A lady red handed на месте преступления yesterday in the shop

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Today is Thursday, and John has been late twice this week; he was late yesterday and on Monday.
I first met George a month ago, and I have met himseveral times since then.
It is October now, and we have done a lot of work this year; we did a lot last year too.
She bought a coat last winter, but she hasn't bought a new dress since 2008.
It's only the middle of the month, and he has already spent most of his salary; he spent $60 yesterday.
I broke my leg in 1991, but I have never broken my arm.
He's over sixty, and he's still working. He has been working hard all his life. When he was a young man, he sometimes worked all night.
The postman came at eight yesterday, but it's now half past eight and he hasn't come yet.
Today is May 25th. Ted hasn't been absent this month.
He felt extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he's felt much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.

Новые вопросы в Английский язык

Match the highlighted words and phrases to their meaning Помогите ,d

Present Simple and conditions choose the correct Words срочно помогите пожалуйста ​

Помогите ответить на вопросы к сказке снегурочка пожалуйста ​

выполните упражнения к третьей части.Только 4, 5 и 6!​

из активного залога в present perfect possive11. The jewelry already (steal) when police arrived. 12. The stadium construction (not complete) before t … he Olympic games.13. the application (send) before the deadline? 14. When they arrived at the theatre, the performance (not start).15. your bike (steal) before you finished your classes?16. the bank (rob) before someone called the police? 17. When he came to the office, his computer already (repair).18. When her boss called her, the problem (not sell).19. The parcel (not deliver) when they came to the post office. 20. When they came to the office, the documents (not sign).

21. Look at these gray clouds, it ………………………………..(rain).

22. How long is it now since it last ………………………? (rain)

23. It usually ……………………….. a lot in March.(rain)

24. - I am so hungry.

25. She …………………………………… me last night.(not / phone)

26. How long was it since you …………………..……………….. your hair cut. (last / have)

27. Paul ………………………………….. at the moment.(not / work)

28. ………………. Sarah …………….. in London? Yes, she does. (live)

29. –There is no orange juice left

-I ………………………… and get some.(go)

30. Shakespeare ………………… “Romeo & Juliet”, ……………………. he? (write)

31. This is the best book I ………………………………….(ever / read)

32. How long …………………. she …………………… in Paris? (live)

33. -What ……………… you …………….. of Paul? (think)

-Well, I ……………….. he is a nice person. (think)

34. ………………. the police …………………. the burglars yet? (arrest)

35. -The grass need cutting

-Yes, I know; I ………………………………… the lawn tomorrow.(mow)

36. Who ……………… you …………….at the meeting yesterday? (see)

37. Robert and Tricia ……………………………… each other for over 25 years.(know)

38. Stop talking! I ……………………………. my lessons.(learn)

39. I …………………………………… my homework.(already / finish)

40. I am sure you ……………………………. this book, it’s really interesting.(enjoy)

41. How long ……………she …………………… there when you met her? (work)

42. ……………. Mr. Dawson in Detroit yesterday? (be)

43. I …………. Jim a couple of days ago.(meet)

44. He is the most stupid man I ……………………………(ever / meet)

45. How long ago ……………… they ……………? (leave)

46. I ………………………….. to the theater tonight (go); I ……………….the ticket yesterday (buy).

47. They ………………………… their summer holidays in Italy when they were children.(spend)

48. How long ………………….. they …………………….before it started to rain? (run)

49. I ……………………………….. when he rang me last night.(sleep)

50. I …………………………………. a tire before.(never / change)

51. She ……………………………… her homework by 5 o’clock.(finish)

52. While I ……………………………. to work I met an old friend of mine.(go)

53. Jill …………………….. a car for a week.(have)

54. How long …………… they …………………… English? (learn)

55. They …………………………… to our party. (probably / come)

56. When I got home, they ………………………………. dinner.(have / already)

57. I am sweating because I ……………………………………. the whole house.(clean)

58. -Is the house clean?

