A certain doom когда выйдет

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Attention! Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Thank you.

A Certain Doom

Air Date

Written By

Directed By

U.S. Viewers

Cast Guide

Also Starring
Callan McAuliffe as Alden*
Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko Okumura
Cooper Andrews as Jerry
Nadia Hilker as Magna
Cailey Fleming as Judith Grimes
Cassady McClincy as Lydia
Lauren Ridloff as Connie*
Dan Fogler as Luke
Kevin Carroll as Virgil*
Paola Lázaro as Juanita Sanchez
Kenric Green as Scott
Angel Theory as Kelly
Avianna Mynhier as Rachel Ward
Kerry Cahill as Dianne
Nadine Marissa as Nabila*
Karen Ceesay as Bertie*
* no lines


Beta engages the final battle of the Whisperer War.


The survivors at the Tower scramble to their posts as the Whisperer horde descends upon them. As Gabriel observes the enemy from a window, Gracie and R.J. admit that they're scared. Gabriel tries to reassure them by likening the communities (Alexandria, Oceanside, Hilltop, and the Kingdom) to fingers of a hand which, while weak on their own, together form a mighty fist. When asked about the fifth finger, Gabriel claims that it represents those that aren't here and might come to help, or otherwise find help. As Gabriel delivers his speech, Daryl, Judith, Carol, and Kelly just barely make it back to the Tower. Eugene, Yumiko, Ezekiel, and Princess continue their quest on bicycles. Virgil arrives to Oceanside, only to find it deserted. Aaron and Alden fight their way out of the Whisperer ambush and come face-to-face with a mysterious masked survivor. Finally, Maggie receives the distress letter sent by the survivors. Meanwhile Beta, still hallucinating, orders the walkers to begin their assault.

Back on the road, Eugene has crashed his bike. While the others wish to fix it, Eugene tells them not to bother, as he has calculated the time it would take them to repair the bike and travel the rest of the way and is certain they will not be able to make it on time. Yumiko tries to reassure him, but Eugene is adamant that the time of the meeting was set in stone, and that Stephanie won't be there if they're late. Devastated, he apologizes to everyone, but believes they should turn back home. Ezekiel steps in, and says that they're not going back after everything they've been through. He notes how Eugene reassured him in his own moment of doubt, and offers to do the same in return. Ezekiel insists that their journey must be completed, not just for him, but for everyone. Eugene says that he wants to finish the journey too, but adds that Stephanie will not stay past sundown the next day. Juanita points out that Stephanie never actually told him that, and Yumiko agrees, telling him that they will deal with tomorrow's problems tomorrow.

At the hospital stairway, Daryl and Carol are setting traps. Daryl tells Carol about Michonne leaving and how he keeps thinking he's never going to see her again, just like everyone else. Carol reassures him that she is still there. Upstairs, they join the others as Gabriel goes over the plan with the rest of the group. He tells them that the plan remains to lead the herd away. Luke explains that he needs to get the sound system he's been making to the wagon, which is on the other side of the herd. Gabriel divides them into four two-man groups, with one carrying the cargo and one protecting. Lydia offers to help lead them through, but Beatrice and Rachel decline, as they don't trust her. Gabriel agrees to keep Lydia in the hospital. Daryl acknowledges that they're not all going to make it, but claims that it's the only way. Kelly volunteers to go with Daryl.

Carol is about to grab a knife before, but runs into Dianne and Bertie. Bertie gives Carol a look while walking away. Dianne confronts Carol about the fact that Negan helped the Whisperers attack Hilltop and that they can't forgive him for that. Carol tells her she's sorry, but Dianne has to forget about it. Lydia comes into the room and asks if Carol needs her help. Carol says she doesn't need her help. Lydia tells that's she doesn't want Carol to avoid her, and reveals that she is kind of relieved Alpha is dead. She also tells her that's she doesn't see Carol as new mom, but more as a really good friend.

