Friendship with benefits секреты

Обновлено: 12.06.2024

So, you're playing this lovely game with immensely lovely ladies, and you check your to-do list. Wait, what the heck is this counter in the top right? That's right, there are secrets in this game, and they're surprisingly easy to get to once you play around. Pun intended.

In this guide, I'll list each secret in the order the dev hinted at in the news post, then roughly explain what you need to do in order to have that secret counter tick up to complete. Please be aware, some of these secrets literally cannot be completed unless you've accomplished certain things in not just individual character's stories but also the main storyline as well. In other words, SPOILERS AHOY!

Also, please keep in mind that many of these I got after completing about half of the game. So if one of the secrets isn't showing up for you, try getting further along in not just the main events but also each of the character's lives.











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Now, I'm copying this straight from the news post for easy reference. We'll be coming back to this plenty of times, so it's good to have it here for quick perusal.

Secret 1: It's time to go werewolf hunting, but we need a +1 to help us out.
Secret 2: What's up with that Bunny, anyway?
Secret 3: Did you know there are actually two dragons?
Secret 4: This is what happens when you get drunk and sleep around too much.
Secret 5: Déjà vu with Honeycrisp.
Secret 6: Cream has a surprise for you.
Secret 7: Someone has another set of lingerie they want to try with you.
Secret 8: This girl is surprisingly flexible. Did you know she used to be a ballerina?
Secret 9: I'm aerodynamic. Big breasts just get in the way.
Secret 10: At the break of Dawn.
Secret 11: Melody finally unleashes her inner femdom. Question is, where?
Secret 12: Working with a Succubus is probably a bad idea.
Secret 13: Talk to the cured werewolf. But, who is it?

Now, on to the actual guide section. Might as well work our way from the top of the list downwards, makes things very easy for us all.

Secret 1: It's time to go werewolf hunting, but we need a +1 to help us out.

This one is fairly straightforward, but it does require that you complete most of the game before you can get to it. Spoilers ahead, folks!

You'll need to meet up with Zoe the zebra, in the deep part of the forest as you take a well-protected night time stroll. She'll be trying to lure in a werewolf, with the help of Butters, in order to pour a lycanthropy-cleansing potion down its throat. Sadly, she doesn't have much success in this endeavor, but she does lure in something far more satisfying: You!

After this, you'll need to not only talk with Butters(and possibly Zoe as well, I'm not sure on that) about their falling-out, you'll also need to have absolutely thrashed Morrigan at the height of her power, which earns you a nifty little scar on the torso.

In addition, you'll have to have had sex with Zoe at least once at her cabin in the deep forest.

Secret 2: What's up with that Bunny, anyway?

This one is much more straightforward than the last one, thankfully. You'll still need to complete part of the game, but nowhere near as much as before. Again, spoilers ahead, folks!

For this one, you'll need to help Butters cure her condition so she'll be able and willing to sell you some potions. When she does, ask her about the one labeled "Bunny Potion" and - after finding out that it's actually a potion that induces anthropomorphization in non-anthro beings, including a boost in intelligence to comprehend the situation - buy it off of her.

She'll pass you the potion and her pet bunny, Devil. Despite her small size, Devil's a fast learner once she's given an opportunity to get vocal. This'll eat up a whole day, so I hope you didn't have much planned, my friend.

Secret 3: Did you know there are actually two dragons?

This one is really, really heartwarming. Literally! It involves a certain purple dragon lady in the market.

You'll need to have taken Cindy up on both of her offers AND completed at least Cream's main storyline for this one, so it's a little more involved than the last one. Once you've completed those events, you're going to see Cream and Cindy talking about muffins and business-type stuff. Soon enough, though, Cream'll head off to the bakery, and Cindy will be ecstatic to see you.

I won't go into the details here, but you should definitely take her up on her offer and help as best you can. A little bit of softness goes a long way, y'know.

Secret 4: This is what happens when you get drunk and sleep around too much.

This one's definitely got some involvement to it. You'll need to visit the bar in the suburbs multiple times, making sure you meet up with the two canid girls Hilda and Rosa. Once you've met up with both of them individually, you may need to go to the bar a few more times for the both of them to meet each other.

Don't forget to have the hair of the canids that bit you, my friend.

Secret 5: Déjà vu with Honeycrisp.

This one is ridiculously easy to get, as all you need to do is help Honeycrisp on the farm while her arm's still in a cast at the start of the game, then come back any time after her arm's out of the cast. You may need to try for this one multiple times in a row, as it's got a 50% chance of happening every day after the cast comes off.

This is not the only one that has a 50% chance of happening after the conditions are met, so be prepared to try for multiple days to get one of these event types to happen.

Secret 6: Cream has a surprise for you.

Our second 50% chance event! No, this isn't the last one. The good news is we're around halfway through this guide, though!

You'll need to have completed Cream's storyline at the very least, this won't happen otherwise. Cream's a strange lass sometimes, but she's a real sweetheart and she absolutely loves making people happy. You'll need to follow her to her bedroom after helping out at the bakery during the day.

