The elder scrolls online топ классы пвп

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

ESO Best PvP Class, eso best classes for pvp

You finally just crawled out of the backwoods and swamps of Tamriel with your newest character at a Level 10, and it’s time for you to whoop some serious PvP butt. Hold up a minute though, adventurer! There’s been so many changes over the last few months with patches, are you SURE you’re the best ESO Class to take on other players these days?

Before you get caught with your greaves down, let’s see what some of the experts have come up with here in our comprehensive Top 10 List. No YouTubers or forum discussion admins were harmed in the making of this list, but players’ opinions were heavily weighed and taken into consideration. We then took all that raw data and fed it into a spreadsheet (a magical spreadsheet, where equations are devised by grouchy math pixies) and it spat out this list. What a perfect way to help you develop your next Champion, eh?

10. Magicka Warden

Good news for Wardens! PvP still likes them a little bit in this series of patches. They still have one of the best regeneration and their firepower is quite monstrous. Literally! Because they still like to hurl giant birds at you and send even bigger spirit beetles to nip at your legs. Magdens are just not as fast as their Stamden siblings, whom we see further up the list. Also, this class still plays very favorably as Vampire, so just some food for thought there.

  • Slotting animals on the front bar gives the player an increasingly higher Damage Passive. (You want the bear slotted at all costs.)
  • Seeing slightly increased DPS lately, but there is still HUGE Survivability available.
  • Winter’s Revenge and Deep Fissure are your spammables – use them wisely.

Here are some the more creative Magden builds to toy with:

9. Magicka Dragon Knight

It must be difficult being a Mag DK, whose big brother is still basically running the show in both PvE and PvP. Sorry, Mag DK. They may be hotter, but you still share some wonderful qualities with them. What about Lava Whip and the fact you have some of the very best Crowd Control? Plus, you’re a hair faster these days, too! But that’s not saying too much when you were basically a tortoise before.

  • Battle Roar on the Earthen Heart list, is one of the most well-implemented Ultimates, hitting Health, Stamina and Magicka at the same time like a Tri-Pot.
  • Bank on your Engulfing Flames because of the added 10% damage – being specific with your slotting choices will beef up this Class.
  • …which leads us to CP allotments: Repeat after me, Elf Born, Elemental Expert, Magician…There is a way to make this Class the badass you need it to be.

A couple Mag DK Builds to get you started:

8. Stamina Nightblade

Oh man, is the Stamblade ever fast! Very fast build, but not always the best character when it comes to active self-healing. From the Stamina perspective, their Regeneration is what keeps their little jackrabbit hearts pumping as the flit from offensive move to offensive move. The “Slice & Dice”, if you will, particularly if they implement Dual Wield. Always remember that rotation with Nightblades, either kind, can be incredibly tricky even for seasoned players.

  • Stamblades are at least the 2nd fastest Class in the lists, so don’t squander their speed.
  • Right out of the gate, they have one of the most explosive Burst Kits in the game, able to mete out sick damage in AoE and Single-target
  • Heavy Attacks refill your Stamina, so pepper those throughout your usage of your front bar skills.

How the other guys build ‘em:

7. Stamina Warden

Speaking of someone who doesn’t need to worry about their ability to self-heal, the Stamden has nothing to be embarrassed about in this setting. They receive a lot of recognition in PvP for their pre-packaged Stam Heals, their Major Mending and their wicked AoE Burst Kit. Yes, they are a little faster in comparison to the Magden and their crowd control isn’t too shabby either.

  • She’s cute, she’s tiny, she heals the ever-living heck out of you. It’s the Blue Betty and she’s one of your greatest, most adorable allies ever.
  • Crazy-Strong AoE Burst Kit on this one
  • It’s a balanced Class – and the bits that hurt the Stamden in PvE are complete positive attributes in PvP.

A build you may like:

6. Stamina Templar

Sometimes that which goes up must come down. Stamplars are experiencing a bit of a hiatus from the top rankings here in PvP, but still a very reliable build. Known for knocking their opponents off their feet and performing somewhat awkward rituals in the heat of battle, the Stamplar has one of the most unique Stamina Bursts, as well as one of the most powerful Ultimates in the game with Crescent Sweep.

