Dicey dungeons megaquest как установить

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Hey all, this is just a tiny update to fix a few minor bugs. Bigger updates coming in the near future!

- Fixed a potential mod security issue. We had a report that it might be possible to create a mod that can do bad things, so just to be on the safe side, we've made some changes to how scripting works internally. This is why we're putting out a minor patch now instead of waiting for the next big update.
- Fixed some category bugs with Judgement cards.
- Fixed: Super Magician HP modifier was missing for Frog rule.
- Fixed: Rusty Sword should change colour when HP falls *below* 50%, not when it reaches it. Script for damage and colour changes were inconsistent.
- Exclude Aurora from Jester 1, 4 and 6 (Call for Backup Thief could lead to a situation where Aurora only has Mood Change, which cannot be stolen, and therefore doesn't have any cards to steal).

Hello contestants! We've got a new update to Dicey Dungeons today, bringing us up to v1.11! Let the good times roll!

For this update, I decided to really focused on trying to fix as many weird, recurring edge case things as I could. This is stuff that most players will never even encounter, hopefully - it includes fixes from little things like running out of space in your backpack in episodes like Thief Finders Keepers, to losing cards to Curse in the final episode.

(There are also a number of exciting new features and fixes for modders, which I've listed separately in the changelog below.)

With the new update, I'd also like to draw your attention to a couple of mods I like that have gotten updates recently:

The Grab Bag by XenonZed [xenonzed.itch.io]

If you want more item variety in your episodes, check out The Grab Bag, which adds 200+ new items spread across all existing episodes of the game! If you liked MoreFluff, this very much scratches the same itch. It's implemented in such a way that it's compatible with many other mods, too!

Bonus World by Plasmaster09 [plasmaster09.itch.io]

Bonus World focuses on one single episode: the Bonus Round episode for the sixth character. Instead of choosing your finale card, the episode lets you chose an entire deck style, ranging from either the classic vanilla or parallel universe decks, to decks inspired by other mods like Megaquest and Alternate Timeline.

Here are the patch notes for today's update:

  • Dicey Dungeons is now available in Arabic!
  • Once per battle equipment is destroyed after use when weakened (this one was responsible for some very broken looking behaviour in Aurora fights!)
  • Removed Madison's immunity to Freeze, gave her an extra 4 hit points to make up for it.
  • Player HP cannot be reduced below 1 if the enemy has zero hp: this fixes the Thorns/Cactus rule bug that can leave the player with 0 hp.
  • Added support for getting the very rare, but extremely awesome combination of "The Robot" and "Bounty Hunter" remix rules at the same time.
  • Blind? status counter now decreases correctly.
  • If the game window is moved offscreen for any reason, reset the window position on the next startup. (This fixes a serious issue where the game was appearing not to run at all for some people, preventing them from playing.)
  • If you run out of space in your backpack when you find a new item, you can now make room for it by throwing away something old.
  • When playing as Witch, you can now undo spell purchases from shops or chosen as level up rewards.
  • Show the turn number in Bonus Round episodes.
  • Hard modes in Bonus Round episodes now indicate whether you've completed them already or not.
  • Fixed a bug with Lock when playing Robot, where multiple lock statuses would sometimes only count as 1.
  • When playing Robot, "Calculate" action is unavailable when you have an unused Lock?ed dice.
  • New implementation for Robot Freeze? status that's more consistent with the other contestants.
  • Fix UI jitter bug when finishing a battle with Boomerang + Fury.
  • Make Skeleton available in the Final episode!
  • Fixed a bug where curse could destroy critical cards in the Final episode.
  • Remove Blight and Detonator from early Warrior episodes.
  • Precious Egg and Rotten Egg are now immune to curse, which prevents a possible crash on Parallel Universe episodes.
  • Val rule no longer swaps out once per battle equipment, which prevents an input bug on gamepad.
  • Fixed bug where Ungeradedice was not offered as a trade in Thief episodes due to a typo.
  • Changed Shockwave's gadget from Zap to Theremin.
  • Fixed string display on "Blocked !" particles from Alternate Reduce-By status.
  • Spare dice cards no longer trigger Re-Equip next or Curse.
  • Freeze no longer targets dice in Spare Dice cards.
  • Sonic Wave? now upgrades correctly to Sonic Wave?+ instead of Sonic Wave+.
  • Fixed Magic Key- to have an EVEN slot.
  • Buffed Warrior's "Rusty Sword" item to make it more interesting.
  • Thorns? is now removed at the end of a turn, not at the start of it.
  • The Frog rule now chooses Super Enemies (where available). Bit more of a fair fight!
  • Locked dice cannot also be burning - so if you inflict both statuses, lock is inflicted first, and then burn. Previously, the game applied burn to the locked dice, wasting the status.
  • Pirate is now correctly categorised as wearing a hat for Judgement cards.
  • Bully bonus round rule now gives enemies Rock+ in hard mode.
  • Fixed a bug where gamepad could not be used to unsilence Inventor in episode 2.
  • Don't apply bonus damage (e.g. from Rose rule) to Crystalina Bonus Round rule.
  • Fixed Uptick value getting increased twice after fights in Thief episode 3.
  • Lightning Rod maintains charge when weakened.
  • Fixed a bug where Weakening "Run Away!+" would reset the countdown.
  • Fix gamepad movement in Display menu.
  • Fixed UI overlap between name and dice display when enemy has extra dice.
  • Fixed negative flee counter bug.
  • Fixed interaction of Hothead and Warlock rules (Sixes are set on Fire?, not on Fire)
  • Reversal gadget will always steal equipment, even if that card would otherwise not be possible to steal (e.g. Mood Change, Yoink).
  • Reversal gadget won't regenerate once per battle equipment that has already been used.
  • Finders Keepers card now indicates when it has been used, and changes from COUNTDOWN12 to a passive card. (also fixed missing sound event when used)
  • Optimise AI search on countdown equipment.
  • Minor adjustments to Calatan, Welsh, French, Japanese and Chinese localisations.
  • Script errors during simulations now display "(during ai simulation)" in traces.
  • Script "delay()" command will now cause AI to wait before making a move if called in "before start turn" or "on start turn".
  • Fixed some typos in MODDING.txt.
  • Expose "getequipmentlist" function to generator scripts.
  • Exposed new script function: getactivefighter.
  • Exposed new script function: getcharactertemplate.
  • Exposed new script function: _internalgiveequipment.
  • Exposed new script function: animateequipmentintoplace.
  • Exposed new script function: getfightertemplate()
  • Added two new functions to fighter: .squeak(), and .reloadanimation(). "squeak()" is shortcut for playing "personality" voice effects, and "reloadanimation()" is potentially useful if you're doing anything that changes animation mid fight.
  • In status "On damage inflicted" and "On damage taken" scripts, "dmgtype" now contains the type of damage inflicted. Default is "none", which just means non-elemental. e.g. "shock", "poison", "none".
  • Fixed vertical alignment of text on passive cards.
  • Localisation fix: If a translation is not found in equipment.csv, check strings.csv instead as a fallback (useful for descriptions that change during combat)
  • Fixed the bug where if a temporary item (e.g. given by giveequipment() where maketemp is false) is weakened mid-turn, it will no longer be temporary.
  • Thief Stolen cards now run "before start turn", "on start turn" and "on any equipment use" scripts.
  • AI fighters can now use the "self.gold" variable correctly.
  • Equipment string variable <gold> now correctly shows the amount of gold held by the current fighter, not just by the player.
  • The symbol [newline] can be used in equipment descriptions for realtime description changing in mods - this makes the workaround of grabbing the | character from a substring unnecessary.
  • Reuseable copies of equipment now copy more properties of original equipment, like colour and equipment variables.
  • e.getvar(v) now returns Dynamic instead of Int.
  • Better support for changing enemy innates mid fight - e.g. target.addinnate("weakice"); will now work, and will animate the Innate string at the top of the screen.
  • "Reverse Next Target" is no longer triggered on equipment with the "curseavoid" tag.
  • You can now test Frog rule bosses with the -boss="" command line parameter.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause mods to crash on certain generators if they use empty lists.

Hey! I’ve got some big news that might be of interest to some of you – Dicey Dungeons is available right now on Nintendo Switch!

If you've enjoyed the game here on Steam, it would mean a lot to us if you helped spread the word about our console launch! Thanks for playing <3

Surprise! Got another update for Dicey Dungeons ready! This one brings us to v1.10.

