Yet another related posts plugin что за плагин

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Key Features
  • An advanced and versatile algorithm: Using a customizable algorithm considering post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies, YARPP finds related content from across your site
  • Caching: Inbuilt cache makes subsequent queries super efficient and fast
  • Custom Templates and Styles: Use a pre-built list or thumbnail template, or use the YARPP custom templating system for 100% control of how results are styles and displayed
  • Flexible with a full range of placement options, including:
      (pick where to show YARPP from the YARPP settings page)
    YARPP Algorithm Explained
    Contribute: Translate YARPP
    Wide Support

    YARPP is the most popular and the highest rated Related Posts Plugin for WordPress. With your support, this plugin always strives to be the best WordPress plugin for Content Discovery and Related Posts.

    ✔ Over 10 years of development
    ✔ Over 6 million downloads
    ✔ Translated into more than a dozen languages
    ✔ Professionally maintained and actively supported with regular updates
    ✔ Works with all languages

    YARPP works best with PHP 5.3 or greater, MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater, and WordPress 3.7 or greater. See the FAQ for answers to common questions.




    Этот плагин предоставляет 1 блок.

    Часто задаваемые вопросы

    Where do I tell YARPP to display related posts only by tags?

    Can I manually specify related posts?

    Sorry, but specifying related posts, displaying related posts from external WordPress sites, and pulling content from the Comments section are all outside the scope of YARPP at this time.

    Option 1:

    On the edit post page, uncheck “Display Related Posts” in the YARPP box. Be sure to update or publish to save your changes.

    Option 2:

    Add <!--noyarpp--> to the HTML code of any post to prevent related posts from displaying.

    Option 3:

    Use the noyarpp filter. For example:

    How do I remove sold out WooCommerce products from recommendations (and otherwise filter by postmeta)?

    If you use YARPP to show related products and want to exclude products that are sold out, use the following code snippet:

    Note: this filter applies after the related items were already calculated, so when it filters out an item you will see fewer related items than you requested.

    By default, if an appropriately sized thumbnail is not available in WordPress, a larger image will be served and will be made to fit in the thumbnail space via CSS. Sometimes this means images will be scaled down in a weird way, so it is not ideal. What you really want is for YARPP to serve appropriately-sized thumbnails.

    There are two options for doing so:

    First, you can use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to generate all these thumbnail-sized images in a batch process. This puts you in control of when this resizing process happens on your server (which is good because it can be processor-intensive). New images which are uploaded to WordPress should automatically get the appropriate thumbnail generated when the image is uploaded.

    Is YARPP compatible with WordPress Multisite?

    YARPP should work fine in a multisite environment, and many users are running it without any issues using WordPress Multisite. It will, however, only get results within each blog. It will not display related posts results from across your network.

    I want to use YARPP on a site with content in multiple languages.

    The recommended solution in such cases is to use the Polylang plugin. Polylang has posted a tutorial for using YARPP with Polylang.

    Does YARPP slow down my blog/server?

    YARPP is a highly optimized plugin with an inbuilt cache that makes subsequent queries super efficient. This means that YARPP will not slow your site down.

    Are there any plugins that are incompatible with YARPP?

      : turn off the automatic display option in SEO Pager and instead add the code manually.
    • Other related posts plugins, obviously, may also be incompatible.

    YARPP seems to be broken since I upgraded to WordPress X.X.

    Before upgrading to a new WordPress version, you should first deactivate all plugins, then upgrade your WordPress, and then reactivate your plugins. Even then, you may still find that something went wrong with your YARPP functionality. If so, try these steps:

    Can I clear my cache? Can I build up the cache manually?

    How to add support for a Custom Post Type (CPT)?

    To make YARPP support your Custom Post Type (CPT), the attribute yarpp_support must be set to true when the CPT is registered. The CPT will then be available in the YARPP settings page.

    If you do not have access to the code which is registering the CPT, maybe because it is a third-party plugin that is creating it, you can still add the yarpp_support argument:

    You should replace my_custom_post_type with the CPT that you need to add YARPP support to and add this code to the functions.php of your theme.