59. He ………………………………… with matches when he burnt himself. (play)

60. The plane …………………………. (just / land)

61. Bob ………………………….. dancing.(not / like)

62. Bob …………………………………….. dancing.(never / like)

63. John F. Kennedy ………………….. in 1963.(die)

64. That was the worst film I …………………………………. (ever / see)

65. My family ……………………………….. the castle for over two centuries. (own)

66. I ……………………………………………. for you for three hours.(wait)

67. Henry ………………………………. to Sam two hours before. (talk)

68. Yesterday I met Dan; I ……………………………….. him for ages.(not / see)

69. We ………………………………….. on a school trip next Tuesday.(go)

70. I promise I ……………………………….. lies anymore. (not / tell)

II. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. He said, "I like this song."

2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.

4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.

6. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says.

7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

8. "I never make mistakes," he said.

9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

1. It’s ages since we last went to the cinema.

2. -What is he doing ?

-He is mowing the lawn.

3. I read the newspaper every day.

4. Have you ever been to Japan?

5. He said he had never kissed a girl.

6. Did you take some photos during your stay in London?

7. I have always wanted to be a vet.

8. Dan bought a new car last month.

9. She is meeting her boss at 2pm.

10. It was a long time since we had last seen Ron.

11. I haven’t heard from Paul for two weeks.

12. Look! It is snowing.

13. Have you read any good books lately?

14. Tom wasn’t at school this morning.

15. It was the first time they had drunk alcohol.

16. We are going to have a party.

17. I don’t think he will come.

18. Sarah has gone to the supermarket, the fridge is full now.

19. Bog and Fiona have been playing cards since the beginning of the afternoon.

20. They have lived there since they were children.

21. Look at these gray clouds, it is going to rain.

22. How long is it now since it last rained?

23. It usually rains a lot in March.

24. I will prepare a sandwich.

25. She didn’t phone me last night.

26. How long was it since you had last had your hair cut.

27. Paul is not working at the moment.

28. Does Sarah live in London? Yes, she does.

29. I will go and get some.

30. Shakespeare wrote “Romeo & Juliet”, didn’t he?

31. This is the best book I have ever read.

32. How long has she been living in Paris?

33. What do you think of Paul? Well, I think he is a nice person.

34. Have the police arrested the burglars yet?

35. Yes, I know; I am going to mow the lawn tomorrow.

36. Who did you see at the meeting yesterday?

37. Robert and Tricia have known each other for over 25 years.

38. Stop talking! I am learning my lessons.

39. I have already finished my homework.

40. I am sure you will enjoy this book, it’s really interesting.

41. How long had she been working there when you met her?

42. Was Mr. Dawson in Detroit yesterday?

43. I met Jim a couple of days ago.

44. He is the most stupid man I have ever met.

45. How long ago did they leave?

46. I am going to the theater tonight; I bought the ticket yesterday.

47. They used to spend their summer holidays in Italy when they were children.

Выполните грамматический тест, выбрав верную форму пропущенного слова.

1.A lady … red-handed (на месте преступления) yesterday in the shop.
a) is caught
b) caught
c) was caught
d) is caugh

2. This marvelous poem … by Tom today, i.e. my son.
a) is written
b) was written
c) be written
d) will be written

3. Your dress … by a customer recently. So you’re late.
a) have been bought
b) were bought
c) has been bought
d) will be bought

4. Linda knows five languages, … she?
a) does
b) doesn’t
c) do
d) is

5. He can jump for 60 minutes without a break, … he?
a) can
b) is
c) isn’t
d) can’t

  1. Pure monopoly is a theoretical market structure where there is only one seller of a commodity or service.

  2. The company will open some new departments.

  3. Markets are the environment in which a business operates.

  4. The finance department is responsible for controlling the funds.

  5. Salespeople may work on the telephone, in person, or both.

1. Чистая монополия - это теоретическая структура рынка, где существует только один продавец товара или услуги.

2. Компания откроет несколько новых отделов.

3. Рынки - это среда, в которой работает бизнес.

