Ronaldinho fifa 21 обзор

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Футбол – командная игра, но иногда фанаты любят посмотреть на волшебные индивидуальные действия. Накрутить 2-3 человека и забить победный мяч – вот настоящий кайф для болельщика. Для игроков в FIFA дриблинг – важное умение: чем больше приемчиков знаешь, тем легче уйти от защитников и создать голевую ситуацию. Симулятор благосклонно относится к техничным игрокам.

Сможете угадать самых техничных футболистов в игре?

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А теперь – наши наблюдения по оценкам техники от EA Sports.

Поднялись в топ Санчо (c 90 до 91), Дибала (с 90 до 91) и Рияд Марез (с 89 до 90). Хотя каждый из них прибавил лишь по 1 пункту.

2. Важно знать, что в общий скилл Dribbling входит аж 6 компонентов: ловкость, баланс, реакция, контроль мяча, дриблинг, хладнокровие. На карточке рисуется лишь среднее арифметическое этих показателей. Поэтому, чтобы не путаться, общий показатель мы будем называть «техника», а детальный – «дриблинг».

То есть не совсем корректно предъявлять ЕА отсутствие Адама Траоре в топе, хотя он стал лучшим дриблером прошлого сезона в топовых лигах (6,1 успешных обводок за матч). Если выстроить топ-10 чисто по компоненту «дриблинг», то испанец окажется на 5 месте. Вполне адекватно.

3. Но все равно есть проблемы. Возьмем Лоренцо Инсинье. В прошлом году у него было 1,5 успешных обводки в среднем за матч, в позапрошлом – вообще 0,9 (данные Whoscored). При этом итальянец на 5-м месте по общему показателю (91) и у него 90 дриблинга. А у открытия прошлого сезона Жереми Бога (4,7 успешных обводок за матч – 5-й показатель в Европе) – жалкие 82 в технике. Молодой звездочке «Дижона» Муниру Шуйару (4,2 обводки за матч) вообще дали 75.

4. В топ-10 у восьми игроков техника – самый высокий показатель на карточке. И только у Мбаппе и Дугласа Косты превалируют скоростные качества.

5. Техника Криштиану (89) не позволила ему попасть в топ-10 . Все из-за невероятно низкого показателя «баланс» (71), который смазывает среднее арифметическое. И здесь вопрос: а как часто вы видели, чтобы Роналду терял равновесие? При этом показатель «хладнокровие» (95) запросто можно было бы срезать – вряд ли португалец претендует на то, чтобы быть спокойнее Салаха, Ван Дейка или Левандовски.

Лучшие игроки в FIFA 21: у Роналду топовый удар, Холанд мощнее Лукаку, а лучшего вы и так знаете

6. Среди вратарей самым техничным оказался Мануэль Нойер – 53 .

7. Самым техничным среди икон стал Диего Марадона (97). Аргентинец на 1 балл обогнал Пеле и Гарринчу. Далее идут Зидан, Роналдо и Роналдиньо (у всех по 95).

8. Среди серебряных игроков самым техничным оказался новичок «Милана» Браим Диас (81). Интересно, как ЕА оценивала его технику, если в прошлом сезоне испанец провел на поле 60 минут?

9. Самым техничным россиянином второй год становится Александр Головин (83 в этом году и 82 в прошлом) . А вот вторым стал Александр Кокорин – 81.

10. По логике ЕА, самые нетехничные люди в мире – центральные защитники. В топ-100 самых нетехничных входят 99 (. ) центрдефов. Хуже всех тут Штефан Пош из «Хоффенхайма» – 44.

11. Skill Moves – самый спорный показатель во всей серии. Кто не в курсе: чем больше звезд Skill Moves (максимум – 5), тем больше финтов может исполнить футболист. Это не значит, что Жоау Фелиш (техника 83) с 5 звездами будет обводить круче, чем Роберто Фирмино (техника 90), но его вариантивность обводок выше.

Но это не отвечает на вопрос, почему вдруг Бернардески, Марсело, Рэшфорд, Златан, Квинси Промес, Марлос и даже экс-зенитовец Эрнани могут исполнить больше финтов, чем Месси ?

Есть большое подозрение, что Skill Moves – скорее маркетинговая история, которая привлекает внимание к невзрачным карточкам.