  • Excellent Sustain: Fire up the Controlled Fury passive and it will keep you floating through the next battle.
  • Unique Stamina Burst, ride the wave of quick-succession violence.
  • We all know how Templars love their Blinding Javelins. With the Stamina Templar, distance and damage are more.

Maybe give these a whirl:

5. Stamina Sorcerer

Here we have the fastest Class Build of the entire game, the Stamsorc. Very smooth and easy gameplay, just without quite the DPS of their sibling, the Magsorc. But it's good to try new things, and they are not nearly as dependent on their Gear as the Mags either. This bodes well for less veteran players who are not quite accustomed to leveling up their Gear and need more time to grow accustomed to the nuances of the game.

  • They have some of the most fluid, easy mobility making gameplay enjoyable at any level. (It feels more like dancing than fighting)
  • Stamina Sorcerers turn Magicka into even MORE Stamina almost just by thinking about it, thus allowing for their sickening level of Sustain and their seemingly endless ability to just keep running!
  • Stamsorcs exercise excellent management of their Resources, they and their passives are meant to go the very-long haul.

Get your mitts on these builds:

4. Magicka Templar

Want to worry less about sustaining yourself while in the midst of a high-impact battle? Go Magplar, by all means! Radiant Aura will keep you afloat as you put the whammy on your opponents. A very aggressive build, you have the ability to subdue your opponents, knocking them off their feet or running a javelin of light straight through them. Watch out, Werewolves, as you may have met your match in the Maglar. They are basically born, bred and built to take you out!

When you are looking to find the balance between Mobility and Tankiness, let the Magplar cast a little light on the subject.
Wicked-Strong Magicka Burst, making Maglars capable of laying wasye in moments in bothe AoE and Single-target.
Crescent Sweeps with that much power behind them are just killer to execute and are to date, the most potent Ultimate there is.

More to delve into:

3. Magicka Sorcerer

The “Darling of the Ball '' when it comes to PvE is still placing pretty high in the PvP lists. Magsorcs traditionally seem as constant and reliable as a Stam DK, as both place high in the tiers, both have reasonably comfy play rotation and they both bring the DPS with a quickness. Not to mention, Magsorcs are satisfyingly fast. The fastest of the Magicka ilk, they are. A very versatile Class Build and one that so seldomly disappoints.

  • Best Damage Shield of the game is awarded to Magsorcs.
  • They have the uncanny ability to heal themselves continuously as you watch, while meting out damage left and right.
  • Most mobile Magicka Class of the entire list, it’s nice to be able to blast away at an opponent…and also outrun them for once, too!

Oooo…these look fun!

2. Stamina Necromancer

There is much deliberation, it seems, within the discussion forums about whether the Stamcro is a viable contender especially in PvP. Well, particularly with the Greymoor expansion and this spring-summer's set of patches, there's little doubt this Class is coming into its own. Yes, yes. most of the spells any Necromancer drops had better not be within town limits, or you'll find yourself toe-to-toe with the local authorities. That aside, this is a thrilling Class to play. Nothing like reanimating the dead or flinging skulls at opponents' heads to build up morale.

  • Best Burst Kit in Game, the newest patch has really put some distance between Stamcro and the rest of the pack.
  • Strongest Regen from Pets actually goes to the Stamcro, though I don’t know if I would consider a ghost a “pet”.
  • They use the corpses from Ghosts and Blast Bones they conjured to heal themselves. How cool is THAT? Waste not, want not…

I personally LOVE my Stamcro. (Was a little surprised that it’s climbing the charts in PvP, though.) Here’s a few things to consider:

1. Stamina Dragon Knight

We have now arrived at "The King of the Jungle", the Stam DK. The quintessential jock of all Class Builds, this varsity bad boy letters every time. No character or Class tanks quite like them, almost like they're on autopilot. Wonderful in group or solo, one of the best additions to any battle effort. The only drawback is possibly the repetition of rotation, and that’s a super small price for getting those “W’s”. Please do not let that stop you from enjoying one of the finer points of Tamriel. Hint: Argonians may very well be the very best Stam DKs there are.