4. Финансовый отдел отвечает за контроль над фондами.

5. Продавцы могут работать по телефону, лично или и так, и так.

  1. Малый бизнес является распространенной формой бизнеса во многих странах.

  2. Бухгалтерский учет – важный инструмент в работе фирмы.

1. Small business is a common form of business in many countries.

2. Accounting - an important tool in the work of the company.

3. How many sales departments in your company?

4. Who heads your company?

5. The main management body is the annual meeting of directors.

Прочитайте текст. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к выделенному предложению.


Аlthough the content and character of economics cannot be described briefly, numerous writers have attempted that. An especially useless, though once popular, example is: «Economics is what economists do».

Similarly, a notable economist of the last century Alfred Marshall called economics « a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life». Lionel Robbins in the 1930s described economics as «the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends".

During much of modern history, especially in the nineteenth century, economics was called simply «the science of wealth» . Less seriously, George Bernard Shaw was credited in the early 1900s with the witticism that «economics is the science whose practitioners, even if all were laid end to end, would not reach agreement».

We may make better progress by comparing economics with other subjects. Like every other discipline that attempts to explain observed facts (physics, astronomy, meteorology), economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles. The manner in which theoretical principles are formulated and used in applications varies greatly from one science to another. Like psychology, economics draws much of its theoretical core from intuition and «common knowledge about human nature». Like meteorology, economics is largely non experimental. Like practical physics and molecular biology, economics deals with an array of closely interrelated phenomena.

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Секреты английского языка

Posted on 2013-10-17 by admin in Тесты // 13 Comments

Залог (Voice) в английском языке показывает, подлежащее в предложении само производит действие или является объектом действия, подвергается воздействию со стороны. Passive Voice как раз и означает, что действие осуществляется не подлежащим, а направлено на него.

В предложениях действительного залога действие выполняется подлежащим, как например, в предложении «мои дети любят конфеты», а в предложении, относящегося к страдательному залогу, «ей подарили конфеты», нам неизвестно, кто именно выполняет действие. В предложениях, относящихся к страдательному залогу главное – результат действия, а не исполнитель.

Предлагаем вам пройти тест начального уровня на знание пассивного залога неопределенных времен (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite). Вам предстоит ответить на 10 вопросов, выбрав правильный ответ из четырех предложенных. Верный ответ только 1. После того, как будут отмечены ответы на все вопросы, мы сможете посмотреть свой результат. Чтобы пройти тест повторно, закройте результат и снова отвечайте на вопросы.

Выполните грамматический тест, выбрав верную форму пропущенного слова.

1.A lady … red-handed (на месте преступления) yesterday in the shop.
a) is caught
b) caught
c) was caught
d) is caugh

2. This marvelous poem … by Tom today, i.e. my son.
a) is written
b) was written
c) be written
d) will be written

3. Your dress … by a customer recently. So you’re late.
a) have been bought
b) were bought
c) has been bought
d) will be bought

4. Linda knows five languages, … she?
a) does
b) doesn’t
c) do
d) is

5. He can jump for 60 minutes without a break, … he?
a) can
b) is
c) isn’t
d) can’t

  1. Pure monopoly is a theoretical market structure where there is only one seller of a commodity or service.

  2. The company will open some new departments.

  3. Markets are the environment in which a business operates.

  4. The finance department is responsible for controlling the funds.

  5. Salespeople may work on the telephone, in person, or both.

1. Чистая монополия - это теоретическая структура рынка, где существует только один продавец товара или услуги.

2. Компания откроет несколько новых отделов.

3. Рынки - это среда, в которой работает бизнес.

4. Финансовый отдел отвечает за контроль над фондами.

5. Продавцы могут работать по телефону, лично или и так, и так.

  1. Малый бизнес является распространенной формой бизнеса во многих странах.

  2. Бухгалтерский учет – важный инструмент в работе фирмы.

