Underrail клифф как спасти

Обновлено: 14.06.2024

14 апр. 2018 в 9:06 So, 105 dodge and evasion, 108 stealth, and a crit-psi build, and I cant figure out how to deal with crawlers. I've apparently come to a spot with at least two of them, and I cannot sneak past them, I cannot detect them, and they pop in, sting me, and "climb up" so I cannot engage them.
I've tried AoEs, and nothing seems to work. How can I deal with an enemy that cannot be engaged? 14 апр. 2018 в 9:32

The most straightforward way to detect crawlers is to throw flares around. Detection goggles help too. You can use antidote to get rid of the stun poison.

Other than that it depends on character or situation. You can place traps around yourself, isolate yourself in a corner with a force field, find a choke point so only 1 can attack you at a time, use morphine to wether the damage, molotovs to reveal and damage them, even just moving around to *bump* crawlers out of stealth can work. Heavier armor might resist the damage completely so you don't get poisoned.

Sometimes you resist the poison which makes the crawler stay and fight, sometimes they randomly don't retreat or attack you from further away and can't poison you on turn 1. It helps to understand that poisoning you is the main reason why they retreat because they're waiting for the stun to take effect. Kida like spiders that paralyze victims before eating them.

Overall flares are your most reliable and accessible solution. Of course it's always possible you're too low a level and maybe crawlers are just too strong for now.

14 апр. 2018 в 9:52 My personal favorite tactic is to keep a healthy supply of grenades, flares, and AOE psionics. stunning them is pretty solid so you can beat on them for a while. 15 апр. 2018 в 13:22 Another way of locating them ist to throw caltrops around and see if a crawler walks over them - then light the beast up with a molotov cocktail and you re off to a great start. 24 апр. 2018 в 7:29 You can use psi force field to isolate yourself while the stun is active.
Well, if you have the feat that gives +2 turns to the force field duration. 8 авг. 2019 в 10:31 If you have a little bit of trap skill, I like to use the quick and dirty method of using their own behaviors against them. I know they're coming for me even if I can't see them, so I retreat to a chokepoint and trap it with something that stuns or immobilizes (or if you're psi you can shock trap it). Wait for them to walk into it and then pulverize at your leisure. 8 авг. 2019 в 11:46 Unfortunately in a lot of areas they will attack you within 2 seconds of entering the area, which doesn't give enough time to do anything at all. 8 авг. 2019 в 11:47 When they crawl back up they're not actually climbing back up to the ceiling, they just disappear and move somewhere else, usually behind something. If all else fails, and you have enough movement points you can move around in an attempt to "bump" into them which reveals them instantly. High risk as you'll still need to have enough action points to then do something, some way of stunning or incapacitating. I find myself doing this more than anything because they P!SS ME OFF. Uncanny dodge or perhaps Evasive maneuvers might also help the initial attack as well if you know they're around. 8 авг. 2019 в 12:33 stuffed bat + 17 perception + detection goggles + third eye if needed and ofc lots of stealth so they dont detect you faster than you detect them, cloaking field helps with that too. Crawlers are too specific of an enemy on dominating IMO as only perception builds can deal with them since most of your detection comes from level and perception (infact its only that, thats then boosted by percent from other things) 8 авг. 2019 в 13:06

If you have the force field power, you can somewhat detect Crawlers if in an open area by looking at the cursor (which is usually surrounded by blue. As you scroll through the land, you "detect" a cloaked crawler when the cursor turns "x" and the blue vanishes (just like it would if you tried to put up a force field directly on any other character occupying a tile. This is because Crawlers are only invisible to you, and are not truly absent from the floor tiles they occupy (thus, the placement rules of force field still apply).

Personally, I've found flares to be rather unreliable - rather, the Exothermic aura power (with the flames being allowed to develop into roaring flames) is more useful in detecting them (not only because you can set up AOE that damages and reveals them, but the brightness of roaring flames themselves could reveal more than flares [on normal at least, as I've not tried hard or dominating).

Cyrokinetic orb is also extremely useful thanks to its larger damage radius.

As others have said, caltrops are nice, as well.

