Когда вышла 2 глава fortnite

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

В начале февраля мы выпустим обновление 11.50 и начнём переводить Fortnite на Chaos — новую систему физики Unreal Engine. Сейчас перед нами стоит задача сохранить привычный облик игры, данный переход не обойдётся без трудностей, поэтому мы набрали небольшую группу игроков для тестирования. Мы будем внимательно отслеживать отзывы и с течением времени вносить поправки.

Учитывая выход обновления 11.50, запуск второго сезона второй главы теперь запланирован на четверг, 20 февраля. Во втором сезоне второй главы появятся с множеством . Однако сейчас мы не можем раскрыть все секреты нового сезона.

До завершения сезона мы представим дополнительные бонусные испытания и новое двухнедельное событие. Ожидайте подробностей на наших страницах в социальных сетях.

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заявку в др в фортнайте играю с пс4 каво на линч закинуть мощь 129 закидываю сразу +3 чела ник gambit_kabachok1

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Что же нас ждёт дальше?

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Александра Сергеева ответила Владу

Влад, лично моё мнение он по своей рисовке сюда не вписывается

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Влад Герасимов ответил Александре

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Александра Сергеева ответила Владу

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Данил Агафонов ответил Александре

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Zero Bo

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Мне вот интересно, хоть один концепт будет правдивый?

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Даниил Ванян

Даниил Ванян ответил Владу

Влад, просто сравни скины с 1 главы и второй главы, и увидишь разницу

Влад Деулин

Влад Деулин ответил Даниилу

Даниил Ванян

Даниил Ванян ответил Владу

Влад Деулин

Влад Деулин ответил Даниилу

Даниил Ванян

Даниил Ванян ответил Владу

Влад, блять ты слепой? Сравни скины 1 главы и 2 главы, и увидишь разницу

Влад Деулин

Влад Деулин ответил Даниилу

Даниил, я прекрасно знаю какие скины 1 главы и 2 главы,но из за скинов, говорить что форт помойка,это как то тупо не кажется тебе?

Даниил Ванян

Даниил Ванян ответил Владу

Влад, ну согласись скины могли по лучше сделать, а так Фортнайт лучшая королевская битва

Влад Деулин

Влад Деулин ответил Даниилу

Key Art

The theme is a new world and a new beginning, which was caused by the events of The End.

The cost of the Battle Pass for this season was 950 V-Bucks, like the previous 9 seasons.

On v11.20, Epic Games announced that Chapter 2: Season 1 would end on February 6th, 2020, to prepare for the holidays with new features and a live event.

Then, it happened again on January 24th, 2020, with the new date being February 20th, 2020. This is for Epic to reveal more of the season’s secrets and test out the new stuff.

This is the longest season in Chapter 2 and the longest season overall lasting 128 days (4 months).


Previously, in Fortnite.

The Scientist created Rift Beacons throughout most of Season X, creating rifts acting as gateways to the island for the other members of The Seven. During The End, The Seven destroyed the time bubble surrounding The Zero Point, resuming the 'pinching' process (as described in detail here) that was paused by the freezing of time at the start of Season X. Following the time bubble's destruction, The Zero Point exploded, and its remains collapsed into a black hole that destroyed the entire island, and momentarily collapsed reality. During The Blackout, The Scientist managed to transmit a message, stating 'I was not alone. Others were outside the loop. This was not calculated. The nothing is now inevitable.' This suggests that The Seven have failed in their attempt to contain The Zero Point, and that their un-calculated actions instead resulted in the permanent destruction of the universe.

Welcome to Chapter 2

However, despite what The Seven stated, The Black hole evaporated away after two days of The Blackout, forming a brand new Zero Point that reconstructed reality and reorganized the the previous island's matter into a new one, wiping the slate clean and beginning once again. The reason for The Black Hole ending is likely due to the transmission sent at the start of the season, likely originating from The Imagined Order.

. [security encryption M7 authenticated].

The Containment Field has stabilized; The Bridge is intact.

The seven succeeded. Our manipulations averted disaster.

The zero point is ours, and the plan can continue.

. [recalculating Loop shift].

. [initiating sub Loop text transmission].

. [redirecting, received].

Surprising is the sheer volume of Matter resolved around the Bridge.

Extensive Charting and Analysis are required.

Our best [redacted: D4] Team has been scrambled and inserted.

We expect resistance. And similar embedded Agents.

We've been as quiet as possible. But the gaze of others may now be turned towards Zero.

A whole new world awaits.

. [end transmission; loop].

. [redirecting, received].

The message above outlines that everything is starting to stabilize, and that The Bridge is intact and safely containing The Zero Point. Although The Seven initially failed in containing it, The Imagined Order managed to somehow 'manipulate' The Black Hole into reconstructing reality, which subsequently finished the 'pinching' process and reshaped the island into a new one, basically ensuring their success. The message also states that they are sending in a group of people to form an organization called E.G.O. on the island, dedicated to studying and understanding the new world. The reason for the the group of people using a separate name from The Imagined Order is likely due to the fact that IO is trying to keep themselves hidden from the inhabitants of the island, silently influencing activities on the island from the shadows. The message finishes with a warning, in that although The Imagined Order has been as quiet as possible in containing the gargantuan amounts of energy released by The Zero Point, the events of The End may have attracted attention of entities seeking to exploit it for themselves, as 'the gaze of others may now be turned towards zero'. Zero is the designation of the reality in which the Fortnite Island and The Zero Point resides, as confirmed by Donald Mustard on his twitter account at the beginning of Chapter 2 Season 8. The End, however, attracted the attention of Galactus, who felt the shift in reality when The Zero Point reorganized the island into a new one, and began moving towards its source, The Zero Point.

