Swtor топ сеты

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

"В данном ролике мы поясним принцип процесса обмундирования, где искать лучшую экипировку в игре и что для этого надо. Крафт пока не затрагиваем, т.к. это дорого и подойдет не каждому.

0:45 - Рейтинг снаряжения;
1:03 - Renown (известность) ранги и опыт;
1:34 - Принцип повышения рейтинга снаряжения;
2:23 - Где взять броню с лучшим рейтингом;
3:10 - После достижения 306 рейтинга. ;
3:41 - Тактическая броня (лучшая в игре) и где тратить tech fragments;
4:12 - Где tech fragments добывать;
5:04 - Краткое содержание ролика.

ПРОДВИЖЕНИЕ: swtor, swtor для новичков, гайд для новичком, swtor гайд для новичков, шмот, renown rank, exp, реновн опыт, известность, экипировка, swtor где достать шмот, swtor где достать снаряжение, swtor где получить снаряжение, swtor энд гейм, swtor collections, гайды swtor, гайды swtor простой способ одеться - коллекции, swtor простой способ одеться, swtor как одеться, swtor как заработать, где достать tech fragments, где взять тех фрагменты, где брать, как получить, как выбить, топ броня, тактическая броня, tactical armor, swtor прохождение, swtor гайд, swtor картель маркет, cartel market swtor, swtor броня, swtor где купить броню, адаптивная броня swtor, star wars the old republic гайды, star wars the old republic броня, star wars the knight old republic броня, swtor, star wars the old republic, legacy, swtor legacy, swtor на русском, swtor для начинающих, the progenitor, the red eclipse, swtor russia, swtor rus, swtor русский, star wars: the old republic (video game), massively multiplayer online role-playing game (video game genre), video game (industry), swtor новички"



  • Added a bunch more videos/ sounds for sniper rifles
  • Added a bunch more videos/sounds for blaster pistols
  • Added a little more support for the Underworld Exchange Cartel Market vendor and reputation, have an actual guide about it up on the main site now
  • I keep forgetting to update the log sorry
  • Added newest cartel armors
  • Added some better screenshots to Reputation section including rare armors
  • Slowly starting work on MALE screenshots will take a long time
  • Have been working on the other collections and databases, at this point they are almost all done including Weapons, Pets, Mounts, Crystals, Companions, Companion Customizations, Companion Gifts, Lore Codexes, Titles, Flairs, List of Everything, Guide of Guides, and then working on finishing Tunings, and Emotes, and Achievements where I hit a snag. Don't plan on doing decorations any time soon. Armor I've been adding new ones as they show up but no current plans to expand this part of the site.
  • Been working on the site more again
  • Added bunch new armors including newest armors in game
  • Fixed bug on outfits pages that would show blank image in the More Armors sections
  • Made it so only full armor sets show up in the More Armors section
  • Opened up a bug fix thread last week
  • Did a ton of bug fixes this week
  • Updated the dyes page so its up to date again
  • Almost done uploading armor videos!!
  • Need to add some screenshots from last week
  • Need to fix some broken images when searching specific pieces ex legs
  • Added a cool thing for aspects, sorted by head type in the filter page
  • Added new armors
  • Added some of the last of the missing amors except that ones that are pretty much impossible to get screenshots of
  • Got the rest of the planetary vendor and dark and light vendor items
  • started working on weapons
  • final task of the project is to proof read everything

Newest Armors

  • Swtorista T-shirts, hoodies, merch
  • Sci-fi & Fantasy inspired pins
  • Beautiful, check!

The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Twitter. You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game!

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An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith fashion lines across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal style.

A majority of these armors are not restricted to the Sith Warrior, and players can use the Outfit Designer to retain the stats of their chosen gear while using the look of any of the armors below.

  • Imperial guard armor
  • As seen on Korriban and Dromund Kaas

Dark Praetorian

  • Tier 2 crates
  • Find on the GTN, not too expensive, just depends how many players who got them in crates put them up for sale

Resilient Polyplast

  • Synthweaving schematic
  • Worn by level 50 or higher
  • Synthweaving scheamtic from synthweaving trainer
  • Synthweaving level 370
  • Worn at level 46 or higher
  • Changes appearance when switch to Republic side
  • Character with a high ego and a terrifying strength in the force
  • And you encounter her all throughout Imperial taris
  • Cartel market armor
  • Really nice looking matte armor
  • Animated! when you draw your weapon a droid pops out
  • Cartel market armor

Unrelenting Terror

  • Unrelenting Terror
  • Cartel market armor
  • Really nice glossy texture

Darth Malgus is a key player in the Imperial storylines, and both factions face him after their class story on the planet of Ilum.