    If you would like to programmatically control which post types are considered in an automatically-displayed related posts display, use the yarpp_map_post_types filter.

    Does YARPP support custom taxonomies?

    Yes. Any taxonomy, including custom taxonomies, may be specified in the weight or require_tax arguments in a custom display as above. term_taxonomy_id specified in the exclude argument may be of any taxonomy.

    If you would like to choose custom taxonomies to choose in the YARPP settings UI, either to exclude certain terms or to consider them in the relatedness formula via the UI, the taxonomy must (a) have either the show_ui or yarpp_support attribute set to true and (b) must apply to either the post types post or page or both.

    Can I disable the Review Notice forever?

    If you want to prevent the Review Notice from appearing you can use the function below:

    Can I disable the request-for-feedback modal when deactivating the plugin?

    Sure. Use the following code:

    Key Features
    • An advanced and versatile algorithm: Using a customizable algorithm considering post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies, YARPP finds related content from across your site
    • Caching: Inbuilt cache makes subsequent queries super efficient and fast
    • Custom Templates and Styles: Use a pre-built list or thumbnail template, or use the YARPP custom templating system for 100% control of how results are styles and displayed
    • Flexible with a full range of placement options, including:
        (pick where to show YARPP from the YARPP settings page)
      YARPP Algorithm Explained
      Contribute: Translate YARPP
      Wide Support

      YARPP is the most popular and the highest rated Related Posts Plugin for WordPress. With your support, this plugin always strives to be the best WordPress plugin for Content Discovery and Related Posts.

      ✔ Over 10 years of development
      ✔ Over 6 million downloads
      ✔ Translated into more than a dozen languages
      ✔ Professionally maintained and actively supported with regular updates
      ✔ Works with all languages

      YARPP works best with PHP 5.3 or greater, MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater, and WordPress 3.7 or greater. See the FAQ for answers to common questions.


      This plugin provides 1 block.


      Install YARPP from within WordPress
      Install YARPP Manually
      Install YARPP with the WP-CLI

      The YARPP custom template feature allows you to easily customize look and feel using the same coding conventions and Template Tags as in WordPress themes.

      After Activation

      You should customize your Pool, Algorithm and Automatic Display Options settings from the YARPP settings page. YARPP supports a full range of placement options, including Automatic Display Options (pick where to show YARPP from the YARPP settings page), Block, Shortcode, Widget, YARPP functions() and REST API support. Details below.

      Automatic Display Options

      Configurable from the YARPP settings page, the Automatic Display Option automatically displays YARPP right below post content. You can configure which posts types to display YARPP on from the YARPP settings page.

      Automatic Display in Feed Options

      To add to post content, use the shortcode:

      If you know the reference Post ID that you want to show content related to, use:

      To add YARPP shortcode to your theme files (eg. single.php), use:

      REST API

      Add related posts to your JavaScript driven app!

      YARPP adds a REST API endpoint for fetching related posts. The JSON results from the REST API query are the same as you would see if you were visiting a post on your website (the same quantity and order). It is possible to override the quantity at the time of making the REST API request.

      YARPP functions()

      You may use the functions defined in includes/related_functions.php in your own code, notably:

      Show related posts, using all the settings set on the YARPP settings page:

      Each of these functions will default to using the settings set on the YARPP settings page, but can be customized. For example:

      Options which are not specified will default to those specified on the YARPP settings page. Additionally, if you are using a builtin template rather than specifying a custom template file in template , the following arguments can be used to override the various parts of the builtin template: before_title , after_title , before_post , after_post , before_related , after_related , no_results , excerpt_length .

      If you need to implement related entries programmatically or to know whether they exist, you can use the functions:

      1. yarpp_get_related( $args, $reference_ID )
        Returns an array of post objects, just like the WordPress function get_posts .
      2. yarpp_related_exist( $args, $reference_ID )
        Returns a boolean for whether any such related entries exist.

