Когда выйдет minecraft earth

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

BitCraft - что это за игра, когда выйдет, трейлер и видео, системные требования, картинки, цена, похожие игры

BitCraft — многопользовательская ролевая песочница с видом от третьего лица, похожая на смесь Minecraft и Genshin Impact. Действия игры разворачиваются в огромном полностью редактируемом процедурно-генерируемом мире. Помимо крафта и строительства, в песочнице можно будет заниматься охотой, рыбалкой, сельским хозяйством, торговлей, исследованием мира и не только. Игра подарит беспрецедентную свободу, которая позволит вам создавать свои собственные истории. Вы сами будете решать, кем стать — путешественником, строителем, фермером, торговцем или кем-нибудь другим.


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Даты выхода

BitCraft сейчас находится в разработке для PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X.

Полный список дат выхода и платформ смотрите на странице релизов.

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The Minecraft Wiki is no longer considered as official by Microsoft and therefore several changes are required to be made, including to the wiki's logo. Please read this announcement for more information.

This game has been discontinued due to outdoor restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bring the Minecraft universe into the real world with augmented reality!


Design [ ]

Gameplay [ ]

Gameplay of Minecraft Earth.

In the map view, players were allowed to see their character, which was able to be changed with skins owned from the marketplace or generated using the Character Creator. Scattered around the maps were tappables. If a tappable was within a player's collection range, the player could tap it and collect items. There were multiple types of tappables, including stone, grass, pond, chests, and mobs.

Adventures [ ]

Adventures appeared on the map but were also allowed to be spawned using Adventure Crystals. Adventures were the survival aspect of Minecraft Earth. Players were allowed to fight mobs, collect additional resources that are unavailable with tappables, and collect rewards. Adventures were only allowed to be played in life-size mode.

Buildplates [ ]

Using the shop, players were allowed to buy new plots using rubies. Plots were also earned via a leveling system.

A player was allowed to interact with a buildplate in miniature and life-size modes. In miniature mode, the buildplate functioned the same as creative mode in Minecraft, allowing the player to build structures and populate the buildplate with mobs. In life-size mode, the buildplate functioned the same as survival mode, in which the player must use tools to interact with blocks. Hostile mobs on the buildplate attacked the player, and the player could lose health and life.

A planned feature for buildplates that was announced but never implemented was the ability to pin buildplates on the map for other players to view publicly.

Minecraft Earth adventures had their own buildplates, with predefined above-ground and underground structures and hostile mobs. Like user buildplates, an adventure plate was only allowed to be placed somewhere on the ground before interacting with it. Adventure buildplates weren't able to be saved or moved by a player although multiple players were allowed to interact with the same adventure at the same time.

Challenges [ ]

Similar to advancements in Java Edition and achievements in Bedrock Edition, challenges were tasks given to player to guide the player. Unlike advancements, there were 3 types of challenges: Daily, Seasonal, and Tappable challenges. These challenges involved individual tasks; the player obtained rubies, experience, and credit after completing. For example, if player's task is to collect 6 ferns, and another challenge is to collect 4 ferns, and the player gets 2 ferns, it would apply to both tasks.

Gameplay differences from regular Minecraft [ ]

Inventory in Minecraft Earth, showing that stacks of items and mobs appeared unlimited in size and quantity.

Minecraft Earth offered somewhat different mechanics to players more familiar with Java or Bedrock editions of Minecraft. These differences included:

  • The game was basically two-dimensional; that is, while one can build upward and dig downward, a player wasn't able to climb or descend unless a real-world structure was available for climbing and descending.
  • There was no daylight cycle. Buildplates and adventures always had the same lighting regardless of the real-world time of day. Some buildplates were available with night illumination. :
    • Inventory was effectively unlimited, both in inventory slots and the stack size of items or blocks.
    • There was no inventory crafting grid, and no way to repair damaged items by combining them.
    • There were no armor slots in the inventory.
    • Mobs were allowed to be collected, and achievements were earned for collecting them. Occasionally a tappable dropped a hostile mob that was allowed to be collected and placed on a buildplate.
    • Inventory was unaffected by death, as it was inaccessible during adventures. Only items in the hotbar and backpack (the items collected during an adventure) were lost.
    • Both crafting and smelting took time, sometimes several minutes (or even hours) depending on the item. Like smelting in regular Minecraft, the player was allowed to exit the crafting or smelting interface to do other things while the process completes.
    • Several items weren't able to be crafted at all, such as chests, crafting tables, armor, villager workstations, fishing rods, and anything related to enchantments or potions (anvils, enchanting tables, brewing stands, etc.).

    Microtransactions [ ]

    • Purchase buildplates
    • Purchase boosts
    • Purchase second and third slots for crafting and smelting
    • Speed up crafting and smelting tasks

    Minecoins were also used as a secondary currency in Minecraft Earth, for purchasing skins and clothing.

    Development [ ]

    Release [ ]

    Closed beta [ ]

    iOS and iPadOS [ ]

    The closed beta for Minecraft Earth was launched for AR-compatible devices running iOS and iPadOS in the cities listed below.

    Android [ ]

    The closed beta for Minecraft Earth was launched for AR-compatible devices running Android in the same five cities the iOS closed beta was launched in.

    Early access [ ]

    Discontinuation [ ]

    For Returning Players before discontinuation, received an exclusive Character creator “Hero” outfit set. If a returning player had a remaining paid ruby balance before the start of the shutdown would receive a free copy of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

    System requirements [ ]

    iPhone 6S and later

    iPod touch (7 th gen)

    iPad (5 th gen and later)
    iPad Air (3 rd gen and later)
    iPad mini (5 th gen)
    iPad Pro (all models)

    Minecraft Earth закрыта навсегда

    Minecraft Earth – выпущенный в конце 2019 года конкурент Pokemon Go. Владельцы игры могли ходить по улицам, строить из блоков всякую всячину, наслаждаться солнечным светом и запахами природы. Но нет, на самом деле не могли.

    Пользователи Minecraft Earth получили бонусы после отключения серверов: майнкоины взамен потраченных на игру денег и копию Minecraft Bedrock.

    Minecraft Earth провалилась и закроется, игрокам подарят Minecraft Bedrock

    Minecraft Earth – прошлогодняя попытка Mojang создать аналог Pokemon Go с кубами и строительством вместо поиска яиц карманных монстров. Не особо вдохновляющая идея, если задуматься о строительстве виртуальных домов среди советских хрущевок, на улицах куинса или в бразильских фавелах. Но презентация выглядела очень круто, а геймплей открывал приятные кооперативные возможности.

    Проверить жизнеспособность проекта мы не сможем: концепция игры столкнулась с обстоятельства непреодолимой силы: в реальном мире все сидят дома из-за карантина и не выходят на улицу. Как бы не обстояли дела на самом деле, руководство Mojang считает, что принцип свободного перемещения по миру нарушен, поэтому у Minecraft Earth нет шансов показать себя с лучшей стороны.

    Игру закроют в конце июня 2021 года. Все игроки, совершавшие покупки в Minecraft Earth, получат бесплатную копию Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Премиальная валюта будет переведена в майнкойны, а свежий патч для игры уберет микротранзакции, уменьшит время крафта, снизит цены в магазине и добавит весь вырезанный из игры контент. То есть сделает игру приятной и играбельной.

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