Later on, the group prepares for their mission by rubbing guts on themselves. Daryl notices Negan is clean and questions him about this. Negan says that, with him being Alpha's killer, he'd be a priority target for the Whisperers and especially Beta, so he'd rather stay behind in order to not draw any attention to the others. Daryl doesn't accept this explanation, and thinks Negan just isn't willing to risk his own skin. He then joins the others and prepares to head out. At the exit, Daryl says goodbye to Judith through the separating door. Jerry then opens the door to the outside, allowing the horde of walkers to spill past the survivors into the room. They then squeeze past the walkers outside. Among the ginormous herd, Magna almost has a panic attack, but Jerry snaps her out of it. The group soon catches the Whisperers' attention. One of them attacks the survivors, but is shot in the chest by one of the archers in the Tower, and devoured after he screams in pain. As the archers continue to pick the Whisperers off, Beta orders his group to tighten the herd, which makes it virtually impossible for the archers to identify their targets. The hospital soon comes under attack, with a Whisperer tripping one of the explosives in the stairwell.

The hospital survivors barricade the door, while Gabriel instructs Dianne on an evacuation plan. Negan approaches Lydia and tries to convince her to leave, reasoning that she won't be able to change the outcome of the battle and the survivors will never trust her, no more than they trust him. She could, however, navigate through the dead and escape. Lydia points out that Negan could do the same, but he says that "he ain't no hero". When Lydia says that he could be, he supposes that "that's what he's doing now", and hands Lydia her mother's mask. He then repels down the elevator shaft. Outside, the survivors find it increasingly difficult to move through the herd but, eventually, most reach the relative safety of the forest, leaving only Carol and Beatrice to find their way out of the herd. The pair slowly navigate through, but are spotted by a Whisperer. She attacks them, but is stabbed by Carol on the gut, and attacked by walkers as she screams. With her last breath, however, the Whisperer grabs Beatrice and stabs her in the leg, causing her to scream and be quickly swarmed by walkers. Beatrice tries to give Carol the backpack she was carrying, but is ignored and torn apart. Luckily, Lydia, wearing her mother's mask, is able to retrieve the bag and hands it to Carol. Back at the hospital, the Whisperers reach the barricade and begin to smash it down.

Outside, a walker "tells" Beta that the end is almost here. He then hears music, which distracts the herd away from the hospital. The same walker clarifies that the end that is coming is their end. Up the road, the survivors that made it through lead the herd away with their wagon loaded with loudspeakers. Meanwhile, Gabriel tells Rachel at the barricade that the evacuation has started. Just then, the Whisperers throw a makeshift explosive through the hole in the barricade, killing two of the defenders. As night falls, the survivors on the road come under attack from the Whisperers, who use the trailing walkers as meat shields from their arrows. The Whisperers also attack from the woods, killing Oscar and forcing the rest to abandon their wagon. The Whisperers promptly smash the speakers. Daryl radios Gabriel to notify them that the wagon is destroyed, and that the herd is coming back. Daryl then tells lays out his plan to the others: go back and hunt down the Whisperers in the herd one by one. He acknowledges that this isn't a very good plan, but stresses that if they don't do it, all of their people are going to die. When Magna asks how they will deal with the herd, Lydia volunteers to lead them away, since her mother taught her how. Daryl rebuffs her, and Luke points out that she'd have to lead the herd over a cliff, which would be suicide. Lydia, however, is adamant. Daryl decides they will deal with it later, and tells the others to move.

Back at the Tower, Gabriel tells the other to go, as the Whisperers are smashing down the final barricade. Judith realizes Gabriel isn't coming, but he explains that someone needs to stay behind to keep the Whisperers from cutting the rope. When Judith asks if Rosita knows about this, he instructs her to tell her "Eres mi media naranja", claiming that she will know the meaning behind the phrase. With that, Judith and the others descend down the elevator shaft, leaving Gabriel to face the attacking Whisperers. When they finally break through, he puts up a brave fight, but is ultimately overpowered. Just as he is about to be killed, the Whisperers are attacked from behind and killed by the same masked survivor that met Aaron and Alden earlier. The last Whisperer is downed by none other than Maggie Rhee, who reveals that the survivor is with her.

Outside, Beta notices the Whisperers around him are being killed by the survivors. He then spots Lydia and prepares to attack her, but is interrupted by Negan, who gets his attention by calling him a "shithead". Blind with rage, Beta charges at Negan and tosses a walker at him. Negan is able to kill the walker but is quickly pinned by Beta, who prepares to kill him in revenge for Alpha's death. Before he can do so, however, he is slashed across the back by Daryl, then stabbed in the eyes as he turns around. Screaming in pain, Beta hallucinates himself pulling the knives out of his eyes as walkers surround and embrace him. His life flashes before his eyes, particularly his time with Alpha. Back in reality, Daryl pulls the knives out of Beta's eyes, as walkers quickly swarm the Whisperer leader. As they rip the mask off his face, Beta dies with a smile. Negan is shocked as he recognizes Beta from before the apocalypse, and asks Daryl if he knows who he is. Daryl coldly says that it was nobody.

