Легенда о драгунах читы

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Бесплатная бутылка воды:
Продолжайте отвергать предложения торговца, скорее всего
он отдаст её вам бесплатно.

Коды для взломщика:
800ВС920 FFFF
800ВВ004 1770
800ВВ05С 1770
800ВВ030 1770
800BAFAC 1770
800BAFD8 1770
800BAF80 1770
800BAEFC 1770
800BAF28 1770
800BAF54 1770
800ВВ006 03Е7
800ВВ05Е 03Е7
800ВВ032 03Е7
800BAFAE 03Е7
800BAFDA 03Е7
800BAF82 03Е7
800BAEFE 03Е7
800BAF2A 03Е7
800BAF56 03Е7
800ВВ008 03Е7
800ВВ060 03Е7
800ВВ034 03Е7
800BAFB0 03Е7
800BAFDC 03Е7
800BAF84 03Е7
800BAF00 03Е7
800BAF2C 03Е7
800BAF58 03Е7
800ВВ054 FFFF
800ВВ028 FFFF
300BB00E 003C
300ВВ066 00ЗС
300ВВ03А 003С
300BAFE2 003С
300BAFB6 003С
300BAF8A 003С
300BAF5F 0032
300BAF06 0032
300BAF32 003С
300BB00F 0032
300BAFE3 0032
300ВВ067 0032
300ВВ03В 0032
300BAFB7 0032
300BAF8B 0032
300BAF5E 003С
300BAF07 0030
300BAF33 0032

Easy Wins:
(This cheat requires a TURBO PAD) To easily defeat bad guys, first select a special item, next select the person you want to attack. Now switch the semi-auto fire button to on and hold down X; this will increase the meter to at least 250% damage.

More damage!:
When you are in battle with a character that can do Additions and you select Attack and you are charging at the enemy as the outer square closes in on the inner square press the X button just as the two squares hit and if your timing is done right you can hit them an extra time giving you more SP and dealing out more damage. With different Additions you can do more and more damage. Good Luck!

Easy way to get additions!:
On the 2nd disk and 4th their is a monster called the spiral shell this monster can easily be killed but if you defend enough and let the monster do it. It will put up a physical block sheild and it hardly if ever tries to block you. It takes patince some times.

Make sure you have people in your party with the highest max HP. Keep your HP as high as you can without going through turns oh Healing Breezes and Potions. You might want to consider having Rose in your party because she has the Astral Drain magic which can heal your entire party and do damage to Lenus at the same time. Keep hitting with everyone until you can get a special. Your best bet is to use the special of the person wit the strongest attack. That way you can use your Dragoon Attack and you will automatically pull of the finisher (a perfect.) When Lenus moves her hands and draws a Chinese letter in the air hold on to your hats because it will do serious, I mean SERIOUS damage.

Easy Boss Defeats or enemies!! ( Turbo Controller ):
If you have a turbo controller use this cheat!! ( Turbo Controller is a controller with a turbo button ) Buy a ton of Burn Out and when you run into a strong enemy use the Burn Out and press the turbo and the X button together and just hold the X button all the way until the percentage meter in the bottom right hand corner stops!

Kill Rare Monsters Easily:
If you hate fighting those rare monsters like operates and blue bird that always run away, you might profit from this code. Instead of trying to hit the rare monsters and keep missing, try using items such as satchet or other magic items.

Sword (3,500 HP)
Helmet (2,500 HP)
Armor (3,400 HP)

Tip: destroy the sword first. After the battle you will receive the soul eater which may seem bad because it decays HP. If you equip the therapy ring it will have no effect. You also win the smoke ball which can let you run away from any minor enemies and can be used an infinite amount of times.

On the fourth disc once you can reach vellweb again help Shirley and the Dragoons from the Dragon Campaign by defeating the for dragoons.

Syuveil (10,000 HP)
Damia (9,000)
Belzac (16,000 HP)
Kanzas (12,000 HP)

The only reward from these battles are money and experience. Finally after collecting all stardust receive the vanishing stone and fight Faust and win a Phantom Shield.

Escape easier:
When you escape from a battle, if you push the "x" button, right before you would normally turn around, you will get a better chance of escaping.

Boss with the dragon block:
When fighting the boss that has the dragon block stuck in him only use physical and magic items only. If transformed into a dragoon the boss will use the dragon block and will render you helpless with only 10-20 hp damage!

When fighting Lloyd do not transform into a Dragoon he will use the Dragon Buster on you and you will die. Use the attack ball and magic attacks on him he will dodge most physical attacks.

Boss Hints:
When you get to the 4th disc, and you must free all of the dead souls, including the divine dragon, an easy way to go about this is to skip all of the spirits and go straight for Lavitzs soul. After you beat Lavitz go back and pick up all the items you would have normally got if you would have defeated to dead souls.

Get the Water Bottle Cheap:
When you have to buy the water bottle from the merchant to hold the pure water, I have a way to get it for 100 gold. All you have to do is say no when he offers it to you for 1000, and he will bring it down to 500. Keep saying no until he offers it for 100, but you have to say yes when he offers it for 100, other wise he will not sell it to you!

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