  • Dragon Leap as an Ultimate is easily one of the most gratifying to perform. What’s not to love about sprouting dragon wings spontaneously and then jumping down onto your enemies, knocking every single of them back?
  • Virtually impossible to take down: Do. Your. Homework. Find a build that works for you, but tank them the heck out for your own sake. You will not be disappointed.
  • You’re either love Dizzying-Swing or you don’t, but you cannot deny the power and the damage of just that singular move.

It’s time to get tanky:

So, with this huge wealth of knowledge of who’s who in ESO, it is our greatest wish that you give as many Classes as possible a trial run. Find out what works the best for you, and by all means, stay tuned to find out what Bethesda has planned for each expansion. They keep it hoppin’, that’s for sure.

Elder Scrolls online, ESO, Best Class, Ranked

ESO Best Class To Play Right Now (Ranked)

First of all, there are no bad classes in ESO. Some are easier to play with, and some are more demanding. And it all depends on player style. Are you an assassin, or do you prefer your battles head-on?

If you are new to the game, this text might help you to choose your path, and become the legend of Tamriel.

So here it is, Elder Scrolls Online - Best Class To Play Right Now!

10. Magica Nightblade

Unlike Stamina Nightblade, Magica Nightblade lacks full damage. And that was an important skill for this class. In these ESO times, taking people out off stealth is too easy. So if that is not adjusted in near future, Magica Nightblade might become a dying class.

Although this class is not the best for PVP, PVE is a joyride. There are lots of great skills like Swallow Soul and Sap Essence. Both are great for damage and healing. Magicka Nightblade doesn’t have a class burst heal option. So you need to keep healing at all times to survive.

With Twisted Path, you have a nice shield. And using Lotus Fan skill you can cross distances quickly.

What Magica Nightblade Excels In:

  • Mobility.
  • AOE.
  • Healing while attacking.
  • Stealth.

Pick Magica Nightblade if:

  • You like stealthy gameplay.
  • If you are more a PVE than a PVP player.
  • If you like to teleport across the battlefield.

9. Magicka Dragonknight

Magicka Dragonknight is not as good as Stamina Dragonknight. Skills are pretty expensive so you need to use reduce cost glyphs. Magicka Dragonknight doesn’t do much damage, and this class is good for team play. They have a lot of team buffs. So get ready to tank and try not to be outnumbered in battle.

Magicka Dragonknights have access to class-based burst heal abilities. Burning Ambrose heals based on the damage you’ve done. Coagulating Blood is great for heal while Draw Essencedoes AOE damage and heals you at the same time.

Ferocious Leap ultimate is cheap, deals great damage, and grants you a shield. It is a good skill for defeating bosses.

What Magicka Dragonknight Excels In:

  • Tanking.
  • Strong Ultimates.
  • Healing.
  • Great for team play.

Play Magicka Dragonknight If:

  • You are a team player.
  • Like to tank and heal players.
  • Use dragon skills.

8. Stamina Nightblade

One of the most popular classes and most challenging. Their attacks are powerful for a single enemy and that makes Stamina Nightblade great in PVP. But they struggle against groups. They lack in defense only armor abilities because it just comes from passive skills.

To compensate for your defense problem, you need to upgrade your AOE weapon skills. Brawler ability will give you a free damage shield. Dual skill, Deadly Cloak gives you passive defense. Whirlwind Blades is Stamina Nightblade's execute ability.

This class also suffers from self-healing and resource management. However, you can improve your chances by upgrading your Leeching Strike ability from the Siphoning skill line. It can heal you based on your light and heavy attacks while also restore Stamina. Rally from a Two-Handed skill line is also good for healing. And you can use Vigor, a PVP assault skill.

Practice makes it perfect.

What Stamina Nightblade Excels In:

  • Single target attack.
  • Stealth.
  • Mobility.

Play Stamina Nightblade If:

  • You like to play one-on-one.
  • If you like to teleport across the battlefield.
  • If you are a PVE fan because AOE abilities are great for this class.

