Windows presentation foundation terminal server print w обнаружена ошибка

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

After the update installation I'm getting the error "Connect to printer Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x0000011b" and the printer fails to install.

Is there any workaround to keep Print Severs up and running?

I cannot permanently remove the August update, because the Print Nightmare update will come again in Sept Cummulative Update.

I also tried to revert the configurations using:
“Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections” policy
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint.

Nothing worked. I will appreciate any advice.

This just hit us this morning too. 9/15/2021. No one can print to the network printers.
I removed KB5005613 from our server and rebooted the server and that fixed it. Had to do that at all 8 of our branch offices too.
Microsoft updates seem to be more like hackers. Not professional.

We had same problem, just affecting to Windows 7 computers. After uninstalling 15/09/2021 updates
(KB5005613, KB5005627 y KB5005563) and a long reboot, computers were able to print again.

We did the same thing, on our PRINTER Server, and it works.

thank you for help . in my case it was necessary to restart the second server which was on 2016. Windows should not launch a security update for our security.

Just removed those 3 on our server and now all working.

Some of the KBs you removed are cumulative. Printing may have been restored but so was the PrintNightmare problem and other vulnerabilities.

Good point, however availability is part of the security triangle. Hopefully M$ will issue a new KB that patches the vulnerability as well as lets users print.

Same issue. Removed that update, and all devices were able to print after the server was rebooted.

Currently experiencing this same issue 09/22/2021. Where a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard can't add/connect to shared printers. "Connect to Printer Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x0000011b"

I don't have any of these KB updates mentioned installed, so basically, I can’t use the uninstallation method which seems to be working for everyone. How do I go about fixing this issue if I don’t have these KB installed already?

NB: There are pending updates which include KB5005613

I don't have any of these updates installed on my Server 2019 either tried all suggestions so far nothing

My 2k8R2 RDS servers could not connect to my 2k12 Std Print server. I removed KB5005623 from my 2k12 printer server and things came back on line.

2021-09 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows Server 2012 for x64-based Systems (KB5005623)

Installation date: ‎2021-‎09-‎26 13:46

Installation status: Succeeded

Update type: Important

A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article. After you install this update, you may have to restart your system.

I've got a good one Microsoft may not actually be devising a fix for this but.
Got the above error with a twist. We don't use PointandPrint. All our (I say "all" when things are running smoothly) printers are published using GPO's to targeted computers, not users. Every computer is named in such a way we can identify groups of computers based on location, department and OS. When a new computer is joined to the domain, the computer is added to several groups. One of the groups they are added to are used for multiple policies. The policies are designed to publish as few as one to as many as a dozen printers to that computer. So there's no user interaction when installing a printer. RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators - 0 is being used on a case by case basis for people who absolutely must print to keep our business running. Corporate is going to be some pissed with the AD guy because he can't get printers to deploy any more. Not a fun place to be. Never have I seen something like this before. Oh, there's been inconveniences but never a total blockage. I spun up a new 2019 server and started building V4 ONLY queues with still no joy. This is the crap suicides are made of.

Today, 16 September 2021, I got the same problem, cannot print to printer on the server. Fortunately, I read this article and then I can assume what was happen to me, is caused by BAD Windows update. Then, I check Updates history, and find one update installed on 15 September 2021 (Security updates KB5005565). So, I uninstall it, and reboot. And, YES, the printer works normally, . God Bless Us.. Alhamdulillah, Amiin

I Can CONFIRM we had the same Problem and nothing would work , even our Tec couldn't figure it out so i got on this Forum and YES The Above answer Solved our Prob , Deleted the Security updates KB5005565 and restarted and bingo , Printer can connect again..

Uninstalling KB5005565 may work but this is a cumulative update. i may be wrong but you still have the PrinterNightmare issue. Just trading off risk/problem.

What do you think is better, to have the inability to print within your organization, or continue to have PrintNightmare vulnerability? It's not a trade-off at all. Businesses need to print to continue their operations. Obviously Microsoft needs to fix the problem properly. You need to uninstall September 2021 cumulative update on all print servers to get them working again.

It is also hepled me too! Thnaks!

The correct way to fix this may lie in following this flowchart to ensure that remote exploitation of PrintNightmare is not possible while allowing Point and Print
I will update this later with any progress I find in this. If you can, please do not set RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0 as this will make you vulnerable.


One more note, I would say you should add the RPC changes to this as well.

This is what I primarily mention above and what seems to have triggered an influx of complaints.

Awesome, I am building up a guide for my org and will use this.