The last few updates have been pretty huge, so this one's a little simpler by comparison. I didn't want to wait any longer until I had another huge update ready before I applied the bug fixes in this one! There are a couple of cool new things in this update on top of the bug fixes, like a bit of extra polish to our finale episode (including some fancy end credits!), optimisations to make the game run better, and a new Catalan translation!

Here's the full changelog:

  • Dicey Dungeons is now available in Catalan!
  • About 100 more issues closed on our issues tracker. Lots of tiny details polished up!
  • Fixed a number of small memory leaks in various places.
  • Reduced loading times in cutscenes by selectively only loading assets needed in those cutscenes.
  • A quick animation and audio pass to our cutscenes - nothing very extreme, but a few little things have been improved.
  • Fixed a bug that was slowing down AI speed when considering multiple burning dice.
  • Fixed a bug where Mirror Cauldron and Hall of Mirrors didn't generate in some episodes.
  • Counter Spell now rechecks dice values when they change, so e.g. countering a 1 and freezing a dice should lock the frozen dice. Countering a 6 versus Cowboy is. a good move.
  • Some audio tweaks in our Finale Episode.
  • Fixed flickering when choosing certain level up rewards.
  • Fixed flickering in the upgrade/copyshop stations.
  • Copyshops now always feature Ned and mirror the Upgrade UI.
  • New, fancy ending credits when you complete the Finale Episode.
  • Lots of formatting cleanups to localisations - in particular Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese and Dutch have had lots of little issues fixed.
  • Fixed font kerning issues with Traditional Chinese.
  • Fixed missing Baby Squid voice in cutscenes.
  • Prevent a couple of rule clashes in Bonus Round episodes that don't make sense, e.g. Warlock (change all statuses to Parallel Universe) + Wicker Man (change the fire status to Parallel Universe), Buster (burning dice cost 5HP) + Wicker Man.
  • Instead of using Wail, the level 4 Jester Enemy will use Shriek. (prevents a situation where they might silence the Robot, leaving it with no valid moves on that turn).
  • Fixed crash bug if you reject a trade, then somehow no longer have the item you were offered in trade for (e.g. by upgrading it), and try to execute the trade anyway.
  • Certain weird cards (e.g. Call for Backup Witch?, Mood Change) will now quietly never trigger curse, preventing a number of game breaking situations. (this was particularly an issue for Parallel Universe rules)
  • In the tutorial, don't let the player enter the Jester fight without any weapons.
  • In Inevitability of Rust, when transforming enemy equipment, don't give it durability.
  • Fixed glitchy behaviour when fighting Aurora if she's shocked.
  • Fixed a bug where end of episode cutscenes in mods sometimes didn't load correctly.
  • Localised the Halloween Special title screens.
  • Fixed Jester discard/snap playing the wrong SFX.
  • Categorise the low health SFX as music, not SFX (so you can mute it).
  • Fix for a certain enemy not knowing how to use Divine Axe.
  • Fixed some categorisation bugs with Judgement cards - Vacuum IS NOT a level 1 enemy, Rhino Beetle IS an animal.
  • Fixed up the <d6> symbol so that it looks better when scaled for equipment strings.
  • In Woof Woof Woof and similar cards, reworded "repeat next attack" as "Repeat next action".
  • Made a weakened version of Polar Star+, so that getting weakened with Polar Star+ doesn't leave the equipment unusable.
  • Fixed weird looking dice tween that sometimes occurred when fighting Crystalina.
  • Fixed the display of three line size-one equipment with conditional slots (mostly a modding thing, but could come up with the Magician rule in vanilla).
  • Fixed a crash bug that could potentially happen if you use equipment that self-inflicts status effects on your own turn (comes up in Halloween Special in a few places)
  • Cap status effects at 9999 (prevents a rare crash where players could use Blight to go above MAXINT poison)
  • Lament now does Ice elemental damage with its attacks.
  • Fixed the Phantom Dice exploit with Jester (snapping cards with Free slots, e.g. Lament+, used to create bonus dice that you could use)
  • Various small fixes for "Action!" and "Picnic Basket" equipment.

It's finally here! Usually, I try to keep these update posts as short as I can, but that's going to be difficult this time around: v1.9 is our biggest update since launch.