1. Small business is a common form of business in many countries.

2. Accounting - an important tool in the work of the company.

3. How many sales departments in your company?

4. Who heads your company?

5. The main management body is the annual meeting of directors.

Прочитайте текст. Задайте четыре типа вопросов к выделенному предложению.


Аlthough the content and character of economics cannot be described briefly, numerous writers have attempted that. An especially useless, though once popular, example is: «Economics is what economists do».

Similarly, a notable economist of the last century Alfred Marshall called economics « a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life». Lionel Robbins in the 1930s described economics as «the science of choice among scarce means to accomplish unlimited ends".

During much of modern history, especially in the nineteenth century, economics was called simply «the science of wealth» . Less seriously, George Bernard Shaw was credited in the early 1900s with the witticism that «economics is the science whose practitioners, even if all were laid end to end, would not reach agreement».

We may make better progress by comparing economics with other subjects. Like every other discipline that attempts to explain observed facts (physics, astronomy, meteorology), economics comprises a vast collection of descriptive material organized around a central core of theoretical principles. The manner in which theoretical principles are formulated and used in applications varies greatly from one science to another. Like psychology, economics draws much of its theoretical core from intuition and «common knowledge about human nature». Like meteorology, economics is largely non experimental. Like practical physics and molecular biology, economics deals with an array of closely interrelated phenomena.

21. Look at these gray clouds, it ………………………………..(rain).

22. How long is it now since it last ………………………? (rain)

23. It usually ……………………….. a lot in March.(rain)

24. - I am so hungry.

25. She …………………………………… me last night.(not / phone)

26. How long was it since you …………………..……………….. your hair cut. (last / have)

27. Paul ………………………………….. at the moment.(not / work)

28. ………………. Sarah …………….. in London? Yes, she does. (live)

29. –There is no orange juice left

-I ………………………… and get some.(go)

30. Shakespeare ………………… “Romeo & Juliet”, ……………………. he? (write)

31. This is the best book I ………………………………….(ever / read)

32. How long …………………. she …………………… in Paris? (live)

33. -What ……………… you …………….. of Paul? (think)

-Well, I ……………….. he is a nice person. (think)

34. ………………. the police …………………. the burglars yet? (arrest)

35. -The grass need cutting

-Yes, I know; I ………………………………… the lawn tomorrow.(mow)

36. Who ……………… you …………….at the meeting yesterday? (see)

37. Robert and Tricia ……………………………… each other for over 25 years.(know)

38. Stop talking! I ……………………………. my lessons.(learn)

39. I …………………………………… my homework.(already / finish)

40. I am sure you ……………………………. this book, it’s really interesting.(enjoy)

41. How long ……………she …………………… there when you met her? (work)

42. ……………. Mr. Dawson in Detroit yesterday? (be)

43. I …………. Jim a couple of days ago.(meet)

44. He is the most stupid man I ……………………………(ever / meet)

45. How long ago ……………… they ……………? (leave)

46. I ………………………….. to the theater tonight (go); I ……………….the ticket yesterday (buy).

47. They ………………………… their summer holidays in Italy when they were children.(spend)

48. How long ………………….. they …………………….before it started to rain? (run)

49. I ……………………………….. when he rang me last night.(sleep)

50. I …………………………………. a tire before.(never / change)

51. She ……………………………… her homework by 5 o’clock.(finish)

52. While I ……………………………. to work I met an old friend of mine.(go)

53. Jill …………………….. a car for a week.(have)

54. How long …………… they …………………… English? (learn)

55. They …………………………… to our party. (probably / come)

56. When I got home, they ………………………………. dinner.(have / already)

57. I am sweating because I ……………………………………. the whole house.(clean)

58. -Is the house clean?