12. Если вы любите техничных футболистов, знаете, какие кнопки нажимать для того или иного финта, то вот мой персональный топ-5, с учетом показателя Skill Moves:

The answer is simple: if you want the best value for your coins, no, he isn't. There are many other cards that perform better for a lesser price and this version of R10 isn't the best fit for this FIFA's meta. However, if you're a football fan like me that grew up seeing Ronaldinho tear down defensive lines with his magic touch and you still get those nostalgic vibes everytime you watch a Joga Bonito ad, yes, he's worth it. I'm a Gold 1 player at best in Weekend League and this FIFA I was lucky enough to get enough coins to try one of my childhood idols out. As expected, he's just wonderful to play with — great dribbling, good movement and loads of flair. He's just different, hence why his Body Type on the game data is "Ronaldinho" (no joke). Every turn, every pass, every shot, every dribble; they just feel like a different game. He opens up a whole new game that can be so much fun. Nonetheless, I have to be honest: he's not a gamechanger like Mbappé and CR7, because when you get destroyed on Weekend League and you look at your exhausted Dinho in CAM struggling to get forward, you ask yourself: is he worth it? The answer, as mentioned in the start, depends on why you play FIFA. I want to have fun, so the answer is yes.

  • Dribbling: let's just get this out of the way, because that's why anyone interested in this card is reading this review. His dribbling is from another world and if you know to use a 5* skiller this guy is a constant threat. All dribbling combinations feel like cheat codes and even those who aren't really good at dribbling will eventually break some legs with Dinho's skill.
  • Passing: call it what you want, but this guy is a number 10. His vision will get you some mindblowing passes and when you get him going on those 1-2's he just feels unique. The 88 passing stat is even better ingame, so it does make me wonder if those hidden stats are a real thing.
  • Shooting: 9 out of 10 shots will go in if you're in front of goal and know how to beat the keeper. Consistent, dangerous and overall a good finisher. He's not an elite shooter but you'll be surprised at how many long shots he manages to score.
  • Pace: that's what you're worried about, right? Long story short, Dinho isn't a speedster (atleast not this version). He won't beat defenders like your Mbappés and Rashfords, but do you expect him to? Like I said, he's not 100% meta. With that being said, I was positively surprised at how many runs he was able to make with the Hunter card (only way to make him an option to run in behind opponents) and he didn't slow down any of my attacks.
  • Physicality: I wasn't expecting to call this his biggest con but after a full Weekend League with him I have to say he's weak. Gets bullied off the ball more than Neymar (. ) and won't be winning you any 50/50's against meta CDM/CB's. Nonetheless, his flair and agility make up for that if you're able to get that first touch in.

With EA's recent League SBC debacle, I decided to scrap my plans of saving players and just sell everything in my club instead. I considered Mbappe or Neymar, I thought about getting a few cheap United icons for a past and present team. and then I saw Baby Dinho's price. **SOLD.** (I thought he'd be 2-3 million. but I guess the 80 pace puts people off. Those people are fools.) Dropped him straight into my team and started my 30 games:

Instant impact. What a player. The no-look passing. The immaculate skill moves. The absurd ball control. The clever movement. The unexpected strength. The calm, composed finishes into the corner. The cheeky chip shots inside the box. The vicious high power shots. The freekicks. jesus, the freekicks. Keep your Mbappes and your Neymars, I have found god.

  • Skills
  • Passing
  • Strength
  • Shooting
  • Freekicks
  • It's Ronaldinho

If you think 80 pace is a "con," you are a coward

Hello everyone, the intention of this review is to let you take a decision on whether you should buy or not this card, so let me begin by making some clarifications.

I was lucky enough to pack Ronaldinho's baby card from my swaps Baby Icon pack, and at first i was shocked to see the Brasilian come out of the pack, but here are my thoughts after nearly 300 games with this guy.

I must say that the difference between his baby card and his middle one is huge, and as soon as i started having fun with Ronaldinho i was disappointed by some stuff.

He feels very slow, and when i say very slow i really mean his in game pace disappoints me, he has no chance to compete against your classic "Varane and Gomez are my life" kind of guy unless you know how to perform those cheeky 5 star skill moves (in my case i'm lucky enough to do), if you do not know how to skill past your opponent, you will be disappointed with your purchase, other than that, the card is a really FUN card to use! I really love to turn my back to my opponent's defender only to surprise him with a well-timed rainbow flick, making the poor defender question his whole career as a footballer.

But let's review some of the other stats too, shall we?