From what I see most people are getting servers updated then reporting the clients can't print. So they uninstall the servers updates and volia. I'm not fully sure of the clients being unable to print if the server is updated already as well. But the aforementioned issue appears to be the main culprit. This Sept update made an enforcement change on the Jan updates for the Auth protocol of the Print Spooler to the Server/Client relationship. So the value is being set from the default of 0 as non enforcement to 1 with the Sept updates. I haven't run into this problem directly but was following this thread due to the Admin install prompt issue which is unrelated to the Sept updates issue. The unfortunate situation here is Microsoft has poorly communicated the Print Nightmare fixes. But they have slowly updated their primary Point and Point document to detail the needed changes. They have yet to deal with the V3 GPO issue, although mentioned now doing a manual compare of the users driver files. Alas. I set the Auth protocol to 0 through GPO and updated my server. Then installed the latest updates on a client and server. No issues printing. I tested on a non updated client and no issues printing as well. This is due to me changing the enforcement level for the Auth change. I suspect when I change the Auth level back to 1 as Enforced per Microsoft then those client machines won't print because they are not up to date.

Soooooo confusing. Your flow chart is very helpful!

Credit goes to Will Dormann twitter @wdormann for this flow chart, I'm just sharing it here.

After the later link enforcement with septermber updates all MAC-, Linux- and windows-clients printing ability was disabled.
When client tries to communicate unsufficient authentication method the server responsed access denied with unproper error message.
There might be a firewall configurations to prevent proper communications in environments where only 445/TCP is enabled, some organizations doesn't like to approve unintended high ports communications with TCP nor UDP.
MS has now triggered something that no-one was prepared to deal with and haven't shared enought documentation how to properly configure these services to communicate how they want them to communicate

.When only 445/TCP open, it is not enough ?
Should we open the high ports, is there any answer? which TCP or UDP to establish the correct communication?
IIn documentations of printing services there is ability to configure your print server to communicate only with 445/TCP, but this breaks now with the newest security update.
So you should enable high ports 49152-49158 tcp .
Do we need to enable those documented udp ports also with 445 only enabled servers? that have the registry tweak to support non udp communications?

I especially like the part about "If you find issues during testing, you must contact the vendor for the affected client or server software for an update or workaround before early 2022."

yeah just push these issues out to the manufacturers, that sounds like a good idea.

I have had issues here with Brother printers, however they are not as severe. Some application calls seem to work while others fail. Our issues appear to be related to our Azure Active Directory in some way, but I haven't gathered any evidence for this yet. I believe it is a permissions issue, as I've experienced no problems with administrator accounts.

Windows Presentation Foundation Terminal Server Print W has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Выдает такую ошибку с вариантом ответа Close, что делать не знаю, инет перерыл, типы говорят что помгло только переустановка винды =)

Шаг 2. Если вы недавно установили приложение PrimoPDF (или схожее программное обеспечение), удалите его, затем попробуйте переустановить PrimoPDF.

Чтобы удалить программное обеспечение PrimoPDF, выполните следующие инструкции (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 и 10):

После полного удаления приложения следует перезагрузить ПК и заново установить PrimoPDF.

Если на этапе 2 также не удается устранить ошибку TsWpfWrp.exe, перейдите к шагу 3 ниже.

TsWpfWrp.exe — ошибки выполнения

Ошибки выполнения — это ошибки PrimoPDF, возникающие во время «выполнения». Термин «выполнение» говорит сам за себя; имеется в виду, что данные ошибки EXE возникают в момент, когда происходит попытка загрузки файла TsWpfWrp.exe — либо при запуске приложения PrimoPDF, либо, в некоторых случаях, во время его работы. Ошибки выполнения являются наиболее распространенной разновидностью ошибки EXE, которая встречается при использовании приложения PrimoPDF.

К числу наиболее распространенных ошибок TsWpfWrp.exe относятся:

Не удается запустить программу из-за отсутствия TsWpfWrp.exe на компьютере. Попробуйте переустановить программу, чтобы устранить эту проблему.

Таким образом, крайне важно, чтобы антивирус постоянно поддерживался в актуальном состоянии и регулярно проводил сканирование системы.

Поиск причины ошибки TsWpfWrp.exe является ключом к правильному разрешению таких ошибок. Несмотря на то что большинство этих ошибок EXE, влияющих на TsWpfWrp.exe, происходят во время запуска, иногда ошибка выполнения возникает при использовании Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. Причиной этого может быть недостаточное качество программного кода со стороны Microsoft Corporation, конфликты с другими приложениями, сторонние плагины или поврежденное и устаревшее оборудование. Кроме того, эти типы ошибок TsWpfWrp.exe могут возникать в тех случаях, если файл был случайно перемещен, удален или поврежден вредоносным программным обеспечением. Таким образом, крайне важно, чтобы антивирус постоянно поддерживался в актуальном состоянии и регулярно проводил сканирование системы.

