Будет ли gta 5 на directx 12

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

GTA V не поддерживает DX12, только 11. У вас может быть как 11, так и 12.

Улучшит ли DirectX 12 FPS?

Как мне увеличить свой fps в GTA 5?

Найдите лучшие настройки графики для GTA 5 на вашем ПК

Какой DirectX лучше всего подходит для GTA 5?

Поддерживает ли GTX 1050 DX12?

Хотя он достаточно хорошо держится в играх DX12, 1050 торпедирует RX 460 в каждой игре DX11, даже с 4 ГБ оперативной памяти.

Может ли gta5 работать без DirectX?

Могу ли я использовать DirectX 12?

Что означает DirectX 12 для игр?

DirectX 12 (DX12) позволяет разработчикам добавлять потрясающие графические эффекты в компьютерные игры на базе Microsoft Windows. Видеокарты GeForce обладают расширенными функциями DX12, такими как трассировка лучей и шейдинг с переменной скоростью, оживляя игры с помощью сверхреалистичных визуальных эффектов и более высокой частоты кадров.

Как мне перейти с DirectX 12 на 11?

DirectX 12 быстрее, чем 11?

При этом DX12 имеет несколько преимуществ перед DX11. Основное различие между двумя API-интерфейсами заключается в том, что DX12 является более низкоуровневым, чем DX11, а это означает, что DX12 дает разработчикам более точный контроль над тем, как их игра взаимодействует с вашим CPU и GPU.

Поддерживает ли моя видеокарта DirectX 12?

I installed Windows 10.
My GPU support Windows 10.
According to My Directx diagnostic tool i am running Directx12
But its not showing in gta v graphic settings.

Do i have to wait for a update?

30 июл. 2015 в 17:29 GTA 5 doesn't have Direct X 12 support -_- It's only on DX 11 30 июл. 2015 в 17:29 30 июл. 2015 в 17:30

It is a DX12 game. You just have to wait for R* to roll out a patch to include the DX12 option.

You can easily tell that this game is ready for DX12 from the fact that when running SLI, the VRAM is doubled in the graphics options menu.

30 июл. 2015 в 17:32 GTA 5 only supports upto DX 11 rockstar would have to add DX 12 to the game. to utilize DX 12. your os has DX 12 and your card supports DX 12 the game don't so you can only use DX 11 in games that don't add DX 12 support. 30 июл. 2015 в 17:35

Yep at present its not a direct x 12 game, they maybe able to add support in depending on how they designed the game engine, but at present its dx11 only.

You can easily tell that this game is ready for DX12 from the fact that when running SLI, the VRAM is doubled in the graphics options menu.
Actually that is a known bug. Its not actually using your ram like it shows it is. For instance if you choose options that on a single card would take up 4gb of ram it shows on sli as taking up more etc. So it looks like your using more memory, but infact its not actually doing it.
GTA 5 only supports upto DX 11 rockstar would have to add DX 12 to the game. to utilize DX 12. your os has DX 12 and your card supports DX 12 the game don't so you can only use DX 11 in games that don't add DX 12 support.

It is a DX12 game. You just have to wait for R* to roll out a patch to include the DX12 option.

You can easily tell that this game is ready for DX12 from the fact that when running SLI, the VRAM is doubled in the graphics options menu.

cant wait for a R* to rollout a directx12 update, so i can see what this new technology is :D 30 июл. 2015 в 17:42

It is a DX12 game. You just have to wait for R* to roll out a patch to include the DX12 option.

You can easily tell that this game is ready for DX12 from the fact that when running SLI, the VRAM is doubled in the graphics options menu.

What are you babbling on about? The doubling of VRAM for SLI in GTA V has nothing to do with DirectX12. GTA V is built around the Rage engine, which supports DirectX 11 and there is nothing to suggest that the current Rage engine by Rockstar is going to include DX12. 30 июл. 2015 в 18:06

Yep at present its not a direct x 12 game, they maybe able to add support in depending on how they designed the game engine, but at present its dx11 only.