Come daytime, Lydia has successfully led the herd to the cliff. Before she can go over, she is stopped by Carol, who volunteers to go instead of her, dubbing it her choice. Carol reaches the edge, but before she can step off, Lydia pulls her back. The pair take cover behind a rock, as the walkers around them march off the cliff into the waters below. As Carol thanks Lydia, the latter rips off her mother's mask and tosses it over the cliff.

Back at the woods around the Tower, everyone is reunited with Maggie, including Judith. Lydia and Carol arrive and inform the group that the herd is finished. Lydia notes that Negan is still here, to which he replies that he is, for now. Daryl and Carol also talk, as Daryl asks if Carol got what she wanted. She replies that she didn't, but didn't really want it anyway. Daryl tells her that she still has him, and they hug. Daryl reminds her that New Mexico is still out there. She says that they might go there some day, but still have things to do here.

Elsewhere, a ragged and tired Connie stumbles through the woods, before collapsing on the road from exhaustion. Barely conscious, she is approached by Virgil on a horse.

Eugene's group, meanwhile, has finally reached the trainyard which was designated as the meeting spot between him and Stephanie. Eugene announces their presence, but gets no response. After a while, Ezekiel suggests they stay in one of the train cars until morning, but Eugene mournfully concludes that Stephanie isn't there anymore, if she ever was. Yumiko tries to cheer him up, but Eugene announces that they're not going back, since they know that there are people in the area, including Stephanie. He says that they will keep trekking until they find them, since they came there to assimilate with like-minded survivors, so that's what they will do. Princess jokes that Eugene is one very horny dude. Just then, lights flash all around them, and they are quickly surrounded by heavily armed and armored soldiers, who order them to drop their weapons and surrender.

Ходячие мертвецы сезон 10

Это то, чего я так долго ждала! Такой спектр эмоций, когда ты знаешь Нигана ужасным и плохим и пытаешься не сочувствовать ему за смерть Гленна, а тут показывают совершенно другого человека. А потом он еще и сам подтверждает своими словами о собственной трусости и стыде. Я с большим нетерпение ждала, когда же он наденет куртку, натянет проволоку на биту и пойдет бить морды тем придуркам-байкерам.

Безумно прониклась трогательной и откровенной речью у камина и расколотой, как его собственная жизнь, битой. Понравилось начало и завершение истории сожжением Люсиль. Попрощался, как с женой, так и с битой.

Прекрасное завершение сезона и ох уж эта многозначительная ухмылка на его лице, когда он смотрел на Мегги.

Сериал Ходячие мертвецы

После зомби-апокалипсиса большая часть населения земного шара превратилась в живых мертвецов, жаждущих крови. Шериф Рик Граймс делает все, чтобы спасти в этих, в прямом смысле слова, нечеловеческих условиях дорогих ему людей…

В чем суть?

Один из лучших сериалов на волнующую тему зомби со времен классических фильмов Ромеро основан на серии одноименных комиксов. Вот уже шесть лет подряд шоу радует крепкими сюжетными арками и, в частности, Эндрю Линкольном, исполняющим главную роль шерифа, то и дело оказывающегося между двух огней. С одной стороны, его семью атакуют кровожадные ходячие мертвецы, желающие уничтожить все живое на своем пути, с другой — оставшиеся в живых люди порой оказываются немногим лучшим зомби. И понять, кто твой враг, становится отнюдь не просто. Сериал является детищем Фрэнка Дарабонта, который прославился тем, что в свое время приложил руку к созданию лучших экранизаций Стивена Кинга — «Зеленой мили» и «Побега из Шоушенка». Его фирменный стиль чувствуется и в «Ходячих мертвецах».

Веном 2 30.09.2021
Не время умирать 07.10.2021
Семейка Аддамс: Горящий тур 14.10.2021
Демоник 14.10.2021
Хэллоуин убивает 21.10.2021
Последняя дуэль 28.10.2021
Вечные 04.11.2021

Трейлер 16 эпизода 10 сезона «Ходячие мертвецы» вернул Мэгги

AMC представили превью эпизода под названием A Certain Doom, отложенный финал 10-го сезона «Ходячих мертвецов».