      For each of these functions, $args takes the same arguments as those detailed for yarpp_related() above, except for the various display and template options.

      Note that at this time custom YARPP queries using the functions mentioned here are not cached in the built-in YARPP caching system. Thus, if you notice any performance hits, you may need to write your own code to cache the results.

      Example of how to use a custom YARPP query and cache the results for a day:

      Show at most 4 related WooCommerce products based on their title and especially on their categories, assuming custom YARPP template
      yarpp-related-wc-products.php has been added to the active theme folder:

      Check for posts related to post with ID 123, and loop through them in order to do some more custom logic:

      Как вывести на сайте

      Плагин автоматически встраивает блок в конец записи или страницы. Кроме того, после активации плагина появляется виджет Related Posts (YARPP). В его настройках можно выбрать тип списка записей и задать заголовок виджету.

      yarpp настройка виджета

      Настройка виджета в плагине YARPP

      Key Features
      • An advanced and versatile algorithm: Using a customizable algorithm considering post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies, YARPP finds related content from across your site
      • Caching: Inbuilt cache makes subsequent queries super efficient and fast
      • Custom Templates and Styles: Use a pre-built list or thumbnail template, or use the YARPP custom templating system for 100% control of how results are styles and displayed
      • Flexible with a full range of placement options, including:
          (pick where to show YARPP from the YARPP settings page)
        YARPP Algorithm Explained
        Contribute: Translate YARPP
        Wide Support

        YARPP is the most popular and the highest rated Related Posts Plugin for WordPress. With your support, this plugin always strives to be the best WordPress plugin for Content Discovery and Related Posts.

        ✔ Over 10 years of development
        ✔ Over 6 million downloads
        ✔ Translated into more than a dozen languages
        ✔ Professionally maintained and actively supported with regular updates
        ✔ Works with all languages

        YARPP works best with PHP 5.3 or greater, MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater, and WordPress 3.7 or greater. See the FAQ for answers to common questions.

        Бесплатный плагин Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) - отличное решение для вывода списка связанных записей просматриваемого поста.



        Install YARPP from within WordPress
        Install YARPP Manually
        Install YARPP with the WP-CLI

        The YARPP custom template feature allows you to easily customize look and feel using the same coding conventions and Template Tags as in WordPress themes.

        After Activation

        You should customize your Pool, Algorithm and Automatic Display Options settings from the YARPP settings page. YARPP supports a full range of placement options, including Automatic Display Options (pick where to show YARPP from the YARPP settings page), Block, Shortcode, Widget, YARPP functions() and REST API support. Details below.

        Automatic Display Options

        Configurable from the YARPP settings page, the Automatic Display Option automatically displays YARPP right below post content. You can configure which posts types to display YARPP on from the YARPP settings page.

        Automatic Display in Feed Options

        To add to post content, use the shortcode:

        If you know the reference Post ID that you want to show content related to, use:

        To add YARPP shortcode to your theme files (eg. single.php), use:

        REST API

        Add related posts to your JavaScript driven app!

        YARPP adds a REST API endpoint for fetching related posts. The JSON results from the REST API query are the same as you would see if you were visiting a post on your website (the same quantity and order). It is possible to override the quantity at the time of making the REST API request.

        YARPP functions()

        You may use the functions defined in includes/related_functions.php in your own code, notably:

        Show related posts, using all the settings set on the YARPP settings page:

        Each of these functions will default to using the settings set on the YARPP settings page, but can be customized. For example:

        Options which are not specified will default to those specified on the YARPP settings page. Additionally, if you are using a builtin template rather than specifying a custom template file in template , the following arguments can be used to override the various parts of the builtin template: before_title , after_title , before_post , after_post , before_related , after_related , no_results , excerpt_length .

        If you need to implement related entries programmatically or to know whether they exist, you can use the functions:

        1. yarpp_get_related( $args, $reference_ID )
          Returns an array of post objects, just like the WordPress function get_posts .
        2. yarpp_related_exist( $args, $reference_ID )
          Returns a boolean for whether any such related entries exist.

