Yakuza kiwami где найти маджиму

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

8 мар. 2019 в 23:29

so i already beat the game and want to find majima on premium adventure mode but no sound said Kiryu chan when im exploring kamurocho i already max the at B rank and cant go up to A rank

This is my email from nishida

- Boss is resting right now (this is the latest email i got from nishida)

- Boss is resting right now

- Did you know sir? (i already play mesuking and beat all of the kids except the professor himself because i need more card but still no majima around)

- Looking for boss (i already play and beat the first kids i forgot his name but still no majima at pocket circuit stadium)

- I think its a riddle (already play bowling many times but still no majima)

- Please Help! (This is the most frustating one, i already play cabaret minigames with rina even i max her affection to rank S and finish her substory but when i go back to shine the game automatically choose rina and no goromi)

the big event that i already trigger is

- finding majima on big cone near smile burger
- already fought officer majima
- already trigger majima from manhole and trashbin
- finish with zombie majima

what should i do now? im confused and stuck and my dragon style still stuck at 19/48 (combine with komaki, but my komaki style still not finish yet)

9 мар. 2019 в 0:09 try go to debolah. If I remember correctly, you have to beat Everyone's Idol Goro to proceed to A rank. Did Nishida call you (not e-mail), telling you something about dance or party being the trend (can't really remember what he said but he dropped the hint to go to debolah)? If so then go there, fight idol Majima and then you can rank up 9 мар. 2019 в 0:20 try go to debolah. If I remember correctly, you have to beat Everyone's Idol Goro to proceed to A rank. Did Nishida call you (not e-mail), telling you something about dance or party being the trend (can't really remember what he said but he dropped the hint to go to debolah)? If so then go there, fight idol Majima and then you can rank up
no i dont have email that tell me to go to debolah (i already try to go to debolah but nothing happen) the recent one is the boss is resting right now (the toppest one) is it a bug or something? does my only chance to use dragon style is playing a new game all over again? 9 мар. 2019 в 6:46 To trigger the mesuking event you must talk to Professor. Majima will interrupt you and challenge you to a Mesuking duel.
Is there a green mark on your map? If so, all other Majima events are locked until you clear that. 9 мар. 2019 в 6:53 To trigger the mesuking event you must talk to Professor. Majima will interrupt you and challenge you to a Mesuking duel.
Is there a green mark on your map? If so, all other Majima events are locked until you clear that.
nope no green mark i think im just gonna star all over again with Legend Difficulty is there a trophy for beating the game at legend difficulty? 9 мар. 2019 в 7:25 9 мар. 2019 в 7:50 try go to debolah. If I remember correctly, you have to beat Everyone's Idol Goro to proceed to A rank. Did Nishida call you (not e-mail), telling you something about dance or party being the trend (can't really remember what he said but he dropped the hint to go to debolah)? If so then go there, fight idol Majima and then you can rank up

no i dont have email that tell me to go to debolah (i already try to go to debolah but nothing happen) the recent one is the boss is resting right now (the toppest one) is it a bug or something? does my only chance to use dragon style is playing a new game all over again?
hmm, did you go to the dance room inside debolah? If he still isn't there then maybe you're missing something or the game is bugging. As for pocket racing, I think you have to beat some early tournaments to trigger him.

And yeah, if you're already at max, a green mark that indicates majima's location will appear and you'll fight him there to go to the next rank. Is there any chance that you're not at max yet? Make sure that you're not in heat mode because the "Kiryu-chan" thing only appears when you're calm AKA not in heat mode. If nothing works then try doing other substories or other activities while waiting for a call from Nishida.

9 мар. 2019 в 13:16
no i dont have email that tell me to go to debolah (i already try to go to debolah but nothing happen) the recent one is the boss is resting right now (the toppest one) is it a bug or something? does my only chance to use dragon style is playing a new game all over again?

hmm, did you go to the dance room inside debolah? If he still isn't there then maybe you're missing something or the game is bugging. As for pocket racing, I think you have to beat some early tournaments to trigger him.

And yeah, if you're already at max, a green mark that indicates majima's location will appear and you'll fight him there to go to the next rank. Is there any chance that you're not at max yet? Make sure that you're not in heat mode because the "Kiryu-chan" thing only appears when you're calm AKA not in heat mode. If nothing works then try doing other substories or other activities while waiting for a call from Nishida.
well i already went new game + and already triggered goromi, bowling and first match playing pocket circuit, but i have a problem i cant trigger the 2nd match against him, i already finish PCF substory and beat all the circuit (2005 circuit) but still no majima, i heard kiryu chan near pocket circuit stadium but i dont see him anywhere, should i just contine the main story? i heard that if you already reach chapter 10 you can play majima everywhere till finish

Rank G [ ]

Rank S [ ]

Горо Маджима

Горо Мадзима (真島 吾朗, Majima gorō, Goro Majima) - повторяющийся второстепенный персонаж в серии игр "Yakuza". Он появляется как вспомогательный персонаж и босс в каждом из Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4 и Yakuza 5. Он фигурирует как один из нескольких играбельных главных героев в Yakuza 0 и Yakuza: Dead Souls, а также является главным героем и играбельным персонажем саги о Мадзиме в Yakuza Kiwami 2.