Electrokinetic imprint - while I've never been able to even find the device that tought it, this ability behaves like a psi-power, and not like a trap. As such, you can enter combat to place it before a crawler actually gets to you.

8 авг. 2019 в 18:51 You are a psi user, that's the easiest character to deal with crawler.
Go to lurker base and loot Electrokinetic Imprint mentor
Here is how it work:
stand beside a wall, cast Electrokinetic Imprint next to you , cast force field so the imprint become only tile accessible to you.
The invisible crawler and death stalker will automatically walk into trap and get stunned 8 авг. 2019 в 19:17

From 2 runs on Steam and 5 other ones on GOG in this game, and over 600 hours of experience, these are my tips.

- Use detection enhancing goggles. They are mostly a useless gizmo BUT they do give you better chances of seeing the darkened silhouettes of stealthed enemies
- You can always get Paranoia as a feat. It's not a great feat but vs. cloaked enemies is the best. Very situational though, think carefully about this.
- Throw flares around in an area yoou think there are crawlers. They will lower their stealth if they go in the light. But dont waste AP to throw em if already in combat.
- Throw garbage grenades like Mk.1 or HE ones around where you think there might be crawlers so you reveal them.
- Molotovs burn em good, fear for 2 turns completely disabled. Also molotovs make fire surfaces and if you are in a funnel or choke point the crawlers WILL step on the fire anyway and get revealed and also damaged!
- Using Burst weapons in a revealed one's direction might hit other cloaked ones and reveal them.
- Use antidotes. Even against a Death Stalker it's better to take that Hyperallergenic Damage than being stunned because stun against a Death Stalker means DEATH 99% of times.
- Use a LOW frequency shield. If you manage to block ALL the damage of the sting with shield. they won't poison you!

I personally am not a fan of caltrops but they also might work for revealing. As other users said.

Crawler Behavior tip:

Crawlers wills ting you then go on the ceiling and disappear. The turn immediately AFTER they do this they will go back down but never attack you. Thats the turn where you gotta reveal them. As i said throw some nades around, flashbangs anything really, and use goggles and flares. Chance is if you do all these things in a fight versus crawlers you will come out on top.

8 авг. 2019 в 19:48

Paranoia is one the best feats in the game if you play with limited/no reloads. It's absolutely amazing. Just saying.

Also, crawlers technically LEAVE COMBAT after they sting the victim and re-enter stealth. So while the poison ticks you can do things that normally you cannot do in combat: use bandages (does NOT trigger hyper allergy), recharge shield, crawl back into a vent, use escape hatch, etc, etc. That can make a HUGE difference.

8 авг. 2019 в 20:06

Paranoia is one the best feats in the game if you play with limited/no reloads. It's absolutely amazing. Just saying.

Also, crawlers technically LEAVE COMBAT after they sting the victim and re-enter stealth. So while the poison ticks you can do things that normally you cannot do in combat: use bandages (does NOT trigger hyper allergy), recharge shield, crawl back into a vent, use escape hatch, etc, etc. That can make a HUGE difference.

Realistically, Paranoia is very situational. Because think about one thing: how many times during the entirety of the game do you face stealthed enemies? Crawlers are a huge chunk of it, then there is the occasional Lurker Assassin and the likes but those are quite sporadic. I am not saying Paranoia is a bad feat, i just want OP to consider Feats are a very limited thing to use with wisdom because more than anything else they define the type of build you are going to end up with later on.

The thing you say about them leaving combat is true but also, in most occasions when fighting Crawlers, there will be another one, stealthed, that also engaged combat so the game will not allow you to leave combat because there is one more, or many more, crawlers hidden around that are going to come down on you real soon. That strategy is something you can do just when the crawler is alone.

8 авг. 2019 в 23:23
Realistically, Paranoia is very situational. Because think about one thing: how many times during the entirety of the game do you face stealthed enemies? Crawlers are a huge chunk of it, then there is the occasional Lurker Assassin and the likes but those are quite sporadic. I am not saying Paranoia is a bad feat, i just want OP to consider Feats are a very limited thing to use with wisdom because more than anything else they define the type of build you are going to end up with later on.