Шаг 1. Восстановите компьютер до последней точки восстановления, «моментального снимка» или образа резервной копии, которые предшествуют появлению ошибки.

Чтобы начать восстановление системы (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 и 10):

Если на этапе 1 не удается устранить ошибку TsWpfWrp.exe, перейдите к шагу 2 ниже.


Ошибка пропала при удалении Nod32, путем изучения времени возникновения, было выяснено что это он все херит.

  • Помечено в качестве ответа osr_ MVP 20 мая 2009 г. 10:07

Все ответы

Уважаемый, сие все было проделано так сказать..

Все мапится, но при попытке печати вылазит ошибка сия!

а лог ошибки можно увидеть? С ID этой самой ошибки. Все вышесказанное является моим личным мнением, не имеющим отношения к корпорации Майкрософт

А на сервере лог чист как вода из родника!

1. Если есть антивирус, то отключите ему опцию сканирования сетевых дисков
2. Установите драйвер принтера на сервер (драйвер настоятельно рекомендуется PCL6)
3. - здесь идем уже в реестр:

.Took backup of the print hive

2.Stopped the print spooler service.

3.From the following locations made a note of the dll's and deleted the third party

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Monitors\CutePDF Writer
Driver REG_SZ cpwmon64.dll
CPW2: REG_SZ CutePDF Writer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Monitors\HP Universal
Print Monitor

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Monitors\HP Universal
Print Monitor\HP UNC Novell Port

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Monitors\HP Universal
Print Monitor\HP UNC Port

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Monitors\LogMeIn Printer
Port Monitor
Driver REG_SZ LMIport.dll

5.From the following locations made a note of the dll's and deleted the third party

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\ Print Processors\BJ Print Processor3

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\ Print Processors\hpcpp081
Driver REG_SZ hpcpp081.dll

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\ Print Processors\HPZPP5in
Driver REG_SZ hpzpp5in.DLL

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\ Print Processors\hpzpplhn
Driver REG_SZ hpzpplhn.dll

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\ Print Processors\LogMeIn Print Processor
Driver REG_SZ LMIproc.dll

6.Deleted the following entries in the registry.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\Drivers\HP Color LaserJet 3700 PS
DMC Files REG_MULTI_SZ HPh373ev.cfg

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Print \Environments\ Windows
x64\Drivers\HP Universal Printing PCL 5
DMC Files REG_MULTI_SZ HPgneqah.cfg

7. Searched for following dll's and renamed them to .old


8.Restarted the print spooler service.

О результатах сообщите. Все вышесказанное является моим личным мнением, не имеющим отношения к корпорации Майкрософт

After the update installation I'm getting the error "Connect to printer Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x0000011b" and the printer fails to install.

Is there any workaround to keep Print Severs up and running?

I cannot permanently remove the August update, because the Print Nightmare update will come again in Sept Cummulative Update.

I also tried to revert the configurations using:
“Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections” policy
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\PointAndPrint.

Nothing worked. I will appreciate any advice.

This just hit us this morning too. 9/15/2021. No one can print to the network printers.
I removed KB5005613 from our server and rebooted the server and that fixed it. Had to do that at all 8 of our branch offices too.
Microsoft updates seem to be more like hackers. Not professional.

We had same problem, just affecting to Windows 7 computers. After uninstalling 15/09/2021 updates
(KB5005613, KB5005627 y KB5005563) and a long reboot, computers were able to print again.

We did the same thing, on our PRINTER Server, and it works.

thank you for help . in my case it was necessary to restart the second server which was on 2016. Windows should not launch a security update for our security.

Just removed those 3 on our server and now all working.

Some of the KBs you removed are cumulative. Printing may have been restored but so was the PrintNightmare problem and other vulnerabilities.

Good point, however availability is part of the security triangle. Hopefully M$ will issue a new KB that patches the vulnerability as well as lets users print.

Same issue. Removed that update, and all devices were able to print after the server was rebooted.

Currently experiencing this same issue 09/22/2021. Where a Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard can't add/connect to shared printers. "Connect to Printer Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x0000011b"

I don't have any of these KB updates mentioned installed, so basically, I can’t use the uninstallation method which seems to be working for everyone. How do I go about fixing this issue if I don’t have these KB installed already?