So, this card shooting is. acceptable! His fairly high long shot stat lets shooting from outside the box a very viable option, i suggest to use finesse shots to maximize the chances of scoring, due to his high curve stat. His finishing lets he be able to beat the keeper with ease in 1 on 1 situations

This card's passing is AWESOME, he can easily launch you attackers with a long pass through the defenders, and his set pieces are LEGENDARY

This card's dribbling is good, but can be optimized by using the "engine" chem style, to improve agility and balance. other than that, you will not feel disappointed by Dinho's dribbles

Ok, this stat really surprised me a lot, the 82 strength on the card makes it be able to keep the ball safe from the attempts of stealing it by you opponent's cdms, solid.

Overall, i would suggest this card to those more experienced players, still looking to have fun with the game, as i said, you can put both hunter and engine on this guy, but one thing you must know, this card's natural habitat is the CAM position, i would not suggest playing him as a striker or winger.

To conclude, i'd recommend this card to ones who enjoy playing the game with fancy plays and are willing to get a playmaker.

Makes shooting outside the box a possibility

Will fight over the ball at the cost of his life

Must know how to use him to get good performances from him

After packing him off my swaps baby pack, I was very happy. I decided to change my formation to 4-2-3-1 and put dinho at cam behind if Rashford. This gut performe SO well. In div 3 and champs wow insane. He always finishes like a beast with pinpoint accuracy and good power. His finesse shots are very good, inside and outside of the box. At cam, his pace does not feel bad at all. the dribbling and skills are crazy, and being 180cm, he doe not feel clunky at all. His strength is great and he can win balls against cb's. Don't even get me started on the freekicks. Oh my god they are awesome!

Saved up a lot of coins and was contemplating on who to chose as my CAM in a 4231. In the end, I decided to just go for Ronaldinho despite the image of being way too overpriced just because of his name. (at least his baby version) He is a real icon of my childhood, and the feeling and fun while playing with this card is worth more to me than just going for "pure meta". Even though this card got everything that a perfect CAM needs, and only the pace is a con in the opinion of many.

After a couple games though, all my initial doubts were blown away! He feels so good on the ball, his dribbling is amazing combined with his strength, the ball just seems to stick to his feet in many situations, he is able to push even strong defenders away sometimes, opens up so many spaces with his 5* skills, and his finishing is superb as well, especially his finesse shots. I gave him a hunter, he is still not the quickest, but because of his dribbling he really doesn't have to be. Still, the pace seems to be more of a luxury problem, which is fixed in his far more expensive middle version.

He scored more goals than my POTM Lewa did this WL, I played 25 games, won 17 for Gold 2 and Ronaldinho scored 38 and assisted 16 in those games. And the most important thing: He made most of these games more fun than your usual FIFA game, just because it's Ronaldinho and you could literally feel your opponents having a hard time stopping him.

All in all, I had a blast playing him, and he will stay in my team for a while, or until I can afford his middle version! Can only recommend trying him out, if you use him accordingly, he won't disappoint!

I don't write reviews but this card is so spectacular I had to share. I've been stuck on division 2 for the past few weeks but once I got this card he took me to division 1 immediately. He's that big of a game changer. I’ve had the luck of being able to use CR7, Mbappe, and Neymar. They’re all wonderful but Ronaldinho is on another level.

Pace: 10/10. With a hunter chem style he’s lighting fast. You truly feel the increase pace boost. No one is able to catch up with him.

Shooting: 10/10. If you’re in the box it’s a goal. His positioning leads to so many goals whether it's in the box or for a through ball. He's the first player I've used that you can shoot a normal shot when the goal keeper is rushing you on a break away and it still goes in. With his finesse shot trait, the ball just floats and dips down inside the goal. It's a thing of beauty.

Dribbling: This is what separates him from every other player. To have the balance he has with his size coupled with 5 star skill moves is unmatched. CR7 is an absolute monster in this game. Not trying to take anything away from CR7 as he's my favorite player in real life but these are my observations regarding him, I've used CR7 with an engine and hunter chem style. With a hunter you feel CR7's 71 balance when trying to do quick turns. With an engine, CR7's pace boost is great but not perfect. That's the amazing thing about Dinho, you can give him a hunter to have perfect pace and his balance and dribbling are silky smooth with base stats.

Passing: 9/10. Incredibly versatile. You can play him as a CAM because of his passing stats. If used as a striker, his passing is fantastic for a striker.

