Druidstone the secret of the menhir forest читы

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Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest

Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest

Статистика: Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы 16 мая. 2019 в 19:05 Niederdorf Mansion code? Does anyone know what the code is for the padlock in the Niederdorf Mansion is? I am terrible at these number puzzles and can't work it out. I have read the texts on the paintings but am still stuck. 16 мая. 2019 в 19:32 16 мая. 2019 в 19:36 16 мая. 2019 в 19:39

No probs. If you want to work it out, the main painting shows 1 dog - 1 man - 1 chicken.

Men outnumber dogs by 3.
Dogs outnumber chickens by 5.

1 chicken + 5 dogs = 6 dogs
6 dogs + 3 men = 9 men

Then the order is that of the painting, so dog-man-chicken, 6-9-1.

27 мая. 2019 в 10:36

What kind of logic is that? I never understand those devs

"the men i have murdered outnumbers the dogs by three" 1 dog+3=4 men
"the dogs i have poisoned outnumbers the chicken by five" 1 chicken +5=6 dogs
"I am without sin like a newborn" without=0
So correct combo should be 460

27 мая. 2019 в 10:47 Even if a chiken is 0 then dogs 5 and men 8. It is a simpliest puzzle from grade 1-2 math book.
Dog = Y = X+5. Chiken = X. Men = Y+3 = X+5+3 = X+8. Since you can only use single digits the code is either 691 or 580. 27 мая. 2019 в 12:23 You can also use 169.
I never understood why 1 was last. 30 мая. 2019 в 3:45 You can also use 169.
I never understood why 1 was last.
Because on the big frame on top of the stairs the dog is on the left, the human in the middle and the chicken on the right therefore 6 in left position, 9 in the middle and 1 to the right. 30 мая. 2019 в 4:49

What kind of logic is that? I never understand those devs

"the men i have murdered outnumbers the dogs by three" 1 dog+3=4 men
"the dogs i have poisoned outnumbers the chicken by five" 1 chicken +5=6 dogs
"I am without sin like a newborn" without=0
So correct combo should be 460

If you murdered 6 dogs then 4 men is not the correct number.

No idea where you got this newborn / 0 thing from.

Отредактировано Xara; 30 мая. 2019 в 4:49 13 июн. 2019 в 22:35

What kind of logic is that? I never understand those devs

"the men i have murdered outnumbers the dogs by three" 1 dog+3=4 men
"the dogs i have poisoned outnumbers the chicken by five" 1 chicken +5=6 dogs
"I am without sin like a newborn" without=0
So correct combo should be 460

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. The paintings seemed to have a newborn, mother, father connection too, so I thought it would be newborn = 0, mother = 4, father = 6, so 046. That didn't work. Maybe its in a different order? So I tried 460, 604, 640, none of those work. 12 сен. 2020 в 8:22 Even if a chiken is 0 then dogs 5 and men 8. It is a simpliest puzzle from grade 1-2 math book.
Dog = Y = X+5. Chiken = X. Men = Y+3 = X+5+3 = X+8. Since you can only use single digits the code is either 691 or 580.

Actually the amount of chickens isn't unknown it is exactly 1.
The woman confesses that the amount of dogs she poisend outnumbers the chicken to 5

chicken, not chickens she uses singular. That's the only way to know the exact numbers of chickens the big canvas is just therw to tell you what you need for the code, that confused me at the start.

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