Mist survival какая последняя версия

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

I would like to inform you that it is necessary to postpone the release of 0.5.0 Patch to the next month (25th Oct)

Even though we have been pushing forward our effort to catch up the schedule, we are not able to keep on the plan. The landscape in area 2 and 3D buildings work is quite a lot and I don't think it can be done in time. I need just one more month to complete.

I would like to release the 0.5.0 patch to the next month. Which is on 25 October 2021.
Hope you guys understand, and thank you for your patience.

The overhaul process is very time consuming for those 3D resources and models. I have to postpone
0.5.0 patch for a couple month. So.. 0.5.0 will live on September 25.

Please check out progress update below..

*** Many UI and Textures are still work in progress. It will be changed upon launch.

5 types of fish.

Survivors from random events may have the ability to trade. Some new or rare items can only be found from them.

There will be two new movement mechanics for player character (crawling and another one like.. moving through narrow walls, ** i dont know the word in English ːsteamfacepalmː)

** While crawling you can also be chased by infected as well.

I'm trying to improve feel and visual, and hope these animations will help to lift some. There will be new animation for each item you use.

Many buildings will be added. including this Tree Base. Tree base is very safe from regular infected, But there are other species that can climb walls and poles. (Infected horde and camp defense will be tested in this version)

You can switch from Pet Command to Survivors Command Menu by 'left click' while the Radial Menu appears.

There will be only two main commands for now. You can command them to guard their position in preparation for horde attack.

New Infected Type "Seeker". It is a mutation of alien parasite that is embedded in the body of an infected. This one can climb walls and poles.. And it's not afraid of sunlight.

This includes both newly made models and modified models

** some little effect for the car (mud and tire decal)

Please check out monthly progress update below. :)

    Code Refactor
  • Code Refactor : Tree and foliage save logic
  • Code Refactor : Items spawner logic

Dynamic Events
The events will randomly occur at various points. Players will be able to hear sounds from a distance (such as a car crash, or a helicopter crash). Which some event, There will be mini-quests, such as rescuing survivors trapped in the car.

Working on 2 new NPCs which each person has their own unique skills. And they will come with side-quests to unlocking more craft part, items and player skills.

    To customize some vehicles part you must have this NPC in your camp first.

  • Survivors NPC Texture Improvement

  • Landscape Rework
  • Road and route Rework

** Road texture still work in progress will change at release

Since 0.4.1 patch, I am working on refactoring the code. Which is only a performance fix, So I haven't updated it yet.

And i plan to skip 0.4.2 patch to 0.5.0 instead. Right now i have more people working on resources overhaul, Which is about improving master materials, texture, lighting and making our own 3D assets to replace other placeholder assets.

So, 0.5.0 is the first major update and will take a lot of time, which i plan to release it around July 2021. . I know it takes a long time, I will update you guys on my progress once a month until the patch is released.

Below is the part we are working on.

All new animation improvement, including a new "Heavy Attack" gameplay mechanic. While using melee weapon you can hold right click to active "Heavy Attack" stance, Which increases the attack power greatly with a single hit.

And 0.5.0 will come with Character dismemberment. You can use machete with Heave Attack stance to cut off the infected's head.

We are working on new master material overhaul, To support the functions and systems that will be added in the future such as snow and rain.

Some of the new assets we are working on

WIP lighting (Will be changed at release)

At first 0.5.0 release there will be 3 zones first, (Zone 1 is the old map)

Приобретите игру и начните играть — примите участие в ее развитии

Примечание: Данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

“I want to develop a Survival Crafting Game in a different perspective. There are many interesting systems and still need the opinion of the general players. I see that EA is in the best position to do something like this. We can test the game system and ask for feedback from the players.

For example, the survivors npc control system are more complex. It is still in the test phase. Players can direct their survival to find food or items they want, and the mechanics of the game may be modified to match the player's feedback.

The Early Access version is for those who are interested in supporting the project and are ready to accept the change of the balance within the game.”

“I expect the game to be in EA Version until the balance of the game is stabilized and the season system has been added completely. I expect everything to be done by 2020.” “I use EA Version for testing system and gameplay, and keeping feedback from players to improve the balance and mechanics so I think there is no fixed direction for full version.
I intend to add a more complex and deep gameplay style by adding story and mystery of the mist. There are special NPCs for the story and gameplay about the invaders (the cause of the mist). This is the obvious change compared to EA Version.”

“The game currently offers a single-player PvE sandbox with dynamic ‘Mist Event’ experience, including main feature; for example, crafting, driving, building and managing camps, helping and getting other survivors to join camps, managing camp survivors (sharing rooms, and installing weapons), hunting, defending camp from the attack of infected, stealing into a bandit's camp, etc.