Перенесенная серия теперь выйдет в эфир в качестве специального эпизода позже в 2020 году из-за коронавируса. Посмотреть ролик можно ниже:

Шоураннер Анджела Кан с тех пор рассказала ComicBook, что работа над эпизодом была «очень, очень близка к завершению», когда стало ясно, что эпизод не будет соответствовать запланированной дате выхода в эфир в воскресенье, 12 апреля. О пост-продакшне рассказал Грегори Никотеро:

Пост-продакшн для тех, кто любопытен, включает в себя [визуальные эффекты], музыку, микширование звука и звуковые эффекты. Этот процесс обычно продолжается примерно до 3 недель с момента выхода в эфир. «Задержка» разочаровывает, но эпизод не разочарует.

Руководитель визуальных эффектов Аарон Маклейн прокомментировал задержку финального эпизода:

Я так разочарован, что все так вышло, но мы должны держать наши команды под защитой. Когда вирус ударил, многим студиям пришлось замедлить ход, чтобы их сотрудники были в безопасности. Мы сделаем отличный финал как можно скорее. Постпродакшн обычно продолжается в течение нескольких месяцев после съемок. Это редактирование, VFX, музыка, звуковое оформление и цветокоррекция. Мы работаем над эпизодом до нескольких недель до эфира. Финал будет потрясающим, но мы должны были сделать приоритет безопасности.

A Certain Doom вернет давно пропавшего выжившего и может показать смерть главного героя. Зрители также узнают о судьбе любимой фанатами Мэгги Грин (Лорен Ридлофф), которая пропала без вести в середине сезона.

Какого финала Вы ждете для 10-го сезона? Поделитесь своим мнением в комментариях ниже!

Attention! Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Thank you.

A Certain Doom




Volume 28: A Certain Doom is the twenty-eighth volume of Image Comics' The Walking Dead that includes issues 163-168.

In the aftermath of The Whisperer War–ALL IS LOST.


Rick and Dwight are shocked to hear the herd so close to Alexandria. Andrea arrives and tells Rick she will gather the horses despite Rick's protests. Dwight tells Rick she will be fine, and heads off to help.

Eugene tells Rick he is going to help lead the herd away. Annie warns the others that they are close. Siddiq asks Rick if they should be evacuating, but Rick says there is no time for that and the walls will hold. Siddiq tells Rick he is about the only man in the world he trusts with his life and not to let them down.

The riders get ready to lead the herd away from Alexandria. Rick tells Eugene they will use the bullets he brought to take down any roamers they are unable to lead away. Siddiq opens the gate and Eugene leads the way.

Annie yells that the herd is in range. Siddiq tells Paula that they will be fine, but she is not so sure. Rick discusses the plan as Negan arrives. Rick tells him he will not get a gun and to go back inside.

A lot of the herd fall into the trenches as they approach Alexandria. Eugene realizes there are too many and they will only be able to shave off a hundred or so at a time. Andrea insists the plan will still work. Jesus questions if they can pull it off due to the size of the herd, and Michonne tells him they will not let the Whisperers win. She climbs down from her horse and starts killing roamers by herself, telling Jesus they will take turns until they have cleared them all.

Back at Alexandria, Rick instructs the others to get their knives out as the herd gathers near the fence. Negan charges forward and orders everyone to start killing the roamers. Rick tells them to listen to the man. The roamers continue to push against the fence and eventually knock it down. Rick tells everyone to get back as Paula is overrun. She asks Rick to find Mikey and keep him safe before being devoured. Rick is knocked to the ground as the others run away. The herd closes in on him, when Negan suddenly stabs one in the head and helps Rick up. He asks if this makes up for everything, and tells Rick he is a hard man to please as he helps him escape.

Meanwhile, John is watching the herd overrun Alexandria through a pair of binoculars. Tara asks him what is going on, and he replies this is going to be a hell of a show.

At the same time, Maggie, Carl and the Hilltop residents arrive at Alexandria to find it overrun. Lydia reassures Carl that doesn't mean his father is dead, and Maggie tells him she's right. Michonne and Jesus show up and Maggie and Dante offer to help them lead the herd away. Carl wants to go, but Maggie tells him he is not a good enough rider and to tell Brianna what she’s doing. She asks him to watch the area and keep Hershel safe, and he agrees.

