Still life 2 как поменять разрешение

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

3 November 2009 г., 13:45 игра идет но там минимальное разрешение 1024х768 так што имеется прокрутка но когда я включаю Astray plus из вики игра начинает жутко лагать!как поменять разрешение на 1024х600 или 800х600 чтобы не было прокрутки. Еж 900А\ОC vista ultimate

ЁЁЁЖ 900A 20G\2 GB RAM\CPU: Intel Atom\OS:Windows Vista Ultimate sp1

ЁЁЁЖ 900A 20G\2 GB RAM\CPU: Intel Atom\OS:Windows Vista Ultimate sp1


игра идет но там минимальное разрешение 1024х768 так што имеется прокрутка но когда я включаю Astray plus из вики игра начинает жутко лагать!как поменять разрешение на 1024х600 или 800х600 чтобы не было прокрутки. Еж 900А\ОC vista ultimate

Заходите в меню настройки видео GMA по значку в трее, затем выбираете меню Параметры-Параметры пропорции, а затем выставляете вариант "Bо весь экран без рамки". После этой операции попробуйте выставить разрешение в игре 640х480 или 800х600, если вы всё сделали правильно то картинка будет растянута на весь экран и прокрутки не будет. Проверено под 800х600 в NFS Underground 2.

Eee-PC 1015BX: 64GB SSD/ 4GB DDR3-1600/ AMD C-60 1.33GHz/ Radeon 6290/ Windows 7 Professional (7601)

29 апр. 2013 в 14:54

My notebook monitor/gpu software don't let me choose aspect, just resolution. My side monitor let me change this, but it is manual, you have to try numbers (i try percentages, but it don't seems to be this way), but after a while i realize how to do it.

About some other things you are talking about, don't be silly. They still selling Pac Man and Pong? NO. Doesn't matter for what type of device they're made, if you sell your product on 2013, you HAVE TO make it works propperly on actual devices OR put that information on shop page. It is not my opinion, this is the law in my country (prolly on your country too), so don't take your arguments so deep on this matter, cause they're not valid, whatever you think about.

AND that's no apparently difficult to just CODE SOMETHING THAT SPLIT FULLSCREEN, BUT KEEPS THE 4:3 ASPECT OF THE GAME WORK AREA. This is hard to understand or realize?

Users don't have to fix or code anything, what is that crazy?
But, if i want to emulate pong in my system i have to do it for myself, that's absolutely different.

I can also make some examples of 4:3 splited to wide, but i'm not wasting anymore of my time, i just came here to CALL FOR HELP, not to debate things not relative.

I'm being very tired of this. Developers fails, you reach the foruns for help, and EVERY TIME somebody came to point on your face and just tell: "YOU'RE WRONG, I'M RIGHT", "IT'S YOUR FAULT NOT FROM DEVS", and every kind of ♥♥♥♥ like that.

And how funny is people calling you dumb on a matter your may be professional, people just don't know, this is not a profile field on steam.

Man, i want my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minutes back that i waste on this conversation.
Also, learn with the Rolling guy on this topic how to help without be so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ arrogant.

29 апр. 2013 в 16:48 Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you ARE wrong? The image I showed you -- you apparently don't even know what it means. That setting lets you see 4:3 resolution correctly in FULL SCREEN even on a widescreen 16:10 or :9 monitor. Understand now? Problem solved. No need to get windowed mode like the people in the thread you mentioned. If you insist on having an attitude about this even after I gave you a solution that actually WORKS, go ahead. I'm happily playing Still Life, Syberia, and many older games in FULL SCREEN 4:3 aspect ratio while some kid is pounding his head in frustration and can't get his game to work because he thinks he is too smart to receive advice from others. 29 апр. 2013 в 18:01

You seem to be a very confused man. I think you misunderstand a lot of things here.
[note that i'm telling you "seem to be" not "you are", cause i don't know you, so don't suppose to know me] Fullscreen is not widescreen, what the hell you're trying to say? Of course you play the games fullscreen, i'm playing too, thats never was a problem. (. )

On your image, NATIVE is the same as CURRENT, you understand?
Your native resolution is default, your current you setup. Both are 1680x1050px which is NOT WIDESCREEN (at least not 16/9), you even know what is widescreen? Your monitor model is not widescreen (i guess), 4/3 is not the same as 16/9. You insist this is a solution for widescreen, you insist that everybody have the same gpu software as you. You insist so much, and you're just talking ♥♥♥♥. Your monitor "d'accord" your image is 4:3, you setup like 4:3, and i'm not understanding your image? Please, that's impossible. you must be a troll, i don't believe you're being serious.

Let me alone, i just fix it (not with your "solution")
You suppose so much things from nothing. like saying that i'm a kid, and all other things you are spitting around.