Dealing with stealthed enemies is only about 10% of why Paranoia is actually good.

Huge chunk of value of this feat comes from dealing with TRAPS. Because those +20% detection often mean the difference between spotting the trap on time (or at all).

Another huge chunk comes from extra initiative. Having those extra 5 points makes arena a breeze (well, for the fights necessary to progress the main storyline, anyway).

And the build-in crit defense is also very much welcomed.

But, again, all that is only relevant if you want to limit the number of reloads. If you "reload at will" you can find traps, win initiative rolls and avoid crits by simply reloading.

No single effect would be that amazing, but all 3 combined make Paranoia very, very good "package deal".

The thing you say about them leaving combat is true but also, in most occasions when fighting Crawlers, there will be another one, stealthed, that also engaged combat so the game will not allow you to leave combat because there is one more, or many more, crawlers hidden around that are going to come down on you real soon. That strategy is something you can do just when the crawler is alone. In my experience the (initial) crawler is solo at least 50% of the time. 8 авг. 2019 в 23:29
Realistically, Paranoia is very situational. Because think about one thing: how many times during the entirety of the game do you face stealthed enemies? Crawlers are a huge chunk of it, then there is the occasional Lurker Assassin and the likes but those are quite sporadic. I am not saying Paranoia is a bad feat, i just want OP to consider Feats are a very limited thing to use with wisdom because more than anything else they define the type of build you are going to end up with later on.

Dealing with stealthed enemies is only about 10% of why Paranoia is actually good.

Huge chunk of value of this feat comes from dealing with TRAPS. Because those +20% detection often mean the difference between spotting the trap on time (or at all).

Another huge chunk comes from extra initiative. Having those extra 5 points makes arena a breeze (well, for the fights necessary to progress the main storyline, anyway).

And the build-in crit defense is also very much welcomed.

But, again, all that is only relevant if you want to limit the number of reloads. If you "reload at will" you can find traps, win initiative rolls and avoid crits by simply reloading.

No single effect would be that amazing, but all 3 combined make Paranoia very, very good "package deal".

The thing you say about them leaving combat is true but also, in most occasions when fighting Crawlers, there will be another one, stealthed, that also engaged combat so the game will not allow you to leave combat because there is one more, or many more, crawlers hidden around that are going to come down on you real soon. That strategy is something you can do just when the crawler is alone.

In my experience the (initial) crawler is solo at least 50% of the time.
Fair enough. I'm currently doing a playthrough where I have 3 DEX because of my build and i can see why low initiative characters are painful. This is the lowest initiative build i have ever done and yeah being gangbanged by everyone and be the last in the turn order sucks hard.

I don't even need to mention the ridiculous amount of times i got DOMINATED by Carnifex in the arena or other particularly high initiative, high burst damage encounters.

Underrail клифф как спасти

Іван Ракочий

Как уничтожать камни , которые вроде как получают урон а вроде как нет ;( . Для чего сидит робот в пещерах где гнездо могильщиков , и как его достать

Александр Пасько

Іван, да блин, сколько проблем решится, если люди будут читать вики. Но я отвечу. Клифа можно спасть если есть перк доктора, либо сразу пройти в люк и спасти его девушку. Камни уничтожаются с помощью динамита, отбойного молотка, звуковой пушки, и как раз робота. Он доступен в линии квестов протектората

Александр Пасько

Кирилл, можешь скрин скинуть? Возможно это просто рандом событие

Іван Ракочий

Александр, если бы я что-то подобное Вики нашёл , то сюда бы не писал . Будь мил человек , скинь ссылку . Спасибо

Александр Пасько

Александр Пасько

Іван Ракочий

Александр Пасько

Іван, не за что. Если появится ру вики, то что буду делать я?

Олег Миронов

Кирилл Поляков

Александр, Олег, я понял где тупанул, после получения кольца надо было поговорить с доктором, который направит кЧестеру, я же заранее знал кому отдавать кольцо и упустил этот момент из виду

Слава Мартынов

Ребята, какие максимальные значения хакинга, взлома замков, ловушек и крафта мне понадобятся для взаимодействия использования или крафта? Заранее спасибо за помошь в поиске информации.

