Эрик томас секреты успеха

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Все слышали эту знаменитую цитату от Эрика Томаса , но что она значит?

У всех есть мечты, и каждый хочет жить успешной жизнью. Но все сводится к тому, насколько вам это плохо. Если вы готовы пожертвовать тем, чем другие не готовы жертвовать, и работать, будто ваша жизнь, зависит от этого - вы на правильном пути.

Речь идет о приверженности и сосредоточении внимания. Речь идет о том, чтобы активно жить, а не пассивно существовать.

Чтобы убедиться, что вы достигли своих целей, вот четыре важных урока по приверженности и тому, как они подпитывают успех.

Эрик Томас – американский мотивационный спикер. Эрик Томас – американский мотивационный спикер.

1. Отказаться от оправданий.

Пока у вас есть оправдания, у вас никогда не будет успеха. Чтобы быть полностью приверженными, важно отпустить оправдания . Отговорки - это не что иное, как ложь, которая заставляет вас отказаться от вашей мечты.

Не хватает времени? Установите свои приоритеты и решите задачи беспощадно. Не знаете, как? Найдите наставника. Чувствуете себя ленивым и немотивированным? Определите свою истинную цель.

2. Перейдите от заинтересованности к стремлению

Существует большая разница между интересом к успеху и стремлением к успеху

Одно - принятие желаемого за действительное, а другое - ответственность.

Когда вы просто хотите добиться успеха, когда вас просто интересует - вы найдете отговорки, чтобы отказаться. Вы можете обвинить своего начальника, свое образование, свою семью и.т.д. Но когда вы будете устремлены, вы возьмете на себя стопроцентную ответственность и будете работать для своей мечты с абсолютной самоотдачей.

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Eric Thomas The Secret to Success

The Secret to Success Eric Thomas Издательство: Spirit Reign Communication Старинная литература / на английском языке Английский 9780974623108 Рейтинг книги: Добавить книгу в избранное Ваша оценка:

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Copyright © 2011 Eric Thomas

All rights reserved.

The author assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of facts and quotations as cited in this book.

Cover and Interior Design by Daryl S. Anderson Sr., Founder and

CEO of Spirit Reign Communications

Cover: Karl Phillips

Studio Photo: Nicholas Brezzell

Written by Eric Thomas

Michigan State University Founder of Advantage Retention

PhD. Candidate Educational Administration

Senior Consultant of International Urban Educational Consultant

Senior Pastor Place of Change Ministries

Special Thanks BTM and BTC family: Black, Tre, Byron and George Purnell, David Richardson, James, Eric Smith, Gilbert, Ian, Kelly, Rupert Thompson, Jamal, Mason West, Big Will, T. Black (Xist entertainment) Frank Dent, Sheldon Kay, The entire West End family, Rebecca Willis, Stonophia Burrows, Tracy Fitz, Trabee, Lydia Henderson, David Arrington, Derrick Williams, Tina Riley, Geraldine Malory.

Special Thanks to The Detroit Center Church (Glenda Moseley for all your love and support, Pastor Phillip Willis and Sister Willis for your tough love, sister Burse, Elder Craig and King. Bethel Lansing for giving me my first assignment and A.P.O.C. Ministries for letting me be myself and realizing that some birds aren’t meant to be caged.

Thanks for looking out: Shawn Crockwell (Bermuda Love), Patrick and Paul Graham, Marcus Flowers, Jeff Ross, Equa Epps, Gama(s) (Bernie, Bam Bam, Keaton, Al, Lonny, Shawn, Angelo & Byron Scott) and Maurice Gordon, Davion Fouche, the Graham crew (Camille, Dave, and Michele), and the Raw Dogs (Rodney Cooper, and Jeff Wilder).

OC West Wings for life: Mo from the N.O. (New Orleans), Jeff Harley (Atlantic City), Gerald Pennick (L.A.), Christian (Oklahoma), Henry and Curtis (Birmingham).

Educators: Henry Ford High Mrs. Nun

Oakwood Elder Shan the Man, Dr. Barnes, Dr. Janice Johnson, Dr. Evelyon Johnson, Coach Roddy, Dr. and sister Paul, Trevor Frazier, President and first lady Baker, Deborah Fryson

Michigan State University Rodney Patterson, Murray Edwards, Dr. Chris Dunbar, Dr. Bonita Curry, Dr. Lee June, Dr. Sonia Gunnings, Dr. Pero Dagbovie, Dr. Susan Printy and Dr. Nancy Coldflesh.