You can even talk anything on internet without some people comes to mess with all the things you're trying to talk. What the hell. Go search a shrink, man.

This "conversation" is over to me.
There are a huge difference of cerebral mass between us. Go bother another one.

30 апр. 2013 в 8:46 Everybody look at this child. He said "1680x1050 is not widescreen". It IS WIDESCREEN. If you say it isn't then thank you very much, because you showed to the world the abject stupidity you are suffering from and save me the trouble of doing it for you. And let me remind everybody that this character said earlier that he would rather cut off the edges of a 4:3 image to make it widescreen. Need I say more?? And I said this way back in my very first post: you CAN'T mod 2D pre-rendered 4:3 images into widescreen. This is the TRUTH. Accept it. Case closed. Thread over. And polish your English a bit too. When your language skill is lacking, the last thing you want to do is engage in a debate in a language which you are laughably weak at. 30 апр. 2013 в 10:59

It is consider widescreen, it is my fault in that case, but it is 16/10, that was most likely 4/3 aspect ratio (very closer to the aspect of the game work area, it is 4/3). I wanted to say that on your image, you doesn't change resolution, you keep using same as default, you just choose to not stretch the image.

fill the monitor area without stretching the game image

This kind of configuration doesn't works to me in that way, but like on following image 2.
You're considering your image some kind of "universal solution" to the problem, and the fact that i am not considering, like that i'm doing that because i'm silly, dumb or whatever.

Let's clarify some things with images, cause maybe we are talking about different things here.

On the image 2, the game work area still on 800x600 resolution. When you setup your resolution on GPU, i think the game just stop distorting image to fill monitor area. Instead of it, the game just keep your 800x600 and align centered. So, i just can't put it on 1024x768 this way, like on image 3.

Also, you can stretch a 2D image on 4:3 to 16:9, if there's no important action on the top and bottom borders of the image. There's no mystery here, you just cut the line of sight, like on this image:

Of course you lose a lot, but it doesn't mean it is not possible, like you're trying to say. MAYBE it is not possible, if some of that images have interactive elements on this edges, but mostly games of this type don't. If you reach some point of the game you see an interactive element on top of bottom edges, that's alright, you can say that is not possible IN THIS CASE. You supposed too much things as "universal", and they're not.

The whole point on this topic, from my side is:

Or the game window can fill the monitor area without stretching the game images (putting black borders). Or at least a windowed mode that don't keep the window on a maximum 800x600 resolution.

When i talk about the possibility to fill monitor area, it means adjust height, and put black borders aside.

This is not my native language, as you see, but i'm glad to be able to write on a foreign language, even barely. Actually i can do that on 3 languages. It is not a shame for me.

I decide to write this huge thing, because i don't like the way i'm talking here. Most of times, if i think something does not help me, i just put aside.

But i was an artist, a painter (Fine art high school), for a long time, and then i throw away canvas and started to paint by digital means. Now i don't work anymore, but knowing that, you can imagine how rude and "guessing" this words from you seems to me:

It's like asking for a widescreen version of Mona Lisa. You can't have it because da Vinci never drew it.

Following this, you're guessing more, and you don't know me.
That's why i became angry and answered this way, and from my part, i'm really sorry for every bad word i write about you. 13 мая. 2013 в 5:03 eh. eric you can make your screen display at 4:3 to remove the stretching, like he was telling you mess with your graphics panel 15 июн. 2013 в 18:08

ALL of your options, all the options that you have:
1. Run the game with black borders on the sides.
2. Run the game without black borders on the sides but stretched and distorted.
3. Run the game in windowed mode
4. Modify the game resources and manually edit every still scene image in photoshop painting in the missing "sides" yourself by hand - you're welcome to try
(5. kind of re*arded option - somehow managing to cut off upper and lower part of screen so it can fit vertically, but, even if it would be possible, and mainly in adventures, that'd be just downright re*arded - you can't just cut off quarter of a screen in an point and click adventure)

That's it, I covered all the options and you can either deal with it or not deal with it.

Btw, as a player who enjoys his share of older games and an indie scene fan, this comment of yours:
"That is a developer fault, still selling an old product without any adaptation, and no advises about it. Period."
made me rage so hard you can't even imagine. (To begin with - it's a publisher who sells the game, but that's not the main reason why it made me rage. words can't explain it but I'm sure many people understand)

EDIT: complaining about developers selling an uh. defective (only in your eyes tho) product like this is exactly like complaining about minimum-wage factory workers for not making/selling your favourite model of car (say Ford for instance) in blue color at your local car shop. S*upid workers. All their fault.

