Haunted memories обзор

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There are new builds for HM for every platform. There are still known bugs on old cards or AMD/Radeon cards (DOF and light issue). We hope that new save system (for both episodes) is going to work for good from now. Major fixes are done for second episode. Ep1 still have to wait a little. Thank you once again for patience and have a nice time with a game.

Before play erase all game files (especialy saves) and install fresh game. It should spare you some strange behaviors.

Hello mates.
There is new update on beta branch. We will be thankfull for any feedback before setting those builds to default branch. Especially about save game.
Before switch delete all game files and download again. Old save games are not going to work.

-new save system for all platforms (win, osx, lin,)
-dlc working on all platforms (at least on our machines ;) )
-skip first cut scene in ep 1 and dlc

Once again. Old saves can not be loaded. If this system is going to work we will set this to default branch and leave save system for good to make sure you can finaly play and save.

Here comes another update.
- new save system
- Charlies eyes are fine
- some optimizations
- minor changes

Possible minor known bugs :
- DOF bug on windows (blurred screen after first dialog - disable dof in graphic options)
- Strange light on windows (if appear more frequent will be fixed in next update)

Thank you for your support and patience.

If you would like to test a new save system and solution for dlc problem on OSX you can set the open_beta branch for your app. There are fresh builds. Those builds are going to delete your old save games so make sure to backup them.
If launch problem occurs on OSX get rid of settings.txt in your app before launch. This should do the trick.
Remember. This is beta branch and you are switching to it just for test or when you have nothing to lose . Windows users should not switch to betas for now.

Hello everybody.
After terrible marathon of work we are finaly able to set DLC and new update live. We are realy tired so let this announcement be quick. There are some facts we want to tell you:

- Ep 1 is updated. We have done some optimizations.(Jack does not look normaly but we are going to fix this - he is not so bad now anyway ;) )

- DLC Welcome Home is available for download for Windows and OSX

- IF YOU ARE OSX USER there is something you should check. It is for base game and dlc as well (one client ;)). Run the app normaly. Try to change graphic options and apply them. Quit the app. Relaunch and try to change resolution one more time. If it will be impossible then try this. Find game local files. Reveal content of HM.app . Find settings.txt and delete it. Then launch the app from a folder. Not from Steam library. Then try the trick with resolution from the begining one more time. If in second launch you will be able to change the resolution you are free to go. There is some kind of bug we have to debug on OSX. Problem is: IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET YOUR GRAPHIC SETTING WRITE CORRECTLY BY THIS TRICK, YOUR SAVE GAMES ARE NOT GOING TO WORK. Pity but true.

-IF YOU ARE LINUX USER and you realy want to check this game. Switch the branch of the game to public_beta. There is new build there. Made for 32bit os. For now there is not possible to save your graphics options and write your save game (actualy it is but you will not be able to load it and even if you do, the results are not going to be nice). For correct working you will have to delete settings.txt before every session. Save game is useless. But we finaly managed to run steam plugin. I assume that as a linux user you are aware of dependencies like libstem_api.so (you can find it in game folder if you would need it) and all i386 standard libs for amd64 systems.

- SAVE GAMES ARE ONLY LOCAL NOW no steam cloud untill we fix all save game issues.

-IF YOU ARE NEW OR OLD USER and want to know what is going to happen next. We are going to put updates at least once a week. We are going to work harder and harder to fix as much bugs as we can (i doubt that we could fix all of that, that you will find, you are realy good in finding bugs :P ) and soon we will start work on next episode.
Thank you once again for all kind words.
Have a nice day/night and a lot of fun with games.

Haunted Memories


Самый популярный контент от разработчиков и сообщества за прошедшую неделю. (?)

Discuss bugs and glitches that you find on this page.

Here i'll make a list of all the Items that i have founded in the game and their locations. If someone found somenthing else that i have missed in the game can help me to complete this list. P.S. (RATE and LIKE, guys)

Haunted Memories: How to get the key to Green Inn *OUTDATED*

*THIS GUIDE IS OUTDATED* I see a few people who don't know where to find the key for the Inn. Be warned that the doors will not open until you have it.

Haunted Memories [Let's Play] Part 1 - Slender's Cousin

Now i'll show the places where to get these Achievements P.S. (RATE and LIKE, guys)

Jak jsem zjistil, tak hodně lidí má problém s tím jak nastartovat generátor. Proto sem tu pro vás připravil menší návod.

Haunted Memories [Let's Play] Part 7 - Frustration, Thy Name is Slender!

Hi! Thank you for such a big interest in testing HM. As you can see game will be available in Early Access mode in September 30th. Game will remain as EA due one month after release. We will create proper topics for different kind of bugs (graph.

this game is not just dead, its broken, what are you even suppose to do? it throws you in with no explanation of where to go or how to avoid the monster, you cant see your stamina or battery so you have no idea about when to rest or change batteries, it seems like a great game if they actually continued it, but as of now, since this game is dead i dont see any changes coming and is therefore unplayable.

In case anyone is still interested to know what happened with HM

One moment the devs have this plan of having 6 episodes, the next it totally disappears after Episode 2, and now the game and devs have all but vanished. Whats the story? Why did this happen?

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