam. My teacher was so disappointed in me. She asked me if I had studied for the exam and I couldn’t lie to her. I had to tell her that I had played computer games instead of revising. I felt really ashamed of myself.

Speaker 2: I am not very confident. Whenever a teacher asks me to give a talk in front of the class or asks me a question in class, I get really uncomfortable and embarrassed. My face goes red and I can’t speak. I wish I wasn’t so shy.

Speaker 3: My friend didn’t hold his tongue. I told him a secret that I didn’t want anyone else to know and he didn’t keep it. What’s worse, he told the biggest gossip in class! I still like my friend but I will never tell him anything I want kept secret again! He is too unreliable.

Speaker 5: I find communicating with my mother almost impossible! We fight every single day. She always wants to do things her own way.

Спикер 1: Я скатился в самый конец класса (был хуже почти всех) по результатам экзамена по математике. Моя учительница была так разочарована во мне. Она спросила, готовился ли я к экзамену, и я не мог солгать ей. Мне пришлось сказать ей, что я играл на компьютере вместо того, чтобы повторять. Я чувствовал себя пристыженным.

Спикер 2: Я не очень уверена в себе. Когда учительница просит меня ответить у доски или задает мне вопросы, я чувствую себя некомфортно и растерянно. Мое лицо становится красным и я не могу говорить. Как бы я хотела не быть такой стеснительной.

Спикер 3: Мой друг не умеет держать язык за зубами. Я рассказал ему секрет, и я не хотел, чтобы кто-нибудь еще узнал его, а он не сохранил его в тайне. Что хуже всего, он растрепал об этом всему классу! Мне все еще нравится мой друг, но я больше никогда не расскажу ему то, что я хочу сохранить в секрете! Он слишком ненадежный.

Спикер 5: Я считаю, что общаться с моей мамой практически невозможно! Мы спорим каждый день. Она всегда хочет делать все по-своему.

You have seen an advertisement for a weekend job as a local tour guide showing visitors around your city.

Write a letter of application to the tourism office, In this letter .
- Give your reasons for wanting the job.
- Explain why you think you can do this job.
- Describe any relevant experience you have.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you with regard to the advertisement which was about the weekend job as a local tour guide.

I am a student at the Faculty of Tourism. Consequently, I think this job would be a great chance to practice my future job. In addition, I have been prepared very well to deal with tourists and handle their inquiries. This was a considerable part of my daily study last semester.

Moreover, other than my native Arabic tongue, I have a very good command in English beside my quite well French, so I am sure I can exhibit a proper response among visitors in conversations.

Furthermore, I was born in the city and I have lived all my lifetime here. Therefore, I have the necessary knowledge about all the historical places and most of monuments in our city. In other words, I will not take much time to be ready for work.

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