Your pack file has become corrupted poe как исправить

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

File corrupted!. This program has been manipulated and maybe it's infected by a virus or cracked. This file won't work anymore.?

Тебе сообщает, что программа взломана, либо не лицензионная. Или же у тебя есть вирусы, которые мешают запуску программы

файл схвачен, эта программа манипулирует и может быть заражена вирусом или кряком, Этот файл Хочет работать дальше ( Если Дословно)

Файл поврежден. эта программа была изменена и, возможно, инфицирована вирусом или взломана. эта программа больше работать не будет. это в вольном переводе. что делать? если это крякнутая игра, то отключи антивирус и переустанови игру.

инфицированый ключ, к какой то проге или игре. Пробуй антивирусом не поможет удаляй программу и ставь по новой но антивирус все равно нужен

Я просто в диспетчере задач определил местонахождение программы и удалил её

11 ноя. 2018 в 17:44

Our laptop is too old for it and cant support it. (we did some googling)
rip T_T

My husband downloaded the game on our Windows 7 laptop, and the main menu loads fine, but as soon as he tries to log in the game never loads, and a window pops up that you cant close out of without opening task manager.

Edit: This is what shows up on the window.
In source code file:
1.cpp at line 195,
Processing File:
Error: =2005270523

He's currently verifying, it's just really odd, cause it didnt do that on my computer lol.
(although I couldnt play because it was lagging so bad that I couldnt move, probably because of my wireless internet, so he's trying on his cause he has an alienware)

11 ноя. 2018 в 17:46 verify the files with steam, if you suspect corrupt files 11 ноя. 2018 в 17:55 verify the files with steam, if you suspect corrupt files Thanks he's trying that out now.
Edit: all files are validated. He's gonna try to relaunch.
Edit edit: nope still crashed. 11 ноя. 2018 в 18:05

My husband downloaded the game on our Windows 7 laptop, and the main menu loads fine, but as soon as he tries to log in the game never loads, and a window pops up that you cant close out of without opening task manager.

Edit: This is what shows up on the window.
In source code file:
1.cpp at line 195,
Processing File:
Error: =2005270523

He's currently verifying, it's just really odd, cause it didnt do that on my computer lol.
(although I couldnt play because it was lagging so bad that I couldnt move, probably because of my wireless internet, so he's trying on his cause he has an alienware)

Does your graphics card support DirectX 11? If not you will have to change to DX9 or DX10 before trying to load the game.

You can press the Windows key +R and type dxdiag into the box and press enter to open DX diagnostics and it will tell you if DirectX is installed properly and also what versions of DirectX your graphics card supports.

24 Nov, 2013 às 6:37

I just spent a day on downloading PoE through steam and when I finally should be able to play, I received an error:

Error Opening File:

And after three the same windows like above I got Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error, saying:
"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."

I ran an application from Steam's common folder, where PoE is installed, called PackCheck.exe and it fetched me a message as below:

"Checking pack file Content.ggpk.
Fatal Error: Your pack file has become corrupted. Currently the only way to fix this is to delete Content.ggpk and download it again by running the client."

Seriously, I don't feel like downloading 4 438 317 KB file once more - trust me, this is really a bad idea to keep all the game's data in one huge file.

I understand that most people can afford and probably own IPS with bandwidth speed of over 20Mb/s, but there are also people who don't and can't do this - such as me. I just wanted to spend ONE day in a week, and enjoy my time in some good game, but even Steam disappoints me.

So according to the above advice - I am asking for help with this. Is there another way to fix this?

24 Nov, 2013 às 8:27

You could try to validate the games "cache" files via the games properties in steam, but I don't know how much will be redownloaded.

Given the PackCheck mentions the launcher I don't even know if it's really supported in the steam-version.

Regarding the one-file-solution:
There are pros and cons. on systems that can fragment it's better to have one file, even more when it's thousands of files that would clutter the MFT and slow down anti-virus software (they would scan each file individually instead of recognizing they don't know how to handle the format and skip it). It even allows encryption of the single files in them. but I don't know if GGG uses that possibility (which would enable them to better secure their assets against usage in other software). On some systems it can improve the time it takes to allocate the space and/or to remove the files when deinstalling (ever deleted ten thousand files at once and had to wait for it vs one file of similar size that's deleted rather quickly?).

But it makes patching time- and space-consuming*, and corrupted files are hard to handle (again: I don't know how steam handles this, if they hash every few megabyte you don't have to download everything again, but only a few megabytes).

So it's hard to say if it's good or bad. and that comes from someone with a speed below 20 megabits/s.

* at least when done safely, read: with copying and applying the patch to that version

Path of Exile client won’t load have 2 problem, 1) It stays on the Loading screen indefinitely. 2)Nothing happens when I click “Launch”, you can Run the Pack Check to solve this problem

Path of Exile client cannot load

1. It stays on the Loading screen indefinitely
There is probably an error you can’t see behind the Path of Exile window. In full-screen mode, you will need to Alt-tab to see what this error says. Chances are, you’ll find that your pack file has become corrupted, and you’ll need to run the Pack Check

2. Nothing happens when I click “Launch”
Check that your virus scan or firewall isn’t interrupting the game, and check your processes (Found in the Ctrl-Alt-Delete menu) to see if the game is still loading in the background. If it looks like nothing is happening, try running the Pack Check.

How To Run the Pack Check

PackCheck is a program that will verify that all the files in your Content.ggpk file have the correct hashes.

From time to time we might ask you to run PackCheck and give us the output.

PackCheck is found in your Path of Exile install directory (by default "C:\Program Files\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile").

To use PackCheck:

1) Navigate to your Path of Exile install directory.

2) Right click PackCheck.exe and select Run as Administrator

3) Wait for the tool to complete. It can take a long time, and will print "Done." when finished.

4) If the tool reports any errors then please copy and paste the output into your bug report.

5) Run Path of Exile again. Any files that were corrupted should now repatch.

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