Как установить smod redux 10 на half life 2

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

23 авг в 13:18 How do i play Smod Redux 10(V2) in 2021?/Как я прохожу Smod Redux 10(V2) в 2021?

Started with a chapter Route Kanal and go to the end of the original HL2.
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Я начал с главы "Через каналы" и намерен пройти мод до конца оригинальных глав HL2.
Я загружаю видео постепенно. Я буду рад если вы оцените мою работу, позитивно или негативно. Канал был создан буквально на днях.

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Нововведения [ ]

Новое оружие [ ]

Теперь в моде 57 оружий. Ниже представлено описание всех новых оружий в моде.

Управление временем [ ]

Управление временем — новая возможность, добавляемая модом. Управление временем работает за счёт энергии костюма. В моде присутствует пять режимов управления временем (настраивается в главном меню):

  • SMOD default — Пули долетают крайне медленно, присутствует графический эффект замедления времени.
  • F.E.A.R style — Пули долетают почти мгновенно.
  • MAX Payne style — Пули долетают ещё быстрее, чем в F.E.A.R style.
  • Config style — Пули долетают мгновенно.
  • TIMESTOP — Полная остановка времени для всех и всего, кроме игрока и пуль.

Новые NPC [ ]

SMOD добавляет ряд новых NPC:

  • Хаундаев
  • Буллсквидов
  • Полностью рабочих сталкеров
  • Красных и синих метрокопов и солдат Патруля Альянса
  • Бронированных метрокопов и солдат Альянса со щитом
  • Вырезанных женщин-ассасинов Альянса
  • Солдат H.E.C.U.
  • Зомби без хедкраба
  • Заражённых граждан (аналог быстрых зомби)
  • Хедкрабов-камикадзе
  • G-Man'а-солдата
  • Доктора Брина-солдата
  • Джудит Моссман-солдата
  • Зомбайнов
  • Лазерный сканеров
  • Лазерные и ракетные турели
  • Доктора Кляйнера-солдата
  • Турель-неваляшка

Теперь NPC могут использовать почти каждое оружие, добавляемое модом.

Жестокость [ ]

Мод добавляет опциональное расчленение тел, изменённую кровь, кровотечение у NPC и другие эффекты от ранений и смерти. При определённых настройках, появилась возможность есть части расчленённых тел, ради получения здоровья. Помимо этого, в моде переработана сложность. Теперь настройка сложности производиться в главном меню. Теперь существует пять уровней сложности:

  • Low — Аналог лёгкой сложности.
  • Medium — Аналог средней сложности.
  • High — Аналог тяжёлой сложности.
  • Very High — Усложнённая тяжёлая сложность
  • Nightmare — Противники очень живучие, урон по игроку повышен, добавлен огонь по своим, прочие изменения.

Кроме того, врагов стало гораздо больше, а сами они научились пользоваться множеством оружий.

Физика [ ]

В меню мода появилась возможность настраивать ragdoll-физику. Теперь ragdoll можно сделать реалистичной или сумасшедшей. Помимо этого, появилась возможность настройки реалистичности движений и оружия.

SMOD is a single player mod of Valve's first-person shooter Half-Life 2. The new content consists of many new NPCs and weapons, new gamemodes, comprehensive customization and tweaking options, new abilities for the player, and new features to the gameplay, such as level randomization and simple branching in the otherwise linear flow of the main episodes.

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This is SMOD Redux but if someone has just started and doesn't know where to put the mod. Then just get this.

SMOD is back, And everyone knows it. Because most of the people who got it play it EVERY Day and if you are a mod starter and don't know where to put this. well, i don't really car just download it

Smod Redux Version 10 (v2) Auto-Extract file

The maps are not loading the console says there's no map to load.

do you own half life 2?

yes gaben owned hl2

no but it works without half life 2

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Заходишь в папку hl2 которая находится в самой папке игры,а потом maps и копируешь все файлы карт и вставляешь на папку maps в SMod.Если не понял посмотри тутор сталкероса по установке смода!

сделал на карте каналы вылетает ответь че делать вообще то?

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Can someone fix the ammo system? it's broken for me, the ammo doesn't run out.

I know, its late but you will need to enter the command in the console its:

weapon_infinityammo 0 or something like that

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also the guest guy is right, some of the maps (objective, survival, etc.) don't work but some also do.

This doesn't seem to work for me. Only some of the levels work, but only the ones that aren't chapters.

thats weird I just put all of my SMOD files on it

I'll see what i can do

hmmm. Ran the .Exe and installed correctly to

sourcemods but does not seem to have taken effect. No change to main menu for example, no discernible changes to game play.

The mod is nice

The guns seem to have a infinite ammo clip, is there anyway to change it?

put sv_infiniteammo 0

says can't find material/console/smbk1.vtf

i just downloaded it the old fashoned way and it works fine

how do u download it?

h o w d o i g e t i t w o r k i n g?

weapon_infinityammo 0 ez ammo fix

Thank you so much, this game is so much better with limited ammo!

yeah but how do we enable and use the dev console?

nvm, just add -console in the start options

you sir, are a hero and have saved this mod for me :)

Is there a way, to just get the more gore parts of the mod ? not really interested in the other stuff, just want more and visceral gore :D

im glad to see this mod still alive

My game is crashing when walking up the hill to the gate in the vortigaunt camp, right after the fight with big antlion. Is this because of the updated half life 2 maps? I own HL2 on steam and just copied the maps from the HL2 maps folder to SMOD's map folder, all the previous chapters were mostly fine except for some weird color issues.

oke what to fix
1.Get all the maps that are not included
2.Get all the Map textures
3.add new stuff and maybe some voice acting to make the game less desolate
4.More guns
5.make unlimited ammo optional
6.fix all the other bugs that suck
8.maybe port over smod to 2007/2013
9.Get health kits in the level
10.and other stuff get it done also for outbreak and we are done here ow yeah and tactical!