Dota 2

Тема закрыта 30 окт. 2012 в 6:27 Народ,как можно поменять разрешение экрана в игре не заходя в неё?! Плиз очень нужно! Вообщем,начальное разрешение экрана в игре не совпадает с моим экраном и из-за этого она не запускаеться. можно ли поменять в папке с игрой разрешение экрана?! и как?! 21 ноя. 2012 в 6:51 21 ноя. 2012 в 6:57

в параметрах запуска игры

30 мар. 2013 в 3:41 7 апр. 2013 в 10:39 реестр (пуск => выполнить => regedit => идём по пути:
И там
ScreenHeight (768 у меня)
ScreenWidth (1024 у меня)
Просматривать нужно в десятичной системе (2 раза тыкнешь по нужным файлам и поставишь галочку у "десятичная" вот тебе и цифры. 7 апр. 2013 в 14:08 21 окт. 2013 в 18:38 реестр (пуск => выполнить => regedit => идём по пути:
И там
ScreenHeight (768 у меня)
ScreenWidth (1024 у меня)
Просматривать нужно в десятичной системе (2 раза тыкнешь по нужным файлам и поставишь галочку у "десятичная" вот тебе и цифры. У меня таких файлов в реестре вообще нет(я имею в виду в папке Settings), а в параметрах запуска устанавливаю 1280х1024, но при входе в Stronghold HD пишет, что разрешение не поддерживается. Может, кто узнает, как изменить разрешение? 1 июн. 2014 в 19:23 1 фев. 2015 в 5:05

а причём халфа если вопрос про dey z

8 мар. 2015 в 11:08 У меня the legend of korra как-то конфликтует какой-то ERROR:(И тут фигня
пошла)Нажимаю Ок и там тоже ошибка
4 июл. 2015 в 0:45

*\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg и открыть файл "video"

Высокое разрешение и сглаживание The Longest Journey




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Для начала нужно перевести игру в программный режим, чтобы исключить большинство графических багов типа следов от курсора и т.д:

  • Идем в папку с установленной игрой (. Steam\steamapps\common\The Longest Journey)
  • Запускаем Configure.exe, который находится в папке с игрой. Выбираем любую из опций (не важно, какую) и нажимаем ок - будет создан файл конфигурации. Можете снова запустить Configure.exe и вернуть опцию, если хотите.
  • Открываем %APPDATA%\The Longest Journey\Preferences.ini (скопируйте этот адрес в окно пути проводника) или Preferences.ini в папке с установленной игрой.
  • В разделе [DirectX] добавляем или изменяем следующие строки (если раздела нет, добавьте его):

  • Удостоверьтесь, что в настройках драйвера вашей видеокарты не включены для The Longest Journey сглаживание и анизотропная фильтрация.
  • Там же включите опцию "Сохранять пропорции". Игра работает только в соотношении 4:3 и будет растягиваться на весь экран с искажением пропорций, если не сделать этого.
  • В настройках игры включите High resolution April model (Модель Эйприл), чтобы главгероиня красовалась большим набором полигонов.
  • Скачиваем dgVoodo2 [] . Это универсальная программа для поддержки старых игр, распаковываем в любую папку.
  • Копируем три .dll файла из папки MS в корневую папку с игрой (там, где game.exe и TLJ.exe).
  • Запускаем dgVoodooSetup.exe
  • В окне General выбираем Full Screen в разделе Appearance. Под Scalling mode выбираем Stretched, keep Aspect Ratio.
  • В окне DirectX ставим галочку напротив Force bilinear filtering. Ставим галочку напротив Force vSync для роликов. Уберите галочку рядом с Disable Alt-Enter to toggle screen state во избежание проблем с диалоговым окном. Antialiasing (MSAA) (Сглаживание) выбираем 4х или 8х. Resolution (Разрешение экрана) выбираем под ваш монитор с условием, что соотношение должно быть 4:3. Поэтому для 1920х1080, например, нужно выставлять 1440х1080, иначе картинка некрасиво растянется. А лучше просто выставите Max или Max ISF.
  • Высокое разрешение может порождать графические артефакты в виде следов от курсора и точек в диалоговом окне. Мне помогло свести к минимуму выставление вышеупомянутого Max ISF. Попробуйте поэкспериментировать с вашим монитором.

Совет из комментариев от wassery:

Проблему со крусрорными шлейфами (AKA артефактами) решил так:
- вырубил в разделе DirectX сглаживание
- выставил там же карту GeForce FX 5700 с 256MB памяти (ибо у меня карта от NVidia)
- перевёл игру в хардварный режим

Это убрало шлейфы и пикселизацию вокруг курсора.

Так же в графе "Config folder / Running instance" (что вверху окна программы) ввёл адрес корневой папки игры (где экзешники валяются). Мало ли, может это тоже как-то повлияло.

На этом все, по поводу русификатора и замены шрифтов смотрите соседнии руководства. Удачи!

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