Его свирепость в бою принесла ему прозвище "Бешеный пёс Симано" (嶋野の狂犬, Shimano no kyōken, Mad Dog of Shimano). Он является патриархом семьи Мадзима, президентом строительной компании Мадзима, главным советником шестого председателя Клана Тодзё, а также бывшим заместителем председателя Клана Тодзё вместе со своим названным братом

Rank B [ ]

Rank SS [ ]

Rank F [ ]

Majima will continue to roam the streets and if Kiryu successfully defeats him three times they will be able to encounter Goromi. After he is defeated, Majima will later hide inside a giant traffic cone. Finding and defeating him in battle will bring Majima Everywhere to the next rank.

Disguises [ ]

Majima has a variety of different personas that he takes on during the events of Kiwami, including:

Officer Majima [ ]

Goromi [ ]

Zombie Majima [ ]

If Kiryu walks in front of Bantam, a worker out front will invite him to have a drink. At first, Kiryu refuses, but after the continuous insistence of the barker, Kiryu will accept on the condition that, if the drink isn't as good as he says, he will leave. After taking a seat, he notices that the bartender is, in fact, Majima, and Kiryu attempts to leave. Majima tells him to stay put and offers him a bunch of drinks, aptly named after Majima, in one way or another. After two drinks, Majima will charge Kiryu for 560,000 yen. Kiryu can then either pay him and leave intact, or fight him.

Everyone's Idol Goro [ ]

After reaching the end of B rank, Nishida will call Kiryu, telling him to go to Deborah as Majima is waiting for him. Upon arriving and entering the club proper, Kiryu finds Majima breakdancing to the tune of 24-hour Cinderella, amassing a large crowd around him. Majima then challenges Kiryu to a Breaker Battle using his signature Breaker fighting style. Upon defeating Majima, he will congratulate Kiryu and Kiryu will progress to A rank.

After this fight, Everyone's Idol Goro can be occasionally found wandering the streets to harass Kiryu.

Taxi Driver Majima [ ]

After getting to the S rank and traveling in taxis a certain number of times, Kiryu gets into the taxi on Fishing Pier. At the pier, Majima says that Kiryu has no choice but to fight him, otherwise he will have to walk back to Kamurocho. Kiryu relents, and the pair have another fight. As promised, after the brawl, Majima drives Kiryu back to Kamurocho free of charge.

Hannya-Man [ ]

"A mysterious man wearing a mask depicting a one-eyed Hannya. Although his fighting style is odd and distinctive, he himself is usually very calm and rarely speaks. According to those who have heard him muttering to himself in the waiting room, the man apparently speaks in a Kansai dialect."

Hannya-Man, also known as Mysterious Man in Black, is Majima dressed in a suit and wearing a Hannya mask. Nishida calls Kiryu about a man with a terrifying face who wanders West Park and sucks the soul out of unsuspecting victims. As opposed to his other incarnations, Majima remains completely in character even after Kiryu defeats him. Strangely enough, Majima wears his eyepatch over the mask instead of under it.

He can also be fought in the coliseum after receiving an email from Nishida.

Majima Everywhere

Rank SSS [ ]

Special Encounters [ ]

Majima Everywhere.jpg

Majima may be encountered at the following locations:

  • The streets of Kamurocho - either walking down the streets, barging into street fights, hiding behind corners, under manholes, on rooftops, or hiding in objects such as giant traffic cones, trashcans, and car trunks.
  • Vincent - where he will challenge Kiryu to a game of darts and pool.
  • Smile Burger - after Kiryu orders anything from the menu.
  • Poppo, Tenkaichi Street - after Kiryu buys a bento box.
  • M Store, Shichifuku Street West - after Kiryu inspects the magazine rack.
  • Mach Bowl - where he will force Kiryu to go bowling with him.
  • Bantam - where he will attempt to con Kiryu as a bartender.
  • Beam - after Kiryu requests Passionate Manly Bathhouse Battle!
  • Yoshida Batting Center - where he will jump Kiryu after he finishes a session.
  • Deborah - where he will challenge Kiryu to a fight after talking to him.
  • shogi.
  • Club SEGA, Nakamichi Street - where he will challenge Kiryu in MesuKing.
  • Club SEGA, Theater Square - while Kiryu uses the photo booth.
  • race.
  • In an alley way on Park Alley.
  • In West Park, near the entrance.

Rank D [ ]

After defeating Majima five times in battles and/or mini-games, Kiryu can encounter Rank C [ ]

Upon defeating Majima four times in mini-games or battles, Majima will appear at the M Store on Shichifuku Street after Kiryu inspects the magazine rack there. If Chapter 4 isn't completed by this time, Majima Everywhere will no longer rank up until it is completed.

