Code vein 2 будет ли

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

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  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-2300
  • 6 ГБ ОЗУ
  • GeForce GTX 760
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Does anyone believe that there will be a CODE VEIN 2 in a few years from now officially? 22 окт. 2019 в 21:26 Its probably gonna be Code Vein Burst, then Code Vein 2, Code Vein 2 Rage Burst, Code Vein Resurrection and Lastly Code Vein 3 but made by another studio while they work on an fps with some kind of eating mechanic. 22 окт. 2019 в 21:33 Its probably gonna be Code Vein Burst, then Code Vein 2, Code Vein 2 Rage Burst, Code Vein Resurrection and Lastly Code Vein 3 but made by another studio while they work on an fps with some kind of eating mechanic. Also Code vein resonant ops and Code vein Mobile somewhere along the line 22 окт. 2019 в 21:57 CODE VEIN: Bloodlust sounds like a great sequel name. 23 окт. 2019 в 9:21 23 окт. 2019 в 9:27 With a bigger budget this could hit main stream like Monster Hunter World did. Vision and money. 23 окт. 2019 в 9:28 Or we actually get God Eater 4 Revenant, because there is already aragami and we will not just eat them but eat and drain blood(aragami who eat some lost evolve and became dominant type so they will have blood). 23 окт. 2019 в 9:29 Or we actually get God Eater 4 Revenant, because there is already aragami and we will not just eat them but eat and drain blood(aragami who eat some lost evolve and became dominant type so they will have blood).
aragami do have blood in original god eater when you devour there is blood all over the screen 23 окт. 2019 в 9:34 But they evolve and blood power needs a blood(obliviously) so to use it they will evolve to have it or to have some alternative. Aragami take some useful characteristics from their prey. GOD EATER 4: Revenant would be the ideal sequel to CODE VEIN if actually done correctly. 23 окт. 2019 в 17:47 GOD EATER 4: Revenant would be the ideal sequel to CODE VEIN if actually done correctly.

Pretty sure that this is what every GE & Code Vein fan wants.
I don't think they will merge both series into one!
It wouldn't even make any sense!
That would be a huge turn off for fans that don't necessarily like the other series.

Besides what was the point in making CV in the first place if they could've just continued with GE?

When do you guys think code vein 2 will be out? What do you think the story will be about?

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As for the story: hard to tell, depends on the direction they want to go, and what ending they consider canon ( usually the best ending).

God Eater = how the Aragami got handled in Japan.
Code Vein = How the Aragami/Horrors got handled in America.

Perhaps Code Vein 2 = How the Aragami got handled in Europe?

The actual interesting party to keep in check is Bandai Namco Studios, the developer, as they have multiple different teams working on multiple games.
That said, Scarlet Nexus is a done in cooperation by at least two of them as the Director Kenji Anabuki is from "Team Tales of", while the Produce, Keita Iizuka, is from "Team God Eater" - which unsurprisingly was the one responsible for Code Vein as well.

So the question is, what will "Team God Eater" do after Scarlet Nexus - God Eater 4, Code Vein 2, or Scarlet Nexus 2?
Because they can only do one of them.

I agree with how the story will, and should, probably go based off of the true true ending, with Io included. I don’t think that the revenants will be going to a whole different continent, though. and this is going on if we just keep our same character from the first code vein. Overall, I think it should keep our same characters, go off of the true true ending, and have many, if not all, God Eater bosses and enemies, since that’s whats behind the red mist, right?

Imagine if Scarlet Nexus was just another title in the connected universe.

I hope as soon as possible. I’m also curious to see what the story would be considering the true ending of the game.

They could just make god eater 4 and say the revenants became god eaters but then there’s the issue that god eater and code vein are completely different gameplay wise. Personally I hope they somehow manage to merge the 2 keeping the code vein gameplay (because let’s be honest, a blind person could easily beat god eater by simply mashing buttons ) and somehow adding in the god eater elements of bigger maps and enemies and preparations before missions. Kinda like an open world sandboxy code vein maybe.

But I don’t know. It sure as hell would be a challenge to find a balance between those 2 games.


3 окт. 2019 в 8:54 3 окт. 2019 в 8:58 When i see Vajra from God Eater in game its funny, well we see if theres be CV2 3 окт. 2019 в 9:10 Dude, with the way this thing is selling right now, they would be DUMB not to milk it for what it is worth. However I think CV2 would be a year or two coming, they have to nail the upcoming DLCs first. Besides its easy to insert new story + new protag. I would also like to see a "Code Vein Cross God Eater Revolution" kinda game. Im excited they are expanding their own unique little universe. 3 окт. 2019 в 9:19 3 окт. 2019 в 9:26 you can still have the same gamplay in the outside world, idk much about the early godeater games, but maybe you can lay the foundations of the defence against the monsters. 3 окт. 2019 в 9:34

do u know that there are 3 endings ?
i think best ending is the main ending. when the Earth gonna end who care about vampire lost their mind in one city.

it's like spinoff from god eater.

3 окт. 2019 в 9:38 if cv would not have a cv2 based off the ending, then darksouls 2 and 3 should not exist either. 3 окт. 2019 в 9:57 3 окт. 2019 в 15:22 When i see Vajra from God Eater in game its funny, well we see if theres be CV2 3 окт. 2019 в 15:25 I'm betting there would be. Would take some time tho. 3 окт. 2019 в 15:29 I hope there will be a second Game. But without this unbelievable bad storytelling. Serious.-.that was the worst storytelling in History of Gaming. 3 окт. 2019 в 15:32 I hope there will be a second Game. But without this unbelievable bad storytelling. Serious.-.that was the worst storytelling in History of Gaming. worst story telling in history of gaming? ever played modern mmo´s? 3 окт. 2019 в 15:34 I hope there will be a second Game. But without this unbelievable bad storytelling. Serious.-.that was the worst storytelling in History of Gaming. worst story telling in history of gaming? ever played modern mmo´s?
MMO´s dont count for me. But even if. CV´s Storytelling is ridiculous. 3 окт. 2019 в 15:35 worst story telling in history of gaming? ever played modern mmo´s?
MMO´s dont count for me. But even if. CV´s Storytelling is ridiculous. Still has better story telling then neptunia VII in MY opinion^^ 3 окт. 2019 в 15:39
MMO´s dont count for me. But even if. CV´s Storytelling is ridiculous. Still has better story telling then neptunia VII in MY opinion^^
This Crap doesnt count as a Game for me. 3 окт. 2019 в 23:28

i think best ending is the main ending. when the Earth gonna end who care about vampire lost their mind in one city.

it's like spinoff from god eater.
side note they should add god eater type bosses

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Code Vein — хардкорный ролевой экшен с элементами хоррора и исследованием подземелий от создателей God Eater. Вам предстоит взять на себя роль вампира и вместе со своими соратниками противостоять самой сути мира. После падения в потустороннее измерение Вейн, вы отправитесь в мир с компаньоном, выбранным из разных жителей Вейна, чтобы вернуть утраченные воспоминания и найти выход из этой сумасшедшей реальности. Мир игры полон жестоких врагов и чудовищных боссов, которые бросят вызов вашим боевым навыкам.

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