59. He ………………………………… with matches when he burnt himself. (play)

60. The plane …………………………. (just / land)

61. Bob ………………………….. dancing.(not / like)

62. Bob …………………………………….. dancing.(never / like)

63. John F. Kennedy ………………….. in 1963.(die)

64. That was the worst film I …………………………………. (ever / see)

65. My family ……………………………….. the castle for over two centuries. (own)

66. I ……………………………………………. for you for three hours.(wait)

67. Henry ………………………………. to Sam two hours before. (talk)

68. Yesterday I met Dan; I ……………………………….. him for ages.(not / see)

69. We ………………………………….. on a school trip next Tuesday.(go)

70. I promise I ……………………………….. lies anymore. (not / tell)

II. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. He said, "I like this song."

2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.

4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.

6. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says.

7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

8. "I never make mistakes," he said.

9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

1. It’s ages since we last went to the cinema.

2. -What is he doing ?

-He is mowing the lawn.

3. I read the newspaper every day.

4. Have you ever been to Japan?

5. He said he had never kissed a girl.

6. Did you take some photos during your stay in London?

7. I have always wanted to be a vet.

8. Dan bought a new car last month.

9. She is meeting her boss at 2pm.

10. It was a long time since we had last seen Ron.

11. I haven’t heard from Paul for two weeks.

12. Look! It is snowing.

13. Have you read any good books lately?

14. Tom wasn’t at school this morning.

15. It was the first time they had drunk alcohol.

16. We are going to have a party.

17. I don’t think he will come.

18. Sarah has gone to the supermarket, the fridge is full now.

19. Bog and Fiona have been playing cards since the beginning of the afternoon.

20. They have lived there since they were children.

21. Look at these gray clouds, it is going to rain.

22. How long is it now since it last rained?

23. It usually rains a lot in March.

24. I will prepare a sandwich.

25. She didn’t phone me last night.

26. How long was it since you had last had your hair cut.

27. Paul is not working at the moment.

28. Does Sarah live in London? Yes, she does.

29. I will go and get some.

30. Shakespeare wrote “Romeo & Juliet”, didn’t he?

31. This is the best book I have ever read.

32. How long has she been living in Paris?

33. What do you think of Paul? Well, I think he is a nice person.

34. Have the police arrested the burglars yet?

35. Yes, I know; I am going to mow the lawn tomorrow.

36. Who did you see at the meeting yesterday?

37. Robert and Tricia have known each other for over 25 years.

38. Stop talking! I am learning my lessons.

39. I have already finished my homework.

40. I am sure you will enjoy this book, it’s really interesting.

41. How long had she been working there when you met her?

42. Was Mr. Dawson in Detroit yesterday?

43. I met Jim a couple of days ago.

44. He is the most stupid man I have ever met.

45. How long ago did they leave?

46. I am going to the theater tonight; I bought the ticket yesterday.

47. They used to spend their summer holidays in Italy when they were children.


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Данный материал представляет собой тест с ответами по теме "Страдательный залог". Предназначен для обучающихся 9 класса, которые занимаются по УМК "Enjoy English - 9" (старая и новая редакция). Возможно использование с другими УМК. Направлен на проверку знаний обучающихся по изучаемой теме.

Сайт для самостоятельного изучения английского языка онлайн

Секреты английского языка

Posted on 2013-10-17 by admin in Тесты // 13 Comments

Залог (Voice) в английском языке показывает, подлежащее в предложении само производит действие или является объектом действия, подвергается воздействию со стороны. Passive Voice как раз и означает, что действие осуществляется не подлежащим, а направлено на него.

В предложениях действительного залога действие выполняется подлежащим, как например, в предложении «мои дети любят конфеты», а в предложении, относящегося к страдательному залогу, «ей подарили конфеты», нам неизвестно, кто именно выполняет действие. В предложениях, относящихся к страдательному залогу главное – результат действия, а не исполнитель.

Предлагаем вам пройти тест начального уровня на знание пассивного залога неопределенных времен (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite). Вам предстоит ответить на 10 вопросов, выбрав правильный ответ из четырех предложенных. Верный ответ только 1. После того, как будут отмечены ответы на все вопросы, мы сможете посмотреть свой результат. Чтобы пройти тест повторно, закройте результат и снова отвечайте на вопросы.

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