Nioh 2 качественный умбрацит рецепт

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Umbracite is a Smithing Material in Nioh 2. Smithing Materials are used by blacksmiths to forge and/or upgrade various Weapons and Armor. These materials can be obtained in various ways, such as rewards from completing Missions, dropped by Enemies, Bosses, randomly looted at various locations, or it can also be found inside chests.

Umbracite is one of the qualities of Umbracite, the other ones being Umbracite Fragment, Quality Umbracite and Fabled Umbracite.

The various Umbracite are used to Temper gear at the Blacksmith. When Tempering gear, four selection boxes of traits appear with random traits in each. From first to last selection box, traits are increasingly likely to be rare. However, all traits can appear in any selection box. The player can pick any trait from the list they desire to replace the trait they currently have selected on their gear, provided they have the Umbracite rarity to do so. The first selection box requires Umbracite, the second requires Quality Umbracite and the third requires Fabled Umbracite. The fourth is currently not in use. Higher qualities Umbracite can be used to Temper a trait from a lower selection box if desired, but the opposite is not possible.

Umbracite can be crafted from 10x Umbracite Fragments and Fabled Umbracite can be crafted from 3x Quality Umbracite. Quality Umbracite can not be crafted.

Umbracite Information

Used for tempering equipment. When fed into a furnace, this umbracite produces flames laced with Amrita, and is used by smiths who harness Amrita to forge equipment.

This special charcoal forms when a tree is exposed to Amrita.

Nioh 2 / Dark souls / Bloodborne / Elden Ring

Иван Милотов

Иван Милотов запись закреплена
где и как достать умбрацит?как фармить?
при переходе с одного пути на другой,что нибудь кроме сложности меняется?вещи может новые падают или еще что.
что такое бездна?как туда попасть.у меня стандартное издание без длс,но треснувшие чашечки отеко падают.
бонус паралича именно дается или только сумируется если есть на оружии,от духа паука?
Сэр Аллон тот еще самурай :D

Кирилл Жириновский

Кирилл Жириновский 1.Я хз,я лично за некоторые миссии получал.2.Да,меняется.Добавляются новые враги и новые удары этих врагов.С переходом на нг++ некоторые враги и боссы бафнутые(Например екай с огненным топором и с устойчивостью к замешательству и т.д).Вещи падают в зависимости от твоего лвл(если ты перейдешь на нг++ на 200лвл,то тебе сразу не начнет падать супер шмот)Бездна доступна с третьим длс,это бесконечная битва с боссами(999 уровней)Про паралич не знаю

Тимур Ааев

Где и как достать умбрацит : в ко-оп он падает как ресурс в виде лута и еще его дают за окончание миссии, еще его дают как награду в сумереченых заданиях

Умбрацит : редкий материал для закалки, всего существуют 3 вида : умбрацит < качественный умбрацит < небесный умбрацит

При переходе с нг на нг+ : меняется все. И лут и уровень лута и редкость лута, добавляются новые враги, итд
Есть лут который не падает ниже определенной редкости, напрмер магатаму ясакани феолетовую не найти, только с небесной редкости падает (нг+)

Бездна : открывается на нг+
Состоит из 5 уровней на нг+, 10 на нг++, 21 на нг+++ и 999 на нг++++

Quality Umbracite is a Smithing Material in Nioh 2. Smithing Materials are used by blacksmiths to forge and/or upgrade various Weapons and Armor.

Quality Umbracite is one of the qualities of Umbracite, the other ones being Umbracite Fragment, Umbracite and Fabled Umbracite.

The various Umbracite are used to Temper gear at the Blacksmith. When Tempering gear, four selection boxes of traits appear with random traits in each. From first to last selection box, traits are increasingly likely to be rare. However, all traits can appear in any selection box. The player can pick any trait from the list they desire to replace the trait they currently have selected on their gear, provided they have the Umbracite rarity to do so. The first selection box requires Umbracite, the second requires Quality Umbracite and the third requires Fabled Umbracite. The fourth is currently not in use. Higher qualities Umbracite can be used to Temper a trait from a lower selection box if desired, but the opposite is not possible.

Umbracite can be crafted from 10x Umbracite Fragments and Fabled Umbracite can be crafted from 3x Quality Umbracite. Quality Umbracite can not be crafted.

Quality Umbracite Information

Used for tempering equipment. When fed into a furnace, this umbracite produces flames laced with Amrita, and is a coveted by smiths who harness Amrita to forge equipment.

This special charcoal forms when trees used to make high-quality fuel are exposed to the power of Amrita

Fabled Umbracite is a Smithing Material in Nioh 2. Smithing Materials are used by blacksmiths to forge and/or upgrade various Weapons and Armor.

Fabled Umbracite is one of the qualities of Umbracite, the other ones being Umbracite Fragment, Umbracite and Quality Umbracite.

The various Umbracite are used to Temper gear at the Blacksmith. When Tempering gear, four selection boxes of traits appear with random traits in each. From first to last selection box, traits are increasingly likely to be rare. However, all traits can appear in any selection box. The player can pick any trait from the list they desire to replace the trait they currently have selected on their gear, provided they have the Umbracite rarity to do so. The first selection box requires Umbracite, the second requires Quality Umbracite and the third requires Fabled Umbracite. The fourth is currently not in use. Higher qualities Umbracite can be used to Temper a trait from a lower selection box if desired, but the opposite is not possible.

Umbracite can be crafted from 10x Umbracite Fragments and Fabled Umbracite can be crafted from 3x Quality Umbracite. Quality Umbracite can not be crafted.

Fabled Umbracite Information

Used for tempering equipment. When fed into a furnace, this highly sought-after umbracite produces flames laced with Amrita, making it the ideal fuel for forging prestigious Amrita- infused equipment.
This charcoal forms when part of an ancient, historically significant tree is exposed to the power of Amrita for a long time.

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