Yakuza kiwami где найти маджиму

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В данном руководстве я попытаюсь объяснить принцип работы системы Маджима Везде(буквально). Руководство основано на личном опыте игры, решил создать данное руководство по причине отсутствия оного на русском языке в Стиме(буду дополнять по мере игры, ну и как желание будет).




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Данная система позволяет проапгрейдить легендарный стиль Дракона Додзимы(дж) Кирью. Из себя она представляет сражения со старым знакомым Кирюхи, Горо Маджимой. Если вкратце, то после отсидки Кирюха отощал и стал дохликом, поэтому Маджима берётся его тренировать путём избиений.

Тут скорее он сам вас найдёт. Маджима будет либо патрулировать Камурочо, либо сидеть в засаде, чтобы выпрыгнуть на вас в любой момент, либо же наоборот, вы должны будете его найти в определённой области. Помимо этого Маджима будет вмешиваться в драку, когда вас захочет отмудохать какой нибудь гопник(перед дракой будет небольшой диалог). Хочу добавить, что в определённый момент у вас откроется способность "чувствовать" Маджиму, что облегчает его поиск или наоборот помогает избежать столкновений. Работает способность следующим образом: при низком уровне гнева(когда гнев не заполнен до красной отметки) вы сможете видеть на мини карте маркер приближающегося Маджимы(когда он патрулирует), а также слышать "КИРЬЮ-ЧАН!" рядом с областью где он может прятаться(например машина, где он прячется, будет трястись).

Не выйдет, амиго. Данная система сильно привязана к основному сюжету, поэтому сразу прокачать Дракона Додзимы(дж) не получится. Ранги, получаемые после побед, привязаны к главам, поэтому полной прокачкой заняться можно только после 10 главы(да, это обидно). К слову о рангах, их здесь 10 штук, варьируются они от G до SSS. Для повышения ранга нужно победить Маджиму определённое количество раз на улице, затем, после звонка его помощника, навалять ему ещё раз в контрольном файте(на карте обозначается зелёной точкой). Хотя вы не можете сразу полностью прокачать Дракона, всё же на начальных главах можно его немного но усилить. Далее будут примерные ограничения по заполнению рангов в главах: Глава 2 - заполнение ранга G, Глава 4 - заполнение ранга С, Глава 8 - заполнение ранга В, после Главы 10 - до конца. Напоследок добавлю, что для получения некоторых способностей следует выполнить определённые условия помимо получения нового ранга, а Маджима с каждым разом становится сильнее(поэтому прокачайте для начала основные стили).

Если вы играли в нулёвку то должны помнить деда Комаки, который тренировал Маджиму в стиле thug. В кивами же Комаки выступает тренером Кирюхи и учит его всяким крутым приёмчикам. Комаки можно найти в парке(purgatory) у фонтана. Для доступа к прокачке навыков Комаки нужны будут таблички с изображениями различных мифологических существ/божеств. Эти таблички вы сможете купить в магазине арены на очки арены. Один раз Комаки потребует принести для проведения тренировки деревянную катану. Сама суть тренировок состоит в ломании лиц противникам, иногда в исполнении определённых приёмов, либо в уклонении от ударов. Стоит отметить, что тренировки Комаки также привязаны к сюжету, поэтому сразу всё прокачать не получится.

Mad Dog Battle [ ]

Under "Climax Battles" in the main menu, Mad Dog Battle allows the player to take on missions that concern Majima.

Mad Dog Battle 1 [ ]

"Overcome the Mad Dog of Shimano within the time limit!"
Using only Rush, the player needs to defeat Breaker Majima within a minute and thirty seconds.

Mad Dog Battle 2 [ ]

"Overcome Officer Majima within the time limit, but. if you attack a REAL patrol officer, you will lose!"
Using only Beast, the player must defeat Officer Majima without hitting the other hostile officers within three minutes. When Majima's health drops, the other officers begin to use Slugger and start sounding like Majima in order to confuse the player.

Mad Dog Battle 3 [ ]

"Ma-Z-Ma: Dead Souls
Time. limit. of the End. BRAAAIIINS!"

Using Brawler, the player must fight through hordes of zombies while defeating Zombie Majima four times within six minutes.

Mad Dog Battle 4 [ ]

"Overcome the mysterious Hannya-Man within the time limit!"
Within three minutes and thirty seconds, the player must defeat three Hannya-Men. When only a quarter is left of the first Hannya-Man's health-bar, another Hannya-Man will enter the fight and a third one after the second one's health drops.

Mad Dog Battle 5 [ ]

"Survive Majima Everywhere in the ultimate Majimarathon!"
Within three minutes, the player must defeat Zombie Majima, Officer Majima, Everyone's Idol Goro, and Goromi in that order.

Rank E [ ]

Rank A [ ]

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