Капсула захвата в starbound

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

- A simple custom ship mod with minimal bells and whistles.
- Fully upgraded, no need to pay obscene amounts to upgrade further.
- Modded banana picture (included in locker) allows you to print ship parts for 1 pixel each.
- All ship parts are removable.

How do I get the custom capsule on my save file?
Back up your ship world for the character you want to give the capsule to as described in the last section – but move the .shipworld file to the new folder instead of copying it. Make sure you get all the stuff you want to bring with you off your ship before doing this.

Капсула состояния (Status Pod) — это объект, который при взаимодействии клавишей «E» будет выбрасывать бомбы или распылять статус-эффект. Эти капсулы можно найти повсюду.

После открытия восстановятся через 15 минут (их снова можно будет открыть).

Не выпадают при разрушении.


Locations & Crafting

Capture Pods are crafted at the Pet Station, which is craftable by the final upgrade to the Inventor's Table. The pods are also common prizes at the completion of the storyline mission quests, located at the chest before the exit teleporter.

Capture Pod pet mechanics

  • A pet's Attack and Defense are determined by its owner's (whoever used the pet) own Attack and Defense. If a player has a Defense of 70 (shown as a shield on the inventory screen), then any pet they release will have a defense of 70. If the owner has a defense of 0, the pet has a defense of 0.
  • A pet has a base attack and then its total attack, which is affected by the owner's attack. For example, the Gleap has a base attack of 8. If it's owner has an attack modifier of 300% (shown next to a sword on the inventory screen), the Gleap will have an attack of 3 times it's base attack, or 24 in this case.
    • If the owner takes off or puts on armor while a pet is out, the pet's stats will change accordingly shortly after the player makes the change.
    • As for procedurally generated monsters, their base attack usually ranges from 10-15.

    Расовые представления

    Капсула захвата (Capture Pod) — метательный предмет, изготавливаемый на станции питомцев или может быть получен в награду за задания или найден в сундуках.

    Можно применить на любых монстров, кроме См. первое примечание.

    Бросьте пустую капсулу в монстра с уровнем здоровья менее 50% или мирного для захвата. Бросьте заполненную капсулу, чтобы выпустить животное, как помощника.

    При успешном попадании монстр будет поглощен капсулой, а индикатор самой капсулы поменяет цвет на красный.

    Throw it at a monster to forcefully capture it and bring it to a new home.

    Capture Pods are crafted at the Pet Station. They can be used to capture monsters if the pod hits them when thrown. Monsters must first be weakened before capture.

    Pods are thrown in the same manner as the Little Red Ball. If you miss a target, the pod falls to the ground and can be picked up; if the creature is caught, the pod's light changes from blue to red and you can then pick up the filled pod. This filled pod can then be thrown to release the creature wherever it lands.

    After capture the pod will display the creature contained inside.

    For a list of creatures that can be captured, see the unique monsters list. However, this list does not include some named pets that can be captured, like the dog, Rex.

    Critters and farm animals cannot be captured using capture pods.

    Retrieving Pets

    You can de-summon an active pet by selecting its capture pod and clicking to retrieve it. It will return to its pod.

    Fainted Pets

    A pet that has fainted must be revived at a Pet Healing Station. The capture pod's red light will be off and the pod will make a clicking noise when you try to summon the pet. If your ship has a Medic, the permanent regeneration factor will apply to your pets as long as they are not fainted.

    Возможные эффекты

    • Положительные
      • Восстановление здоровья (на 10 сек со скорость 10%/1 сек)
      • Восстановление здоровья (на 120 сек со скоростью 10%/3 сек)
      • ​Горение (на 6 сек) (на 20 сек)
      • Другие
        • Пиксельный спрей (выпадает 91 кусочка со значением 1-2 пикселей).
        • Взрыв (выбрасывает в разные стороны несколько бомб, которые взрываются через некоторое время)
        • Засев руды (запускает несколько снарядов руды, которые при столкновении с блоками превращают их в руду, каждый снаряд превращает 4 блока, большой радиус действия, руда спавнится в зависимости от уровня опасности планеты).
        1. Безвредные или в основном безвредные - Медь.
        2. Умеренные и рискованные - Медь, Серебро.
        3. Опасные и экстремальные - Медь, Серебро, Золото, Алмаз.


        На разных типах планет шансы на выпадение эффектов и прочего разнятся.

        • Безвредные или в основном безвредные - 57,1% положительный эффект.
        • Умеренные и рискованные - 62,5% положительный эффект.
        • Опасные и экстремальные - 72,7% положительный эффект.

        Non-active Pets

        You can only keep one pet with you at a time. To keep other pets outside their capture pods, you must use a Pet Tether, which is also crafted at the Pet Station. Moving a capture pod into an inventory item such as chests or lockers will forcibly de-summon the pet.

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