Ann got two brothers выберите вариант

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1 She . a college student.
a. am c. do
b. were d. is
2 There . twelve people in the
a. are c. he
b. am d. is
3 This is . book.
a. my friend c. my friend’s
b. mine
d. mine friend’s
4 My father is .
.. good
a. the c. -
b. a d. an
5 They. a lot.
a. working c. works
b. work d. do work
6 Two . are sitting on the sofa.
a. a woman c. womans
b. women d. woman
7 I go. college.
a. at c. to
b. in d. -
8 Ann is John’s .
a. wife c. daughters
b. husband d. wives
9 This is . exercise in the book.
a. an easiest c. easier
b. the easiest d. the most easy
10 Your test is good, but mine
a. better c. gooder
b. badder d. well
11 Look! She . a car!
a. drives c. is driving
b. drive d. driving
12 He . to see them tomorrow.
a. will go c. will
b. go d. going
13 They . about it yesterday.
a. spoke c. speak
b. speaked d. will speak
14 He . just. us his story.
a. have. told c. has. told
b. did. tell d. was. tell
15 She . sweets when mother
came into the room.
a. ate c. eats
b. was eating d. has eaten
16 I . my friend two weeks
a. have seen c. see
b. was seeing d. saw
17 There was . at home.
a. somewhere c. anybody
b. nobody d. any
18 She is . best friend.
a. mine c. I
b. my d. we
Продолжение таблицы
19 Anna Karenina is written .
a. with c. from
b. by d.-
20 He is keen . taking pictures.
a. about c. on
b. at d. with
21 Come to our place .
a. immediate c. more quickly
b. immediately d. the quickest
22 Whose bag is it? — It’s .
a. ours c. mine
b. our d. our’s
23 . people will come to the
party? _
a. How many c. How
b. How much d. When
24 It has stopped raining.
a. was it c. hasn’t it
b. didn’t it d. has it
25 Who . hard in your group?
a. working c. works
b. are working d. work
26 There are . pictures on the
a. no any c. any
b. no d. nothing
27 He was bom.. third of May.
a. on the c. on
b. in the d. at the
28 He enjoyed. tennis.
a. to play c. play
b. playing d. played
29 The boy . TV is my brother.
a. who watch c. watching
b. watched d. was watching
30 Rugby . in the USA.
a. was play c. is play
b. is played d. plays
31 After . the test they went to
the park.
a. writing c. write
b. to write d. written
32 . this book is really very
a. One say c. They say
b. It says d. Some says
33 He . a lot of
birthday party
friends to his
a. was invited c. were invited
b. invited d. had invited
34 . three hours to do
a. It takes me c. It take me
b. It take d. I do
35 If we . a test today, I will fail.
a. will have c. had
b. would have d. have
36 If you travel, you . it.
a. enjoyed c. had enjoy
b. enjoy d. will enjoy
37 They . pictures, if they
hadn’t left their camera
at the hotel.
a. would take c. will take
b. would have
d. had taken

1 d
2 a
3 c
4 b
5 b
6 b
7 c
8 a
9 b
10 a
11 c
12 d
13 a
14 c
15 b
16 d
17 b
18 b
19 b
20 c
21 b
22 c
23 a
24 c
25 c
26 b
27 a
28 b
29 c
30 b
31 a
32 c
33 b
34 a
35 d
36 d
37 b

9.would you like some sugar in your tea?-Yes,please, .
a little
a few
10. . you got a pen?
11.the museum was very crowded. there were too . people
a lot of
12 there isn't . juice in the bottle
a lots of
a few
13. steve isn't popular. he has . friends
a little
a few
14. it . very cold today
will be
15 . no news for you today
is there
are there
there is
there are
16.i'm afraid . no water in the bottle.
there is
there aren't
there are
there isn't
17 you . nine years old
18 ann . got two brothers
is many peoplr . at the party tonight?
were there
there were
there are
are there
20. let's go to a cafe. We've got . time before the train leaves
a few
a little

III. Выберите правильный вариант из четырех
1. My grandmother … a teacher.
a) Am
b) Is
c) Are
d) Will
2. Ann … got two brothers.
a) Is
b) Have
c) Has
d) Are
3. Is this … umbrella?
a) him
b) he
c) his
d) he
4.Do you know … name?
a) She
b) He
c) Her
d) She
5. Those two ….. are my aunts.
a) woman
6.The Moskva River is. than the Volga.
a) short
c) more short
d)the shortest

I. Чтение. Прочитайте текст. Отметьте правильные (T) и неправильные ( F) утверждения.
Millions of people all over the world like Michael Jackson. He has got three sisters and five brothers. The boys are all in the band called “The Jackson Five” but Michael is the international• superstar. Why do so many people like him? They like his music, they like his songs and they like his dancing. They even like his clothes. On stage Michael Jackson is a star but at home he is quiet and shy. He lives in a very big house in California with his mother and two of his sisters. He loves animals. He’s got a lot of animals in his private zoo.
1. All the family is in the band “The Jackson Five”.
2. A lot of people dislike Michael Jackson.
3. Michael can dance.
4. On stage Michael is quiet and shy.
5. Michael likes animals.
6. All Michael’s sisters live with him in California.
7. He has his own zoo.

как начать ответ на вопрос?what impressed you most during your holidays?​​

как начать ответ на вопрос?what impressed you most during your holidays?​

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