Medieval kingdoms total war 1212 ad attila как установить

Обновлено: 12.05.2024

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Q: What is Medieval Kingdoms: Total War 1212 AD?
A: Medieval Kingdoms Total War is an epic mod transforming the game to the setting of the 1200s. Play as dozens of historically accurate factions from the Kingdom of England to the Ayyubid Sultanate, Kingdom of Portugal to Kievan Rus and everything in between! Taking cues from the great mods of Medieval 2, MKTW plans to bring the Medieval world to life like never seen before!

Q: When is the next release?
A: When it's ready.

Q: Why is there no Kingdom of--------------/ Sultanate of --------------/The -------------Dynasty?
A: We (the developers) work on what we want work on. It will come, don't worry.

Q: WHAT. I still don't see my faction. ARGHHHHH.
A: Calm down. The campaign of Attila is hard-coded. There is nothing we can do. We have tried to represent the political entities of the time as accurate as we could using the Attila map, this is the best we can do. We wish that Attila's campaign was as moddable as M2TW, but this isn't the case.

Q: I see my faction as an emergent. Will they be playable?
A: Emergents cannot be playable. Tough luck

Q: What are the basis of putting factions into "starting faction" and "emergents" category?
A: Our mod will start from the year 1212 AD. We will definetly not consider changing the start date. The factions that held power in their respective states in the year 1212 are starting factions. There are some exception to this however, like the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate.
Emergents are factions that have either been liberated or gained power after many years of the starting date.

Q: "Wait, why are there plate armour in MKTW 1212AD?" or, How are tiers utilised in this mod?
A: starting year for the campaign mode is 1212 AD. However in the interest of making mid and late game interesting we have 3 tiers and each tier represents a certain centuryTier 1 is based on = 1212-1299; Tier 2 on 1300 to 1399; Tier 3 on 1400-1500.

Q: How does that work for factions that didn't survive the 1200s like Toulouse or the Latin Empire?
A: It's been tricky but in general we try and keep the equipment accurate to aforementioned tiers with plausible and grounded looks for what the faction would look like. Also we tend to change the look to fit a later faction that was in the region. The Almohads reflect this approach well for example. Or for instance, by having Seljuk Sultanate of Rum able to train Ottoman Units.

Q: How come ___ faction doesn't have ___ unit? Or has ____ equipment?
A: We put a lot of research into our faction rosters. We try to balance realism, accuracy and artistic license. Often times the more popular or biased perspective simply isn't grounded in fact. Obviously if someone makes a compelling argument we take it into consideration but it's still our call at the end of the day.

Q: Are there going to be custom cities, custom ships, trebuchets etc?
A: Yes we will have all of those in due time. It's a matter of manpower and time.

Q: Wait, what is MK 1220 then?
A: It is done by a modder who does submods that we have parted ways with. We parted ways in terms of collaboration months ago, for we are committed to keep doing this without any monetary solicitation till the end. He has permission to use our stuff for his mod but otherwise he does his own thing.

Q: What is the difference between 1212 and 1220?
A: We 1212 is the original. 1220 is a passing-off copy that split from ours because its creator wants a donation system for himself, while we use free OSP models from other modellers that are supposed not to be used for profit. Because the models are free to use, he can run away with using and take derivatives of the OSP models that we've worked. He shouldn't take other materials which are original made by our members, however.

Q: Why 1220 can do siege maps and campaign sooner?
A: Because 1220 campaign is actually Attila campaign with its factions and even units renamed and reskinned in the campaign. So does the buildings. This is a quick method, but a crude implementation which leaves limitations. We, on another hand, try to create the database and scripts from scratch. The most apparent limitation is 1220's need to use DLC, thus limiting playable factions to the Attila's number of playable factions - because they are Attila factions reskinned.

Q: What about the custom buildings that were seen last time. Why were they taken out?
A: The custom buildings arevtoo buggy. It might look good, but the pathfinding isn't always working as intended (one keep model has the men jumping to their deaths when ordered to get off the ramparts). Many of the town buildings are also just existing Attila buildings reskinned with retextured Total Warhammer buildings. Again, might look the part but when any men or projectile touch them, they'll clip and show the original collisonmodel underneath. Its also really apparent when destroyed, as the building would turn to its original model for the destruct animation when collapsing. The method of creating a proper building with correct collisionmodels, EFLines, and animations are already known, but it need more manhours to apply.