In Alexandria, Rick and Negan are escaping the herd. Rick tells him to run ahead and open a door, which he does, and Rick begs him to wait for him. Negan pulls him inside and slams the door closed. He asks if he thought he was going to lock him out at the last minute and mentions that the others were scared and ran right past him. Rick stays silent. Negan says that they are alike and should get along so much better. Rick tells him that ship has sailed.

Andrea sounds the horn to lead the herd away. Magna and Yumiko return to help her. Connie is in bed recovering and asks what all the noise is, but Kelly tells her it’s nothing to worry about. Siddiq and Annie take shelter in Eugene’s house and notice his radio equipment on the table.

Negan asks Rick what the worst thing he's ever done is. Rick tells him to fuck off, and Negan teases him about his use of the word. He says they are just killing time, and Rick says it's hard to narrow it down but the worst thing he ever did was live when so many others who should have didn't. Negan agrees and reflects on the people who were too weak and he watched die. He says that eventually he started to see everyone as weak which made it easier to 'bash a man's brains in'. He tells Rick he knows what he did was wrong and he helped him to see that which is why he stayed in the cell, brought back Alpha's head and saved his life. He then says the worst thing he ever did was leave his wife to rot because he couldn't put her down himself.

Eugene and Heath have led some of the herd away and plan to go back for more. Heath tells Eugene he is impressed by his skills at leading them away, and Eugene says they are simple creatures to figure out and that thanks to Rick, he's safe enough to pay attention to detail. Heath tells him he almost looks forward to days like these because ever since he lost his leg, he feels most useful on a horse. Eugene says it is good for him too, and they head back to Alexandria.

Dwight tells Laura they need to lead more of the herd away and asks her to fire a few shots. She says they will get surrounded, but Dwight orders her to do it. She fires her gun and the roamers start to follow them. They run into Andrea, Magna and Yumiko and he tells her to sound the horn. Eugene and Heath return to help.

Negan tells Rick it is starting to thin out. Rick stands up and says he wants to do something instead of hiding all day. Negan tells him no and that he will do something, but Rick has to stay. He tells him to stay by the door and cover him, and not to shoot him unless he still thinks he deserves it. Rick says nothing, and Negan asks if he can believe they are working together.

On the perimeter, Carl tells the Hilltop residents to gather their weapons because they need to help the others. Lydia smiles at him.

Meanwhile, Tara asks John how things are looking. He says it's time to pack up and get ready to go. In a couple of hours, they can go in and clean up what's left.

Back in Alexandria, Rick watches from the door as Negan kills roamers outside. Just as he is commenting that nobody gets bit these days, a roamer attacks him from behind, but Rick shoots it. He covers Negan as he dives back inside the house. He tells Rick he saved his life and asks if they are becoming friends. Rick suggests they try a different door.

In Eugene's house, Siddiq is trying the radio. Annie tells him she hears gunshots and it is time to fight back. Siddiq swears he heard a a woman's voice on the radio, but Annie says they should go and will worry about that later.

Kelly is about to go outside to help clear the roamers, but Connie insists she will go with him. Dwight, Laura, and Heath are clearing roamers outside Alexandria. Maggie, Michonne, Jesus, and Dante have led some of the herd away, but Jesus comments it is still too close.

Magna asks where Eugene is. Andrea says he was lagging behind. Eugene appears and asks if the plan is working. Roamers tumble into the ocean. They comment on how the area is ruined and they will need to warn Pete in case he did any fishing there. Magna says they should head back, but Eugene notices some stragglers and Andrea orders them to get the horses.

Back in Alexandria, the residents continue to fight the herd. Vincent leads a group as Julia asks if he is scared. He says he is too scared to be scared. Connie insists Kelly let her help. He says he will never let her get hurt again.

Andrea and Eugene work to keep the herd together. Eugene doesn't know how much more he can take, but Andrea insists he keep going. Michonne and Jesus continue to drive the herd towards the coast. Carl instructs the Hilltop residents to let the roamers come to them. He asks Lydia if she is OK, and she says she feels alive.

Dwight asks Laura where Heath went. Heath is thrown to the ground by John – the Saviors have arrived. John punches Dwight and asks Sherry if there are any restrictions due to them once being close. Sherry says he chose his side as John grabs Dwight by the throat.