NB: There are pending updates which include KB5005613

I don't have any of these updates installed on my Server 2019 either tried all suggestions so far nothing

My 2k8R2 RDS servers could not connect to my 2k12 Std Print server. I removed KB5005623 from my 2k12 printer server and things came back on line.

2021-09 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows Server 2012 for x64-based Systems (KB5005623)

Installation date: ‎2021-‎09-‎26 13:46

Installation status: Succeeded

Update type: Important

A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article. After you install this update, you may have to restart your system.

I've got a good one Microsoft may not actually be devising a fix for this but.
Got the above error with a twist. We don't use PointandPrint. All our (I say "all" when things are running smoothly) printers are published using GPO's to targeted computers, not users. Every computer is named in such a way we can identify groups of computers based on location, department and OS. When a new computer is joined to the domain, the computer is added to several groups. One of the groups they are added to are used for multiple policies. The policies are designed to publish as few as one to as many as a dozen printers to that computer. So there's no user interaction when installing a printer. RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators - 0 is being used on a case by case basis for people who absolutely must print to keep our business running. Corporate is going to be some pissed with the AD guy because he can't get printers to deploy any more. Not a fun place to be. Never have I seen something like this before. Oh, there's been inconveniences but never a total blockage. I spun up a new 2019 server and started building V4 ONLY queues with still no joy. This is the crap suicides are made of.

Today, 16 September 2021, I got the same problem, cannot print to printer on the server. Fortunately, I read this article and then I can assume what was happen to me, is caused by BAD Windows update. Then, I check Updates history, and find one update installed on 15 September 2021 (Security updates KB5005565). So, I uninstall it, and reboot. And, YES, the printer works normally, . God Bless Us.. Alhamdulillah, Amiin

I Can CONFIRM we had the same Problem and nothing would work , even our Tec couldn't figure it out so i got on this Forum and YES The Above answer Solved our Prob , Deleted the Security updates KB5005565 and restarted and bingo , Printer can connect again..

Uninstalling KB5005565 may work but this is a cumulative update. i may be wrong but you still have the PrinterNightmare issue. Just trading off risk/problem.

What do you think is better, to have the inability to print within your organization, or continue to have PrintNightmare vulnerability? It's not a trade-off at all. Businesses need to print to continue their operations. Obviously Microsoft needs to fix the problem properly. You need to uninstall September 2021 cumulative update on all print servers to get them working again.

It is also hepled me too! Thnaks!

The correct way to fix this may lie in following this flowchart to ensure that remote exploitation of PrintNightmare is not possible while allowing Point and Print
I will update this later with any progress I find in this. If you can, please do not set RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0 as this will make you vulnerable.


One more note, I would say you should add the RPC changes to this as well.

This is what I primarily mention above and what seems to have triggered an influx of complaints.

Awesome, I am building up a guide for my org and will use this.

From what I see most people are getting servers updated then reporting the clients can't print. So they uninstall the servers updates and volia. I'm not fully sure of the clients being unable to print if the server is updated already as well. But the aforementioned issue appears to be the main culprit. This Sept update made an enforcement change on the Jan updates for the Auth protocol of the Print Spooler to the Server/Client relationship. So the value is being set from the default of 0 as non enforcement to 1 with the Sept updates. I haven't run into this problem directly but was following this thread due to the Admin install prompt issue which is unrelated to the Sept updates issue. The unfortunate situation here is Microsoft has poorly communicated the Print Nightmare fixes. But they have slowly updated their primary Point and Point document to detail the needed changes. They have yet to deal with the V3 GPO issue, although mentioned now doing a manual compare of the users driver files. Alas. I set the Auth protocol to 0 through GPO and updated my server. Then installed the latest updates on a client and server. No issues printing. I tested on a non updated client and no issues printing as well. This is due to me changing the enforcement level for the Auth change. I suspect when I change the Auth level back to 1 as Enforced per Microsoft then those client machines won't print because they are not up to date.

Soooooo confusing. Your flow chart is very helpful!

Credit goes to Will Dormann twitter @wdormann for this flow chart, I'm just sharing it here.

After the later link enforcement with septermber updates all MAC-, Linux- and windows-clients printing ability was disabled.
When client tries to communicate unsufficient authentication method the server responsed access denied with unproper error message.
There might be a firewall configurations to prevent proper communications in environments where only 445/TCP is enabled, some organizations doesn't like to approve unintended high ports communications with TCP nor UDP.
MS has now triggered something that no-one was prepared to deal with and haven't shared enought documentation how to properly configure these services to communicate how they want them to communicate

.When only 445/TCP open, it is not enough ?
Should we open the high ports, is there any answer? which TCP or UDP to establish the correct communication?
IIn documentations of printing services there is ability to configure your print server to communicate only with 445/TCP, but this breaks now with the newest security update.
So you should enable high ports 49152-49158 tcp .
Do we need to enable those documented udp ports also with 445 only enabled servers? that have the registry tweak to support non udp communications?

