Thronebreaker где лежат сохранения

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

15 ноя. 2018 в 8:06 This is such a basic quality of life feature in games, I am surprised to see it has been overlooked in this game by the developers here. Its really frustrating that the autosave system overrides manual saves so if you miss click on a decision or want to go back to a specific part of the game you really enjoyed there is no other way than playing the entire game over starting from the tutorial. This can easily be fixed by allowing more than 1 save per playthrough or even just having two save slots per playthrough 1 for autosaves and 1 for manual saves. I spent a few hrs on my first playthrough only to have my cat jump on my keyboard and make a choice I did not wish to make and when I tried to load last checkpoint the checkpoint was after the decision and when i loaded last save it was the autosave after the decision as well which replaced my manual save. Since there is only the option of 1 save per playthrough this resulted in me having to restart the entire playthrough from the beginning or live with the consequences of the decision I did not want to make. There are more quality of life things that need to be improved in this game, such as a graphics setting allowing you to choose which monitor to display the game on, however the largest I have noticed thus far is this save system.

1. Paragraphs. Just saying.

2. The savesystem wasn't "overlooked". It was deliberatley desgined that way and works
perfectly fine.

15 ноя. 2018 в 11:27 It is anything but perfectly fine. There is no reason to force autosaves and manual saves into a single save category, they are different kinds of saves for a reason. If it is not an oversight it is a flawed design. Forcing playthroughs to follow a single save yet including both manual and auto save options does not work because the two contradict eachother. If the autosaves that come essentially every 5 minutes in the game immediately replace any manual save the player makes, there is no point for a manual save mechanic at all. It does what it's supposed to do. Your decisions are supposed to be absolut and you can't have that with multiple saves. 15 ноя. 2018 в 11:46

You can have that with multiple saves. Exhibit A: The Witcher 3 a game with meaningful decisions and correct seperation of manual and auto save mechanics. It is not the job of the save game mechanic to make decisions in the games absolute or more meaningful because they ultimately don't have impact on that at all. Autosaving is made as a failsafe in the event of a game crash or computer shut down or etc, so you don't have to play through the whole game over again if something out of your control happens. Manual saving is made to give players more manageable freedom over their playthroughs.

What you are confusing for an autosave system would be an iron man mode of saving but the crucial difference here is iron man saving removes the manual save mechanic entirely because forcing autosaves over a single save slot per playthrough cannot function correctly with the manual save option and will only lead to player frustration.

I get where you're coming from, but I didn't say meaningfull. I said absolut. Your decisions are supposed to be non-reversible in the same playthrough. This is why the game saves instantly after you made a decision. You may not like this design choice, but it is neither flawed nor overseen. 15 ноя. 2018 в 12:25

Again it is not the purpose of the save game utility to make playthrough decisions absolute. That kind of mechanic is not an auto save mechanic that is an iron man mode of saving and to apply an iron man mode of saving you would have to remove the manual save mechanic entirely. The fact that this game neither declares it an iron man mode of saving nor removes the manual save option means that it is clearly either an oversight or a flaw. If it was the design to make the way the game saves determine if the decisions are absolute and irreversable there would be no manual save mechanic.

To say that the implementation of two different save mechanics into a single save slot per playthrough effects the decisions you make in that playthrough is about equivalent to saying the screen resolution effects whether you find the voice acting believable. They are two completely different functions of the game that effect players in two completely different ways.

It is the job of the story and events to make decisions absolute and it is the job of the save game functions to provide utility so players can play the game regardless of schedule or real world interference. The story and events in this game make decisions big and absolute but the save game utility ruins that because a players attempt to be immersed in the consequences of the decision gets taken from them when they have to play through the entire game over again because their mouse double clicked or because they stepped too close to a proximity triggered event while not looking at their screen. The utility is simply not finished because they put both save functions into the game but they didnt differentiate them which makes them not function properly.

As a last point I would like to point out that there is a very recent example of a game that chose to use the save mechanic to do what you are encouraging the developers to do or keep doing here. Kingdom Come Deliverance, and there is a reason that that game lost 95% of its playerbase on PC since its launch and the most downloaded mod for that game is a corrected save game mechanic. The idea that the save mechanic should be used to make a more "hardcore" game experience or to impact the decisions during a playthrough just does not work and ultimately it always shows when players give up on the game because the basic utilities such as saving the game are lacking.

I think there is a fundemental difference between the savesystems on KCD and Thronebreaker. You don't loose progress in Thronebreaker, because of the savesystem.

In Thronebreaker the savesystem sort of "locks" your choice once its done. This is done to prevent loading an old safe, to circumvent the consequences of decisions. There aren't any right decisions in Thronebreaker, they all have benefits and detriments.

It is not an enforced ironman-mode, because you can't die or fail. If you made a decisions which led to a consequene you didn't anticipate you can still continue the game. Without this savesystem the whole decision making part of the game becomes irrelevant, because you would just reload an old save to pick the "right" decision.

15 ноя. 2018 в 15:59

So you say there aren't any right decisions but then say we need this save system to prevent players from going back to an old save to pick the right decisions.

The point you are trying to make here is simply wrong and flawed. Your whole basis on why we need the current implementation of 2 different kinds of saves forced into 1 single save slot per playthrough is based on a misfounded desire to restrict the player. If this was the system they wanted they would not have included manual saving as auto saving would achieve the restriction without creating a conflicting pattern of saving the game.

The unfortunate reality is that having an auto save that overrides the manual save removes the entire purpose of having a manual save at all and hinders the gameplay experience. This system needs to be changed because the way it is just does not function not even to achieve the restriction you value (which in my opinion is also bad game design, restricting players in this manner means fewer players, fewer sold copies, and a dead game but we can agree to disagree there).