7. Stamina Dragonknight

This class characterizes in dealing great damage over time. You can quickly acquire Noxious Breath, a skill that is of great importance to your Dragonknight. The main weakness of this class is self-healing. Especially early on at a lower level.

The best healing skill in the Stamina Dragonknight skill tree is Cauterize. Great skill but one of the last you get. So the best thing to do early in the game is to level up Fighter’s guild skill line, and the skill called Ring of Preservation witch is a morph of Circle of Protection. Also, a good healing skill is from the Alliance skill line named Vigor.

Dragonknight skill line has great Ultimates. Standard of Might is good for tanking, and for the whole party in general. When you are in its circle, it increases damage dealing and decreases damage taken. Magma Shell is great, especially for PVP.

In combination with Molton Shell, you can’t go wrong with a two-handed weapon.

What Stamina Dragonknight Excels In:

  • Damage over time.
  • Strong Ultimates.
  • Heavy attack style.

Play Stamina Dragonknight if:

  • If you like a long and tactical fight.
  • If you are into heavy weapons.
  • If you like to tank.

6. Stamina Templar

This class can be one of the best classes but you need to invest your time in it. Stamina Templar has great buffs and passives from their class line. And because of their cool stamina morph abilities, they are a good solo option.

Baiting Jabs is a great spammable ability witch gives you a passive weapon critical bonus and minor protection. Power of Light is a great boost DPS tool that also debuffs the enemy. They have two sustain skills in Repentance and Restoring Focus. That means you can build very high damage on Stamina Templars without having to worry about stamina sustain.

Extended Ritual is a great healing Magicka-based skill that can come in handy if your health drops.

What Stamina Templar Excels In:

  • Great buffs and passives.
  • They got great spammable and DPS abilities.
  • Great healing from the combination of Magicka and Stamina skills.

Play Stamina Templar If:

  • You like to play alone.
  • If you like to buff yourself and debuff your enemies.
  • You love to spam your opponent.

5. Stamina Warden

Stamina Warden is without a doubt one of the strongest stamina builds in the game. They have overwhelming buffs and debuffs. And your main issue will be: Which buff to use?

Your main spammable skill will probably be Subterain Assault for its massive burst of AOE damage. Growing Swarm debuffs enemies and Ice Fortress is one of the best armor buffs there is.

You can choose to go with a two-handed or dual weld build, either way, it is a lot of fun. Great experience comes also from bow builds.

The downside of this class is the Ultimates. Maybe the best option for your Ultimate is Bear Guardian. It is not bad for AOE or attacking a single target. But one thing is for sure, it looks cool to have a pet protector.

What Stamina Warden Excels In:

  • It has good buffs and debuffs.
  • Great healing.
  • Great armor.
  • Great attacking skills.

Play Stamina Warden If:

  • You like to combine diverse playing styles.
  • You like to let it all out without worrying about your health.
  • If you love to have a bear and/or a jellyfish for a companion.

4. Magicka Warden

Magica Warden is a very similar setup. In terms of healing, this class is slightly better. Most healing abilities cost Magicka, and both morphs of the Livin Bind skill can heal you for the whole battle.

Magicka Warden has better AOE damage with frost Magicka abilities. If you use the Winters Revenge skill it applies debuff for critical damage. And with the critical damage-focused Ice Mage, losing isn’t an option. That kind of power is a very good experience for solo play.

In the end, it all depends on which playstyle is fun for you.

What Magicka Warden Excels In:

  • It has good buffs and debuffs.
  • Even better healing.
  • Great armor.
  • Great attacking skills.
  • Good critical damage.

Play Magicka Warden If:

  • You like to combine diverse playing styles.
  • You like to let it all out without worrying about your health.
  • If you love to have a bear and/or a jellyfish for a companion.

3. Stamina/Magicka Necromancer

For the third place, we need to merge Stamina and Magicka Necromancer because they are nearly identical. Stamina Necromancers use Stamina skills and Magicka Necromancers are going with the Magicka version.

Necromancer class benefit from some of the strongest passives in the game. They get sustain and recovery for free, bonuses for maximum Health and bonus critical chance.

