Шахин бот варфрейм как установить

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

An advanced and powerful administration bot based on yagop/telegram-bot licensed under the GNU General Public License.

  • A powerful antispam system with custom sensitivity for each group
  • Multiple realms (admin groups)
  • Recalcitrant to any kind of spamming (X/Y bots, name/photo changers, etc.)
  • Global banning
  • Broadcast to all groups
  • Group links
  • Kick, ban and unban by reply
  • Groups, ban and global ban list
  • Logging anything that happens in a group
  • Invitation by username
  • Group administration via private messages
  • Only mods, owner and admin can add bots
  • Arabic lock
  • And more!

Table of Contents

Only admins and sudo users can run these commands.

[!/]creategroup [group name]

[!/]creategroup SEED

will create a group

Only works in realms for admins but, sudo users can use it everywhere

[!/]createrealm [realm name]

[!/]createrealm SEED

will create a realm

Only works in realms for admins but, sudo users can use it everywhere

Add or remove realms

[!/]add realm

This command will add that group

This command will remove that group

Add or remove groups

This command will remove that group

Everything about groups


This command will return everything about that group

Only onwer, admin and sudo users can use this command

Setting description in realm

[!/]setabout [group_id] [text]

[!/]setabout 123456789 about

This command will set [text] as description of [group_id]

Setting group name in realm

[!/]setname [group_id] [text]

[!/]setname 123456789 SEED

This command will set [text] as name of [group_id]

Setting rules in realm

[!/]setrules [group_id] [text]

[!/]setrules 123456789 rules !

This command will set [text] as rules of [group_id]

Lock groups name|flood|photo|member in realm

[!/]lock [group_id] [name|flood|photo|member]

[!/]lock 123456789 name

This command will lock name|flood|photo|member of [group_id]

Unlock groups name|flood|photo|member

[!/]unlock [group_id] [name|flood|photo|member]

[!/]unlock 123456789 name

This command will unlock name|flood|photo|member of [group_id]

Group setting in realm

[!/]setting [group_id]

[!/]setting 12345678

This command will return settings of [group_id]

[!/]addadmin [username]

[!/]addadmin @username

This command will add username as admin

Only works in realms

[!/]removeadmin [username]

[!/]removeadmin @username

This command will add username as admin

Only works in realms [username]

Admins|group list in realm

[!/]list [admins|groups]

[!/]list groups

This command will return admins|groups list

[!/]broadcast [text]

[!/]broadcast Hello !

This command will send text to all groups

Only sudo users can run this command

[!/]bc [group_id] [text]

[!/]bc 123456789 Hello !

This command will send text to [group_id]

Global ban commands

[!/]banall [id]

[!/]banall 123456789

This commands will globally ban [id]

Sync your global bans with teleseed

[!/]unbanall 123456789

This commands will remove [id] from global bans

This command will return global bans ids

[!/]banlist 123456789

This command will return banned user of [group_id]

Set group owner

[!/]setgpowner [group_id] [User_id]

[!/]setgpowner 123456789 987654321

This command will set [User_id] as the owner of [group_id]

[!/]stats teleseed

This command will return bot stats

Owners and mods commands

Sudo users and admins can also use this commands in all groups

[!/]kick [username|id]

[!/]kick @useranme [!/]kick 123456789

This command will remove that user

[!/]ban @username [!/]ban 123456789

this command will ban and remove that user

[!/]unban 12345678

This command will unban that user

This command will return bans list

Group name|member|arabic|flood|bots lock

[!/]lock [name|member|arabic|flood|bots]

[!/]lock flood

This command will lock name|member|arabic|flood|bots of groups

Group name|member|arabic|flood|bots unlock

[!/]unlock [name|member|arabic|flood|bots]

[!/]unlock flood

This command will unlock name|member|arabic|flood|bots of groups

Group modlist|rules|about|member clean

[!/]clean [modlist|rules|about|member]

[!/]clean modlist

This command will clean modlist|rules|about|member /clean member will kick all users except owner,admins and bot and it's for owners only

Set groups rules|about

[!/]set [rules|about] [text]

[!/]set rules don't spam!


This command will set [text] as the rules|about of groups

Setting or changing group owner

[!/]setowner [id]

[!/]setowner 123456789

This command will set id as owner of that group

Setting or changing group photo


This command will change or set group photo also locks photo

Changing Group name

[!/]setname [name]

[!/]setname SEED

This command will set [name] as name of groups


This command will revoke group link

This command will return group link

Promote and demote mods

[!/]promote [username]

[!/]promote @username

This command will promote @username as moderator

[!/]demote @username

This command will demote @username

[!/]res [username]

[!/]res @username

This command will return info about that username

[!/]setflood [value]

[!/]setflood 15

will set flood sensitivity to [value]

Group rules and about


This command will return group description

This command will return group rules

normal users can use it too


This command will return group settings


This command will return group moderators

normal users can use it too


This command will return owners id

[!/]save [title] [text]

[!/]save spam Don't spam !