Juggernaut’s Renowned


These sets are craftable.

Darth Malgus

Tulak Hord was Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled during the early Sith Empire, but started off as a student of the dark side. Rising through the ranks, he was feared by his rivals, having mastered the art of lightsaber combat and manipulation of the Force. Tulak Hord was known as the Lord of Hate, Master of the Gathering Darkness, and finally, Dark Lord of the Sith, Lord Hord went undefeated, slaying all who dared to challenge his might. He was a renowned duelist, remarkable even for his time, when many true lightsaber masters lived, and was extremely talented in both laying single-handed seige and in the telekinetic powers of the Force.

Lashaa Aegis

  • Craftable by all synthweavers at synthweaving 110
  • Wearable level 16 or higher
  • Switches appearance when sent republic side
  • Red version
  • Synthweaving schematic, find on GTN
  • Worn at level 19 or higher, but only by Sith warriors and Bounty hunters
  • Old War Hero PvP armor
  • Easily craftable by synthweavers and synthweaving level 520
  • Can be worn by any class at level 61 or higher
  • Switches appearance when sent to Republic side

Sith Annihilator

  • Adaptive Vendor
  • Super inexpensive, only 2,500 credits per piece
  • Can be worn Republic side! Buy it imperial side and send it over

Darth Marr is a fan favorite and a member of the Dark Council.

Battlemaster Weaponmaster / Battlemaster War Leader


  • Cartel market / GTN
  • Pop a dye in! The best I found was the Black and Deep Red dye module which is crafted by Artificers, so not very expensive on the GTN

A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic and keeping the peace across the galaxy in style. Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and fashion into perfect harmoney.

Ornate Jedi Knight sets with lots of metallic detailing are something fairly unique to the Old Republic era.

Vine-silk Force Expert’s / Vine-silk Aegis

  • Synthweaving 320, schematic from the trainer
  • Find any synthweaver or buy from GTN
  • Republic side lvl 40 or higher

Force Champion

Ablative Resinite

  • Synthweaving 220, random schematic
  • Schematic on the GTN or set on GTN
  • Republic side lvl 31 or higher

Blade Savant

  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN
  • Less ornate, more heavy
  • Very strange helmet

Shadowsilk Aegis

Aspiring Knight

  • Gray version
  • Synthweaving 60, random schematic
  • Schematic on the GTN or set on GTN
  • Republic side lvl 15 or higher
  • Only wearable by Jedi knights and Smugglers even in the outfit designer
  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN
  • Less revealing but similar in shape

Zayne Carrick’s

  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN
  • Based on a character from the Knights of the Old Republic comics, has a crazy story arc

Martial Pilgrim’s Amor Set

Ulic Qel-Droma’s

Jedi Survivalist’s

  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN
  • Really nicely detailed set, I like that is has a lot of cloth and leather details but still stays close to the body, to allow easy movement for the Jedi Knight
  • Feel free to skip the helmet

Ablative Plasteel

Zakuul Knight-Captain’s

  • If you like those colors but are looking for something with heavier armor that still allows movement
  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN

Enigmatic Hero’s

Exiled Knight’s

Satele Shan’s

  • Famous Jedi Grand-Master and a member of the Jedi Council
  • Her armor is built to allow maximum movement to accommodate her skill with a lightsaber
  • While maintain a bit of the ornate style with the gold trim to show her rank in the Jedi Order
  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN

Jedi Strategist’s

More similar to what Jedi wear in the movies, simple Jedi robes have no metal armoring, no elaborate details, and are heavy on the loose-fitting cloth fabric. These types of outfits mirror their attachment-free philosophy, a sentiment that is not as strong in the Old Republic era but does still exists.

  • The EASIEST set of Jedi Robes to get by far
  • Only costs 2,500 credits per piece
  • Buy it from the Adaptive vendor in the Supplies section of the fleet
  • Can transfer to an Imperial character without it changing appearance!
  • This is an older armor set and back in the day was one of very few plain Jedi robe options
  • Main difference is that it has no hood
  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN

Lashaa Force Expert’s

  • Perfect if you want to wear dark Jedi robes
  • Has some interesting fabric details under the robes unlike other Jedi robes in the game
  • Synthweaving 110, schematic from the trainer
  • Find any synthweaver or buy from GTN
  • Republic side lvl 16 or higher

Lashaa Aegis

  • Perfect if you want a light set of Jedi robes
  • Synthweaving 110, schematic from the trainer
  • Find any synthweaver or buy from GTN
  • Republic side lvl 16 or higher

Loyal Adherent’s

  • Another really nice light set with very loose sleeves
  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN

Revered Master

  • Probably the closest to traditional movie-era style robes, with a medium brown set of Jedi robes and a light colored tunic underneath
  • Cartel Market set so get it from the GTN

