Your account has been restricted roblox что делать

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Бан (Блокировка) выдаётся, когда игрок нарушает Правила Предоставления Услуг ROBLOX'а или Политику Конфиденциальности. Только сотрудники ROBLOX'а могут банить игроков. Может даже быть бан IP адреса.

Обычно игрокам выдаётся предупреждение перед выдачей бана, и количество предупреждений, которые игрок может получить до получения какого-либо вида бана. Если нарушение серьёзное, такое как фишинг или нарушение федерального закона, аккаунты могут быть удалены без каких-либо уведомлений или указаний.

Внутриигровой бан не даётся сотрудниками ROBLOX'а и всего лишь запрещает доступ игроку к конкретной игре. Игроки с внутриигровым баном всё равно имеют доступ к клиенту ROBLOX'а и остальным плейсам.


Виды блокировок

Игрокам, которые нарушили Правила Предоставления Услуг ROBLOX'а, будут выдаваться одни из 15 ниже перечисленных выговоров. Они начинаются с обычных уведомлений до блокировки клиента ROBLOX'a через IP игрока.

0x1 error.jpg

1 day Ban-1-.jpg

Старый интерфейс (до 2011/2012 года)

Аккаунт игрока забанен на четырнадцать дней (две недели).

Друзья забаненого игрока увидят слова "User has been restricted (рус. Игроку заблокировали доступ) под его никнеймом.

Некоторые игроки говорили о том, что якобы этот бан кончается 31 Декабря 9999 года (как бан навсегда аккаунта Xbox Live). Но это ещё не было доказано.

Новым игрокам при удалении аккаунта выдаётся запись модератора: "Do not create accounts just for the purpose of breaking the rules" (рус."Не создавайте аккаунты только с целью нарушений правил")

Старый интерфейс (до сентября 2020)

Account Deletion-1-.jpg

Удаление аккаунта (светлая тема, интерфейс с сентября 2020)

Удаление аккаунта (темная тема, интерфейс с сентября 2020)

Старая ошибка (с 2012/2013 года по 2015 год)

Запрещённые фото в Роблоксе

Забанили в Roblox ни за что! Что делать?

Мне написало:
Account Deleted
Our content monitors have determined that your behavior at Roblox has been in violation of our Terms of Service.

Reviewed: 9/13/2019 10:27:18 PM

Moderator Note: Don't create accounts just to harass users or break rules.

Your account has been terminated.

If you wish to appeal, please contact us via the Support Form.

Аккаунт Удален
Наши мониторы контента определили, что ваше поведение в Roblox было нарушением наших условий предоставления услуг.

Обзор: 9/13/2019 10:27: 18 PM

Примечание модератора: не создавайте учетные записи только для того, чтобы преследовать пользователей или нарушать правила.

Ваша учетная запись была прекращена.

Если вы хотите подать апелляцию, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами через форму поддержки.

Писал в тех поддержку, а мне ответили, что мой ник неприличный. PossyBrossy - это разве что-то неприличное на английском? Помогите пожалуйста!

Game client errors

Displayed as a generic error message shown during a client crash, which can be caused by running out of memory, having a high ping, extreme lag, or connecting to the game while using a known (Roblox Player and/or Roblox Studio) exploit.

Displayed when the DNS resolution has failed while connecting to Roblox or when the user loses connection while connecting to a server.

"Error: A connection with the server could not be established."

This error occurs when a user has the incorrect clock set on their computer.

Mobile version (Android):

"Sorry! The game failed to start for an unexpected reason."

Displayed when the client fails to launch while joining a game, which can be caused by a faulty internet connection or by Roblox maintenance.

This error can also occur if the user tries to join a game while their Roblox account is disabled.

It can also happen when you try to rejoin the game when the game chat does not load while playing with your friend.

The most common example of this error was when Roblox crashed on July 13, 2021.

The error that would show up every time an "error banned" user tried to join a game

Displayed when the launcher times out while downloading a new version or launching a game, which can be caused by the faulty internet connection or anti-virus detections.

Displayed when a developer manually closes a game server (usually when updating the game), when a private server owner shuts down the private server, or when a player is banned while in-game.

Displayed when no data is being received by the Roblox web servers.

Displayed when the server fails to send feedback for data requests, which can be caused by a poor internet connection, Roblox downtime, or other issues.

Displayed when a game cannot load after data fails to send.

Displayed when a client starts while another client is already playing a game. This error can indicate an unknown/unwanted user on an account. This error can also occur if the player is warned in-game, but that error code has been replaced with 273 instead of 264. If no internet issues are occurring with the account, this is likely due to the account being compromised and someone else is trying to start a game while the original account owner is already playing a game. When Error 273 occurs, the reconnect button will appear on the right of the Leave Button.

Displayed when the connection was timed out. This happens when the client's connection lags a lot or has not responded for a long time. It usually appears during a game timeout, which can be caused by a weak internet connection, high ping, or a slow computer.

Displayed when a user is kicked from a game session using a script (which includes admin commands). This error is typically not caused by Roblox, but rather by a script inserted by the game developer.