You can easily tell that this game is ready for DX12 from the fact that when running SLI, the VRAM is doubled in the graphics options menu.
Actually that is a known bug. Its not actually using your ram like it shows it is. For instance if you choose options that on a single card would take up 4gb of ram it shows on sli as taking up more etc. So it looks like your using more memory, but infact its not actually doing it.
Oh no, I know it won't be using it. But all Rockstar has to do is add the DX12 features in. The combined VRAM feature is there, they just have to add DX12 as an option for it to work. 30 июл. 2015 в 18:09 Its 100% up to rockstar if they update the game to DX12 but dont hold your breath on that 30 июл. 2015 в 18:11

It is a DX12 game. You just have to wait for R* to roll out a patch to include the DX12 option.

You can easily tell that this game is ready for DX12 from the fact that when running SLI, the VRAM is doubled in the graphics options menu.

What are you babbling on about? The doubling of VRAM for SLI in GTA V has nothing to do with DirectX12. GTA V is built around the Rage engine, which supports DirectX 11 and there is nothing to suggest that the current Rage engine by Rockstar is going to include DX12.
SLI DOES NOT DOUBLE VRAM NOR DOES DX12 NEVER WILL CHANGE THAT. what you see in the game settings with SLI vram is a mirrored usage of both cards of vram for gta nothing more its not doubling vram it does not work like that and never will people who think that should have never bought a sli setup. understand the tech before you equip it! 30 июл. 2015 в 19:34
What are you babbling on about? The doubling of VRAM for SLI in GTA V has nothing to do with DirectX12. GTA V is built around the Rage engine, which supports DirectX 11 and there is nothing to suggest that the current Rage engine by Rockstar is going to include DX12.
SLI DOES NOT DOUBLE VRAM NOR DOES DX12 NEVER WILL CHANGE THAT. what you see in the game settings with SLI vram is a mirrored usage of both cards of vram for gta nothing more its not doubling vram it does not work like that and never will people who think that should have never bought a sli setup. understand the tech before you equip it!
I hope you were replying to the goop who suggested VRAM doubling in GTA V as I am fully aware VRAM isn't pooled in SLI and that it's simply a visual mistake in GTA V that shows double the available VRAM for whatever reason. 30 июл. 2015 в 19:39 Like others have said, R* would need to upgrade to it with a major patch that is VERY unlikey to happen. 30 июл. 2015 в 20:11

Yep at present its not a direct x 12 game, they maybe able to add support in depending on how they designed the game engine, but at present its dx11 only.

Actually that is a known bug. Its not actually using your ram like it shows it is. For instance if you choose options that on a single card would take up 4gb of ram it shows on sli as taking up more etc. So it looks like your using more memory, but infact its not actually doing it.

31 мар. 2015 в 6:30 Is it possible that Rockstar add DirectX 12 support in some patches after release? According to all the information about DX 12, it gives large performance improvements. Some tastes shows +400% AMD graphic performance and +150% nVidia. It means that if you have 25-30 FPS, you can get at least stable 60 on the same hardware but with new API. What do you think about it? 31 мар. 2015 в 6:31 I would say most games will update. But I'm not sure how DirectX does it. Havn't been a gamer long enough D: 31 мар. 2015 в 6:32

Not sure where you get those numbers from but they seem extremely overinflated and not realistic. I know it is said DX 12 has performance advantages, and in some cases pretty big ones but nothing like what you are describing above, more in the 10-30% region.

I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong however if anyone can link to anything official on this.

31 мар. 2015 в 6:34

Not sure where you get those numbers from but they seem extremely overinflated and not realistic. I know it is said DX 12 has performance advantages, and in some cases pretty big ones but nothing like what you are describing above.

I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong however if anyone can link to anything official on this.

31 мар. 2015 в 6:34 yes it is possible to add later on, the performance isnt as big as you claim as dx12 has only been tested in numbers and not in an actual game 31 мар. 2015 в 6:37 With time why not..Everything is possible with Rockstar 31 мар. 2015 в 6:37

Not sure where you get those numbers from but they seem extremely overinflated and not realistic. I know it is said DX 12 has performance advantages, and in some cases pretty big ones but nothing like what you are describing above.

