Fallout 4 компас

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

В Fallout 4 пропали метки (маркеры) заданий, целей, они не отображаются ни на компасе, ни на карте в пип-бое. Раньше такого не было, но какого то лешего метки пропали. Пробовал переустанавливать игру- не помогло, подкинул дрова в печку видюхи- не помогло. Помогите, добрые и прошареные люди, а то играть неудобно.
P.S. игру не обновлял, не ставил моды и другие программы на комп, ничего не качал, просто исчезло неотчего в никуда. Видеокарта NVIDIA GeForce GT 540 M Игра работала на средней графике 1920на1080 30-40fps без лагов и фризов, с небольшими проседаниями фпс в городах.

мм глупый вопрос а ты пробовал поставить метку сам? зайти в задания и нажать что бы он их показывал.

Я как будто знаю, где находится то или иное для выполнения задания.

Влад ФигВам Профи (528) Не не я о том что в самих заданиях поставить галочку тип отображения квестового маркера.

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Install Options
Vanilla - 100% of vanilla distance
Standard - 70% of vanilla distance
Hard - 50% of vanilla distance
Insane - 30% of vanilla distance
Looking for a Challenge - 10% of vanilla distance
Custom - Set your distance setting to your own tastes, anyone from vanilla ranges all the way down to 10%

In survival mode, restores the HUD compass to the default vanilla format, showing enemies and with more range.

Author's instructions

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

In survival mode, restores the HUD compass to the default vanilla format, showing enemies and with the original range.

It modifies the following game settings, setting them to the original vanilla values:

fSurvivalCompassLocationMaxDist = 20000
fSurvivalPerceptionCompassBase = 1576
fSurvivalPerceptionCompassMult = 256

Do what you want, just credit me. Please don't upload this mod to any other sites.

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version 1.1

  • Mod is now Modular, and has separate files for hiding enemies and locations. The NMM Installer has been updated to reflect this and now lets you choose what you want using checkboxes.

Hide Enemies
Hide Locations
Hide Quest Markers

Straight donations accepted

This is the Fallout 4 version of my New Vegas Mod of the same name.

I always found it strange how the compass magically knows where all the enemies and locations are for you. Not only is this immersion breaking, it also makes the game significantly easier, and discourages exploration.

This mod aims to fix all of that by removing the hand-holding that the vanilla compass does for you.

It is designed to work in a way that is compatible with any and all HUD mods.

Long Description:

Bethesda games have always had a lot of hand-holding present throughout a lot of their mechanics. I always found the compass, in all of the recent Fallout games, to be game-breakingly powerful, giving you instinctive knowledge of where all nearby enemies and locations are. This not only punishes the idea of exploration (instead encouraging you to just zig-zag around the wasteland from area to area), but at least for me, ruins the immersion. I always felt like the wasteland was always supposed to feel like a desolate and strange place, and the insane compass markers and arrows kept making me feel like I was in a theme park, moving from attraction to attraction, and ignoring the travel time in between. It removed the sense of wonder when you stumble on a new random location.

This mod fixes all that by disabling all Location, Enemy and Quest markers. The compass should now only tell you what direction your facing. It also still shows the player marker, but I intend to disable this in a future version.


The mod should then be installed and ready to play.

Compatibility and known issues:

This mod does not modify the UI at all, so it should be compatible with all mods that edit the UI, including ones released in the future. This should also include mods that directly modify the compass on the HUD.

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