Exiled Master

  • The darkest in the trilogy of Cartel Market jedi robes

Humble Hero

  • Based off of a very cool character in Knights of the Old Republic II, she is blind which is why the hood covers the eyes
  • Great for a blind character or Miraluka charter, or any Jedi who simply wants to hide their eyes to create a bit of mystery

Vrook Lamar’s

  • Less traditional, but I really like these robes as they feel very much like something a Jedi would wear but without so much loose fabric
  • Based on a Jedi Council character from Knights of the Old Republic

Jolee Bindo’s

  • Another variation of simple Jedi robes but with more leather than normal
  • Based off a Jedi character who joins you in Knights of the Old Republic

Ablative Lacqerous

  • One last one before I wrap up the classic Jedi robes, this is an interesting set fairly unique to the Old Republic era
  • It combines the simpleness of the Jedi robes with some of the more ornate patterns at the time, but without adding any of the elaborate embroidery or metalwork
  • Synthweaving 380, random schematic
  • Schematic on the GTN or set on GTN
  • Republic side lvl 47 or higher

Image result for swtor jedi knight kotfe

Remnant Underworld Knight

Dynamic Paladin’s

  • Speaking of outfits in trailers, this one shows up in a lot of the trailers from the Traitor story arc
  • I think they chose it to represent that the Jedi Knight has gone from wearing simple robes to something more luxurious to represent their new status in those expansions

These sets of heavy armor combine heavy-duty protection with Jedi robes.

Jedi Stormguard

  • This set is similar to what the Zabrak Jedi from the return trailer named Kao Cen Darach wears
  • Costs a whole 2,500 credits per piece
  • Bought from the Adaptive vendor in the supplies section of the fleet

Guardian’s Exalted

Valiant Jedi

Resolute Guardian

  • An interesting variation, this Cartel Market set seems to switch out the metal armoring for some type of heavy plastoid-alloy.

Hypercloth Force Expert’s /Hypercloth Aegis

  • This more battered-looking crafted set as a nice blue color to it
  • Synthweaving 420, schematic from the trainer
  • Find any synthweaver or buy from GTN
  • Republic side lvl 51 or higher

Image result for swtor jedi knight

Джаггернаут, без сомнения, разжигаемый гневом тип «бык в фарфоровой лавке», который обязательно испортит вашу вечеринку и приведет к серьезным последствиям. Однако это не значит, что они не могут делать это стильно. В Star Wars: The Old Republic есть набор для всего, даже для вечеринок. Ниже приведены пять лучших комплектов брони, подходящих для Джаггернаута ситхов:

5. Неумолимый террор

Многие игроки склонны соглашаться с тем, что этот набор максимально приближен к культовой броне Дарта Вейдера, насколько это возможно в SWTOR.

4. Устойчивый надзиратель

Этот набор, который носил Дарт Малора в дополнении Onslaught, идеально подходит для ситхов Джаггернаута в дороге.

  • В этом наборе есть несколько усиленно бронированных аспектов в сочетании с более удобной нижней половиной, что идеально подходит для Джаггернаута, который проводит собрание Темного Совета после кровопролития
  • Поставляется с собственной версией ребризера, который больше и закрывает большую часть лица, чем традиционные маски, предлагаемые в наградах за миссии.

Как получить : набор Resilient Warden в настоящее время доступен на рынке картелей за 1440 монет картеля. В GTN этот набор варьируется от 100 миллионов игровых кредитов до примерно 300 миллионов. Следите за отличными предложениями.

3. Ситх-отшельник

Этот набор пользуется успехом у игроков с момента его выпуска. Легко понять почему.

Как получить : Вы можете найти этот комплект брони на рынке картеля за 2100 монет картеля. Как всегда, вы также можете найти его в GTN примерно за 100 миллионов игровых кредитов.

2. Темный легионер

Хотя это может быть не первое, что вы думаете о Джаггернауте, нет никаких сомнений в том, что игроки Джаггернаута и Мародеров приняли этот набор как свой собственный. Он идеально подходит для лояльной Империи Гнева.

Как получить : этот набор в настоящее время доступен на Cartel Market за 1440 монет картеля. Этот набор в среднем составляет около 100 миллионов игровых кредитов в GTN, но иногда вы можете найти отличную сделку. Всегда полезно проверять GTN, чтобы поймать кусочки, когда они падают в цене!

1. Комплект доспехов разорителя

Как получить : так как это более старый набор, вы можете найти его на рынке картеля всего за 1000 монет картеля. Возраст этого набора также делает его цену переменной в GTN: от 30 миллионов игровых кредитов до 80 миллионов.

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