I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong however if anyone can link to anything official on this.

31 мар. 2015 в 6:39 yes it is possible to add later on, the performance isnt as big as you claim as dx12 has only been tested in numbers and not in an actual game

Direct X 12 will only increase framerates with CPU bound games and even then it won't be `400%` or doubling the framerate. It is about draw calls from the CPU to the GPU and reducing the current `bulky` API overhead from the CPU. The current tests of Direct X 12 are nothing more than numbered benchmarks and bare no relation to real world gaming.

If people are thinking that suddenly their AMD GPU is going to become magically `400%` more powerful and outperform Nvidia cards- you're living in `cloud cuckooland`.

31 мар. 2015 в 6:41 31 мар. 2015 в 7:19 No. They'll have to rewrite the engine from scratch.
Expect GTA 6 to use DX12. Probably (cuz consoles!). 31 мар. 2015 в 7:27 From what I know, R* added in DX11 support into LA Noire. That said, it was terribly supported and for many others (me included) the game ran like crap when it was enabled. It's possible but not necesarilly desired. 31 мар. 2015 в 7:30 They're gonna go work on something else that will sell 50M copies instead of overhauling the rendering pipeline for their least popular platform and players who will have already given them their money.

If DirectX 12 bring 1% or 400% performance boost depends on the game itself. You can't say it's faster about n% in every game. DX12 mostly achieves this by rapidly decreasing API overhead. It can boost game 4x if game uses lot of API calls for simple tasks. It brings big performance boost on frames which are rendered very fast. Big boosts was achieved on demos with billions of triangles, because there is lot of API calls and drawing triangle after API call is very easy. But in new gen games, which uses advanced graphics effects, there will be boost, but not so big. I think 5-10% can be realistic average in game like GTA V, but it all depends how RAGE engine works with DirectX internally. However RAGE engine is very complex, so it is possible it can be optimized because of dropping of some API overhead.

Now to GTA V - I think it is possible to hope DX12 patch will be released in future - I hope so too. There are few reasons:

Grand Theft Auto V

31 мар. 2016 в 14:09 Any Information of why I can't play gta 5 with directx 12. Or can I run it now? Yes I have directx 12 and my specs are good enough to play this game. 31 мар. 2016 в 14:18 31 мар. 2016 в 14:19 31 мар. 2016 в 14:31 Grand Theft Auto V does not have Directx 12 support. 31 мар. 2016 в 14:34 Could there be a patch or would it have to be a new engin? 31 мар. 2016 в 14:38 DirectX 12 can be implanted into the engine but I doubt it would be as effective as it was advertised due to the fact that game was not originally written in DirectX 12 31 мар. 2016 в 14:39 31 мар. 2016 в 14:44 31 мар. 2016 в 14:50 You would need a graphics card that would support it as well 31 мар. 2016 в 14:54 31 мар. 2016 в 15:12 Could there be a patch or would it have to be a new engin?

Not officially confirmed, but according to these yes, there's a DX12 update in the works.

Могу ли я запустить GTA V на DirectX 12?

DirectX 12 не работает на ПК с GTAV

Похоже, DirectX 12 не поддерживается в текущей версии игры, так как не позволяет мне запускать и играть в игру. Я полностью осознаю, что: Все версии DirectX совместимы.

Подходит ли DirectX 12 для игр?

DirectX 12 (DX12) позволяет разработчикам добавлять потрясающие графические эффекты в компьютерные игры на базе Microsoft Windows. Видеокарты GeForce обладают расширенными функциями DX12, такими как трассировка лучей и шейдинг с переменной скоростью, оживляя игры с помощью сверхреалистичных визуальных эффектов и более высокой частоты кадров.

Поддерживает ли GTA 5 Vulkan?

GTA: V НЕ будет поддерживать Vulkan.

Улучшает ли DirectX 11 FPS?

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