When we talk about the active abilities, Blast Bones is very cheap to cast and it is as strong as an Ultimate. Skeletal Archer and Siphon grant you strong passive damage. Scythe skill is great for AOE damage and it heals. For passive defense, you have the Spirit Guardian. Pestillian Colossus is one of the strongest Ultimate in the game.

The downside of Necromancer is buff management. Their buffs have a short duration, and some abilities require corpses on the ground. With practice, this class can get you the satisfying experience you need.

What Stamina/Magicka Necromancer Excels In:

  • Passives.
  • Buffs and debuffs.
  • Great Ultimate.
  • Healing.
  • AOE damage.

Play Stamina/Magicka Necromancer If:

  • You enjoy reanimating corpses.
  • You are good at buff management.
  • Active, fast, and fun gameplay is your thing.

2. Stamina/Magicka Sorcerer

For our runner up we have prepared a merged Sorcerer class! Like the Necromancer Class, Magicka and Stamina Sorcerers are nearly the same. They have their versions of skills and both are of great power.

Stamina Sorcerers are the strongest Build in the game because of their powerful passives that recover stamina and health. While the Magicka Sorcerer has the strongest damage shield in the game called Harden Ward. Ark Conversions trade Stamina for Magicka and is very useful for the Magicka version. Bound armor gives them more passive Magicka and resistance.

They can summon up to three pets, Atronach, Familiar, and Twilight. They can do damage for Magicka Sorcerers and help him survive. Sorcerers have the strongest healing abilities.

With Force Sustain, Stamina Sorcerers can recycle unused Magicka back to Stamina. Dark Deal is great for healing. Hurricane grants them armor, movement speed and does AOE damage. Critical Surge is the best passive in the game, it heals you as long as you are dealing damage.

The combination of damage and healing is what makes this class number two on our list.

What Stamina/Magicka Sorcerer Excels In:

  • AOE damage.
  • Best healing.
  • Countless passives.
  • PVP and PVE.

Play Stamina/Magicka Sorcerer If:

  • If you like to heal and do damage.
  • You are more staff than a cold weapon user.
  • Like to destroy everyone and everything.
  • You love to win in PVP.

1. Magicka Templar

And the winner on our list, the great, the mighty, deserved champion, Magicka Templar!

This class is the powerhouse of self-healing, AOE damage, and defense. Their main spammable is Puncturing Sweep that can heal Magicka Templar for the percent of damage done. While dealing damage you are healing

They have multiple AOE effects: Blazing Spear, Reflective Light, Solar Barrage. You can combine them with Puncturing Sweep for great AOE damage.

Radiant Glory is Magicka Templar's ace in the sleeve. It burns the enemy, deals magic damage, and at the same time, it heals you. Honor the Dead is a great burst heal that heals Magicka as well.

Passives are extremely strong for healing and defense. And the Ultimate healer/damage dealer combo is great for PVE.

With all the passives, AOE effects, buffs for Magicka, and health, Magicka Templar is a well-deserved number one class on our list!

Дмитрий Веретюк

Дмитрий Веретюк запись закреплена
Всем привет. Даю обучающие уроки пвп. 50к голды за урок. Научу вас нагибать, расскажу какие сеты лучше использавать и какие скилы, и как использавать местность для тактического маневрирования.
Сам играю в пвп целый год, могу научить вас всему что знаю сам.

Александр Мигаев

Александр Мигаев

Михаил Полякин

Даниил Панков

Даниил Панков И сейчас все люди, которые делают пвп-билды всех направленностей, подавились чаем, узнав, что за это можно брать деньги

Филипп Слесарев

Филипп Слесарев

Виталий Войченков

Виталий Войченков

Дмитрий Лисцов

Дмитрий Лисцов ну-ка, пвп-шеры, настало наше время, предлагаю обратную сторону этой игры. Кто изничтожит данного товарища в дуэли, получает от него 50к, а кто проиграет, платит 50к за урок)

Александр Носов

Ислам Караев

Отобью бизнес у него, скажу бесплатно как использовать преимущества местности.
Прятаться за дерево, камень, стены
Не стоять на одном месте и не воевать на открытом поле. Бегать вокруг камня, деревья, Башни и так далее. Затем пару увезавшихся инвалидов убить. Которые просели по ресурсам, гоняясь за тобой. Отступать к любым укрытиям, о которых я уже написал.
Показать полностью.