3. This is a relaunch of smod so i don't think they will add anything new
4. You think there is enough?
5. Go to console and type weapon_infinityammo 0
9. if you want health kits in levels then switch the gamemode to realistic or default.

SMOD is a single player mod of Valve's first-person shooter Half-Life 2. The new content consists of many new NPCs and weapons, new gamemodes, comprehensive customization and tweaking options, new abilities for the player, and new features to the gameplay, such as level randomization and simple branching in the otherwise linear flow of the main episodes.

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Fixed Smod for original steam. Size: 179 Mb in 7z archive. Really worked in my pc.

Sometimes he terminates itself. Installed on windows 8 (on my computer)
Paste "smodredux " in "xxx:\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods"
Needed cs-source(css weapons..) and hl2, lost coast, ep1-2(i dont know, need or no), source sdk.

Smod Redux 10(v2) Steam-Fix

If this truely works, I will love you forever.
(Not literally, of course. XD)

how do you not literally love someone

I guess he meant platonic

it doesny work for me. great pity. will keep trying. Basically it loads and I see the screen but then nothing happens except Option and Quit. No game will load and the SMOD actions do nothing.

My methood is 1, Don't create a shortcut 2, Make sure that smodredux is in sourcemod folder 3, download the maps and scenes in GamerLuna's (It's in the number 2 section in comments) link 4, Launch the game and then 5, Profit

Thank you. It works!

How do I play the mod? I mean where do I click to play?

You need to have a LEGAL (LEGIT) Half-Life 2 game and obviously download this and paste it as I said, in the sourcemod folder then restart your steam.

hey powermind i need help getting smod to work on mac
it simply just wont start up
i did every thing right and I am not sure whats wrong it doesnt say anything when i hit the play button for steam nothing happens. it shows the version 10 redux thing i have lost coast., hl2, and counterstrike source.

When you say restart Steam, you mean just X out of it then open it back up?

No, goto the top left and click steam. Then click exit, you will then need to reopen steam and it will be fully restarted.

Finaly a working version of Smod after many years thanks alot i Love this Mod so much :D

nothing appear in my game library -.-

How about following my instructions? If you don't get it I'll make a better one.

"3, download the maps and scenes in GamerLuna's (It's in the number 2 section in comments) "
just found it you could tell it was in the summary's comment

and it still don'tshow it self :/

Try asking the DEVELOPER

Please help, everytime I try to load into a loadng screen, it crashes


Just the bullet time? Or even the kick and the other weapons?

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What are the requirements for this mod, as in Source Engine things? Like games? I've got HL2/all episodes/lost coast/deathmatch, and Counter Striker Source. Question is, need any SDK's? Which one specifically? There is like. 3 or 4. Or. all of them? Thanks!

Yes you need SDK 2007 I think, yeah SDK 2007

Can someone tell me how to get the Half-Life 2 storyline on here? The mod only came with only the chapters Sandtraps and 1 other one i think. When i try to go to the first chapter it goes to the main screen and dosent do anything. D:

I got the problem with the start of Black Mesa East and the console states that it can't load alyx_tour04 properly because it can't load Alyx's model. Will this fix it?

This is the error i got before and after extacting that RAR.

Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.
Support for this will go away soon.
- Material : nature/red_grass
- Surface center : -392 3081 -1280
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.
Support for this will go away soon.
- Material : nature/blendsandweed005a
- Surface center : -1604 3984 -1524
AddPropOffsetToMap - already found entry [prop: 295 offset: 3540] in table for DT_NPC_Manhack
CSceneEntity lcs_alyxtour04 unable to find actor named "Alyx"

Cannot play. Error message stating I require backgroundimage01_widescreen in the materials/consoles folder, but there is no consoles folder in materials. I tried to redownload, but the download does not come with that folder at all, it seems. Any troubleshooting?

Try the other versions rather than this, it might work. Plus try my instructions from up top

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I download it and it says that It says: SMOD Version 8

That is sueposed to say.

Its actually supposed to be 10(v2)

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Wait never mind my previous comment thou u dont need it.
but i try to launch my game
it works. when i select start new game and then press a chapter and hit load. it goes back to title screen without loading. i have CSS/HL2/SDK BASE 2007/The HL2 Content/Win.RAR why doesent it work? i also have GCFScape

Ima try reinstalling.

I got it to work, but it seems to not be working 100%, there was some individuals i was not able to kill and also they where just standing in line not moving on the first map for me.

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It look like i got crash when going next level after vortigaunt give you 30 armor, any idea?

ok nevermind, it was gameplay, i gotta restart if i changed gameplay.

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Thank you it is realy working!

I installed it in STEAM but I haven't tried it yet. As soon as I did not see a README, etc I new there would be trouble. Many programmers hate to write documentation. witness the long list of clueless comments. I'm not complaining, just hoping to get it working despite the lack of operating instructions.

Установка [ ]

Для корректной работы мода, требуются:

  • Half-Life 2
  • Half-Life 2: Episode One
  • Half-Life 2: Lost Coast(не обязательно)
  • Half-Life 2: Deathmatch(не обязательно) (2006, 2007, 2013)

Все версии мода устанавливаются аналогично другим модам.






  • 1.2 Гц
  • 256 MB RAM
  • DirectX 7



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