Maggie and Dante rejoin Michonne and Jesus. Michonne suggests they stay put and make sure the roamers head for the ocean. Dante says he hopes Alexandria is still standing or they won't have a place to sleep tonight. Maggie reminds him of their priorities, and he says he is worried about the people too. Jesus notices horses in the distance.

Andrea, Eugene, Magna, and Yumiko are surrounded. As they ride away, Eugene asks Andrea to give him the horn so he can distract some of the herd. Andrea is reluctant, but Eugene takes the horn and tells her to go. Eugene blows the horn, but is soon thrown from his horse. As the roamers surround him, Andrea shoots them and tells him to run. Magna and Yumiko shoot as Andrea rides in to save Eugene. He tells her to leave him, but she refuses. Magna says they're not going to make it as they both climb back on the horse. Magna is relieved, until she notices Andrea's face – she has seemingly been bit on the neck.

Inside the house, Rick asks Sherry what she wants. She tells him she wants out and if they try to stop her, they may just take over Alexandria. Rick explains that they are all part of a network and help each other. She mentions how Negan is on Rick's side now. She flips the table and charges at Rick, telling him she won't let him intimidate her into surrendering. She tells him he should be the one afraid of her. She goes on to explain how everything she has had to put up with has taken its toll. She says the days of falling in line and letting Rick tell them what to do are over and she slaps him across the face. She pulls out her knife and insists the world would be a better place without people like him. Rick kicks her away and asks if she has lost her mind. She tackles him to the ground and starts to strangle him. Rick shoves her off and she snaps her neck against the table.

Rick looks shocked as he realizes Sherry is dead. Andrea appears and he insists it was an accident. Andrea falls to the ground and Rick rushes to her aid. He asks if she is okay, and she says no as she reveals the wound on her neck to a horrified Rick.

Andrea dies during the night. Rick tearfully picks up his gun and points it at her head before throwing it back down on the nightstand. He hugs her and says he can't do this without her and he can't keep pretending to be strong. Andrea reanimates and grabs Rick by the shirt. He pushes her away but she knocks him off the bed and lands on top of him. Rick grabs his gun but it is knocked from his hand. He pulls out his knife and tearfully stabs Andrea in the head.

Rick heads outside, where everyone is waiting for him. Carl apologizes and they hug as the rest of the citizens comfort each other. Rick tells them to follow him – they still have so much to do.

As everyone tries to come to terms with Andrea's death, Dwight approaches Rick and tells him he got everyone organized and everything back in working order. Rick thanks him and tries to apologize for Sherry's death, but Dwight tells him he doesn't need to.

John calls out to Rick and tells him that they respected Andrea and they are sorry for his loss. Rick tells them that he appreciates everything they have done and hopes this can bring them closer to peace. John asks where Sherry is, and Rick tries to remind him where they were before they began to cooperate. John demands to know where Sherry is, and Rick admits she is dead. John points his gun at Rick and tells him any hope for peace died with Sherry. Dwight pulls his gun and tells Rick to go inside, but Rick insists everyone stays calm before explaining that Sherry attacked him and her death was an accident.

Negan steps forward and insists that he handle the situation. He tells the Saviors that they are alive thanks to him and Rick. He offers them the chance to go back to how things were when he was in charge. Dwight starts to panic, but Rick insists they let him finish. Mark is the only one who comes forward. Negan punches him in the face and questions why he of all people would want to go back to how things were after what Negan did to him. Negan turns to John and says that he knows deep down he didn't want to follow Sherry's plan and he is relieved that she's dead. John points his gun at Negan, who explains that Sherry was never happy without problems to solve so she made one herself and because of that, she died. Negan says they should use that to bring peace to the group and no one will have to die - on their side or his. Maggie looks on angrily. He tells them to pack up and go home, but a time will come when they will need each other's help and that's what it is all about. The Saviors start to leave, and Negan offers his condolences to Rick.

As everyone helps to rebuild Alexandria, Maggie and Michonne carry Andrea's body outside as Rick and Carl hug. They hold a funeral for those who died. Annie comforts Mikey over his mother's death while Jesus tells Aaron that he found Gabriel's body. Eugene blames himself for Andrea's death, but Maggie insists it wasn't his fault.

Back inside, Carl tries to comfort a despondent Rick before going to bed with Lydia. Rick takes off his shirt and his prosthetic arm before heading outside, and he falls asleep at Andrea's grave.

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