Secret 7: Someone has another set of lingerie they want to try with you.

A third 50% event? Yep! Don't worry, this one's much more. Refined. It involves a certain seamstress who likes to show off her works, but this time she wants to do a private show just for you.

You absolute stud

Suggestive comments aside, Ruby's main storyline needs to be completed for this one, at the very least. Help her out at the boutique and accompany her to her bedroom after the work day is done, you won't regret it.

Secret 8: This girl is surprisingly flexible. Did you know she used to be a ballerina?

Are we seriously on Number 8? And it's another 50%? Yep, both questions are correct! Don't worry, you're gonna love this one.

Have you completed Lily's storyline yet? Cause you'll need to for this one. Who knew that such a petite bookworm could stretch like that so early in the day?

Secret 9: I'm aerodynamic. Big breasts just get in the way.

Just this one and four more to go, we're almost done! And yes, this is another 50% one. But it involves our favorite athlete-turned-bartender, Riku!

Help her out with her story and meet up with her in the day at her bar, she's got something that'll get you rock hard and have your libido climbing.

Yes, I make shameless puns and enjoy the groans. You're not here for the very bad jokes I make, you're here to thoroughly plow these lovely ladies! Hop to it, we're almost done!

Secret 10: At the break of Dawn.

This one's got a LOT of prep work behind it, so you'd better strap in for the long haul.

If, like me, you held off on the nightclub until after the main story, then most of the work for this one has been done. All you have to do now is seduce that lovely light-yellow mare who owns the nightclub and regularly walks about in a ruffled blue-and-black dress. That's certainly eye-catching, and she's no ordinary lady either.

Help her out with her story until the To-Do list says "Complete!" for her entry, then go and visit her business during the day. And don't be afraid, a little morning dew doesn't hurt.

Secret 11: Melody finally unleashes her inner femdom. Question is, where?

This is it, we're down to the last three. Don't give up yet, down some water and get ready for this one. It may take a few tries, as this is one of those 50% events again.

While helping Ruby out with her stuff, you doubtless encountered her sister Melody. She's got a domme streak a country mile wide, despite. or perhaps because of her petite form. Regardless, visiting her at the studio and plying that silver tongue of yours, along with some honest truths and some daring swipes, will be rewarding.

Secret 12: Working with a Succubus is probably a bad idea.

I think this is our last 50% event. And this one involves someone we know intimately, good and bad. Or, at least, reserved and forceful. Eh, two sides, same coin kind of deal. You get the picture.

If you've read this far, then you should already know that there are spoilers here. Just reminding you.

You'll need to have helped Butters with her condition, and spent time talking with her other side. Take her out into the field and gather some ingredients for potion making, and you may just find yourselves back in a familiar cave. This one may take a while to get, so make sure you go foraging with SuccuButters when you can.

Secret 13: Talk to the cured werewolf. But, who is it?

This is it. The last one. The final piece of the puzzle.

I say that, but these secrets can be done in almost any order. I say almost any order because.

You need to complete the very first secret listed before this one becomes available. That's right, this one's locked behind another secret! While you're completing the first secret, you learn the female werewolf's identity fairly quickly, and you can actually visit her the very next morning and knock both of these out fairly quickly once all other criteria are met.



Alot of these Events have like 50% of happening, usually the ones were u visit a place or work at a certain place. As i don't remember ALL Requirements the game gave me upon unlocking. General rule seems to be: Route finished and often also Morrigan beaten

Secret 1: It's time to go werewolf hunting, but we need a +1 to help us out.
Forest at Night, help Werewolf Hunting, Zoe max Affinity and Morrigan beaten

Secret 2: What's up with that Bunny, anyway?
Unlocks with Secret 1? If not, buy the new Potion at Flutters

Secret 3: Did you know there are actually two dragons?
Market at Cindy(may needs more than one visit), needs to unlock all her scenes beforehand

Secret 4: This is what happens when you get drunk and sleep around too much.
Visit Bar at Night, must have met Hilda and Rosa before

Secret 5: Déjà vu with Honeycrisp.
Work at Farm, must be after she got rid of her Cast

Secret 6: Cream has a surprise for you.
Well, wok at Bakery, much surprise!

Secret 7: Someone has another set of lingerie they want to try with you.
Work at Boutique after finishing Rubys Route

Secret 8: This girl is surprisingly flexible. Did you know she used to be a ballerina?
Work at Library

Secret 9: I'm aerodynamic. Big breasts just get in the way.
Work with Riku

Secret 10: At the break of Dawn.
Visit Nightclub at Day

Secret 11: Melody finally unleashes her inner femdom. Question is, where?
Visit Music Studio

Secret 12: Working with a Succubus is probably a bad idea.
Work at Forest with Succubus Flutters

Secret 13: Talk to the cured werewolf. But, who is it?
Go to Music Studio after doing Secret 1

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