Kerbal space program making history expansion обзор

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Over the past months, we’ve undertaken a huge endeavor to bring Kerbal Space Program towards its next leap forward. KSP is by now a mature game with tons of content and an immense modding community, which has devised all kinds of tools and creative additions to the game, so making something new and exciting for our players was a challenge that we faced head-on.

We wanted to do something that could enrich the Kerbal experience, offer value to players, bring exciting new content and allow more creativity - all while bringing countless more hours of enjoyment. And with the 1.2.2 release we had a game in an optimal state to tackle an idea that has been in discussion for a while.

We are thrilled and proud to announce Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion. This content filled expansion to the base game will include Mission Builder and History Pack.

Mission Builder is an exciting new feature that puts the process of creating and editing missions in your hands. We wanted to give you the tools to get the sense of being part of a space program’s Mission Design Division by tailoring your own missions and narratives in a friendly and intuitive interface. Once created, you will be able to easily share your missions with the wider community.

But that is not all, Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will include loads of additional content to enjoy. This includes History Pack, which are pre-made missions for you to play immediately. You will have the opportunity to re-live historical missions from humankind’s own space history, all with that unique Kerbal Space Program twist! The pack will include a new set of parts and a new astronaut suit for your brave heroes. Imagine walking in the boots of the astronauts who witnessed the majesty of outer space for the first time or landed on other celestial bodies as the first of their kind.

Keeping up with Kerbal Space Program tradition, Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will be highly customizable and moddable.

Simple interface: Using an intuitive drag and drop node interface, you can easily create new and exciting new missions for yourself or others to enjoy. Creators can also add constraints such as time, fuel and parts limits; as well as unexpected mission events.

Recreating history: Included in Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion is the History Pack. Players will be able to experience the trials and tribulations of the early days of Space Exploration on missions inspired by real life historical events.

New parts: Aside from mission creations tools, Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will have additional parts such as new fuel tanks, adapters, decouplers, fairings and command pods… inspired by both American and Soviet space programs!

Kerbal Personal Parachute: Your astronauts will now be safer in case of imminent disasters with all new personal parachutes. So next time Jeb is in trouble and all systems are failing, you can simply eject him and activate his parachute. Then, you just have to hope, there’s an atmosphere to slow him down.

Challenge other players: A new addition to Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion will be the concept of scoring. At the end of a mission you will get a numerical score to compare with your friends and the community.

Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion is still in development and will be released as a paid expansion. Pricing and availability details will be announced at a later date.

It seems as though our announcement two weeks ago was met with some disappointment, but we were just holding onto the good stuff. We can’t wait to see what the community is going to be able to create with this new creative tool within Kerbal Space Program, now more than ever with an enriched and diverse community of people from all around the world, who can now enjoy KSP in their own language!

Keep tuned to KSP Weekly to learn about the ongoing development and upcoming details.

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Об этой игре

В Kerbal Space Program вам предстоит руководить космической программой инопланетной расы кербалов. Создавайте собственные космические суда, основываясь на своих знаниях (или их отсутствии) законов аэродинамики и физики движения тел на орбите. Выводите корабли с кербонавтами на орбиту (желательно не погубив при этом экипаж) и отправляйте их к другим планетам, попутно конструируя наземные базы и орбитальные станции, которые помогут вам в покорении космических просторов!

В игре Kerbal Space Program доступно три режима. Режим «Наука» позволяет проводить эксперименты, изучать технологии и вести расу кербалов к светлому будущему. В режиме «Карьера» вы возглавите программу космических исследований и проследите за ее подготовкой и модернизацией. В свободном режиме вы сможете построить корабль своей мечты из любых доступных компонентов.

Для запуска требуется Steam-версия игры Kerbal Space Program.

Информация о дополнении

Расширьте границы мира своих кербонавтов с новым дополнением Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion. Первое дополнение к игре Kerbal Space Program, получившей высокие оценки критиков, включает в себя конструктор миссий, огромный ассортимент новых деталей, а также коллекцию миссий, созданных по мотивам исторических событий. Получите незабываемые впечатления от мира KSP! Творите, покоряйте космос и делитесь с другими в дополнении Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion.

• Mission Builder: дайте волю фантазии! Благодаря этой новой функции вы сможете сами создавать и редактировать миссии. Запуск или посадка космического аппарата, спасение кербала, затерявшегося в открытом космосе, поломки, взрывы и ремонт — вот далеко не полный список событий, которые можно включить в миссию. Её сложность будет зависеть от выбранных условий победы, сложности задач и наличия всевозможных сюрпризов (как правило, неприятных). Создавайте миссии и делитесь ими с другими игроками!
• Исторический набор: получите целую коллекцию миссий, вдохновлённых событиями, с которыми человечеству довелось столкнуться на пути освоения космоса. Переживите яркие моменты истории в уникальных условиях Кербальской системы: выйдите в открытый космос, разбейтесь в лепёшку при приземлении. Возможности безграничны!
• Новые детали: дополнение включает десятки новых деталей, а также новые скафандры, прототипами которых послужили разработки, созданные в эпоху космической гонки. Новые детали и скафандры доступны во всех режимах Kerbal Space Program.

Това съдържание изисква основната игра Kerbal Space Program в Steam, за да бъде пуснато.

Относно това съдържание

Expand your Kerbal experience like never before with Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion. The first expansion pack for the critically acclaimed space simulation game adds new content to Kerbal Space Program, including an immersive Mission Builder, a History Pack featuring missions inspired by historical events, and a wealth of new parts for players to use across their KSP experience. Create, launch, and share like never before with Kerbal Space Program: Making History Expansion.

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