Doom lord kazzak тактика

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Doom Lord Kazzak is a massive demon that can be found in Hellfire Peninsula to the North of Thrallmar in an area called Throne of Kil'jaeden, coordinates (63,16). Below you will find a full breakdown of Doom Lord Kazzak's abilities, loot, and suggested tactics.

Strategy for Doom Lord Kazzak

The boss himself is fairly standard with no special strategy. You will want to keep the tank dispelled of Thunderclap to help with their threat generation. Make sure to not be in front of the boss to avoid the Cleave .

Anyone with the ability to dispel magical debuffs needs to be on their toes and ready to remove Twisted Reflection instantly. This will heal the boss drastically if not removed almost right away when it gets paired with Shadow Bolt Volley .

It is important for everyone with Mana to pay attention to whether or not they are the target of Mark of Kazzak . This ability will quickly drain their Mana and cause them to eventually explode for heavy AoE damage, knocking back everyone nearby. If you get this debuff, you must run as far away from the raid as possible. You are essentially out of the fight for the remainder of the encounter.

After one minute, Doom Lord Kazzak will Enrage , gaining increased damage done. He will then proceed to send out six waves of Shadow Bolt Volley back-to-back, essentially killing everyone near him. Most groups will never find themselves in this situation as the boss is fairly easy and has low health.

While most groups should not have a problem with this, there is a strategy you can use to avoid wiping to the Enrage if you find yourself hitting it for whatever reason. When the Enrage is coming soon, have the entire raid run far away from Kazzak except for the Holy Paladins. Right before he enrages, have the Paladins Divine Shield and spam heal the tank. The tank should use any cooldowns available to stay alive during this. After the six Shadow Bolt Volley s go off, the Enrage will end and you will have one more minute to DPS.

You will want to make sure you have enough Priests in the raid for Mass Dispel to remove all of the Twisted Reflection instantly to prevent the boss from healing massively. Shamans are also very strong for their Bloodlust / Heroism to help beat the Enrage timer.

Doom Lord Kazzak is a single-tank fight. All three tank specializations are viable options for tanking this boss, although Protection Paladins and Feral Druid Tanks may find it easier to gain initial threat in this short fight. A Protection Warrior has the added benefit of being able to survive through the Enrage should your group run into it.

Depending on how many people are in your raid group, you will want anywhere from 5-8 healers. The Shadow Bolt Volley makes for high raid-wide damage and the damage the tank takes is not minor either.

Lord Kazzak was originally found in Tainted Scar in Blasted Lands.

Doom Lord Kazzak Abilities

Gameplay Strategies

Against Doom Lord Kazzak, your only aim should be to control the board as the boss will always be able to regain Health with Twisted Reflection . As you control the board, you should look to clear the board efficiently by using an average of no more than 1 card to remove each enemy minion. Eventually, this will allow you to reach a position where the boss has no cards remaining in hand and you can start pressuring the boss's Health with any minions you have remaining. As you grind down the boss's Health make sure you still hold back a few cards as the boss has 1 copy of DOOM! to clear the board and refill its hand.


Lord Kazzak was a world raid encounter, which means that players are allowed to participate in high-end content without the time investment necessary to hack one’s way to the bottom of the dankest dungeons. Instead, he spawned within the back of the Tainted Scar in the Blasted Lands, a valley that is guarded by elite demonic forces left over from the Third War. The addition of these encounters opens up new game dynamics, both good and bad. While Blizzard expects a certain amount of competition for such high-end creeps, some players have been abusing Kazzak's special abilities with the specific intent to harass other players.


Aggro For the Legion! For Kil'jaeden! Kill Your own strength feeds me!

Boss Overview

Doom Lord Kazzak starts with 50 Health and uses a deck that consists primarily of high-tempo Demons with negative Battlecries like Pit Lord and Vulgar Homunculus. The boss will pair these with its Twisted Reflection to re-heal any self-damage it takes. The boss also has access to a few board clears like DOOM! and Felfire Potion.



For groups that lack the DPS to kill Kazzak in 1 minute:

In order to do this, you will need at least two Paladins; three or more are sufficient. Engage Kazzak normally and watch the raid's HP. When he is about to enrage (usually at 15 seconds left), have the whole raid move away from him, except for the main tank and the Paladins. Once Kazzak enrages, have the Paladins use their shields and start overhealing the tank. The shields should last until the enrage is gone. Then, the rest of the raid can move in again and continue DPS. Shamans should save Bloodlust/Heroism until this point. You'll have to kill him this time; it's not very likely that you will survive another enrage. If your Paladins are not very well-equipped, the main tank should use Shield Wall when Kazzak enrages. Still watch the raid HP and dispel twisted reflection.