Q: Do we need to Donate for access to this mod?
A: No. We're committed to never ask for money in any form, nor profit monetarily from any of the open-sourced assets we use in this mod.

Q: Any DLC required for this mod?
A: No. And it'll never need any DLC (Yes, not even for the planned Campaign). All you need is the base game and you're good to go.

Q: What is the difference between 1212 and 1220?
A: We 1212 is the original. 1220 is a passing-off copy that split from ours because its creator wants a donation system for himself, while we use free OSP models from other modellers that are supposed not to be used for profit. Because the models are free to use, he can run away with using and take derivatives of the OSP models that we've worked. He shouldn't take other materials which are original made by our members, however.

Q: Why 1220 can do siege maps and campaign sooner?
A: Because 1220 campaign is actually Attila campaign with its factions and even units renamed and reskinned in the campaign. So does the buildings. This is a quick method, but a crude implementation which leaves limitations. We, on another hand, try to create the database and scripts from scratch. The most apparent limitation is 1220's need to use DLC, thus limiting playable factions to the Attila's number of playable factions - because they are Attila factions reskinned.

Q: "Wait, why are there plate armour in MKTW 1212AD?" or, How are tiers utilised in this mod?
A: starting year for the campaign mode is 1212 AD. However in the interest of making mid and late game interesting we have 3 tiers and each tier represents a certain centuryTier 1 is based on = 1212-1299; Tier 2 on 1300 to 1399; Tier 3 on 1400-1500.

Q: I have some parts that are invisible!
A: Check that you have subscribed all of the modelpacks: 1212models1_v2,1212models2, 1212models3, 1212models4, and 1212models5. Also: check that you have enabled all of them in the TW launcher.

Q: My Attila crashes whenever I press Custom Battles!
A: Sometimes, Attila gets upset whenever you remove a vanilla factions/faction mod. Fret not, all you have to do is wipe it's memory by doing this:
- Go to your AppData folder (try searching for %appdata% with Windows). Mine is located at C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Attila
- Delete the folder "battle_preferences". This folder stores Attila's custom battle settings, and resetting it should allow it to work.

Q: My unit names and faction names are invisible!
A: This mod supports only English as of now. Therefore you need to change the game language to English, or it will remain invisible.
How to change your game language? Go to your Steam Library, right-click on Attila, click on properties, click on language tab (4th tab from the left)

Q: I cannot play with my friends because Attila says Host Version is different!
A: Make sure that you and your friends have the SAME EXACT mods enabled before launching the game. For example, if you have only MKTW enable while your friend has MKTW + Olympian's Camera Mod, your friend will not be able to join you because you dont have Olympian's camera mod enabled. If you both have it enabled however, you will be able to play together. This logic applies to every other mod out there.

Q: My custom battle replay causes my Attila to crash!
A: Unfortunately, this is an issue with all faction mods. The only fix is to not move around any troops during the deployment phase, just press "start".

Q: There is an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle that is not letting me enable the mod!
A: Tick the "enable out-of-date mods" under the play button.

Q: I can't see some factions, such as Kingdom of Bohemia and the Vlachs because the drop down menu continues through the bottom of my screen
A: You can use the up/down key to cycle the faction selection. As said earlier, some factions may be hidden due to the screen resolution. Using 1920x1080 may allow you to see all the factions.

Q: How to annex a vassal?

Click on a settlement of your vassal -> Press the annex vassal button on the bottom left.

Q: I can't create a buffer state! Why is that?