I especially like the part about "If you find issues during testing, you must contact the vendor for the affected client or server software for an update or workaround before early 2022."

yeah just push these issues out to the manufacturers, that sounds like a good idea.

I have had issues here with Brother printers, however they are not as severe. Some application calls seem to work while others fail. Our issues appear to be related to our Azure Active Directory in some way, but I haven't gathered any evidence for this yet. I believe it is a permissions issue, as I've experienced no problems with administrator accounts.

Файл TsWpfWrp.exe использует расширение EXE, в частности известное как файл Windows Presentation Foundation Terminal Server Print Wrapper. Классифицируется как файл Win32 EXE (Библиотека динамической компоновки), созданный для Microsoft® Windows® Operating System компанией Nitro.

Выпуск TsWpfWrp.exe для Windows состоялся 11/08/2006 в Windows Vista. Самый последний выпуск для PrimoPDF состоялся 07/27/2011 [версия 3.0.6920.1210 (lh_tools_devdiv_wpf_sp1qfe.140326-0902)]. Файл TsWpfWrp.exe входит в состав PrimoPDF, Windows 7 и Windows Vista.

В этой короткой статье приводятся подробные сведения о файле, шаги по устранению проблем EXE с TsWpfWrp.exe и список бесплатных загрузок для каждой версии, содержащейся в нашем полном каталоге файлов.

Совместимость с Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP и 2000

Средняя оценка пользователей

Сведения о разработчике и ПО
Разработчик ПО: Microsoft Corporation
Программа: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Авторское право: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Сведения о файле
Набор символов: Unicode
Код языка: English (U.S.)
Флаги файлов: (none)
Маска флагов файлов: 0x003f
Точка входа: 0x5c5e
Размер кода: 16384
Информация о файле Описание
Размер файла: 35 kB
Дата и время изменения файла: 2019:10:05 14:26:16+00:00
Тип файла: Win32 EXE
Тип MIME: application/octet-stream
Тип компьютера: Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Метка времени: 2014:03:27 06:42:10+00:00
Тип PE: PE32
Версия компоновщика: 8.0
Размер кода: 16384
Размер инициализированных данных: 8192
Размер неинициализированных данных: 0
Точка входа: 0x5c5e
Версия ОС: 4.0
Версия образа: 0.0
Версия подсистемы: 4.0
Подсистема: Windows command line
Номер версии файла: 3.0.6920.1210
Номер версии продукта: 3.0.6920.0
Маска флагов файлов: 0x003f
Флаги файлов: (none)
Файловая ОС: Windows NT 32-bit
Тип объектного файла: Dynamic link library
Подтип файла: 0
Код языка: English (U.S.)
Набор символов: Unicode
Наименование компании: Microsoft Corporation
Описание файла: Windows Presentation Foundation Terminal Server Print Wrapper
Версия файла: 3.0.6920.1210 (lh_tools_devdiv_wpf_sp1qfe.140326-0902)
Внутреннее имя: TsWpfWrp
Авторское право: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Название продукта: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Версия продукта: 3.0.6920.0

✻ Фрагменты данных файлов предоставлены участником Exiftool (Phil Harvey) и распространяются под лицензией Perl Artistic.

Шаг 3. Выполните обновление Windows.

Если ни один из предыдущих трех шагов по устранению неполадок не разрешил проблему, можно попробовать более агрессивный подход (примечание: не рекомендуется пользователям ПК начального уровня), загрузив и заменив соответствующую версию файла TsWpfWrp.exe. Мы храним полную базу данных файлов TsWpfWrp.exe со 100%-ной гарантией отсутствия вредоносного программного обеспечения для любой применимой версии PrimoPDF . Чтобы загрузить и правильно заменить файл, выполните следующие действия:

Windows 10: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Windows 10: C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_wpf-terminalserverwpfwrapperexe_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.15_none_eb2ccff9846685c2\
Windows 10: C:\Windows\System32\
Windows 10: C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_wpf-terminalserverwpfwrapperexe_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.15_none_474b6b7d3cc3f6f8\
Windows 7: C:\Windows\System32\
Показать на 3 каталогов больше + Windows 7: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Windows Vista: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Windows Vista: C:\Windows\System32\

Если этот последний шаг оказался безрезультативным и ошибка по-прежнему не устранена, единственно возможным вариантом остается выполнение чистой установки Windows 10.

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