Alternatively, you can simply survive his Enrage, as the damage can be resisted and absorbed. Simply stack enough stamina gear and buffs to get everyone to around 9k and pop healthstones and/or potions during the enrage.

Doom Lord Kazzak is the first boss in the of the Trial by Felfire challenge. In this guide, you will learn strategy tips and tricks to help you defeat the boss.

Doom Lord Kazzak


Attacks and abilities

Kazzak and his Deathforge Automaton guards at the Throne of Kil'jaeden.

Doom Lord Kazzak's abilities are the same as those when he resided in Azeroth, just with higher damage.

Attacks and abilities

  • His melee attacks are pretty weak, no more than 1500 hits on cloth users.
  • Shoots out an insanely long range volley of Shadowbolts that damage anything it can target in distance for 800-1000 damage. The volley totally ignores all line of sight issues: it cannot be dodged.
  • Casts a magical debuff (on a random player in range other than the player with aggro) that heals Lord Kazzak for 25,000 health each time he deals damage to the player with this debuff. This combined with the Shadowbolt Volley can ruin the attempt.
  • Casts a curse (on a random player in range with mana) that drains the target's mana for 250 per second and explodes for 4,000 AOE damage when there is no more mana to drain. A living bomb.
  • Attacks a number of melee range players around him with a cleaving strike that deals 1000-2000 damage to each. Since a 'blind spot' has not been found, Cleave might be capped to a certain number of players affected.
  • A point blank area of effect spell, hardly dealing any damage, but slowing movement speed. Some have reported 200 damage, some say it doesn't deal damage at all. Doesn't seem to affect attacking speed either.
  • A strong bolt he may cast only on the player with aggro, deals 3000 shadow damage (or more!).
  • When a player, pet or totem gets killed, Lord Kazzak casts this spell to instantly regenerate 70,000 health.


Once he is aggroed and the fight begins, you have no more than three (3) minutes to kill him. I'll explain later why. He starts off with everything he's got. He keeps meleeing the main tank while Cleaving once in a while for rogues swarming around him and keeps sending Shadowbolt Volleys to hurt everyone around. The volleys are not on a timer, instead he casts them as he sees fit. In some rare cases there's about 30 seconds between the casts, sometimes he does it every five seconds. In the meantime, he casts Twisted Reflection and the rarer Mark of Kazzak on random people.

Send your main tank in and let him build some aggro for a short while, just enough so he won't come at you the first time you cast something on him. Then unload. Have your DPS classes give him everything they have. Priests have to be extra mindful about the magical debuff he casts on your group. It has to be removed as soon as possible or the attempt will soon end in a disaster. Priests are also in charge of healing their groups thanks to that Shadowbolt Volley that keeps hitting everyone all the time. Mages need to be on top of the curse situation. Mark of Kazzak can and will cause a wipe if you let it go off on you. Dispel the curse as soon as you can. All casters should also leave about 1000 mana in their mana pool just in case he casts the curse on you. That'll give the mages four seconds to dispel before it goes off. In other words, 1000 mana is out of mana in this raid encounter. Also, anyone dying during the fight is not an option. Unless it happens during the first five seconds of the fight, you've failed already. Do not use grounding totems, pets or other small things he can kill for the 70,000 health heal.

Your group will have exactly three minutes to finish the demon off. If you fail to kill him in that time due to lack of DPS, people dying or not dispelling Twisted Reflection properly, Lord Kazzak will enter what is called the Supreme Mode. Named after his yell once it triggers, the supreme mode causes him to cast his Shadowbolt every second. That's 800-1000 DPS on everyone, and that means a wipe.

There are a number of epic items that a player could only acquire by killing Lord Kazzak, this loot table is identical to that of Highlord Kruul post Burning Crusade. Each of these ten items are listed below. Since there are ten items, each item had a 10% chance of dropping from Lord Kazzak after a successful kill. Also note that he dropped more than one item.

Notable attempts

Doom Lord Kazzak is a boss elite demon located at the Throne of Kil'jaeden, a mountain on the northern edge of Hellfire Peninsula in Outland. Originally known just as Lord Kazzak, he was once located in the Tainted Scar in the Blasted Lands. However, Kazzak found an artifact to reopen the Dark Portal and traveled through the portal to Outland, where he now commands the Burning Legion's war effort in Outland in the name of his master, Kil'jaeden. Lord Kazzak's replacement on Azeroth after the re-opening of the Dark Portal is Highlord Kruul, one of Kazzak's minions.

Deck-Building Advice

Due to the boss's Twisted Reflection Hero Power, rushing down the boss is not and option and instead you should look for a deck with a lategame-oriented strategy in order to succeed. As the boss has access to very little card draw, any control-style deck with lots of removal is a good choice.

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