There are certain conditions for creating a buffer state, such as:

- The territory did not belong to you at the start of the campaign
- Is not your capital
- The faction that will be released must be dead

Сообщество Империал: Medieval Kingdoms: Total War - 1212 AD - Сообщество Империал


Священная Римская империя
Священная Римская империя
Герцогство Бавария
Герцогство Саксония
Герцогство Лотарингия
Маркграфство Бранденбург
Савойское герцогство
Герцогство Австрия
Королевство Богемия

Венецианская республика
Генуэзская республика
Пизанская республика
Папская область
Королевство Сицилия

Пиренейский п-ов
Королевство Арагон
Королевство Кастилия
Королевство Леон
Королевство Наварра
Королевство Португалия
Альмохадский халифат

Центральная Европа
Королевство Венгрия
Второе Болгарское царство
Княжество Сербия

Королевство Дания
Королевство Швеция

Восточная Европа
Великая Польша
Малая Польша
Княжество Силезия
Герцогство Померания
Тевтонский орден
Великое княжество Литовское
Киевская Русь
Галицко-Волынское княжество
Муромо-Рязанское княжество
Волжская Булгария

Государства-преемники Византийской империи
Никейская империя
Латинская империя
Трапезундская империя
Эпирский деспотат

Анатолия и Ближний Восток
Румский султанат
Киликийское армянское государство
Государства крестоносцев
Султанат Айюбидов
Ганиды (Бану Гания)
Грузинское царство
Абхазское царство

Государство Хорезмшахов


Сообщество Империал: Medieval Kingdoms: Total War - 1212 AD - Сообщество Империал


Священная Римская империя
Священная Римская империя
Герцогство Бавария
Герцогство Саксония
Герцогство Лотарингия
Маркграфство Бранденбург
Савойское герцогство
Герцогство Австрия
Королевство Богемия

Венецианская республика
Генуэзская республика
Пизанская республика
Папская область
Королевство Сицилия

Пиренейский п-ов
Королевство Арагон
Королевство Кастилия
Королевство Леон
Королевство Наварра
Королевство Португалия
Альмохадский халифат

Центральная Европа
Королевство Венгрия
Второе Болгарское царство
Княжество Сербия

Королевство Дания
Королевство Швеция

Восточная Европа
Великая Польша
Малая Польша
Княжество Силезия
Герцогство Померания
Тевтонский орден
Великое княжество Литовское
Киевская Русь
Галицко-Волынское княжество
Муромо-Рязанское княжество
Волжская Булгария

Государства-преемники Византийской империи
Никейская империя
Латинская империя
Трапезундская империя
Эпирский деспотат

Анатолия и Ближний Восток
Румский султанат
Киликийское армянское государство
Государства крестоносцев
Султанат Айюбидов
Ганиды (Бану Гания)
Грузинское царство
Абхазское царство

Государство Хорезмшахов


Удалить все предыдущие версии средневековых королевствах у вас есть , если не указано иное в описании.

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С этой последней публичной сборки средневековых королевств 1212 AD вы получите доступ к следующим функциям .


Королевство Англия + Earldoms единиц
королевства Франции
герцогства Бургундского
графства Toulouse
Короны Арагона
Священной Римской империи
герцогства Австрии
герцогства Бавария
герцогства Брабант
герцогства Саксония
Чешского королевства
швейцарской Waldstatte
Республики Венеция
Королевства Сицилия
Королевства Венгрии
Второй болгарский царизм
Великое княжество Сербия
Империя Никейский
империи Трапезунда
Despotate из Eprius
Латинской империи
Султаната Ром
Королевства Грузии
киликийском Армении
Ayyubid Султаната
Иерусалимское королевство и Кипр
Cuman ханства
Киевской Руси
княжества Малопольское
княжества Силезия
герцогства Померания
Великого княжества Литва
Тевтонский орден
Королевство Швеция
Королевство Норвегия

Более 700 единиц до сих пор и подсчета! Также показывая пользовательские осадные орудия , такие как бомбард и минометов.

Вопрос: Будут ли морские подразделения? Будет ли пользовательские замки? Будет ли эта фракция будет в моде? Будете ли вы добавить больше юнитов этой фракции? Будет ли кампания?

A: Да , для всех. Все эти вещи будут в этот мод, мы не можем сказать , когда именно , но каждый и каждый из этих вещей будет в этот мод , прежде чем мы до конца.

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