Former version, no reason field

Sorry! You're not allowed in this super top secret game yet.

Displayed when a user is kicked from the game and is forced to join another server. This can occur from general connection issues, and in some cases when using exploits or for having a lot of lag. This error can also occur when using a compatibility layer such as Wine to play the game on Linux.

  • "Server was shut down due to no active players. (Error Code: 271)"
    Displayed when all players in a server are inactive, causing the server to close. This can also happen in games that have their player counts boosted with bots; since the bots do not physically exist in the game (there is no location of the bots), but do register as in servers.
  • "You have been kicked by the server, please reconnect. (Error Code: 271)"
    Occurs due to player joining while server is in the middle of shutting down due to inactive players.
  • "Unable to find instance"
    A old version of "Server was shut down due to no active players."

Displayed when the user attempts to join the game while an exploit is loaded.

"The same account launched the game from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 273)" Identical to error 264, however this error occurs when a user is in-game while warned or banned. The user is kicked from the server and their page reloads, which then shows the user the ban/warn.

Displayed when Roblox closes a game server for maintenance or if a game is deleted by a Roblox staff member while being played.

"Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect (Error Code: 277)"

"Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277)"
Displayed when the client has one of many different internet connection issues while connected to a game. Can also happen when the player's IP address has changed, such as disconnecting/connecting from a VPN, which changes a player's IP address, or when a player/user turns off their Wi-Fi.

"You have lost the connection to the game"
An old version of "Please check your internet connection and try again." was used from 2006 to 2018/early 2019.

Displayed when a player is inactive in a game for 20 or more minutes.

  • "Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code: 279)"
    Displayed when the client is unable to connect to the game server, which can be caused by website blocks on the user's internet, or when Roblox is experiencing downtime or other issues. It can sometimes occur when a user attempts to rejoin a or the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit, and this error can cause users to lose progress from their previous visit.
  • "Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 146: Illegal teleport destination.)"
    Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to a place that is inactive or in a different game universe from the start place.
  • "Failed to connect to the game. (ID = 148: Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again.)"
    Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated and must be reinstalled.

Displayed when the client is out of date.

Displayed when a client attempts to join a server that is in the process of closing, or when a player attempts to rejoin a server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit (ID 17/279 may happen too).

Displayed when a user attempts to join a player into a game after the player they are joining has left.

"The status of the game has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error Code: 523)"
"This game is restricted. (Error Code: 523)"

This is a server error, not a game error.

Displayed when the player tries to join a server that has shut down.

Displayed during Roblox downtime, after attempting to join a VIP server they cannot join, attempting to join a paid access game that they do not own, attempting to join a game as a Guest, or trying to join a LuoBu server outside mainland China.

Displayed when Roblox's servers are down or slow. May sometimes be displayed on mobile when a player's internet connection has disabled before playing the game.

Displayed when teleportation to another place while in-game fails for various reasons.
"Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 769)"

Displayed when an error occurs when pressing the reconnect button in other client kicks. This can occur if a player tries to reconnect to a game when their internet is out.

Displayed when user has recieved a warning or ban, and attempts to reconnect.

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game server that no longer exists or has been closed.

Запрещённые фото в Роблоксе

Виды блокировок

Игрокам, которые нарушили Правила Предоставления Услуг ROBLOX'а, будут выдаваться одни из 15 ниже перечисленных выговоров. Они начинаются с обычных уведомлений до блокировки клиента ROBLOX'a через IP игрока.

0x1 error.jpg

1 day Ban-1-.jpg

Старый интерфейс (до 2011/2012 года)

Аккаунт игрока забанен на четырнадцать дней (две недели).

Друзья забаненого игрока увидят слова "User has been restricted (рус. Игроку заблокировали доступ) под его никнеймом.

Некоторые игроки говорили о том, что якобы этот бан кончается 31 Декабря 9999 года (как бан навсегда аккаунта Xbox Live). Но это ещё не было доказано.

Новым игрокам при удалении аккаунта выдаётся запись модератора: "Do not create accounts just for the purpose of breaking the rules" (рус."Не создавайте аккаунты только с целью нарушений правил")

Старый интерфейс (до сентября 2020)

Account Deletion-1-.jpg

Удаление аккаунта (светлая тема, интерфейс с сентября 2020)

Удаление аккаунта (темная тема, интерфейс с сентября 2020)

Старая ошибка (с 2012/2013 года по 2015 год)

Your account has been restricted roblox что делать

Бан (Блокировка) выдаётся, когда игрок нарушает Правила Предоставления Услуг ROBLOX'а или Политику Конфиденциальности. Только сотрудники ROBLOX'а могут банить игроков. Может даже быть бан IP адреса.

Обычно игрокам выдаётся предупреждение перед выдачей бана, и количество предупреждений, которые игрок может получить до получения какого-либо вида бана. Если нарушение серьёзное, такое как фишинг или нарушение федерального закона, аккаунты могут быть удалены без каких-либо уведомлений или указаний.