Physical: 9.5/10. Only Virgil can body him off. He's surprisingly strong and his stamina allows him to play the full 90 minutes.

Overall: 10/10. He’s simply magical. He's the most complete attacking player at this point in the game in my humble opinion. Hope this helps. Best of luck to you lads.

EA Sports

EA Sports

Всех отгадаете?

FIFA 21 выйдет только 6 октября, но ЕА Sports уже опубликовала рейтинг 100 сильнейших футболистов новой части. Разбираем выбор EA чуть ниже, но для начала попробуйте отгадать топ-10 в нашем тесте.

Из подсказок – только позиция игрока (ориентируйтесь на наши теги).

1. Впервые с FIFA 16 поменялся топ-3. Конечно, Месси и Роналду остались на месте, а вот Неймара потеснил Роберт Левандовски. В FIFA 16 на третьем месте был Луис Суарес.

3. Судя по всему, Мбаппе в этом году будет самым быстрым игроком серии. В прошлом году он делил первую строчку с Адама Траоре (у обоих было по 96), но испанец не попал в топ-100.

4. У «Ливерпуля» больше всего игроков в топ-10: Мане, Салах, Ван Дейк. А вот в топ-20 доминирует «Реал»: Кроос, Каземиро, Куртуа, Бензема, Рамос. Но ни один из них не попал в первую десятку.

5. У победителя Лиги чемпионов, «Баварии», в топ-10 только Роберт Левандовски. В топ-20 вошли Нойер и Киммих.

6. В топ-100 больше всего представителей «Барселоны» и «Ливерпуля» – 10 человек. У «Сити» и «Реала» по 9.

7. У вратарей все стабильно: Облак, Тер Штеген и Алиссон. А вот Нойер подвинул с 4-го места Де Хеа. Куртуа на этот раз стал пятым.

8. Бросаются в глаза и некоторые удивительные показатели. Например, лучше всех в топ-100 бьет Криштиану Роналду. Насколько это справедливо, учитывая, что португалец в Серии А в среднем наносил 6,57 ударов за игру, а без учета пенальти забил 19 голов (0,61 за матч)? У Де Брюйне удар 86, зато 3,19 ударов за игру и 12 голов в АПЛ.

9. Вопросы есть и к силе игроков. Неужели Каземиро (физика 91) с ростом 184 и весом 84 может быть сильнее Кулибали (195 см, 89 кг)? А Холанд, например, оказался крепче Ромеру Лукаку. Понятно, что в параметр «физика» входят 4 атрибута (прыжок, выносливость, сила и агрессия), но даже с учетом этой оговорки превосходство над Лукаку выглядит очень странно.

Также удивил Роналду: почему-то оказался не слишком выносливым (84) и совсем слабым (78).

10. Показатель Weak Foot (слабая нога) вообще не поддается логическим объяснениям. Например, разработчики искренне считают, что Кристиан Эриксен (5 звезд Weak Foot) играет обеими ногами лучше, чем Лионель Месси (4 звезды Weak Foot). Да что уж там – у абсолютно одноногого Чиро Иммобиле (28 голов правой и 2 гола левой) те же 4 звезды.

11. Если вы не знали, то модельки фигуры у футболистов почти всегда одинаковые. ЕА ранжирует их по росту (High/Medium/Short) и мускулатуре (Lean/Average/Stocky). Но у некоторых настолько уникальная конституция, что их приходится рисовать отдельно. В топ-20 уникальные фигуры получили Месси, Роналду, Неймар и…Тибо Куртуа.

12. В противостоянии Месси и Роналду снова победил Лео: 93 против 92. Если сравнить все части FIFA, то у Месси будет 9 побед, а у Роналду – 6.

13. Итоговый топ-10. Согласны? Кого убрать и кого не хватает – пишите в комментах.

FIFA 21. Топ-10 рейтинга

1. Лионель Месси, «Барселона» — 93.
2. Криштиану Роналду, «Ювентус» — 92.
3. Роберт Левандовски, «Бавария» — 91.
4. Неймар, «ПСЖ» — 91.
5. Кевин дё Брёйне, «Манчестер Сити» — 91.
6. Ян Облак, «Атлетико» — 91.
7. Марк-Андре тер Штеген, «Барселона» — 90.
8. Вирджил ван Дейк, «Ливерпуль» — 90.
9. Садио Мане, «Ливерпуль» — 90.
10. Мохамед Салах, «Ливерпуль» — 90

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