An unexpected disconnection occurred poe решение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

4 авг. 2017 в 4:08

My first time after 2 years. Deleted my old char to try everything brand new. However I am barely able to play a 70 seconds before the above error message occurs and I am booted back to the main menu.

Can I assume this is due to the server probems arising from the huge patch coming tomorrow ? Most people I see are able to play this game with no issues and I have no other problems playing other online Arpgs and shooters. It has to be the servers right ?

Anyone else have this isses ?

Also wanted to say that I have tried other gateways, changing network settings through UI and adding noasync through launch options. But no dice.

Problem has persisted for the previous whole day now :(

UPDATE: So I got quite a few comments from ppl sharing my issue. I am glad I am not the only one. I did a little bit of research into this. For the past year or less, regions in the Middle East and South Asian countries have problems connecting consistently to the Path of Exile servers. In the Middle East, there are 2 major ISPproviders and it seems that they have restricted access to the ports that POE uses to connect between server and client.

This combined with the largest update in this game's history and the large amt of players joining seems to have enlarged this issue to many more players. So it seems to be the ISP in your respective countries because as you can see we are in the minority

If you live outside of the regions I mentioned, then it could very well be the servers but I personally cannot be sure of that. Until then, I guess you can use the free trial for pingzapper ?

Последняя редакция: xxxpopxxx. Время: 20 мая 2018 г., 8:37:02


Все перепробовал. И пакчек, и переустанавливал, и настройки перекидывал ничего не помогает=(
И что теперь делать?




Спонсор Лич Бездны

Спонсор Боец арены

нет, проблема не решилась. Пробовал перекачивать новый клиент. До сих пор все без изменений.



Khajit has wares. if you have coin.
Best Leagues Ever Made: Breach (2.5 ver)/Legacy(2.6 ver)/Legion(3.7 ver)/Delirium(3.10 ver)/Heist(3.12 ver).

Последняя редакция: X_Root_X. Время: 22 мая 2018 г., 4:02:58


Спонсор Ловец

Да, вчера тоже через впн подключился, но играть не возможно нормально. будем ждать , может переделают блокировку. Провайдер ростелеком=(

When I started playing in 3.0 I got unexpected disconnect approximately every 1-2h. Since I play on hardcore my character died to it and so I want to try to fix it.
When I read the Client file I noticed that most disconnection include following:

2017/08/05 11:38:27 3023612002 1fa [DEBUG Client 11536] ClientInternalActor::NotifyOtherClientsAreaLoadComplete - players.size() = 0
2017/08/05 11:39:00 3023644980 611 [INFO Client 11536] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

2017/08/05 04:47:58 2998982673 1fa [DEBUG Client 18044] ClientInternalActor::NotifyOtherClientsAreaLoadComplete - players.size() = 0
2017/08/05 04:48:09 2998994280 611 [INFO Client 18044] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

Also when I googled the problem it seems a lof of similar disconnects have been in the beta. Sadly I cannot acces the beta forum.



Legacy Supporter

Sometimes you have to open a portal to refill flask or sell items. Also on my current character I also try to avoid it.


same here dcs pretty mutch every half-hour
had probably like 50 already from 3.00 release to today


Portent Supporter


Closed Beta Supporter

Seeker Supporter

Silver Crescent Supporter

THe error is stilll the same. Also if you enter the area normally the game also disonnects you.
2017/08/06 22:20:20 3148524592 cab [DEBUG Client 15300] Entering area 2_8_10
2017/08/06 22:20:26 3148530645 1fa [DEBUG Client 15300] ClientInternalActor::NotifyOtherClientsAreaLoadComplete - players.size() = 0
2017/08/06 22:20:59 3148563623 611 [INFO Client 15300] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

4 янв. 2018 в 10:58

"an unexpected disconnection error has occured" and other such errors. Sometimes takes 2 or 3 times just to login into the game. The worst is of course when trying to run some loot back to town. Once I'm in a zone it seems OK but any time trying to change zones the error can hit. This happens with predictive mode as many keep suggesting.

I originally gave up in 2013 because the god awful desync from here in the USA.

What I'm looking at is that google, Steam and the official forums show people with the same error going back to August 2017. That's a long time. How long does it take them to fix these things? Not sure I want to tough it out while they get their game working right.

4 янв. 2018 в 11:31

The problem is not everyone has the problem. Im on the west coast and no issues at all.

Have you submitted a ticket with all the needed info ? If they cant reproduce the problem its really hard to fix it. And since not everyone has it, it seems it might be on the user end ?

4 янв. 2018 в 11:31

Did some winMTR and / or contacted support for this issue?

Desync could be on your side, ggg's side or somewhere in the middle. I would guess it's hard to locate an issue when you don't know the problem.

But just waiting for the chance maybe its getting better somewhere in the future, is the least helpful way you should go down.

23 апр. 2019 в 6:30

No. The best way to fix it, is actually to get a SSD.
I'm not trying to be mean, but that's literally the best way to fix it.

The assets on on your hard drive. The older the Hard Disk Drive is, the slower the searching speed for the needed assets. This happens because all HDD slow down as they get older.

This creates a lag that happens in the game on loading zones.
Once this reaches a critical point, zones will disconnect quite a lot, until either the game is completely recoded from scratch, which is something that even Tencent couldn't pull off, seriously, the amount of work for that is massive,, or people get their hard drive updated.

It's really up to you.
I'm not trying to be mean, I had these problems a lot on my old HDD, so I remember how fixing it took getting a new SSD.

The benefit of an HDD over SSD though, is 15 years from now, you'll be able to read a 25 year old HDD. :P Good look doing that to a SSD that's 25 years old.

HDDs are just made of durable material. That's their big advantage over all these years. They last a long time. THey just get slow.

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