Внутриигровой бан не даётся сотрудниками ROBLOX'а и всего лишь запрещает доступ игроку к конкретной игре. Игроки с внутриигровым баном всё равно имеют доступ к клиенту ROBLOX'а и остальным плейсам.

Волна Банов

24 апреля 2020 года много игроков получали бан за вход в плейсы. Кто-то получил бан на 1 день, кто-то на 3 дня, а кто-то даже был забанен навсегда. Ютуберы сообщали об этой "Волне Банов" и говорили, что это была типа хакерская атака, но эта информация оказалась ложью. Обычно причиной бана был эксплоит, хотя множество игроков их не использовали. Сотрудник Роблокса сообщил, что причиной появления "Волны Банов" была ошибка в античитерской программе, которая не позволяет читерам использовать читы в Роблоксе.

Website errors

Error Description Images
Down For Maintenance Main article: Maintainance

"We're making things more awesome. Be back soon."

"This site is currently offline for maintenance and upgrades. Please check back soon!"

"Our payment system is currently under maintenance. Please check back shortly!"

Displayed when the administrators have locked down the site to fix something that went wrong in the background. This screen is also used for when the site is closed for maintenance. This is what the test websites currently lead to. The buttons spelling out ROBLOX and the text box are used when the administrators need to enter a password to start making changes to the website.

The error message may not always have the password text box depending on reason for maintenance.

Old maintenance page

The page isn’t redirecting properly (Firefox)

Displayed on accounts with a poison ban. This error occurs because the site tries to redirect to the Membership/CreationDisabled.aspx page, but when banned, all pages redirect back to Membership/NotApproved.aspx, creating an infinite redirect loop.

Google Chrome error

Mozilla Firefox error

Displayed when trying to wear a limited hat that has traded or sold, or wearing a previously deleted item. X will be replaced with the number of unavailable items.

Displayed when changing the error number in the error page URL to a non-existent error number.

Displayed when the web request made by a device is invalid or otherwise incorrect. May happen when searching inventories of completely wiped accounts too (e.g. noli - ID 31042685).

A most common example of this error was Roblox Crashing on April 28, 2020.

"403 | You don't have permission to view this page."

Displayed when attempting to view a page that is restricted. This will often show up when the user tries to go to an administrator/staff-only page, or when the user is IP banned.

IP ban on Google Chrome.

Web server access denied.

Old access denied.

Displayed when the URL leads to a page that could not be found or does not exist. Will occur often due to an invalid URL or when one tries to go to the profile of a terminated account.

Old page not found.

Displayed when the server has encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete the web request.

Appears when rediected to [1]

Displayed when ROBLOX is having downtime or outages, but not for maintenance. Alternatively, entering the URL doesn't make this page pop up, instead showing the "bad request" or "Something went wrong" error.

The new 503 error message

The request could not be satisfied.

"This page isn't working: took too long to respond." (Chrome)

Displayed during a web-host timeout, which can be caused by Roblox maintenance/server downtime or by a poor internet connection.

Happens when Roblox is attempted to load on some VPNs, or when an invalid IP is used to load the website.

Displayed when the request to retrieve game passes fails, which can be caused due to Roblox issues or by faulty internet connection from the user. Also known to occur when attempting to view game passes using the Internet Archive website.

Happens when the player tries to friend a user that already has the maximum of friends allowed on Roblox.

This error can be caused due to Roblox issues or by a poor internet connection. Also known to occur when attempting to register or sign up using the Internet Archive website.

This error can be caused when the avatar page is unavailable due to housekeeping or technical difficulties.

This can happen when one enters an invalid Category number in the URL bar.

This happens when one attempts to join a VIP server on a private/under review game.

Attempting to join an under review/private game.

This happens when one attempts to purchase an item that they already own.


New symbol with builderman used for error pages.

An error is a piece of information displayed when an unexpected event occurs. Error messages are used when user intervention is required, to indicate that a desired operation has failed, or to relay important warnings—such as warning a computer user that they are almost out of disk space. Error messages are seen widely throughout Roblox and are part of every Roblox version.

On the game client, if an error has occurred, the error message will appear in the center of the screen in the form of a gray dialog box, which will tell the user what the error is and gives the option to leave or reconnect when applicable. On mobile, the gray error dialog box can be small. There was a bug on mobile where you couldn't see the gray error dialog box whatsoever. In the case of non-in-game errors, the error message will appear in the form of a separate page, typically with a Roblox-themed background to go along with it.

Волна Банов

24 апреля 2020 года много игроков получали бан за вход в плейсы. Кто-то получил бан на 1 день, кто-то на 3 дня, а кто-то даже был забанен навсегда. Ютуберы сообщали об этой "Волне Банов" и говорили, что это была типа хакерская атака, но эта информация оказалась ложью. Обычно причиной бана был эксплоит, хотя множество игроков их не использовали. Сотрудник Роблокса сообщил, что причиной появления "Волны Банов" была ошибка в античитерской программе, которая не позволяет читерам использовать читы в Роблоксе.


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