There are no main storylines yet. Players will not be aware of the main story of the game.”

“I think the price will not change much. It will depend on the quality of the game and the satisfaction of players in EA Version.

If there is a real price change, I intend to ask the opinion of the owner of the game first. I also intend to price it the most fair for other players as well.”

“I will be releasing the site with the update of the game, Facebook page and Steam Community: Discussions for inquiries and feedback from major players.”

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Mist Survival (Мист Сурвайвл) – достаточно жуткий, но в то же время очень интересный игровой проект, который отправляет тебя в опасный мир, который от недавнего времени терпит последствия апокалипсиса. История расскажет тебе о существовании жуткого вируса, который стал распространяться по всей планете, унося жизни миллионов людей, превращая их в коварных и беспощадных зомби. Тебе, и ещё нескольким так называемым счастливчикам, удалось найти вакцину и теперь они не поддаются вирусным атакам. Но не все так просто, ведь вам предстоит бороться за жизнь любыми доступными способами, уничтожая врагов и справляясь с многочисленными испытаниями на пути. Отправляйтесь на исследование окружающей тебя территории, на которой ты сможешь раздобыть припасы, пищу, воду, а также отыскать максимально безопасное место для укрытия. Твоими врагами станут различные неожиданные сюрпризы дикой природы, жуткие враги в виде других выживших, а также заражённых, способный в два счета расправится с тобой. Ты сможешь всячески развивать свой лагерь, добавляя туда также и тех, кому все же удалось избавится от недуга. Чем больше будет людей, тем больше будет шансов выжить, но при этом необходимо правильно распределять друг между другом обязанности. Дневное время суток безопасное, оно то и отведено на поиск еды и обеспечением себя всем необходимым для комфортной и безопасной жизни. Темное время суток приводит да собой ужас, ведь мертвецы выходят на улицы в поиске очередной наживы.

Обновлено до v0.4.1

Информация о игре Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: Экшены, Приключенческие игры, Инди, Симуляторы, Ранний доступ
Разработчик: Rati Wattanakornprasit
Версия: v0.4.1 (Последняя)
Язык интерфейса: английский
Таблетка: Присутствует

Основной альбом

Невосприимчивыми к вспышке вируса вы должны суметь выжить в сложной ситуации, запасаясь пищей, находя убежище и защищая себя от дикой природы, бандитов и зараженных. Также можно помочь другим выжившим и присоединить их к вашему лагерю.

В игре будет генерироваться случайно плотный туман, который может появится в любое время. Плотная среда тумана сопровождается определенными событиями, такими как наплыв зараженных людей, чтобы найти жертву.

Люди, которые инфицированы и мутировали, смогут выходить на улицу ночью или когда нет солнечного света, что означает, что они также могут охотиться на игроков, пока есть покрытие туманом.

Приобретите игру и начните играть — примите участие в ее развитии

Примечание: Данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше

“I want to develop a Survival Crafting Game in a different perspective. There are many interesting systems and still need the opinion of the general players. I see that EA is in the best position to do something like this. We can test the game system and ask for feedback from the players.

For example, the survivors npc control system are more complex. It is still in the test phase. Players can direct their survival to find food or items they want, and the mechanics of the game may be modified to match the player's feedback.

The Early Access version is for those who are interested in supporting the project and are ready to accept the change of the balance within the game.”

“I expect the game to be in EA Version until the balance of the game is stabilized and the season system has been added completely. I expect everything to be done by 2020.” “I use EA Version for testing system and gameplay, and keeping feedback from players to improve the balance and mechanics so I think there is no fixed direction for full version.
I intend to add a more complex and deep gameplay style by adding story and mystery of the mist. There are special NPCs for the story and gameplay about the invaders (the cause of the mist). This is the obvious change compared to EA Version.”

“The game currently offers a single-player PvE sandbox with dynamic ‘Mist Event’ experience, including main feature; for example, crafting, driving, building and managing camps, helping and getting other survivors to join camps, managing camp survivors (sharing rooms, and installing weapons), hunting, defending camp from the attack of infected, stealing into a bandit's camp, etc.

There are no main storylines yet. Players will not be aware of the main story of the game.”

“I think the price will not change much. It will depend on the quality of the game and the satisfaction of players in EA Version.

If there is a real price change, I intend to ask the opinion of the owner of the game first. I also intend to price it the most fair for other players as well.”

“I will be releasing the site with the update of the game, Facebook page and Steam Community: Discussions for inquiries and feedback from major players.”

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