Сеты лучше всего использовать на урон, поверьте, не нужны вам сеты на защиту (только монстр сет на защиту может быть)
Лучше играть от урона и перетыркать врага уроном. Иначе вы со своей защитой не сможете выхилиться.

Учитесь играть с 1500 или меньшим сустейном, сделав преимущество в урон. Иначе вы не победите чела, который от урона нагибают толпу.
Это свиду он не убиваем, а может он просто от урона играет? Чем выше цифра урона (веапо / спелл дамаг) тем выше отхил. И может у него отхил больше, чем ваш урон? Подумайте над этим.

Для защиты берите меч щит (щит трейт на нирн, а одноручник на защиту) пригодно как и для мана так и для стамина билдов. Ну и раса норд, это все, что нужно для защиты (монстр сет по желанию)

В Elder Scrolls Online реализована интересная система классов, которая на фоне эталонных восточных MMORPG выглядит необычно и непривычно. Сочетание классовых, оружейных и гильдейских навыков позволяет экспериментировать и создавать десятки уникальных билдов для каждого из классов в игре.

Однако точно также, как и в других многопользовательских ролевых играх, выбор класса и расы на стадии создания первого персонажа в tESO вызывает затруднения у многих новичков.

В этом гайде мы поговорим о том, как наиболее верно подходить к выбору класса и расы для игры, насколько этот выбор будет влиять на ваш геймплей в дальнейшем, а также рассмотрим отличительные черты каждого из классов.

Самый легкий способ получить золото Elder Scrolls Online быстро.

На нашем сайте вы сможете купить золото TESO в течении 7 минут, просто переходите по ссылке или напишите оператору.

золото тесо

Обращаем ваше внимание, что данное руководство — это не полноценный обзор на классы, расы и роли. Советов, какой именно класс вам выбрать, какой из них является имбой или аутсайдером, тут не будет. Это лишь примерный ориентир для тех, кто мало знаком с ESO и только начинает свой путь в онлайн-мире древних свитков.

Роли персонажа в Elder Scrolls Online

Первый шаг к освоению на первый взгляд непонятной системы классов в tESO — это знакомство с понятием «роль». Она не определяется не классом, не расой, скорее вашим геймплеем. Всего в игре с технической точки зрения существует три роли.

1. Танк

Персонаж, который впитывает урон, дебафает противников и бафает группу. Основной экипировкой данной роли является одноручное оружие и щит, посох разрушения и тяжелая броня.

2. Целитель

Это персонаж, который, как ни странно, исцеляет партийцев и, как случае с танком, бафает группу и дебафает врагов. В качестве экипировки для этой роли используется посох восстановления и легкие доспехи;

3. Боец

Это персонаж, основной задачей которого является нанесение урона. Что касается последней роли, существует дополнительная и ее градация: мана-ДД и стамина-ДД.

  • Мана-ДД — это персонажи-маги, по канону использующие посохи разрушения, огня и молний, а также легкие доспехи. Они наносят магический и стихийный урон. Основным их преимуществом является возможность разрывать дистанцию с врагом и наносить урон на среднем и большом рейндже.
  • Стамина-ДД — это персонажи-воины, использующие в качестве экипировки парное и двуручное оружие, лук и средние доспехи. Они наносят физический, болезнетворный и ядовитый урон.

При этом ДПС мили-стаминщиков по соло-целям, как правило, немного выше мана-ДД. Однако необходимость уворачиваться от механик боссов и тем самым прекращать нанесение урона приводит к снижению показателей ДПС в сложных динамичных сражениях.

Динамичная смена роли

Очень важно понимать, что роль — это не перманентный выбор и даже не условно-постоянный. То есть, при желании утром вы можете идти в данж танком, вечером исследовать игровую вселенную как ДД, а на следующий день исцелять свою группу в ПвП, имея всего лишь одного персонажа.