        For each of these functions, $args takes the same arguments as those detailed for yarpp_related() above, except for the various display and template options.

        Note that at this time custom YARPP queries using the functions mentioned here are not cached in the built-in YARPP caching system. Thus, if you notice any performance hits, you may need to write your own code to cache the results.

        Example of how to use a custom YARPP query and cache the results for a day:

        Show at most 4 related WooCommerce products based on their title and especially on their categories, assuming custom YARPP template
        yarpp-related-wc-products.php has been added to the active theme folder:

        Check for posts related to post with ID 123, and loop through them in order to do some more custom logic:

        Where do I tell YARPP to display related posts only by tags?

        Can I manually specify related posts?

        Sorry, but specifying related posts, displaying related posts from external WordPress sites, and pulling content from the Comments section are all outside the scope of YARPP at this time.

        Option 1:

        On the edit post page, uncheck “Display Related Posts” in the YARPP box. Be sure to update or publish to save your changes.

        Option 2:

        Add <!--noyarpp--> to the HTML code of any post to prevent related posts from displaying.

        Option 3:

        Use the noyarpp filter. For example:

        How do I remove sold out WooCommerce products from recommendations (and otherwise filter by postmeta)?

        If you use YARPP to show related products and want to exclude products that are sold out, use the following code snippet:

        Note: this filter applies after the related items were already calculated, so when it filters out an item you will see fewer related items than you requested.

        By default, if an appropriately sized thumbnail is not available in WordPress, a larger image will be served and will be made to fit in the thumbnail space via CSS. Sometimes this means images will be scaled down in a weird way, so it is not ideal. What you really want is for YARPP to serve appropriately-sized thumbnails.

        There are two options for doing so:

        First, you can use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to generate all these thumbnail-sized images in a batch process. This puts you in control of when this resizing process happens on your server (which is good because it can be processor-intensive). New images which are uploaded to WordPress should automatically get the appropriate thumbnail generated when the image is uploaded.

        Is YARPP compatible with WordPress Multisite?

        YARPP should work fine in a multisite environment, and many users are running it without any issues using WordPress Multisite. It will, however, only get results within each blog. It will not display related posts results from across your network.

        I want to use YARPP on a site with content in multiple languages.

        The recommended solution in such cases is to use the Polylang plugin. Polylang has posted a tutorial for using YARPP with Polylang.

        Does YARPP slow down my blog/server?

        YARPP is a highly optimized plugin with an inbuilt cache that makes subsequent queries super efficient. This means that YARPP will not slow your site down.

        Are there any plugins that are incompatible with YARPP?

          : turn off the automatic display option in SEO Pager and instead add the code manually.
        • Other related posts plugins, obviously, may also be incompatible.

        YARPP seems to be broken since I upgraded to WordPress X.X.

        Before upgrading to a new WordPress version, you should first deactivate all plugins, then upgrade your WordPress, and then reactivate your plugins. Even then, you may still find that something went wrong with your YARPP functionality. If so, try these steps:

        Can I clear my cache? Can I build up the cache manually?

        How to add support for a Custom Post Type (CPT)?

        To make YARPP support your Custom Post Type (CPT), the attribute yarpp_support must be set to true when the CPT is registered. The CPT will then be available in the YARPP settings page.

        If you do not have access to the code which is registering the CPT, maybe because it is a third-party plugin that is creating it, you can still add the yarpp_support argument:

        You should replace my_custom_post_type with the CPT that you need to add YARPP support to and add this code to the functions.php of your theme.

        If you would like to programmatically control which post types are considered in an automatically-displayed related posts display, use the yarpp_map_post_types filter.

        Does YARPP support custom taxonomies?

        Yes. Any taxonomy, including custom taxonomies, may be specified in the weight or require_tax arguments in a custom display as above. term_taxonomy_id specified in the exclude argument may be of any taxonomy.