And sincere thanks to All my Haters. Your negativity and criticism continues to push me and challenge me to reach new levels of greatness.

This book is dedicated to:

Vernessa and Jesse Thomas (mom & dad). Thanks for being courageous enough to be my parents and not my friends. I can see clearly now the rain is gone (meaning, I have children of my own. lol).

De De Moseley (the love of my life). Thanks for being the other piece of iron that sharpens me and for being the wind beneath my wings.

I will Love you always:

Jeneco and Malori (lil sisters)

Jalen and Jayda (my seeds)

Ladies of my life:

Grandma Gwen, Grandma Lama, Auntie Wanda, Auntie Cleo, Auntie Booby, Auntie Tawana for your continued support since diapers. Sister Lamb, Ma Trotter and Ma Bez (Sterline Foster)

Unlce Bruce, Uncle Jimmy, Tim and Wayne Smith, Robert King, Leon Burnette, Pastor James Doggette, T. Marshall Kelly, Preston Turner, Rupert Cannonier, Clift Kyle, Renee Chandler, Steve, Pastor James Black, Elder Ward and E. E. Cleveland

LaDon Daniels, Lee Lamb, Lloyd Paul (S/O St. Marteen), Carlas Quinney, Burks Hollands, Shannon Austin, Greg Arneaud, Adrian Marsh, Derrick Green, Quest Green, Joey Kibble, Karl Phillips.

Oakwood legends who inspired me:

Dennis Ross III, Virtue (mad love for the Trotter sisters) and Shavon Floyd, Sharon Riley and Faith Chorale, Charles Arrington, Angelic Clay, Angela Brown, Brian McKnight, W.S.B. (Willing Succeeding and Black) DP (Owen Simmons), Voice of Triumph (Damien Chandler), Whitney Phips, Barry Black, Chris Willis, Take 6, Dajuan Starling, and Connect Four.

Foreword Dr. Lee N. June

Section I

The Struggle

1. Boiling Point

2. Sweet Little Lies

3. I’m a Survivor

Section II

The Solution

4. Change Starts With You

5. Where Do I Start

6. When I Move You Move

7. Go Where You’re Celebrated Not Tolerated

8. Momentum is Promiscuous: One day it’s with you, the next day

9. Enough is Enough

Section III

The Secret 2 My Success

10. A Different World

11. Put a Ring on It

12. What an Experience

13. Enter to Learn Depart to Serve

14. P.U.S.H (Push Until Something Happens)

15. White Sands and Blue Water

16. You Gotta Want It As Bad As You Wanna Breathe

17. Careful What You Wish For

18. If I Could Be Like Mike

19. Don’t Cry Over spilled Milk. Wipe it Up and Pour Yourself Another Glass

20. Miracle Territory

Epilogue: Eric Thomas

A Message From the Author

Booking Eric Thomas

Bring Home The Motivation

This is an excellent book, written by a person with a profoundly relevant message. The message is inspirational, motivational, and timely. It is inspirational because it is a message of resiliency, hope, and success. It is motivational because it leads the reader to see that success is possible; that one can overcome odds; and that what appear to be setbacks can be building blocks. It is timely because there is a need today, and in all ages, for a message of hope for all, but particularly for our youth and aspiring high school and college students.

I remember vividly meeting Mr. Thomas (Eric) when he first gave his presentation at Michigan State University. The presentation was well received and I said to myself- “This is a person with a message”. The message that day was one of honesty, hope, survival, resiliency and yes-motivational. So well received, he was invited back to campus numerous times. As I have come to know and respect Mr. Thomas over the years, I can now say that he is not just a motivational speaker, but someone with a life story that motivates. He walks the talk and practices what he “preaches”.

I recommend this book to all. While autobiographical and gripping in the story it tells, it is also filled with success and life tips. This is what I really like about the book. The tips are born out of life experiences and presented in a way that is appealing, gripping, and educational.

The Secret to Success: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Eric Thomas: The Secret to Success

The Secret to Success

Eric Thomas

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