  • v1.9 brings two new localisations - our long awaited Japanese localisation by Go Endo at Kakehashi Games (and including the Halloween Special translated by Tomoko Kono!), and a brand new Welsh translation by Morgan Roberts with Menter Caerffili!
  • The new version brings a host of new quality of life improvements to various parts of the game - for example, you can now preview spells when playing as Witch, and see what gadgets you'll get from various equipment when playing as Inventor. There are lots of subtler things too, like equipment descriptions updating values when you hover dice over them.
  • There are 9 new remix rules for the Bonus Round episodes! Some of them are pretty simple, but it includes two new ones that I'm very excited about: the Frog rule, which allows any enemy from the dungeon to appear as a boss (with increased health!), and the Magician rule, which changes the slots on your equipment on your turn.
  • v1.9 finally updates our modding API to v1.0, and delivers a massive number of features that modders have been requesting for a while. This means that future mods can do more, and can be more compatible with each other.
  • This version also represents a major firming up of the game, fixing all sorts of obscure edge case bugs. We've closed more than 200 issues on our github since the last update.

Wrong Enemies [ssbninja.itch.io] (by ssbninja)

A fantastic mod that reverses the enemy levels: all the enemies have new equipment layouts, with bosses now appearing as level 1 monsters and level 1 monsters now appearing as bosses!

Floorplan [bigpotato.itch.io] (by BigPotato)

A great, simple mod that does one thing and does it really well - provides a bunch of alternate floor plan layouts for each run. Because of how it works, it's cross-compatible with basically all other mods!

Pyromancer [kz.itch.io] (by Kcaze)

A rare mod that creates a whole new character. The pyromancer is designed around the burn status effect, with cards that depend on how many of your own dice are currently burning!

More Squid [jackeea.itch.io] (by Jackeea)

It's basically impossible to describe what this mod is without spoilers, so I'll just say this: do you like Baby Squid? This is more squid. (By the author of the huge and fantastic More Fluff mod, previously mentioned in these updates, and also ready and updated for v1.9.)

Dicey Dungeons Alpha MIDI Pop [ncrecc.itch.io] (by ncrecc)

If you've been following Dicey Dungeons since the early days, you might enjoy the Alpha MIDI Pop mod, which brings back all weird distorted midi pop music soundtrack from the very early alpha versions!

Cauldron Mania [notaninart.itch.io] (by Notan Lemon)

A really interesting and different feeling mod, with lots of unique feeling equipment. It includes five new episodes - a robot, a Witch and a Thief episode, and elimination round versions of the Robot and Witch episodes. I particularly love the Robot's episode "Roulette Game".

It's been really wonderful seeing people discover the game over the past year. I'm so proud of what we made. Thanks for playing <3

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Dicey Dungeons. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Dicey Dungeons.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.


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Все враги-вампиры!
Вы торгуете предметами с врагами!
Игра продолжается уже на протяжении 8 этажей!
и еще много чего!
И на этом все не заканчивается - пока вас не было, было набрано 4 новых монстра и добавлено 300 новых предметов в тайник! После всего этого времени, есть ли у вас удача, чтобы выиграть приз? Или ты все еще обречен торчать в подземельях.

Hi, Is there a way to reset progress in the game? Or to have another save file?

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On windows, the game data is saved at %appdata%\Terry Cavanagh Games\diceydungeons

As u/alexmitchell1 stated, your local files will be in:

So that would usually be:

So back those up (or delete them).

If you are using Steam you will need to do the extra step of turning off Steam Cloud synchronization.

In Steam, go to your library and find Dicey Dungeons in the right hand list. Right click and select the properties option.

Select the mods you want to load, then "Load Mod(s)", and boom.

Open Finder and press Shift+Command+G

Go to the installation folder - for Steam this should be

/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Dicey Dungeons/

Download the mod you want to play

Extract it into Dicey Dungeons/mods

Then, start up the game, and press Escape -> Mods

Select the mods you want to load, then "Load Mod(s)", and boom.

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directions for Mac:

Open Finder and press Shift+Command+G

Go to the installation folder - for Steam this should be

/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Dicey Dungeons/

Download the mod you want to play

Extract it into Dicey Dungeons/mods

Then, start up the game, and press Escape -> Mods

Select the mods you want to load, then "Load Mod(s)", and boom.

What mods are there to install? What do they do?

They do all kinds of things, some add new equipment, some have completely different episodes and some add additional characters. Some do all of it at once.

MegaQuest adds different episodes/enemies/equipment.

More Fluff adds a lot of new equipment.

Pyromancer add a brand new character.

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