        If you would like to choose custom taxonomies to choose in the YARPP settings UI, either to exclude certain terms or to consider them in the relatedness formula via the UI, the taxonomy must (a) have either the show_ui or yarpp_support attribute set to true and (b) must apply to either the post types post or page or both.

        Can I disable the Review Notice forever?

        If you want to prevent the Review Notice from appearing you can use the function below:

        Can I disable the request-for-feedback modal when deactivating the plugin?

        Sure. Use the following code:


        Install YARPP from within WordPress
        1. Visit the plugins page within your WordPress dashboard and select Add New
        2. Search for YARPP
        3. Press «Install Now» for the YARPP plugin
        4. Activate YARPP from your Plugins page
        5. Go to the «YARPP» settings page to customize YARPP
        6. [optional] copy the sample YARPP Custom Template files inside the yarpp-templates folder into your active theme folder.
        Install YARPP Manually
        1. Upload the yet-another-related-posts-plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        2. Activate YARPP from your Plugins page
        3. Go to the «YARPP» settings page to customize YARPP
        4. [optional] copy the sample YARPP Custom Template files inside the yarpp-templates folder into your active theme folder.
        Install YARPP with the WP-CLI
        1. wp plugin install yet-another-related-posts-plugin --activate
        2. Go to the «YARPP» settings page to customize YARPP
        3. [optional] copy the sample YARPP Custom Template files inside the yarpp-templates folder into your active theme folder.

        The YARPP custom template feature allows you to easily customize look and feel using the same coding conventions and Template Tags as in WordPress themes.

        After Activation

        You should customize your Pool, Algorithm and Automatic Display Options settings from the YARPP settings page. YARPP supports a full range of placement options, including Automatic Display Options (pick where to show YARPP from the YARPP settings page), Block, Shortcode, Widget, YARPP functions() and REST API support. Details below.

        Automatic Display Options

        Configurable from the YARPP settings page, the Automatic Display Option automatically displays YARPP right below post content. You can configure which posts types to display YARPP on from the YARPP settings page.

        If you do not want to show the Related Posts display in its default position (right below the post content), first go to YARPP options and turn off the «Automatic Display Options».

        If you would like to instead display it in your sidebar and you have a widget-aware theme, YARPP provides a Related Posts widget which you can add under «Appearance» > «Widgets.»

        Automatic Display in Feed Options

        Make sure the «display related posts in feeds» option is turned on if you would like to show related posts in your RSS and Atom feeds. The «display related posts in feeds» option can be used regardless of whether you auto display them on your website (and vice versa).


        To add to post content, use the shortcode:

        If you know the reference Post ID that you want to show content related to, use:

        To specify which YARPP template to use, use the «template» attribute like so:

        To specify maximum number of posts to show, use the «limit» attribute like so:

        To only show recent posts, use the «recent» attribute (provide it with a number, a space, and then either «day», «week» or «month»)

        To add YARPP shortcode to your theme files (eg. single.php), use:


        Related posts can also be displayed as a widget. Go to the Appearance > Widgets options page and add the «Related Posts (YARPP)» widget. Choose to display content from YARPP Basic. The widget will only be displayed on single entry (permalink) pages.

        The YARPP widget can be used even if the «auto display» option is turned off.

        REST API

        Add related posts to your JavaScript driven app!

        YARPP adds a REST API endpoint for fetching related posts. The JSON results from the REST API query are the same as you would see if you were visiting a post on your website (the same quantity and order). It is possible to override the quantity at the time of making the REST API request.

        YARPP functions()

        You may use the functions defined in includes/related_functions.php in your own code, notably:

        Show related posts, using all the settings set on the YARPP settings page:

        Each of these functions will default to using the settings set on the YARPP settings page, but can be customized. For example:

        Options which are not specified will default to those specified on the YARPP settings page. Additionally, if you are using a builtin template rather than specifying a custom template file in template , the following arguments can be used to override the various parts of the builtin template: before_title , after_title , before_post , after_post , before_related , after_related , no_results , excerpt_length .

