Everspace vr как включить

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Mr_Ghostshadow: atm, I just boot up the game from the gog launcher again, as there is no difference with the special links.
You are correct i get no image in the headset,
Pressing O or F8 does not change a thing, no matter how i launch the game.

Also audio is set to default. i had no reason to force it and is more of a hassel to change then disabling the oculus service which also stops it from launching.

If there is anything you would link me to try let me know.

thx for your time

I was like what the hell lets give it a go and used the -vr link.
Now the damn thing did work.
I'll do some testing later this week, to see if the order of things might change the result.

baci: Thats great! Would be good to know what was the issue :)

I tested a little with the order of booting up programs.
1) Start the game straight from gog = audio on the headset and image on the monitor, i got no way of changing the audio unless i disable the headset of oculus app
2) Boot up with the -vr does not always work
3) first boot oculus app then the -vr link does work
4) boot -novr and -nohmd link = audio on headset image on monitor

Option 2 and 3 never worked, until the driver update which should not have an impact on this game
Update from Nvidia 385.41 (seems there is a new one already)

It would be nice if there was an option in the game menu to switch audio and maybe VR on / off

14 сен. 2016 в 17:15 When i start the game, my Steam VR comes on automatically. Right now, i just want to play the game without VR until the VR is fully optimised and ready. Gone to properties, no VR setting to turn it off. No settings in the menu to turn it off. PLEASE SORT THIS DEV thank you. Game looks great by the way 14 сен. 2016 в 17:16 By default, The 'O' key toggles VR mode. Give that a try. 2 окт. 2016 в 18:31 By default, The 'O' key toggles VR mode. Give that a try.

This response is painful to read. Please read the post more closely next time before responding.

@Mad Dog Biff
Unfortunately, it seems from all the searching I've done that there is only one thing that most people agree works in disabling this issue. I have the same problem with Steam VR starting automatically with Everspace, and closing it closes the game. The only thing pressing 'O' does is switch the camera to the headset while actually flying around, and the perspective is /awful/ and the lack of HUD in the headset even more so. And unfortunately ignoring the issue doesn't help since the audio will only play through the headset's speakers only.

Suggested fixes I've seen that I've tried are as follows:

Typing -novr into the launch options of the game before starting. This does nothing.

Going into SteamVR's settings, going to the developer tab, and turning off the 'Start SteamVR When An Application Starts' option. This does nothing.

Here is the suggested fix I've seen that people agree works, but most also agree it's complete BS to have to do, which includes me which is why I haven't tried it yet:

Unplugging the headset.

Addendum: After additional testing, I was able to bypass the sound issue by going into the playback devices and disabling the Rift Audio Headset there. You can probably do the same with the Vive. So VR will still be running in the background, but you can still play the game with sound and everything. Just don't forget to re-enable the headset audio afterwards.

3 дек. 2017 в 5:59

If I launch the game without steam, I'm not given any options to play VR. The game will only display on the monitor.

If I launch through steam VR, I see the game, but I have no menu or ship control.

3 дек. 2017 в 10:38 To answer my own question. This game requires a game controller and can't be played with the Vive controllers. 5 дек. 2017 в 1:35

Everspace indeed doesn't detect Vive controllers, but if you want to run the game in VR from outside Steam, just create a shortcut of the 64-bit .exe file in your game folder /RSG/Binaries/Win64 and add the command line option "-vr".

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