The E.G.O team setup numerous unique research outposts throughout the island, including an E.G.O science station, Hangar, and Barracks.

The Chapter 2: Season 1 storyline

E.G.O begins studying the island, and setup numerous unique research outposts throughout the island, including an E.G.O Science Station, Hangar, and Barracks. The group of six members act as the leaders of the organization, and likely report back their discoveries to The Imagined Order, which has its Bridge facility deep underground and directly underneath Eye Land.

The Snapshots use Slurpy Swamp to produce dozens of Sludges, using them as soldiers to fight for A.L.T.E.R.. Toxin assumes the role of commanding the Sludges, while Riptide sets up a black market at Dirty Docks, operating strictly at night and selling grenades, Rocket Launchers, and Floppers. The area is guarded by the Sludge Army and the rest of the A.L.T.E.R snapshots.

While these events are occurring, Chaos Agent is seen observing the activities on the island through multiple TV screens, and begins to hatch plans.

During the Christmas Period, Snowmando attempted to take over the island. He commenced Operation: Snowdown, and constructed numerous Snowmando Outposts throughout the island. However, this ended in a failure, and Snowmando was beaten back.

How did it End?

Near the very end of the season, at Eye Land, some of the furniture in the house was turned into gold. This suggested that Midas had arrived and scouted the area. One thing was for certain though, the battle was about to get much more interesting.

New Features

Battle Royale

  • A new map, Apollo island, with new Point of Interests. To discover locations, you must explore them.
  • New progression system: Battle Stars are no more, gain XP to progress. This system was previously used in C1-S1.
  • Fishing: You can use the new fishing rod item to catch some fish that can heal you, or assorted loot.
  • Swimming: You can also dive in water without worrying about fall damage.
  • Hiding: Hay Bales, Dumpsters, Snowmen, and Portable Bathrooms can be used as hiding spots and are scattered among the map.
  • Upgrade Bench: Found in certain POIs, you can spend materials to upgrade the weapon 1 rarity higher. The material cost increases with rarities.
  • Sidegrading: A feature added to the Upgrade Bench on v11.40. It allows you to switch to another version of a weapon (Example: Assault Rifle to Heavy Assault Rifle, and vice versa).

Loot and Items

    Two-Slot Items: The first item of this type is the Bandage Bazooka.
      : A weapon that can shoot bandages to heal teammates.
      : Similar to the Rusty Can, but can also be used to light campfires and can only be found in chests and Presents!, instead of from fishing.
      : An incredibly rare (1/1M chance to fish) mythic item that deals 200 damage (which means instant elimination) to enemies when thrown at them. Can be picked up for reuse, similar to the Rusty Can and Lump of Coal. : Can be used for rapid fishing, dealing damage to structures and pulling opponents. Available in Rare rarity. : A returning weapon, comes in all 5 rarities.


    • Synced Emotes: Activate the emote and regardless if another player has it or not, they can copy for an additional effect. The first of these types is High Five. Others include Double Up.
    • Icon Series: Includes all celebrity-based cosmetics.
    • Star Wars Series: Includes all Star Wars-related cosmetics. The first of these types is the Imperial Stormtrooper.

    Battle Pass

    The Battle Pass has changed. The tier progression system is reverted to the XP progression system used in Chapter 1: Season 1. This means Battle Stars are retired from the game for the time being, as it now requires season XP to progress the Battle Pass. You get 1,500 V-Bucks from the Battle Pass, more than every other season individually. You still have the same 100 tiers, but for the first time, you can go further than Level 100 but don’t get any rewards, the maximum level is 1,000.

    All outfits this season (except the Fusion outfit, which is merged) have an alter ego style. The default style is always part of E.G.O, a military organization, and it’s alter ego is part of A.L.T.E.R., another organization. The two teams are likely rivals. Other outfits in this season’s pass, like the Tier 100 Fusion and the secret outfit, Sorana, are part of A.L.T.E.R.

    Battle Pass Rewards

    Free Tiers

    Victory Royale Rewards

    Sorana Challenges

    Alter Ego Challenges


    When players log into the game, a message from the E.G.O. shows up below the bottom left of the black hole, stating that the Seven have succeeded and that the Zero Point is theirs, and are ready for transporting everyone to the island. After the coded message, the loop stops, and the black hole leads up to the big bang, revealing a galaxy. New outfits, such as Rippley, Journey, and Turk, find themselves in an unincorporated island which turns out to be the new map.

    The Battle Bus arrives and the A.L.T.E.R. has arrived. Chic starts a dance for all of them. They are also joined by Rapscallion, Cuddle Team Leader, Doggo, Raven, Stoneheart, and DJ Bop. Jonesy hops out of the bus and the game begins, if you're watching the trailer in-game.

    These are the locations from Chapter 1 that made it to Chapter 2:

    Map Changes

    Week 1

    Alongside with familiar faces, new locations also joined in:

    Week 3

    The first major map change occurred in the Eye Land landmark, as it turned into the Isle of the Storm for Fortnitemares. It removed the houses and added in some craters for easy movement. The island resembles a corrupted area from Season 6.

    Week 4

    The Isle of the Storm has been reverted to Eye Land.

    Week 8

    In Risky Reels, the cars there leave the POI in preparation for the first live event of Chapter 2, which is an exclusive scene from the movie “Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker”. You can read about the event here.

    Unofficial Patch Notes

    For a good portion of Season 1, there were no patch notes. It became really controversial for the Fortnite community. Here are all of the changes made from Week 1-5:

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