Для этого вам будет достаточно собрать необходимые наборы экипировки и прокачать умения как классовые, так и внеклассовые.

Формально роль выбирается и бесплатно меняется в меню группы непосредственно в игре и влияет только на автоматический подбор группы в подземелья. Фактически же она определяется распределением очков характеристик вашего персонаж, экипировкой и морфами умений.

Раса персонажа в tESO

На данный момент в игре предусмотрено 10 играбельных рас, одна из которых — имперцы, донатная. И как следствие, не доступна при первом создании персонажа.

Впрочем, острой необходимости в этом абсолютно никакой нет. Раса выбирается одновременно с классом при создании персонажа. Однако этот выбор в дальнейшем можно изменить при помощи соответствующего жетона, который покупается в кронном магазине за кроны или за золото у других игроков. Это влетит вам в копеечку, но это не путь в один конец.

Синергия рас и ролей

Влияние расы на ваш геймплей гораздо менее заметно на фоне класса. От расы вы получаете одну ветку пассивных навыков, в которой будет всего 4 умения.

Как и в случае с классами, есть расы, которые чувствуют себя более комфортно в танковании, исцелении и нанесении урона. Если говорить в общих чертах и не углубляться в подробности, то:

  • для мана-ДД отличным выбором являются альтмеры, данмеры и каджиты;
  • для стамина-ДД — данмеры, каджиты и орки;
  • для танков — имперцы и норды;
  • для целителей — бретонцы.

Если же для вас не критично, будете вы наносить 80К урона в секунду или 82К урона в секунду, можете смело выбирать расу из визуальных или, если у вас есть опыт игры в сингловые части серии tES, лорных предпочтений.


При создании первого персонажа выбор расы будет сопровождаться автоматическим выбором Альянса в игре.

  • Бретонцы, орки и редгарды относятся к Даггерфельскому ковенанту.
  • Альтмеры, босмеры и каджиты — к Альдмерскому доминиону;
  • Аргониане, данмеры и норды — к Эбонхартскому пакту.
  • Имперцы же по дефолту вольны самостоятельно выбирать альянс. От этого выбора зависит ли то, за какую сторону будет сражаться ваш персонаж в Сиродиле и Имперском городе — 2-ух pvp локациях. На battleground и pvp-контент этот выбор и вовсе никакого влияния не имеет.

Смена альянса

Альянс, к которому прикреплен ваш персонаж, в дальнейшем при вашем желании может меняться. Более того, у вас будет возможность изменить дефолтную привязку рас к альянсам.

Для этого достаточно приобрести комплект «любая раса, любой альянс» в кронном магазине и жетон смены альянса. Этот апгрейд аккаунта после покупки будет работать для всех новых персонажей, и в дальнейшем вы сможете выбирать альянс во время создания персонажа вне зависимости от расы.

Класс персонажа в tESO

Класс, в отличие от роли, расы и альянса — это перманентный выбор. То есть, сменить его в рамках персонажа в дальнейшем у вас не получится. Игра банально еще не располагает подобным функционалом.

На данный момент в игре предусмотрено 6 классов, два из которых являются донатными, но об этом чуть позже.

Влияние класса на геймплей

Формально класс персонажа — это лишь три уникальные ветки навыков, в каждой из которых находятся 5 активных, 4 пассивных умения и ультимейт. Чтобы вы понимали, всего в игре на данный момент существует 34 ветки навыков, 18 из которых имеют активные боевые умения, доступные любому классу.

Безусловно, выбор класса — это выбор вектора геймплея вашего персонажа, выбор того, как именно он будет танковать, хилить или наносить урон. Что касается первых двух ролей, то среди классов, к сожалению или к счастью, есть свои фавориты.

Некоторые классы лучше справляются с танкованием или врачеванием. Что касается нанесения урона, разница между классами чувствуется, но она не критичная. В тепличных условиях разрыв может достигать всего 5-6%, если рассматривать успешность нанесения урона именно в формате ДПС.

Более того, классовые умения регулярно подвергаются изменениям. Иногда даже полной переработке, что в свою очередь меняет и успешность нанесения урона.

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