        If you need to implement related entries programmatically or to know whether they exist, you can use the functions:

        1. yarpp_get_related( $args, $reference_ID )
          Returns an array of post objects, just like the WordPress function get_posts .
        2. yarpp_related_exist( $args, $reference_ID )
          Returns a boolean for whether any such related entries exist.

        For each of these functions, $args takes the same arguments as those detailed for yarpp_related() above, except for the various display and template options.

        Note that at this time custom YARPP queries using the functions mentioned here are not cached in the built-in YARPP caching system. Thus, if you notice any performance hits, you may need to write your own code to cache the results.

        Example of how to use a custom YARPP query and cache the results for a day:

        Show at most 4 related WooCommerce products based on their title and especially on their categories, assuming custom YARPP template
        yarpp-related-wc-products.php has been added to the active theme folder:

        Check for posts related to post with ID 123, and loop through them in order to do some more custom logic:

        Many pages list «no related posts.»

        In WordPress, go to «Settings» and «Related Posts (YARPP)» and make sure «The Pool» is checked in the «Screen Options» section at the top of the page. In «The Pool» section, check the box next to «Show only posts from the past X months.»

        Where do I tell YARPP to display related posts only by tags?

        In WordPress, go to «Settings» and «YARPP» and make sure «Algorithm» is checked in the «Screen Options» section at the top of the page. In the «Algorithm» section, configure the dropdown boxes next to «Titles,» «Bodies,» «Categories,» and «Tags.»

        Can I manually specify related posts?

        Sorry, but specifying related posts, displaying related posts from external WordPress sites, and pulling content from the Comments section are all outside the scope of YARPP at this time.

        Some WordPress themes treat the home page as an archive or a «page.» Go to «Settings» then «Related Posts (YARPP)» and view the «Automatic Display Options» section. Make sure «Pages» and «Also display in archives» are not checked.

        How can I prevent the «related posts» list from displaying on specific posts?

        Option 1:

        On the edit post page, uncheck “Display Related Posts” in the YARPP box. Be sure to update or publish to save your changes.

        Option 2:

        Add <!--noyarpp--> to the HTML code of any post to prevent related posts from displaying.

        Option 3:

        Use the noyarpp filter. For example:

        These solutions only work if you are using «Automatic Display» in the «Display Options» section. If you are programatically calling yarpp_related() , the shortcode [yarpp] from PHP code or the YARPP Block, you will need to do your own conditional checks.

        How do I remove sold out WooCommerce products from recommendations (and otherwise filter by postmeta)?

        If you use YARPP to show related products and want to exclude products that are sold out, use the following code snippet:

        Note: this filter applies after the related items were already calculated, so when it filters out an item you will see fewer related items than you requested.

        When you do this, make sure you also set the YARPP setting «Thumbnail Size» to «yarpp-thumbnail».

        By default, if an appropriately sized thumbnail is not available in WordPress, a larger image will be served and will be made to fit in the thumbnail space via CSS. Sometimes this means images will be scaled down in a weird way, so it is not ideal. What you really want is for YARPP to serve appropriately-sized thumbnails.

        There are two options for doing so:

        First, you can use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to generate all these thumbnail-sized images in a batch process. This puts you in control of when this resizing process happens on your server (which is good because it can be processor-intensive). New images which are uploaded to WordPress should automatically get the appropriate thumbnail generated when the image is uploaded.

        Is YARPP compatible with WordPress Multisite?

        YARPP should work fine in a multisite environment, and many users are running it without any issues using WordPress Multisite. It will, however, only get results within each blog. It will not display related posts results from across your network.

        I want to use YARPP on a site with content in multiple languages.

        The recommended solution in such cases is to use the Polylang plugin. Polylang has posted a tutorial for using YARPP with Polylang.

        Does YARPP slow down my blog/server?

        YARPP is a highly optimized plugin with an inbuilt cache that makes subsequent queries super efficient. This means that YARPP will not slow your site down.