This command will save text as that title

[!/]get spam

This command will return text of that title


This command will return user or group id can be triggered by reply

Normal users can use it


This command will return group message statistic in a .txt file

This command will return group message statistic


This command will return member list in a .txt file

This command will return member list

In private commands

These commands only works in bots private

[!/]owners group_id [kick|ban|unban] user_id

[!/]owners 1234567 kick 1234567

[!/]owners group_id clean [modlist|rules|about]

[!/]owners 1234567 clean modlist

Setting flood sensitivity

[!/]owners group_id setflood value

[!/]owners 1234567 setflood 17

Lock groups member|name

[!/]owners group_id lock [member|name]

[!/]owners 1234567 lock member

unlock groups member|name

[!/]owner group_id unlock [member|name]

[!/]owners 1234567 unlock name

[!/]owners group_id get link

[!/]owners 1234567 get link

[!/]owners group_id new link

[!/]changename [group_id] [name]

[!/]changename 123456789 SEED

[!/]changrules [group_id] [rules]

[!/]changeabout [group_id] [about]

[!/]oin [group_id]

This command will add user in [group_id]

U can use both "/" and "!"

To install everything in one command (useful for VPS deployment) on Debian-based distros, use:

After you run the bot for first time, send it !id . Get your ID and stop the bot.

Open ./data/config.lua and add your ID to the "sudo_users" section in the following format:

Then restart the bot.

Create a realm using the !createrealm command.

Support and development

Check out this tutorial by Telegram Geeks for further assistance with setup and installation.

Do not contact us in private for support. Join our bot development group by sending /join 56670147 to @TeleSeed


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©2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved.
Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd.

You can check the virus scan for the precompiled version here.

You can always get the latest version of ShawzinBot here.

What's the ShawzinBot?

ShawzinBot is a third party software that can read MIDI files (.mid) and play their content in Warframe. It simulates key presses, and that's how the Shawzin is played.

ShawzinBot does not in any way interfere with gameplay, nor does it inject new code or modify existing one. It also does not tamper with memory in any way, thus is can't be catalogued as a cheat and should be safe to use.

How does it work?

Using ShawzinBot is quite easy. As long as you don't separate any of it's components, it can sit anywhere in your computer. No installation is required, all you need to do is double click ShawzinBot.exe and you'll be good to go! Please note, you MUST match the the game's scale with the one displayed by the bot!

Once the program is running you'll see the following window:

ShawzinBot Overview

On the top left corner there's a button you can click to open and load MIDI files. Once a file is open, all you have to do is click play and tab back into game. ShawzinBot will not mess with your keyboard unless you're tabbed into Warframe!

To use an external MIDI device, all you have to do is select if from the dropdown menu and start playing. If you do not see your device, just click the reload button to the right of the dropdown.

The program defaults to playing the first MIDI track found inside the file. If you want to play a different track or tracks, all you have to do is open the "MIDI Tracks" dropdown and select the tracks there. Simple.

ianespana released this Mar 29, 2021


  • Fixed a crash issue that'd occur when trying to play any MIDI file, introduced in the last release

ianespana released this Mar 29, 2021


  • Fixed a crash issue with MIDI files that contain a single track

ianespana released this Mar 29, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where the program would not open if it couldn't contact GitHub

ianespana released this Sep 24, 2020


  • Added version indicator, it will also let you know if there's an update

ianespana released this Sep 24, 2020


  • Added a playback speed setting. Yes, you can now play "Through the Fire and the Flames" at twice the speed.
  • Updated the MIDI processing library. Should make it better at processing MIDI files
  • Changed DLLs for NuGet packages, should make it easier to update libraries in the future

Bug Fixes

  • The program should no longer halt if Warframe isn't open and the "Play" button is hit


  • Temporarily disabled the "Play through speakers" option

ianespana released this Sep 23, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a windows error about a missing device when launching the bot

ianespana released this Sep 22, 2020


  • Changed tracks dropdown for a simpler control
  • Made frets work visually. Your Warframe will now move the left hand accordingly

Bug Fixes

ianespana released this Sep 22, 2020

Small release because I kept working on this thing after posting 2.2


  • Added a dropdown box that allows you to select which MIDI tracks to play
  • Fixed scroller so it actually works


ianespana released this Sep 22, 2020

Been a while since a release was made. Exactly one year to be precise. Import changes have been made since then

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