Олег Миронов

Іван Ракочий

Значит так , играю я себе спокойно как вдруг при переходе на локацию выбивает краш игры . И все послед попытки вылетает в меню с ошибкой не удалось перейти на локацию. Случилось это после того как я заключил перемирие между королем крыс и лагерь хутор ? . Получил броню крыс и по приколу бегал с ней , как оказалось крысы больше не нападают . Похерилось половина сохранений . А последние нормальное немного далеко . Что собственно произошло .
А и стоит ли идти на перемирие , или все таки больше профита от убийства + все в лагере недовольны что он жив

Александр Пасько

Іван, перемирие выгодней, ты получишь бонус от обоих фракции. А вылетает мб потому что ты ходил в этой броне по лагерю, теоретически они должны напасть на тебя в такой броне

Underrail клифф как спасти

Яков Макаков

Малдер, привет,подскажи пожалуйста как выполнить квест который даёт главарь мусорщиков что бы пройти на свалку,он говорит что-то выкрасть у типа который тусует в игорном заведении,но я не могу его найти. Есть странность, в северной части поселения есть здание с интеркомом,он (интерком) подсвечивается табом,но на него не наводится курсор. Что делать где искать перса из квеста?

Яков Макаков

Малдер, да,не нажимается. Значит баг. Когда захожу скрытно то охранники сразу видят и начинается бой. Короче печаль беда.

Яков Макаков

Яков Макаков

Малдер, игра кстати супер,оторваться не могу ,все выходные как в молодости просиживаю блин.

Underrail клифф как спасти

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Underrail. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Underrail.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

*Спойлеры* Безликие могут показаться злобными и жуткими на первый взгляд, но несмотря на всё это, их миссия не менее важна для выживания Подземки, как и ваша собственная, и чем стоять друг у друга на пути, лучше всего скооперироваться. Но как?

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Ну, скажем так, для получения максимально наилучшего варианта, без копания в коде игры, будет прокачка на стелс, т. к. это позволит избежать все столкновения с ними, желательно также иметь убеждение (но это опционально, так как узнать, что безликие делают в Южной подземке можно узнать и без Баззера, а это кст влияет на то как быстро вы продвинетесь по сюжету). Всего в игре (не считая Глубоких пещер) 7 мест где можно их встретить, из них 3, где с ними неизбежно придется иметь дело и ещё два место опциональны, но могут дать пару очков в пользу дружбы и помочь.

Проскользнуть через пещеры землеройщиков к боковому входу в магазин, забраться в вентиляцию в магазине Баззера, вылезти на втором этаже. Дать безликому телепату телепать ваши воспоминания и если позволяет навык - убедить сохранить жизнь Баззеру. В итоге - никто из безликих не пострадал, +1 к отношениям.

Опционально, на сюжет не влияет. Также позволяем им прочитать воспоминания, говорим и узнаем, что они ищут. "кое-что". Если спасли Баззера, то и сами знаете, что они ищут. Если нет, поищите улики на разыскиваемый предмет. В итоге получите +1 к отношениям.

Опционально, в Центре, а именно в Дроп-зоне, возле сломанного бура модно встретить безлких, заточенных в клетках. Освобождаем, желательно даем медикаментов. +1 к отношениям, плюс этот безликий может помочь чуть дальше по сюжету.

Уже в институте, исследуя левое крыло, можно наткнуться на бур безликих и их передовой отряд. Не подходить открыто, т.к. они будут стрелять на поражение, вместо этого киньте гранату, чтобы приманить отряд и ползунов. Пока они сражаются - шмыгаете в оставленный безликим проход, видите, что они готовятся к вторжению в институт и тихо выходите, пока безликие не вернулись. Если в Центре вы спасли пленных безликих, то тут среди передового отряда будет стоять один из них и предупредит вас. В итоге - без боя вы не теряете очков дружбы.

Последнее место встречи с ними в подземке. Тут всё просто - стоять в сторонке, подальше и ждать. Если вы не напортачили, вашу причастность к институту простят, но всё же - не соглашайтесь помогать Чёртистам. По крайней мере - не до того, как придете к Безликим.

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