Did you notice that i wrote "right" decicsion. I didn't meant right, but simply another choice, of which the player might think as right. I thought it was obvious. 16 ноя. 2018 в 1:50

If you mean to say that "right" doesn't mean the most beneficial choice and actually means the choice a player wants than that makes your point even less valid. I think its obvious that you don't actually understand good game design and that you're defending a broken system because you believe in a flawed elitist design that tailors its games only to elite players and actively functions to restrict the non elite players and force them to play a game one specific way.

Lets for a second pretend its a choice and not an oversight, the reason it is bad game design is because the players who enjoy playing the game where there is only one save can still play this way in a system where there are multiple saves while players who enjoy playing with multiple saves cannot do so in a system that is forced into a single save. Having it your way would mean the game is choosing to use a system that only allows 1 type of player to enjoy the game instead of 2 which again means less support, less copies sold, smaller playerbase, and a sooner dead game.

Restricting gameplay in an attempt to cater to 1 elitist playstyle is the bane of good game design and the list of games that have failed or died off because they made that decision is next to endless. Fortunately I highly doubt this was the intention here as there exist so many elements in the UI that lay the groundwork for multiple saves per playthrough first and foremost being the inclusion of a manual save feature in addition to the auto save feature. This is why I believe and hope this conflicting save system was the result of an oversight and is going to be fixed to function as it should be and as it has in previous games by these developers.

It won't be fixed because it is a part of the game. They want you to properly face the consequences of your decisions and not try to save-scum (I don't like that phrase, but I don't know how to describe it otherwise) a "perfect" playthrough. This has nothing to do with catering to elitist players, because you can't loose due to this savesystem. You may loose morale, ressources or the support of a named character, but this is exactly how it should be.

You are partially right in that it restricts the player to one playstyle, but it's the one they have chosen. You make a decisions you get the benefits and detriements, it's as simple as that.

16 ноя. 2018 в 2:48

Honestly your point is so laughable by now its ridiculous. Everything you have just said is proof that the system is flawed and proof that your entire point is that of a small elitist cult like belief in superiority between gamers. "save-scum" oh god forbid in a single player game players be able to save the game at will or play how they choose, you act like its a bad thing to give players that freedom but in reality its anything but and the only reason you argue as if it is is because you are elitist and want to feel like you are superior to other gamers in a single player game which is truly sad. I'd be willing to even bet you're one of those degenerates that argues in favor of bad game design because it makes games less accessible to casual players which is another sad flawed point because that would result in a design that willingly makes their game less accesible to the largest known and highest paying playerbase.

You yourself already explained how there is no "perfect" playthrough and because you also blindly ignore the many points I've already countered that weak argument with it proves you not only don't know what good game design is you also don't listen because the only point that matters to you is that of your superior elitist cult which is in fact a minority and will in fact kill the game should the developers even waste their time listening to you and when the game dies you won't support it or play it you will abandon it and go on to the next game and do the same arguing in favor of broken and flawed systems there until it dies like a cancer.

Literally any player that wants to enjoy the game the way you say is good, with only 1 save and where no matter what every choice is final, can do so in a system that allows multiple saves per playthrough by simply choosing to only use 1 save. Therefore the point you so borishly covet is neither making decisions more absolute nor having consequences and benefits but rather blocking and restricting other singleplayers from playing any other way than your way because if they don't play it your way they are save scum, or casuals, or trying to get a "perfect" playthrough which again its laughable that you find any of those bad in a singleplayer game.

What you fail to grasp in your selfish, elitist, and hypocritical obsession with restricting other players is that with or without the current save system you still have absolute decisions and consequences/rewards for your actions. The only difference between the current save system and a system allowing multiple saves is that the current system restricts the game to only the playstyle that enjoys a single save slot whereas allowing multiple save slots keeps it open for everybody. This is why as I first stated at the start of the argument, it is NOT the job of the save game utility to make decisions more absolute or impactful that happens regardless based on good writing, the save mechanic's job is to make the game functional and add quality of life for players to play the game regardless of real world interferences.

So IF it is a choice like you seem to believe it is, it is a gross misuse of the save game utility that is and will continue negatively impacting the game. Its only defenders will be players that actively want to restrict other players which hinders the success of the game as this is a singleplayer game. There therefore is no merit behind any person that argues about a game based on their views of different kinds of players playthrough choices or behind anyone who argues that the actions and choices of different kinds of players in a playthrough need to be restricted for being wrong or not how you play the game. This basically finishes our argument here, I'm not going to waste any more of my time arguing with an elitist that in a single player game wants to dictate how other players should or should not be able to play.

Сохранения на Xbox One и Xbox Series X|S

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Отключение интро в Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Для отключения стартовой заставки при запуске Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales открываем папку \Thronebreaker_Data\StreamingAssets\videos\campaign\, находящуюся внутри папки с установленной игрой, удаляем или переименовываем три видеофайла nr000_cs1_game_intro, tb_intro_logo_en_us (в английской версии) или tb_intro_logo_ru_ru (в русской версии).

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales

Путь до сохранений Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales в Windows:

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\CDProjektRED\Thronebreaker\SaveData
  • C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\LocalLow\CDProjektRED\Thronebreaker\SaveData

Where are the Thronebreaker save files located?

I'm playing Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales and I want to put my save files in Dropbox, which is what I usually do with all games, especially in light of posts where players claim that their save files have been lost. However I haven't been able to locate the save files on my computer, not in My Documents nor in the installation folder. Any idea?

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2 Answers 2

Save location: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\CDProjektRED\Thronebreaker\SaveData

Credit to u/deamon59 for this info.

This is a copy-pasteable path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\CDProjektRED\Thronebreaker\SaveData

Thronebreaker где лежат сохранения

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Версия: 658
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