        Are there any plugins that are incompatible with YARPP?

          : turn off the automatic display option in SEO Pager and instead add the code manually.
        • Other related posts plugins, obviously, may also be incompatible.

        YARPP seems to be broken since I upgraded to WordPress X.X.

        Before upgrading to a new WordPress version, you should first deactivate all plugins, then upgrade your WordPress, and then reactivate your plugins. Even then, you may still find that something went wrong with your YARPP functionality. If so, try these steps:

        1. Visit the «YARPP» settings page to verify your settings.
        2. Deactivate YARPP, replace the YARPP files on the server with a fresh copy of the new version, and then reactivate it.
        3. From the «YARPP» settings page, flush the YARPP cache

        Can I clear my cache? Can I build up the cache manually?

        How to add support for a Custom Post Type (CPT)?

        To make YARPP support your Custom Post Type (CPT), the attribute yarpp_support must be set to true when the CPT is registered. The CPT will then be available in the YARPP settings page.

        If you do not have access to the code which is registering the CPT, maybe because it is a third-party plugin that is creating it, you can still add the yarpp_support argument:

        You should replace my_custom_post_type with the CPT that you need to add YARPP support to and add this code to the functions.php of your theme.

        If you would like to programmatically control which post types are considered in an automatically-displayed related posts display, use the yarpp_map_post_types filter.

        Does YARPP support custom taxonomies?

        Yes. Any taxonomy, including custom taxonomies, may be specified in the weight or require_tax arguments in a custom display as above. term_taxonomy_id specified in the exclude argument may be of any taxonomy.

        If you would like to choose custom taxonomies to choose in the YARPP settings UI, either to exclude certain terms or to consider them in the relatedness formula via the UI, the taxonomy must (a) have either the show_ui or yarpp_support attribute set to true and (b) must apply to either the post types post or page or both.

        Can I disable the Review Notice forever?

        If you want to prevent the Review Notice from appearing you can use the function below:

        Can I disable the request-for-feedback modal when deactivating the plugin?

        Sure. Use the following code:

        Beginning with version 4.0.7, YARPP includes clean uninstall functionality. If you no longer wish to use YARPP, first deactivate YARPP using the «Plugins» page in WordPress, then click the «Delete» link found on the same page. This process will automatically remove all YARPP-related files, including temp tables. If you manually try to remove YARPP files instead of going through WordPress, some files or temp tables could remain.


        This plugin provides 1 block.


        Зачем нужен

        1. улучшения пользовательского опыта;
        2. удобной навигации;
        3. для SEO-продвижения вашего сайта.

        1. В админ-панели откройте раздел Плагины > Добавить новый и в строке поиска впишите название плагина.

        yarpp поиск в репозитории

        Поиск плагина Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) из админ-панели WordPress

        2. В найденном списке выберите карточку дополнения и нажмите по очереди кнопки Установить и Активировать.

        yarpp установка

        Установка плагина Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) из админ-панели WordPress

        Для настройки плагина есть отдельный раздел - Настройки > YARRP.

        yarpp настройка

        Настройка плагина YARPP

        Блок Контент

        Тут можно исключить конкретные рубрики и теги, на страницах которых похожие записи не будут выводиться.

        Блок Критерии похожести

        Настройки чтобы задать:

        • степень похожести,
        • критерий выбора (заголовки, тексты, рубрики, метки).

        Блок Просмотр опций для вашего сайта

        Тут можно выбрать где показывать похожие записи (записи, страницы, медиафайлы), их количество, внешний вид, сортировку.

        yarpp настройка

        Настройка вывода похожих записей в плагине YARPP

        Также можете задать заголовок блока и HTML-разметку его элементов списка.

        Блок Просмотр настроек для RSS

        YARPP также выводит похожие записи в RSS-лентах. Для этого задействуйте опцию Показывать связанные посты в RSS?.

        yarpp настройка

        Настройка вывода похожих записей в RSS в плагине YARPP

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