Monster legends сочетание монстров список

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Gr-news-era-apocalypse-originals-cosmic v1.jpg

The Era Apocalypse Breeding Event is a special breeding event in which every mythic monster except the Cosmic Era Season 7 monsters.

Players can breed two specified monsters below at a chance for a Cosmic Era Mythic monster! Monsters can be bred as many times as players want during the event. Recipes below are in full, as released by Social Point. Please note that given the short duration of this event and the fact that the combinations are not published by Social Point, the combinations below could be inaccurate due to human error.

Breeding Mountain.jpg

Breeding involves combining two monsters to result in another monster. Only certain monsters are breedable, although unbreedable monster are regularly offered or rewarded during breeding events.

Monsters breed at the Breeding Mountain. If you want to discover all the monster species, then this is the place to be. Speed up the breeding process with gems!

The Breeding Mountain is a default building players have at the start of the game. As such, it cannot be purchased, sold, or stored. The Breeding Mountain also can display a Breeding Log, listing the last 100 breedings the players performed, allowing for easier repetition. It is a 5x5 unit building. Players may also press the heart icon at the top of the breeding screen to filter monsters used in any breeding recipes or in any current breeding events.

A monster with a single element cannot breed with a monster that contains its "opposite" element:


Instead, two hybrid monsters must be bred together. For example, Firesaur and Light Spirit cannot breed together. Rather, a hybrid monster with the fire element can breed with a hybrid monster with the light element. Special and metal monsters have no opposites or breeding restrictions.

The result of a breeding is determined at the moment of breeding. The levels of the parent monsters, the order of the elements of the parents monsters, or the order of the parent monsters used in the breeding do not affect the outcome.


Ваша любимая дива - наносит слабый урон стихией Света одному врагу и накладывает на него Солнечный ожог.

Показать полностью.
Блестящая героиня - накладывает на себя Насмешку.

Знаменитая поза - исцеляет себя на 50% и накладывает на себя Иммунитет к мучениям. Кд.

Сияние звезды - наносит умеренный урон стихией Света всем врагам и накладывает на них Солнечный ожог. Кд.

Героическая поза - накладывает на себя Защиту от урона и Иммунитет к контролю. Кд.

Подписание автографов - наносит умеренный урон стихией Света всем врагам и накладывает на них Уязвимость. Кд.

Бомбический прыжок - наносит очень тяжелый урон стихией Света одному врагу, накладывает на него Уязвимость и Солнечный ожог. Кд.

Monster Legends (ФАН Группа)

Monster Legends (ФАН Группа) запись закреплена

Новый Метропольный Миф, ЮВИ Фьюжн
(Магия, Бесплатный пропуск)

0* - Укрепление
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1* - Н.Э: Уклонение на себя
3* - Н.Э: Защита положительных эффектов на себя

Исчезновение тьмы - наносит низкий Магический урон одному врагу и накладывает на него Шок.

Настоящая любовь - наносит умеренный Магический урон всем врагам и накладывает на них Утечку выносливости.

Неограниченное количество вольт - снимает отрицательные эффекты со всех союзников и накладывает на них Регенерацию выносливости. Кд.

Стержневый щит - накладывает на себя Уклонение, Защиту положительных эффектов, Регенерацию выносливости и дает себе 30% энергии. Кд.

Ингеника научила меня - наносит низкий Особый урон одному врагу и отключает его свойства. Дает себе 1 дополнительный ход. Кд.

Защита Фьюжн - накладывает Уклонение на всех союзников. Дает 30% выносливости всем союзникам. Кд.

Надвигающийся шторм (Ульт) - наносит тяжелый Магический урон всем врагам. Снимает положительные эффекты со всех врагов, отключает их свойства и накладывает на них Мегапаралич.

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You can search any monster with the "buttons" or in the search box below!

How to Breed Griffex

Note: Use "Arrow Buttons" to navigate to next pages for more results!

Expected Time

The "Expected" is short term of Expected Average Breeding Time. This is the estimate time of a specific combination to get the desired results, after an average fail times. In other words, this time is used for comparing between combinations. The lesser the time is, the faster the combination will give you the right monster. There is also the Breeding Statistic Percent, which is a bar with the percentage. This indicates how fast does it take to breed a X monster between different combinations.

How do we calculate the "Expected Time"?

First, every combination has specific results with correspond chances. It's not difficult to calculate a Average Fail Breeding Time from the given combination. (Please note that Average Fail Breeding Time is different from Expected Average Breeding Time!).

Average Fail Breeding Time = Sum of all (chance * breeding time of single result), exclude the target monster.

This value indicates that the average time used for each breeding.

Chance of the desired monster: When the combination has X chance for the monster M, you have to breed about (average) 1/X times to get the monster M, statistically! If nothing got wrong, you will have that monster on the 1/X try. Therefore, you will have to "used" (1/X - 1) times for failing, the expected time will be Expected Average Breeding Time = Average Fail Breeding Time * (1/X - 1).

Example: Firesaur (F) + Treezard (N) versus Firesaur (F) + Greenasaur (F,N)

Firesaur (F) + Treezard (N) gives 30% Pandaken (N,F) and 70% Greenasaur (F,N)

The breeding time of Pandaken and Greenasaur are 30 seconds and 30 seconds.

The AFBT = (0.7 * 30) / (0.7) = 30

The X chance to get Pandaken is 0.3, so the EABT = AFBT * (1 / 0.3 - 1) = 70 seconds

Do the same steps, we got EABT of Firesaur + Greenasaur = 1m 53s.

Now, you will see the first combination gives Pandaken faster (or more efficient) than the second one, in a same period of time. That's what Expected Average Breeding Time is used for.

Breeding Statistic (Percentage Bar)

This metric is only used for comparing Avg. Time between the combinations. The fastest (least time) combination will be base as 100%. Other combinations if slower (longer time) will be decreased below 100%, depends on how much it is longer.

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